For about 30 years now the FSO has been pushing an arbitrary target of “10,000 onto or through OT VII” as the solution to “handling the planet.”
It comes from a twisted interpretation of this quote from a 1952 lecture: “…at any one time on earth there were not more than about 10,000 people of a caliber that was sufficient to do a little steering or leading…”
Clive Rabey, the point man for the FSO on this matter, explained it in Source Mag like this:
“It was a mathematical equation, all extrapolated out. From the real physical universe effects this would create in terms of case gain and resultant third dynamic activity, including mid-New OT VIIs and New OT VII’s joining staff, it was estimated this absolutely would achieve the goal of bringing about the release of OT IX and X. But not only that, it was estimated that 10,000 on or through New OT VII would be able to do a lot of steering or leading on Planet Earth as LRH said.”
In another Source Mag from 2005 they announce there are “over 3000” on or through Solo NOT’s (incidentally, this mag prominently features Captain FSO Debbie Cook and a half page photo of Laura Ann Wilson).
Now Edy Lundeen has sent out a new email giving some cold, hard facts about life inside the bubble.
I am ignoring the fact that I can guarantee they are still counting people as “On or through” Solo NOTs who have long since abandoned auditing in the church. I will just take their figures as if they are true.
1. The grand total ON or THROUGH Solo NOTs right now is 6410. That is over a 30 year span. Less than 250 people per year.
2. Since 2005 the number has increased from 3000+ to 6410 — 8 or 9 years which have been the biggest boom time in Scientology history according to the pronouncements of Dear Leader. That is 3-400 per year. At this rate the next 3500 will take until 2022. By 2022 the population of earth will have increased by more than a billion people. It has increased by 2 billion in the last 30 years. If they were even to keep the ratio correct — 10,000 out of a world population of 2.5 billion in 1952, it would require 28,000 for a world population of 7 billion today. It was 4.5 billion in 1980 which would have required 18,000 to keep the ratio correct. So, in fact, over the 30 years the number required has INCREASED by 10,000 while they have made 6400 so they are going backwards….
3. There were 400 OT VII completions in 2013 – a “screaming” highest ever. This is one in every 17,500,000 people on earth. This is having absolutely NO impact on anything.
4. If there truly are 11 million Scientologists in the world, then it means that ONE in TWENTY TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED make it to OT VII and that is “screaming affluence.”
5. I am quite sure there were more people DECLARED in 2013 than completed OT VII.
When they slip and put out any facts, the lies become startlingly apparent.
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 2014
From: Edy Lundeen <[email protected]>
Subject: Good News from the Flag AO!Hello,
Happy New Year!
I thought you would be interested in some of the statistical results of 2013 that measured our progress on the 10,000 on or through Solo NOTs in Los Angeles ….
o In 2013 Over 400 LA area Clears and Pre-OTs went to the Flag AO to continue on their Bridge!!
o 2013 was the year that 53 Los Angeles OTs went to Flag and stayed to get onto New OT VII- creating 53 New Solo NOTs Auditors for LA.
o In 2013 our LA area House Visiting OT Ambassador Teams contributed to 67 Los Angeles Pre-OTs arriving to Flag.
o In 2013 There were 450 Clears Made at Flag. (Highest Ever!)
o In 2013 there were 400 OT VII Completions made internationally. (A screaming Highest Ever!)
o On the 10,000 on or through Solo NOTs, we are now over 6,410 on or through New OT VII – 90 to go to complete 6,500 which is to be done by March 13th 2014!!Very important things you need to know;
Mr Clive Rabey, D/Captain Flag AO will be in LA on Friday January 10th & Saturday Jan 11th. He is here to do two very strategic briefings.Mr. Steve Blake, Flag Class IX, is in LA on a project, to see the LA area OTs. Mr. Blake wants to see you. (If you don’t need an interview, or direction at this time, then I am sure you know somebody who does!?)
Confirm for Mr. Rabey’s Events
Book your Technical Consultation.
Look forward to sending you to Flag.Friday 10 January
A Closed Door briefing to all FSMs, OT VII’s and OT VIII’s on Friday evening at 7pm in the LA Org Chapel.Saturday 11 January
A Special Briefing for OT III’s, OT IV’s and OT V’s at 6.30 pm in the LA Org Chapel.Mr. Rabey’s Briefings will show you how the Golden Age of Tech will smooth your way! These events are key to YOUR OT NEW YEAR!!!!!
Edy Lundeen
Flag Service Consultant
(323) 953-320
Thanks for the stats. As, you mentioned, I was in that mag. I then went to the ship and I believe my OT 8 number was 565. So, if there were 3000 OT 7’s, I wonder what happened to the other 2435 who didn’t make it to 8. Interesting.
Hi Laura. I think the majority of them are declared — all the good ones anyway 🙂
I remember being told a few years ago, by a SO member no less, that it would take twenty-something OT IXs to handle this planet, 23 i think it was. How they came up with this figure…anything’s possible inside the bubble I suppose.
Did any of the SCN’ers who read that comment from Ron realize that those “10,000” he was talking about were WOGS!. Ergo, per the Data Series, creating “OT’s” with SCn is NOT the correct answer to “steering” the planet….
Ya just can’t make up this kind of insanity.
