Why am I not surprised.
The mystery has been solved: How come the greatest advance in planetary dissemination in history has been unnaturally quiet? Not a single ad has appeared. The airwaves have not been flooded with all the good news about scientology. In fact, it is deafening silence from the center of the universe as we know it. Remember how much hype there was about how this was the “uncorrupted communication line to the billions” and all sorts of other vast overstatements? This is the headline and first paras of the article on scientology.org….
But the explanation of SuMP’s invisibility has now been revealed. And it’s a familiar one.
They don’t have any money to DO anything. Spent $100 million on a redundant facility and now Dear Leader has yanked the ribbon on the greatest thing since sliced bread — they cannot afford to actually DO anything (even though the labor is free?). Well, that’s their story and they are sticking to it. Once again, the reason for no results is the familiar scientology refrain: You need to give us your money so we can make “Command Intention” a reality.
And they send this out without apparent embarrassment or even realizing the insanity/lies that this message now exposes in their earlier pleas for money for the “greatest dissemination breakthrough in history.” Not wanting to be Captain Obvious here, but really guys, don’t you think the $100 million could have been better spent on actually DISSEMINATING rather than buying more property? Just like with “ideal orgs” — all effort goes into sucking money for a building and no effort into expanding scientology. Hell, a $20 million ideal org could pay 400,000 people $50 each to take an introductory course. And if the tech works 100% of the time, you would shortly have 390,000 (minus 2 1/2%) scientologists happily paying to ascend the Bridge to Total Freedom and there would be no money problems (and no empty buildings either) – assuming their mantra that the tech works.
By this time, I could NOT put my name on another plea for money for this boondoggle. I will give Colin Davie props for being persistent. And stupid, blind and unaware.
Scientology Media Productions is such bullshit. All that fucking money, for shit nobody wants.
I’m not a big youtuber – I’m a middle-aged dude who still watches TV news and reads magazines. But I do get into modern media – for example, I like Japan. I like Japanese culture and I’m interested in everything popular there. So I watch youtube about Japanese stuff.
So there’s this Canadian girl – a young woman in her 20s really – who makes videos about living as a westerner in Japan. I love watching them! She’s really adorable and her vids are actually useful – how to deal with the police, shopping at the local Japanese grocery, dealing with vending machines – day to day living in Japan stuff. I love it and enjoy her insights into Japanese culture.
So her most recent 3-day-old post has over 20,000 views. Her older posts range from 10s of thousands to millions of views. Her post about dealing with feminine hygiene in Japan has over 2 Million views.
Now, this kid has nothing, money-wise. She makes her vids on her cell phone and uses what appears to be free Apple software to edit them. She couldn’t be out more than $1,000 on her whole production machine.
But fuckin’ – A, she has a mess of subscribers and 2 freakin’ million views about feminine hygiene products! There aren’t even 2 million fucking scientologists in the goddamned WORLD!
But that asshole Miscavige has to have the BEST, to make shit. Just like the Fatman and his fancy cameras that he used to make those shitty Advance magazine covers. This cute 20-something girl with a shoestring budget totally dwarfs anything The Dwarf Himself can manage with His stupid SUMP. Miscavige is totally pwned by this little Canadian chick on youtube. hahaha.
Gus, if it isn’t about Bullshit, it isn’t scientology…
I don’t comment here very often, but I wanted to say…. “global clearing within reach” has been used for 50 years now. It’s the most common statement I read or heard being a 2nd generation Scientologist. I now see it as a bit of a hypnotic statement. I can actually see that now. A phrase said over and over again to gain control over your subject. Planetary clearing was never within reach – and those typing this statement must know that. But it helps to extract more donations. Therefore, how could it be anything but hypnosis?
And those typing it or saying it are guilty. Because Hubbard actually wrote some very applicable pages on the usage of Logic and Reason (I’m in college and have studied similar words from past philosophers). So, for those in the church to not be using their own technology is out-tech by their own standards. They are guilty from both sides of the fence.
If the heat gets too much to produce something, Miscavige could tell the faithful that the broadcasts are on a frequency that only true OT’s and Clears can hear – like a dog whistle. The sad thing is, they’d believe it.
So, if we put two and two together (it’s four), we can clearly see that the purpose was not as advertised. The ACTUAL purpose was to create another focus for fundraising. This has two benefits- it brings in money, and it gives a goal. People need a goal. They need to think they are working towards something. Miscavige has cleverly convinced everyone that the way to achieve these goals is through donations. It’s a fun game, but it’s not good for your credit to debt ratio. Just a few months ago I finally payed off a credit card that a reg signed me up for. (I said I had no more credit or money and she pulled out promo materials for a Discover card balance transfer).
chrismann9, if one can put 1 and 1 together it is clear that in the entirety of scamology nothing is about true spiritual enhancement either. Don’t expect any to be as advertised in the cult.