Thick fingers of a drunk, funny how soeech even translates to texting like that.
lol at self o=p and a response to The Oracle
Mike Rinder – THANK YOU again!! Between Warren McShane admitting that L Ron Hubbard said “Telephones were psychotic because they had no memory” in his deposition where he lied about being micro managed by Captain David Miscavige – and the unveiling of the text messages….I think you have helped get the TECH IN! LOL – COB is going to order a removal of all land lines from every Org and no one will be allowed to have a cell phone and if caught it will be an automatic DECLARE. This is going to change the way the Suppressive Church of Scamonology operates and we all owe you a huge THANKS!! We just love you Mike and appreciate everything you are doing to expose the truth!! This year so far has been EPIC!
By my opinion there is a truth behind it. Not OT 7 and not Scientology.
Sample: I see something in the news and my reaction is to be mad or angry about this situation reported. Or I even have ideas to take a weapon and start to „handle“ the problem with violence.
But I also could not react that way but stay calm. Or in real life. Someone I meet wants to beat me up. For whatever reason. I could react with violence or I could spot the cause of this violence and as-is it. Two different ways to act. The more people that react, have feelings of anger, revenge or worse the more we all together create a violent environment. The more people that are able to stay and react sane the better our environment can be. Thus the truth behind that datum would be something like the above samples. One does not need to be Scientologist or OT soandso to add a positive flow and attitude.
Yesterday I did think about my first wife. She did work for OSA and is by my opinion completely nuts regarding Scientology. A real inside the bubble person. Usually I have not very much positive thoughts about my former wife. Not because of the divorce. I hate this kind of stupidity.
But yesterday I realized that my feeling and thoughts I have towards my former wife for shure are not of any help. So I changed my mind and try to think and feel more positively about her. Maybe this can help her to find a needle to destroy her bubble she is in.
re that quote „…at any one time on earth there were not more than about 10,000 people of a caliber that was sufficient to do a little steering or leading…” This is all too typical sales talk. Now you want to be part of the 10.000 that are of that caliber. Give me your money and obedience and I make you one of those 10.000! There is no other truth behind it. It’s just sales talk.
Mike, I think the reason that many Scientologists believe this crap is very simple. It is because so many of them are BELIEVERS. They BELIEVE in Scientology rather than study it to see how it might help them and their friends live a better life and then simply apply it, see what occurs and find out for themselves.
What other explanation could there be for people believing that this obscure quote from LRH, taken out of context, should be made into some huge, non sequitur program as if it had actually been laid out by Ron just because DM said so? The only explanation I can think of is that they never made Scientology their own, examined it for themselves much, never understood much of it, but rather simply BELIEVED it because Ron said it was true glibbly. Then it was a very small step off the cliff to simply BELIEVE whatever Squirrely Dave has to say. That’s how I see it.
Espiritu, Good points. I BELIEVE you’re onto something.
Exactly right Espiritu. There’s a big difference between accepting data and COGNITING that something is true from your own point of view.
Re: Richard, Jan 6, 2014 at 11:19 pm
I tried to fine tune the model because I studied them, not because I just read them in Wikipedia.
I always try to put some short reference for the interested readers. I have found Wikipedia a short and good enough reference for different kind of readers.
“I took a 50 year time frame, because all the projections converge that at that point is when the depletion of the resources will start to occur.”
So, in reality you were using a logistic equation (which is what I proposed), but you didn’t mention it.
“I recommended the Lotka-Volterra equation because when people leave Scientology and create blogs like this, or start auditing outside the church, create an interaction Predator-Prey.”
I object to the Lotka-Volterra equation because one of its assumptions – that the food supply of the predator population depends entirely on the size of the prey population – is not true for the whole Scientology (including the FZ) scenario.
An example is the Hellen Chen + Helmut Flasch indie group.
Helmut Flasch, Nov 27, 2013 at 7:09 pm: “We do NOT do people in SCN already as a common practice at all, as we always have been ‘new people disseminators’ and are having plenty public that way, but might just have to have no choice than to pick up the mess Mr. Mismanage is leaving behind him once more.”
I tried to fine tune the model arguing about the models itself.
I usually don’t waste my time with people resorting to ad- hominem, which unfortunately is what Richard did.
Let’s keep having fun with the Co$ mathematical modeling fallacies, instead of doing ad-hominem.×201.jpg×159.jpg×159.jpg×165.jpg
(Co$ comics: thanks to Possibly Helpful Advice)
That’s so funny, they are still using the L.A org chapel… they still don’t space for their events 🙂
Come on, Les. Give Rex Fowler a break.
He was just piloting the impending release of lost tech discovered by DM…..
The R2-45 process!
More declares than OT VII’s -that’s hilarious!
Don’t laugh like it’s a joke. It’s true. There are more declares than there are on OT VII. And many more coming from South Africa. I think many are in LA but they try to hide how many declares are going down, so it is hard to get an accurate count.
Worse, it seems David is drunk and texting:
To: Tommy Davis
From: Lou/DM
Blah, blah, blah. See my response to mike. It is another day and nothibg habdled.
And on another note. Had a great session today out here in “bitter, defrocked apostates land…” Four years out the door and charge still coming off from “wrong indications” and gross inval to the earlier gains made. Thank God I was smart enough to leave.
I’m watching the Indie 500 list like a hawk. The prediction was made, I believe by Steve, that 500 names on the list would be the tipping point. It is very close now. I have had two people get back in comm with me in the last few months, which is encouraging. Neither of these people have come out publicly. It’s a personal choice. I criticize no one.
Also, some good news from John P. Capitalist’s blog. Apparently more than one “whale” has gotten in comm with him and this below is his post. He is playing the game of trying to predict when, where and what will be the end of the RCS. Warning: this blog may be a bit heavy for some but all purposes are aligned here with eradicating the suppressive human rights violations and criminal activities of the RCS.
A quote from his blog giving one of his predictions and some info:
The whales, who in many cases are competent, accomplished people in the non-Scientology world will begin to question (even if privately) Miscavige and the wisdom of his management. They may eventually revolt as a group, although I do not think this is a high probability event.
This is already happening — I have talked to more than one whale who agrees that Miscavige is a disaster. The only reason that more of the whales don’t get together to overthrow Miscavige is that they’re afraid of sec checking, so they are careful to avoid saying anything to each other about what an idiot the guy is. They’re not going to rat each other out. I think disaffection among the whales is fairly high (except for twits like Nancy Cartwright) but they’re afraid to make a move just in case other whales they trust end up ratting them out to the cult. At some point this could change; perhaps 2014 is the year but that’s a bit of a Black Swan prediction until we get more data points via defections of “name brand” large donors.
This is his blog:
“The only reason that more of the whales don’t get together to overthrow Miscavige is that they’re afraid of sec checking…” Yes indeed!
However, you can get around that. You just don’t go. You just don’t pick up the cans. You do not, under any circumstances, let anyone get you in a room by yourself without another person who can be an honest witness for you later. You yourself be responsible for where you put your body. You don’t have to be antago about it, be polite and just don’t do it.
Then there’s the whole threat thing about losing your family and friends that you fear might come after that. You’ve already learned a lot about communication, so use it to the very best of your ability—even though you may have a LOT to say, the listening skills would probably come in handiest. Deep down inside they won’t want to lose you either, so realize that and create a constructive conversation, maybe the first one in many years for some family members and dear friends.
You CAN do more about this nuttiness than you think. Think about it, run a few scenarios through your mind and figure out what you’d say and how you’d treat that person with kindness and granting beingness (not doing that will get you in trouble).
I often ran this through my mind, trying to experience for myself what that would be like, since when I left I had no other family in the RCS. My heart goes out to people in this situation. I was in the SO in one of the highest security situations so no, I didn’t say a word to anyone I worked with. I did have to resolve in my mind that a few of my dearest friends of many years were going to be gone.
But I could equate the feeling of actually leaving, traveling away from the location, to almost any huge win I’d ever had in auditing and training. It was huge. I was bright, happy, adrenaline all over the place even though I had only a few hours of sleep in the previous three days. No one was chasing me–it was just me freeing myself. I think it was a combination of a lot of old wins coming back after saying “No!” to the suppression.
So, a word to you monied members still “in,” realize your actions will finally be based on the Truth, not on perpetuating lies. You are in the center of your own dynamics with everything else revolving around you, so put truth back into your own life and re-strengthen that center core so the rest of it starts to fall back into place. No longer put Miscavige in the center of your dynamics. Stop that! Withdraw your support. It’s scary but feels REALLY good after you do it. Then get yourself up the rest of your Bridge with an indie, or get yourself repaired. You can get auditing without your folders, don’t let that be a stop. I wish you all the best and speed and an effective disconnection from the RCS.
The problem with all these OTVIIs and others in the Church getting sick and dying etc. is purely down to the blinkers these people have to wear on who is their real SP, (they are not allowed to list high Execs in the Church as their SP(s) which allows the current bandit gang to get away with anything they like to perpetrate), plus the dangerous environment that Flag has become with crush regging, harsh Ethics (for OTVIIs! are they mad? answer = “yes”) and the general tone level and over-the-top pressure of the area (Antagonism or Anger – probably a lot lower actually). Flag is now simply a dangerous environment.
The reason for this are a couple of issues of in my opinion questionable provenance. One of them is entitled “Two Types of PTS”. One that says if you list “good hats” in a C/S series 79 or any kind of PTS Interview you must be an SP.
Another one is the Truth Rundown HCOB which basically says that you must assume that Church execs are doing the right thing and are good people etc. and that any criticism of their actions basically or something to that effect is “Black PR”.
As I said I question the authenticity of these issues because they actually conflict with earlier issues like Essay on Management, Orders Query of, Orders Illegal and Cross, which are a few I can think of just off the top of my head and could probably find more if I had access to CIR or spent a long time with the policy index.
Sad to say that ever since RTC highjacked the right to use the Ol’man’s signature that they can and they have issued issues that say HCOB at the top and have LRH’s byline on the bottom.
The only way you can actually be sure if it was actually ordered by or written by Ron is ask to see the original issue which was usually hand written that was sent to the typist or the order sent requesting the issue be compiled per HCOPL 4 Jan 65 Issue II Tech and Policy Distribution points A-D.
I suggested when I was still in that the CST compile and make the original issues available so that they could verified by the average Scientologist which was probably one of the many reasons they put me on the Truth Rundown.
Hi Remoteviewed, I don’t think there is anything wrong with the HCOB (and policies as I recall) that naming good hats as SPs is wrong – if the good guys are indeed the good guys. What we are talking about is LRH’s assumption that these – the good hats – are indeed good guys. I don’t think even he would have predicted that the future leader of the Church would be a raving SP loon (perhaps he should have tied it up totally so that it could never have occurred but that is another matter). I’ve never seen the Truth Rundown “HCOB” so can’t really comment on it. Again the ideas in these issues hold true, IF – the good guys are the good guys.