This is like deja vu for the Super Power Building. That remained unfinished for years, decades. When I would ask why it was not open yet, the SO personnel said, “Now that the building is done, they are waiting to recruit enough people to man the place and run it…” And then look expectantly at me as in, “How dare you ask when you yourself are not in the SO and should be.” That thing about needing enough personnel to open it shut up all inquiries because no one wanted to join the SO. And so they were able to keep using it as a way to reg donations. To open the Super power building was to end all those donations. But they finally opened it because of Luis Garcia’s lawsuit against the church.
http://www.planetarydissemination.org = “Bring Source to the world with Ron’s most direct communication line—LRH books.” Not One Mention of SuMP. Haha!
Consistency of message (other than “give us your money”) is not their strong suit.
Why is scientology always a day late and a dollar short? Every media outlet is running stories about cutting the cord for cable (getting shows through the internet), and, dawdling behind the rest of the world, here comes scientology bragging about going “direct TV” (I assume that means directly to tv or to Direct TV, the cable company). Individuals on YouTube with 20 million plus subscribers have no studios, no expensive cameras, and yet, they have reached so many people, they have been invited to the White House for policy discussions. Why does scientology put form before content every time? Because the leaders are terrified of Miscavige and Miscavige is terrified of people he doesn’t know. The idea of actually recruiting thousands, even dozens, of new people by reaching out to them is his nightmare. So instead of actually reaching out to people, he appears to believe that if you build the right building, people will come to him. When it doesn’t work, he blames the building and builds another one. He’s like the teenage girl who thinks all of her troubles will be solved if she has the right dress or the right shoes or the right hair cut or the right lipstick. While Miscavige is dreaming about the “right” building, his church is losing members faster than any religion in the past 50 years.
Still – Scientology is NEVER a day late on ANYTHING. There’s a very good reason for a studio to be purchased. As you can see from the pitch, it’s all about … revenue. Of course a TV station (which will never be up and running anyway) is not the cost effective OR just effective way to go. Doesn’t matter. It’s real estate, assets and a reason to collect more money. And OF COURSE to keep the sheeple stimulated. Duggan and Nancy need to feel things are moving … or they might not be happy. And if they’re not happy …
I’m hoping that this is the final straw for some bubble dwellers out there. Churches in general are fairly nebulous things. Their purposes can be anything from providing a religious service to a place of sanctuary or even just a gathering place. But a media production studio has a very specific purpose, that is, to produce and broadcast media, and to date there is no evidence that it is happening now or will happen in the near future. As far as I know, for all the millions that were no doubt spent on this thing there is no evidence of a broadcast license for radio or TV anywhere. In short this is yet another Scientology scam for money. Please let this be the one that wakes some people up.
Remember the Valley Door campaign? That one where they were so desperate for funds that they asked you to fund doors and door knobs? I can imagine something like that here: $10000 funds a Scientology logo test pattern for 30 minutes! $25000 gets the full hour! Upgrade to Humanitarian and we might put real live humans on screen (Scientology testimonial video on loop).
Theft! Mike, are you stealing my ideas? I have been saying for years, in comments here and the other place, that if COB RTC would simply pay for people cash money to be Scientologists, his orgs would runneth over.
“…not a single ad…airwaves have not been flooded….deafening silence from the center of the universe as we know it”.
And I’m chomping at the bit to hear about SOMETHING – anything, you know, emanating from this palatial retreat for California’s cricket population.
Okay, ignore the fact that they couldn’t draw people if the people were flies and they had the Idle Manure Pile. I’m trying to figure out if there’s any consistency around their statements regarding dissemination and Idle Morgues.
See if you can follow me on this. They say they need Idle Morgues in order to process people at the correct “order of magnitude”. This begging letter says that the SuMP will get them the correct orders of magnitude of people flooding the Morgues to get on the Bridge. Yet all of their Morgues aren’t Ideal yet. What if the impossible happens, and their ads for Diarrhetics start pulling people into their local Morgue? They won’t be able to “properly” service them if the Morgue isn’t Ideal, since that’s the main purpose of an Idle Morgue, to service parishoners at the correct order of magnitude.
Yet they’re pushing for money for the SuMP to create these promos that will pull people in. By their own logic, shouldn’t they wait until all Morgues are Idle, since Idle Morgues are “the only ones properly equipped” to serve such a quantity of public, not to mention service those already in, since GAT II: Electric Boogaloo can only be done “properly” in an Idle Morgue?