Hi Foolproof,
Personally I just found the HCOB highly suspect since at times “good hats” or being good can be a facade and Ron had been aware of this possibility ever since Science of Survival.
But then again he called the coup who took over a “clean team” and said we should trust the new management in RJ 38.
Yeah right.
So you could be right Foolproof.
As we know and the Ol’man has admitted at times. He tended to be over optimistic.
My point is that if Ron did actually write that HCOB then it should be revised to what you said.
Like unless the the “good hat” turns out to be an “SP Loon” etc. 😉
On the other hand. It is very doubtful that the Ol’man was directly involved in the writing of the actual TRD HCOB.
I’d like to know how many OT 7s there are in positions of power so that they can do “a little steering or leading”. Likely not too many.
Since we are having fun with the Co$ mathematical modeling fallacies, let’s do some model fine tuning.
Richard, Jan 6, 2014 at 6:18 pm: “let’s do some math to see the real picture !”
It looks like the world population growth equation you are using is an exponential equation, which probably in 50 years will give an overestimation of the population because it does not take into account the saturation due to the resources depletion. Probably a logistic equation (which in its initial stage of growth is approximately exponential) is more realistic because it takes into account the resources depletion.
“If you want to take into account the leaving factor you should use the Lotka-Volterra-Equations”
The Lotka–Volterra equations describe the interaction of predator & prey species, which, it doesn’t look like a good model for taking into account the leaving factor.
It seems you know your Wikipedia very well, I recommend that you rather read Edwards and Penney Differential Equations, actually understand it, and then criticize the math.
I took this the exponential growth model because that’s the model that we are currently experiencing as a specie, if you don’t believe me, just plot a chart in excel taking some data (not from Wikipedia).
I took a 50 year time frame, because all the projections converge that at that point is when the depletion of the resources will start to occur.
I recommended the Lotka-Volterra equation because when when people leave Scientology and create blogs like this, or start auditing outside the church, create an interaction Predator-Prey.
And the fact that you couldn’t visualize that, demonstrate it self that you don’t know much about Mathematics, but are just a Wikipedia guy who is trying to be a bully…
“A closed door briefing to F.S.M.s” You know, like these multi level sales people are working for the Pentagon or Something.
I like how he says there were 450 Clears made at flag… please. They are just rehashing all the Clears they already had who had recently been declared “not-Clear.” Exactly the same stunt they pull with “new Orgs.”
It’s like pulling the same $5 bill out of your pocket and recounting it 1,000 times and claiming to have $5,000.
“It’s like pulling the same $5 bill out of your pocket and recounting it 1,000 times and claiming to have $5,000.”
Thoughtful Steve that so succinctly describes how the Orgs count stats these days.
Someone doing a retread or retrain or redoing any level as again and again and again is counted as a “completion”.
Not only clears but these so called NOTs comps are suspect.
Correct me if I’m wrong Steve but I remember back in early ’90’s they were claiming around 6000 on Solo Nots.
Now two decades later they are claiming the same thing only now they are calling it an “upstat”.
Um… “House Visiting OT Ambassador Team”?
What about the office visiting team? Or the mall visiting team? Not worth reporting their stats I take it.
Seriously though… the evil seems to only be matched by the absurdity.
OTs no longer committed to the little man’s games, moving closer and closer to a big number.
These stats tell the story for sure. The echo in the bubble must distort logic. Especially when they all stand up and clap.
Thanks for the constant stream of good stories.
Uh oh looks like Warren McShane is gonna be in WORSE than the HOLE if that is even possible.
In the Hindu tradition, there is a quote in the Gita from Krishna which goes; “For every thousand people, one will seek me. For every thousand who seek me, one will know me.” It may sound egotistical, but Krishna was referring to himself as the objective of spiritual enlightenment, which he had achieved. Using his math, 1,000 X 1,000 = 1,000,000 – so he was essentially saying, for every one million people, one will achieve spiritual enlightenment. In his world of 2,700 or so years ago, there may have been six million people in the whole world. Today, in the early part of the 21st century, there are over six billion. So again, using his percentages, that would equate to about 6,000 people living today being spiritually enlightened.
Seems this sort of equation has been viewed from time to time.
let’s do some math to see the real picture !
dP/dt=C∙P → dP/P=C∙ dt → ∫▒〖 dP/P〗=C∫▒dt
Ln P=C∙t+K → P_((t))= e^K∙e^(C∙t) → P_((1952) )=P_0=2.5 Billion
2.5 Billion= e^K∙e^(C∙0) → e^K=2.5 Billion= P_0 → P_((t) )= P_0∙e^(C∙t)
So based on the population on 1952 we are going to calculate the rate of population growth C, up to 2014 to date we have a world population of 7.14 Billions have passed 62 years hence:
7.14=2.5 ∙ e^(C∙64) → Ln(2.856)=C∙64 → C= 0.0164
Now that we know C, we can project the world population for the next 50 years, taking as P_0=7.14
P_((2064) )=7.14 ∙ e^(0.0164 ∙50) → P_((2064) )=16.21 Billions
Now based on that projection, and assuming that there is 11 Millions Scientologist in the world, that were “Enlightened” in the past 64 years.