According to their own internal logic, therefore, shouldn’t they get all their Morgues up to Idle status prior to releasing this worldwide dissemination campaign? They wouldn’t want to Unleash The Theta on the world and have someone stumble into a complete shithole like, say, Orlando Morgue (or even Chicago Morgue’s the-storefront-that-gentrification-forgot present location). Frankly, I’d be disappointed if, for some perverse reason, I’d never heard of Diarrhetics, got turned on by a TV ad, went to the Scientology website and saw photos of your average Idle Morgue, went to my closest Morgue, and saw that it was a pigsty in a bad neighborhood.
Of course, it doesn’t matter. Morgues won’t go Idle unless IAS plows money into them, and maybe not even then. Anything that SuMP produces will be laughed at (oh, I bet the Toxic Dwarf is wishing that Jeff Hawkins had never left). SuMP itself is, as people have said, a gigantic white elephant. And they couldn’t get a crowd in if they replaced their Scientology signage with a flashing neon sign saying “Free Hookers and Blow”. Think of what I did as a thought experiment, about people who couldn’t form a logical thought if they had a freaking road map.
Yeah, it’s alllll bullshit.
Don’t despair about the Chicago idle morgue, here is the new building that is having a grand opening next year, so I’ve been told….
Just like any other Ponzi scheme, you can only postpone the inevitable for so long. What’s he going to tell his marks once THAT money is in and there still won’t be any dissemination?
Hello IRS? What’s it going to take to wake you up?
Todd, what he’s doing with the idle morgues and the studio violates no IRS regs vis-a-vis a non-profit.
Mike: Well, the demented midget has certainly ensured that Co$ isn’t able to possibly generate a profit, Not even with the incredibly overpriced e-meters’ margin numbers
Jere, it is ALL (except SO member slave upkeep) profit. LMAO! ANY business would LOVE to have the CoS balance sheets.
It’s a front. What is going on is that they have a whole lot of OTVIII’s inside using their AMAZING!, COLOSSAL!, ASTOUNDING!…blah, blah, blah…SUPERPOWERS! to project all their adverts, films, etc, to the tower and from there they’re messages are being beamed all around the world. So by “opening” a studio they can protect the…dum, dum, DUM (to paraphrase Captain Chaos) identities of their superheroes from the nasty world of actual reality and, gasp, psychiatrists.
Blast! It should read “their”. Oh fudge.
honestly, what a bunch of fucking jerk offs. Stupidity has hit a New Low….
Oh crap! I found the channel. It is call BTTV. BILLIONS of viewers world wide!
BTTV is a wholly owned subsidiary of the parent company Cluster Cable, Inc.
LOL and here I thought it was Cluster F&ck Cable, Inc. 🙂
I agree with other commenters that cannot figure this message out. It is beyond mysterious.
What is a “going direct TV”? A DirecTV channel? So all the Scientologists can buy little dishes and get their SMP Daily Dose of Dave Direct? If so the following phrase “to launch an international Dianetics campaign” makes no sense. No point in playing Dianetics ads on a channel only seen by people who already have fifteen copies of the book, four leatherbound and all in their original shrink-wrap.
If you are doing a Dianetics campaign you buy advertising time on all networks. Not on some special channel.
Maybe it means they are getting an LA broadcast license? Good for the few thousand Scientologists who live in LA except most of those are Sea Org and not allowed to watch TV at all. But you again can’t call that an international campaign. Only LA. And they are very unlikely to get a new TV license in that market unless it is a low power one. Not many will see that.
I think the author of this appeal pasted together a bunch of Shermanspeak from various events and created a many-headed hydra appeal, knowing that his readers will not care what it says. Most recipients of these appeals will immediately trash them as soon as they see the Scientology subject line. Those that don’t will only see “Scientology…must want money…do we have anything to donate this week or are we still trying to recover from the last IAS reg attack? Maybe they will let us by with $50, I don’t see any Ethics Officers on the signatories…”
It could be as simple as: Joe- “Dave said we need a TV channel so let’s buy one!” Schmo:”But what about the actual broadcast license or cable channel fees or satellite channel rent?” Joe-: “You CICS MF counter and other intentioned …..Dave said we need a TV channel!!! Make it go right!” Schmo – “OK, there is a sound stage available that used to be a TV channel broadcast center, but…” Joe – “OK! Buy it! Get those CI MFer Hollywood rich whales to pony up for it! Start!” (three years later)… Joe – “OK! Fine! Good! We have a TV station and tons of equipment and the ribbon has been cut and staff have been ripped off to man up the reception area and the guard booth! Now let’s get some TV going here!” Schmo – “Well, sir, you see sir, the cables and uplink dishes and microwave links don’t actually connect to anything anymore sir, we didn’t buy the broadcast licenses, so all our programming is going out into thin air…like I said at the beginning sir…” Joe – “You sabotaged this whole thing! You knew there was nothing hooked up! RPF! RPF’s RPF! Get this CI MF MFer out of here! and get those whales to pony up more money for some TV connections or whatever! Start! Make it go right! Condition One! Nobody sleeps until some TV goes out of this place!”