I read that Scientology needed to “Enlighten” 75% of the planet and the rest 25% would follow. But in case that I’m misinformed and it is 25% and the other 75% will follow, I’ll make both scenarios and you tell me which one of the two statements is correct.
(11,000,000 Sci)⁄(64 year)=171,875 Sci⁄year
Scenario 1:
0.75∙16.21 Billions=12.1575 Billions→( 12.1575 BillionSci)⁄(50 year)=243,150,000 Sci/year
Scenario 2:
0.25∙16.21 Billions=4.0525 Billions→( 4.0525 BillionSci)⁄(50 year)=81,050,000 Sci/year
Whatever of the two scenarios is extremely unlikely.
Scenario 1 they need to increase the “enlightenment” rate 141,369%.
Scenario 2 they need to increase the “enlightenment” rate 47,056%
That is assuming there is 11,000,000 Scientologist in the world, and nobody if leaving the church… If you want to take into account the leaving factor you should use the Lotka-Volterra-Equations but those are differential equation with partial derivatives, and that is part of another history.
Thanks Alonzo, I recently got interested on how an Authoritarian Regime could exist under everybody’s eyes at this time in the USA (the land of the free). I myself escape from an Authoritarian Regime, not a Religious one but a Political one, and the parallels are mind blowing.
I guess that’s why I empathize towards those who have been strong enough to leave Scientology, and wanted to provide some mathematical angle of the impossibility of Scientology’s goal to “Clear the Planet”.
Mike keep up the good work, a lot of people is following you and hopefully that base will grow over time !
Agree with you, 6,500 Solo NOTS is a hug he stretch of the imagination and calculator.
The increased OT VII completions have a purpose: to prove that with the new quicky GAT II you can move faster up the Bridge, plus, you need public to recycle, meaning, they need Purifs and Objectives re do and Super Power Public, otherwise, not really having new public they have to cannibalize on what the have.
When I see the words “special briefing” I think “Seal clubbing Session.”
When I see CoS I think “Club of Seals”.
I get a three-swinger just thinking about not being there.
Probably the other false “stat” that should be noted is that many of these LA area OTs “starting” New OT VII are probably redoing “the level”.
Also I don’t believe that there has been a 3000+ increase of Pre OTs on or through Solo NOTs since ’05.
A review of the Advance mags of the AOs and Flag’s Source mags show that this is nothing but BS.
Where did they get these numbers from?
My suspicion is like all their other “stats” they pulled ’em outa their collective asses.
Black Dianetic’s and Reverse Scientology
Great comments as usual Mike.
I guess we all know that the reports from inside the cult are only meant for the Kool aid drinkers. Anyone with even weak critical thinking ability can see that all this about the 10,000 is a load of fools gold.
Maybe DM mixed up vertical with vertigo? Heard he is not keen on wordclearing?
Anyhow, I’m still filled with pure joy when I say: “Glad that I’m out!” My solution to all this crap was: I grabbed a Solo Course and went on my way to OT. Pure Tech, no troubles, no push, no invalidations, cool friends, help, when ever I need it, and the best is, no-one is yelling at me anymore. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL WITHOUT INCORPATION. I LOVE IT!
God bless all active Indies! Yeah!
Beautiful, Strubbl !
Great news 🙂
So cool! Well done!
Mike, I think the confusion here is in assuming that LRH’s 10,000 number was supposed to be a ratio to total population. In fact it’s the number of pimples he was able to count on his derriere.
Of the 10,000 “OTs” who would steer the planet, how many would turn out to be “OTs” like Rex Fowler, the Rev. Reed Slatkin, and OT 8 George Baillie?
More on OT Rex Fowler
More on OT Reed Slatkin
More on George Baillie
Did they provide safeguards for these “statistical anomalies”?
I think it would be a statistical anomaly if they actually made an OT.
Sorry – the Reed Slatkin link above is wrong:
More on Reed here:
Reed got paroled recently. Maybe he’d like to get on the level.
Wow, Reed paroled already? Seems like he didn’t serve much time for all the people’s whose lives he ruined.
You forgot John
Shameless plug.
Mathematical formula? Reeeeealeeeee? C’mon Clive let’s see it. I’m sure many people, both Scnists and non-Scnists, would love to see the mathematical formula to – Save the Planet.
How can these people say this shit with a straight face? Unless of course, they truly truly believe anything they’re told. I would have hoped that one of these individuals would have given pause when told of the super-secret planet-saving formula.
Here’s the real OTVII formula:
10,000 OTVIIs x 2 Visits to Flag per year x 2 ints per visit x 9000 US Dollars x 10 years= a shitload of money
This is bubble reality at its best.
“How can these people say this shit with a straight face? Unless of course, they truly truly believe anything they’re told.”
Here’s my opinion for whatever its worth:
It isn’t a question of them believing anything they’re told, truly truly or otherwise, because I don’t think they do.
On the other hand, they don’t DARE DISbelieve what they are told is Command Intention.
So data passes by uninspected and goes straight into a kind of mental compartment labeled, “Uninspected Data Which Cannot Be Disbelieved Despite Any and All Considerations or Observations to the Contrary”.
This uninspected data, deposited into this compartment is simply left there to be acted upon or complied with if and/or when necessary. As such, it is neither believed nor disbelieved. One day the person acts on it, complies with it, and THEN wants to be RIGHT about it, and THEN begins to “believe” it, with the datum remaining uninspected.
Now, one may well ask why data doesn’t get inspected, and my answer to that is:
If one has agreed that certain data CANNOT be DISbelieved, it is best, for the sake of one’s own peace of mind, to just not inspect it.
See, its this agreement that is the Real Why.
My 2.
To further illustrate what I mean about this agreement about Must Haves as regards data, I offer the following example from Tennessee Williams’ play, ” A Streetcar Named Desire”, where Stella, after her sister Blanche has been taken away to the mental institution, tells her friend, Eunice, that she, Stella, feels terrible for Blanche but could never go on living with Stanley, her husband if she believed Blanche’s story of having been raped by Stanley… And Eunice tells her, “Don’t you EVER believe it”. That is her friend’s advice, and Stella takes that advice, and “believes” it, HAS TO believe it, or else, she would need confront the possibility that her husband did indeed attack and rape her beloved, sensitive, if somewhat loopy, sister. In short, “So long, Blanche. Nice knowin’ ‘ya”. Cruel, right? Yet, Stella’s character in that play is by no means cruel. She is honest, kind, sensible and intelligent, and she loves her sister and she loves her husband. But look at what she does, in the end!
Uninspected data causes all kinds of problems, complications, accidents and cruelties. I can think of nothing more dangerous to the dynamics than operating on uninspected data..
One more thing: Not only does Stella love her sister, she UNDERSTANDS her Blanche better than anyone else. She KNOWS who Blanch is, as a person, as a BEING. And yet, loving her, understanding her and knowing her thoroughly, she STILL denies and betrays her. Interesting, huh?
Yes, very interesting, Aqua. Thanks.
Brilliant Streetcar example. This is a topic worthy of an entire post. “Why do good people do bad things to people they love?” A complex topic.
Answer to why do good people do bad things to the people they love (especially in C of S)? Answer in three words:
because. they. are. brainwashed.
erm, that’s 4 words 🙂
Good point Aqua. I guess it seems so foreign to me now. But, there was a time when I would take something on-board without inspection. I guess they’ve been doing longer.
The other thing I thought of is that their survival within the group is probably dependent upon the accepting of such data.
Exactly right, Statpush. Whether public, SO or Cl V org staff, Command Intention, agreement with and compliance to, is the linchpin for all of their dynamics. Disturb that, and everything unravels.
Love the data series. Thanks for this write up.
Correct me if wrong in your OT7 math ad up calculation for 10000 on Solo NOTS for the next 10 years at Flag. I come up with 1,800,000,000 ( one billion eight hundred million), is this correct?
Unlike the church, I’ve detailed my magic formula. Purely for entertainment purposes, but may or may not be mathematically sound 🙂
The author Michel left the SO in 2006.
Hello! This thread is to answer Tommy Davis’s glibness.
I met Tommy during my second EPF in the Sea Org (actually a 2 months Boot Camp type of EPF), he was eating beans and rice every day, washing our clothes, doing the worst MEST work you can imagine, doing pumps up for hours…because he fucked up a “VIP” cycle.
At that time he wasn’t so proud to be a Sea Org Member, I can tell you.
Now, let’s talk about cancer and suicide on Solo Nots. Here are some data for you guys.
There is a tag status for each Solo Nots auditor:
Green tag: audit 4 to 6 sessions daily and comes on time for his 6 months check.
Grey tag: audit less than 4 sessions daily and doesn’t come on time for his 6 month check.
Orange tag: Not allowed to solo audit because of out ethics situation.
Purple tag: Not allowed to audit because of illness or sickness.
Black tag: Disaffected with the church.
See the way it works? One starts the level with a Green tag then, depending on his “ability to be Cause over Life” one keeps his Green tag or, follow the dwindling spiral to Black tag.
There are about 5,300 Solo Nots Auditors worldwide and about(depending on their current status):
1,000 Green tags
1,100 Grey tags
900 Orange tags
800 Purple tags
1,500 Black tags
The 10,000 on Solo Nots is just a dream. There is only 1,000 of them auditing regularly.
I was Solo Nots D of P Europe and i personally met the following Solo Nots Auditors. They were all with advanced cancer:
• Roberto B. – Italy
• Antonella B. – Italy
• Beppe G. – Italy
• Sonia B. – Italy
• Pierluigi G. – Italy
• Bernard C. – Switzerland
• Jo R. – Switzerland
• Tasa D. – France
• Helene M. – France
There is more, but I do not remember their names.
Before I blew the Sea Org in November 2006,two of them died of committed suicide; Jo R. and Beppe G.
I don’t know if the other ones are still alive.
The majority of the 800 Purple tags and 1,500 Black tags are with cancer, HIV, diabetes and non optimum physical conditions.
The majority of the 900 Orange tags committed financial irregularities to be able to “pay for services and/or donations” to the Cult.
Rex Fowler is a typical Orange tag product of the Cult.
You all know the PTS/SP tech “theory”, right?
How many of them had to disconnect from their family and friends because they where the ”SP”?
Why, after an entire bridge people are still sick, ill, criminal, commit suicide, etc..?
Maybe they didn’t find the real SP yet….. or, if they did, they invalidated the read.
At one point every body on Solo Nots had to do or re do the PTS/SP Course GAT.
And the SNR C/S FSO Richard Reiss (pushed by RTC, of course) was constantly harrassing the Solo Nots C/S “because they didn’t apply the PTS tech at 100%” during their C/Sing.
Well, a cancerous tumor is not detectable by a SN C/S as far as i know!
I can attest! Beppe G. had a cancerous tumor the size of an egg in his brain while at Flag to “Attest to OT7”! I went with him to the Clearwater Hospital. He was sent back to Italy right away by RTC….
Imagine the Flap if Beppe died in the middle of the Solo Nots HGC!
These data should be widely disseminated. It’ s not a joke. These guys are really in danger.
PS: the medical associations should be aware of this data. Scientology technology doesn’t cure cancer….when a cancer isn’t detected on time, it’s too late. Unfortunalely, from a Scientologist view point, a doctor is considered a charlatan.
love is the universal solvent…..splurge on it!!
Last edited by Michel; 18th March 2010 at 09:28 AM.
Terril Park, thank you. I find this data both fascinating and extremely helpful in making sense of a situation involving I’ve had involving 2 OTVIIs actively auditing on the level.
Wow, Terril, very sobering stats indeed. This does need to be disseminated far and wide. And the irony of Sr. CS, Richard Reese, coming down on his CSes for not “spotting” the cancer etc, is that Richard himself contracted cancer and died from it. Maybe he resisted it too much. Who knows? But how sad.
I am sure you won’t say for sure but I am curious if Roberto B was on the RPF at PAC or not. If not it would actually be poetic justice if he died of cancer since he terribly mis audited his twin who died of cancer. Partially as a result of his out tech and not getting her to a doctor when she needed it.
I have brought up for many years the number of OTs who have died of cancer. I am convinced that anyone who spends that much time connected to an unproven untested electrical source and turns themselves into an electro magnet on a regular basis is messing with their biochemistry in all the wrong ways. Couple that with the toxic cess pool that the PAC base is and you have a perfect storm for cancer.
Case in point, when we rented the Universe Corps area at PAC it was right across from the canteen. We spent weeks down there, framing walls , building the space from scratch. Every single RPFer who worked on that project, myself included, became ill. Headaches, dizziness, rash, nausea, fever one person even passed out while we were working down there. Turns out that was the Cobalt room back when it was a hospital. Who knows how much radiation we were exposed to but that is the area where all staff are to be audited to OT. AOLA is another complete radiation mess since the Chemo ward was there. A total nightmare.
It says in the front of every Scn church I’ve ever been in that it doesn’t cure disease. LRH even talks about the importance of medical handlings in even the simplest of references. Where do people get these wild ideas?
As long as they insist one has to be away from work for extensive lengths of time, traveling and accommodation costs, 6-months checks and other review auditing, OT VII will always be available only to the few that have the bucks. Add to that donation requirements to the IAS and what not, it’s a complete money sinker only for the rich. One can study the Indie OT VII checksheet at home, get remote checkouts via the internet including sending pics of clay demos and what not, get some local on-hands meter training to polish up the edges, and way you go. No need to feed the CO$ money racket. Had they trained teams to deliver the upper levels in a separate section of any given Class V org, we’d have far more than even 50,000 OT VIIs today. It’s all about milking to the max, not about moving people up the bridge.
Hi. Can you tell me who to contact to do the remote OT 7 training? I wasn’t aware of this service. Thanks.
Link posted here:
Not sure if APIS would consider that standard enough.
Here is another possibility:-
Contact: [email protected]
Director: G. Samuels
Glenn is also in possession of the APIS/TFCU OT VI course.
Training & C/Sing, YES, auditing … NO, since star-rate checkouts over Skype do not require a meter, all the possible auditor actions required, or potential net connection liabilities to keep the PC “In-Session”.
Mike, you’re point #5 belongs in the One-Liner Hall of Fame.
fwiw, I reckon there were more OT VIIs DECLARED in 2013 than made
They ought to try doing something truly trackable first.
Like clearing a small community they can show off.
Right now the only thing Mighty Mouth can clear is a room full of oxygen.
the mouse that roared….
right before the cat got it.
And one other point about this great “rush” of OT7’s. This assumes that these people are actually making it on OT7, which I maintain is not possible in the RCS. Tech is so out in the RCS that I personally am certain that no one is actually making it on this level. This is my opinion of course, but I would say that the “Church” is actually making zero OT7 completions at this point, and won’t make any more for the rest of its (limited) existence. However, real OT7 is available in the Independent field.
Morris Adams, quite true. With the 3 swing FN’s lots of O/R and invalidation and case upset is happening. And as one who audited on OT VII in the church for years, when I would run across one of my course or refresher buddies, I’d ask if they were still auditing on 7 or had they completed it? They would invariably answer, “not on the level any more” because of earning money to pay for it, paying off bills incurred to get on it, or medical issue. All assured me with a fake enthusiasm, that they are working hard to get back on the level. Only one told me with BI’s, (bad indicators), “we’re trying to destimulate from our Flag trips.” Since when do you need to “destimulate” from the “friendliest place on earth”? Since Flag went squirrel under David Miscavage’s watch. And one told me it was quite a relief and release not to have to audit on the level anymore. Now that i a really good indicator!
I agree 110% (not a typo.) They will end up failing in one way or another, because everything they “did” on lower grade chart levels was a farse and their cases aren’t set up for what’s on the level. And for sure their auditing ability won’t be up to snuff either. Ouch ouch ouch. What a train wreck.
It’s good to know these guys can get fixed outside of the stupid C of $. There are even references on what to do if you don’t have all your folders available. There IS light at the end of the tunnel and it isn’t another train. 🙂
Quite true Morris! I am getting auditing right now that used to be available in the Church, that you can’t even buy in the Church anymore!
The Independent /Freezone Movement has a much wider selection on the menu of choices and you can get EVERYTHING out here. The original OT levels are the BOMB!!!!!!!!!! You would NEVER be able to get those in the Church!
Staff working in the tech divs in the Church for DECADES STILL CLass lV down to NOTHING because of GAOT and DM cancelling everyone’s certs has actually shifted the balance of power.
Out here there are plenty of class Xll’s, Class lX’s, Class Vll’s and class Vl’s. A few class lV’s pretending to be class Vl’s, but noone is taking them seriously.
Why I ask WHYYYYYYYYYYY, would someone rather be a shopper at the CofS? You couldn’t pay me to go in there!
Why should everyone else be allowed to do EVERYTHING, but in the Church you are skipped over nearly 75% experiences the original Scientologists got to have? Who wants to do that?
And people used to do OT3, then OT 3 expanded, (OT 7) then back to Ot3. That OT7 is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, I can’t believe I almost missed that! Not sure there is even a reference that said to remove it off the bridge!
Having done all the original OT levels (and loved them), I’m very glad to know they’re now available to others. The original OT 4, 5, 6, and 7 focused on making the being more capable. Although I’m no longer active at all, I still credit the original OT4 (my favorite) with giving me skills and abilities I still value and use. The new OT 4 and 5 (which was as far as I got) were BORING and expensive overruns. I faked it, but I left in early 1987 — before Miscavige decided his grasp of the tech exceeded that of LRH. What a joke.
Adding to what you said, Oracle, and to this segment of the thread:
A) The LRH Bridge of the late 1970’s
B) The “New Bridge” designed by IANAA (I Am Not An Auditor).
My understanding in a nutshell is this:
Power gives the ability to hold a viewpoint to solo audit.
R6EW is very well described.
The Clearing Course addresses the core of the OT III implant and ensures that OT III can be run easily.
Solo NOTs was added to clean up remaining OT III case and residuals.
OT IV-VII rehabilitates the being.
All the above presumes Life Repair, and Dianetics, and the Grades, all well done, drug handled as needed, Expanded Dianetics as needed.
Rey Robles put together a short series of video’s on YouTube which compares various Grade Charts as these evolved into the last one LRH issued in the late 1970’s before he retired or went into seclusion. He shows the actual Grade Charts as published.
My speculation is that people who find themselves auditing forever on Solo NOTs didn’t do the Clearing Course. My experience is that all of this delivers exactly as promised, but I can also tell you that I have worked hard at it. I believe that is what is required. “Help” does not mean “I will do it for you.” We live in a consumer age, and hire people as “help’ to do whole jobs for us. “Plumbing help” is expected to do the whole job and fix everything. The hiring person is not expected to do anything. That’s fine. But when it comes to personal improvement, one has to do much of the work oneself, and no one can set your own goals or hold your viewpoint for you.
When LRH said “build a better life” I think he envisioned things none of the rest of us have ever thought about – and now we have to think about them. I’m finding that there’s a lot of responsibility involved, and I’m sure I’m just scratching the surface.
Actually, by Scientology’s own logic, there are ZERO folks on or through Solo NOTS.
Because they didn’t do the ‘proper, real, 100% on-source, just like Ron wanted, not-squirrel-honest-guv’ GAT II Solo NOTS. Ergo, their completions don’t count.
Way to invalidate your own phony-stat, COB!
Edy screwed up when she said “If you don’t need an interview, or direction at this time, then I am sure you know somebody who does!?”
Yikes–that’s worthy of a full face-ripping. EVERYBODY ALWAYS needs to be Gotten In for Something, Anything. A little CI peeped out. Maybe it’s a little common sense Heaven forbid??
What I keep thinking about is people like Joanne Wheaton, Allander Kirsti Alley and Rex Fowler “doing a little steering.”
Rex Fowler especially knows how to put ethics in on CI DB scuzz balls who SCOHB. I wonder if he’ll take over as the Int Justice Chief when he gets out of jail?
That is really, really scary shit.
Way back in the beginning of time,1998 or so, there were stats on OTIII completions published on alt.religion.scientology.I used a simple birth/death mathematical equation that showed that by something like 2006 there would be very few OTIII completions. In that period, the general opinions were that OTIII completions measured the health of the Church (sic) of Scientology. I think that the published stats were correct. OTOH, I might just have been lucky in my projection.
“special briefings” = reg cycle or rollback. You choose.
…or SO recruitment cycle…
Did you also notice that since so many are declining to take advantage of the personal one on one meetings, that they said that if you don’t need one, maybe you know someone who could use a personal meeting… allowing people to throw their friends under the bus so as to get the off their own scent! lol
“special briefings” are reg cycles or rollbacks, take your pick. You got that right, gone.
Dave, Perhaps you can use these figures and the previous blog (Re: Kim il) to convince the judge in Texas that you really are a small fry pip-squeak and should be protected by anti-SLAPP legislation.
Nicely put 🙂
Poor Clive; if he doesn’t come up with some money he’s off to the Hole.