There you go Regraded Being, as likely a scenario as any.
Bruce I think you hit the nail squarely on the head (with force), we were both around those sort of conversations.
If only there were some way that they could easily and quickly make video programs available through a world-wide network of computers…
No matter how slick your production values are, no matter how fantastic you think your content is, air time still costs money. It’s the most basic and simple axiom of broadcasting. Stations and station networks broadcast what they think people will be interested in. Why? They need an audience, as big as possible. Why? So they can sell advertising. (Broadcast Axiom #2) With all of the supposed Scio celebs who are “in the business,” you’d think someone would have mentioned this primary step to somebody.
I’m waiting for the ne plus ultra of their begging: a request for donations to pay for the costs associated with them begging for all the other donations they beg for.
Yes, that was outstanding! Still chuckling.
It’s completely unbelievable! CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME????
On Sunday mornings–we have Comcast satelliteTV–we can have our choice of a dozen or so religious programs all day. There’s the Catholic channel, EWTN. There’s the Mormon BYU Channel. There’s about ten Protestant channel. Even the Jews for Jesus, whatever the official name of that movement is,appears to have a channel.
Touchingly, there’s some black church broadcast with a down-home preacher signifying to his flock of a couple of hundred battered Detroiters, dressed in their Sunday best, in a “church” that looks like, and probably is, an abandoned auto showroom with wall-to-wall carpet. He shouts and waves the Holy Bible (in the form of an iPad!), the flock shouts back, there’s a phone number at the bottom of the screen to make a donation of any size–and even this Bishop So-and-So of the So-and-So Gospel Holiness Church in a forlorn part of Detroit is scraping up the cash to “disseminate” on TV more than CoS does with its millions and millions of dollars squirreled away.
It’s obscene! Why wouldn’t they at least buy half-hour slots on cable channels and run old Dianetics training videos on them, interviews with happy clams, ANYTHING they have in the video library already, not even produced by SuMP–WHY DON’T THEY? Or more accurately, WHY DOESN’T HE?
Would people help me to understand? I feel like I could walk in cold and do a better job of promoting Scientology (I wouldn’t want to), than DM and his entire terrified inner circle do.
Dave says he apologizes for the mess and he’s off to Tahiti.
Dear Leader would not be able to handle the snark and criticism that would be unleashed the moment any of that crap was broadcast.
I believe DM is not really interested in disseminating, that’s why.
Yes. And the last thing he needs is to put out Scientology material so the non-brainwashed masses can see them and laugh at them.
Could you imagine if Scientology really was trying to do something with SuMP, which they obviously aren’t. Then surely they would be aiming for something like TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) – just imagine! TBN in Scientologese!
And what would they fill the airwaves with? Just commercial after commercial after commercial. After all, they can’t give Scientology away by having people talk about it – that’s OUT exchange!
And SuMP can’t even have a daily 1 hour show where Scientologists sit down and discuss how great Scientology is – you know why? First, they can’t find enough people to do this regularly. Second, whomever you get on a show like this is going to come across as bat-shit crazy. And finally, Scientology doesn’t allow you to discuss your case (a classic cult move) so what exactly is a Scientologist going to talk about?
David Miscavige can’t disseminate Scientology – because there is nothing to disseminate.
The answer is miscaviage has no intention in expanding Scientology at all, except as a real estate empire. That’s the fact.
Dave’s only interested in the apparency of dissemination. If you can convince a group of people that you are wildly disseminating and getting tons of people into Scientology – which costs you almost NOTHING to do; then why spend 100s of thousands or even millions in REAL dissemination?
Either achieves the same objective – the parishioner will be reaching for their wallet.
Maybe they haven’t any clue what to put on the air.
Anyone who understood Scientology, and that includes anyone that can read properly was thrown out years ago. Even Dear Leader himself is a failed failure at what he lies about the most. Anything he comes up with which seems a good idea over morning coffee is thrown out by lunchtime because his legal team has, by then, advised against it.
They will probably have to hire some sort of guru who knows zip about anything religious but sure knows how to sell on Home Shop. Team them up with Sherman and away they go. Free set of steak knifes with every purchase type of thing.
But one thing for sure Snake, don’t take anything about SuMP seriously.
I forgot this guy’s name but he was reverend+++++++. he sat in a leather chair
and screamed for money. Some times talked about pyramids.
DM could pull that off and sell status at discount rates.
Reverend Gene Scott
It’s only about the money.
“All you care about is money. This town deserves a better class of criminal and I’m going to give it to them.” The Joker from ‘The Dark Knight’
Reminds me of the good ol days of watching Jim Baker and Jerry Falwell. I do feel terribly sad for the people consumed by this cult but oh man, would a church service from CoS be fun to watch. SNL wouldn’t even have to bother with a parody.
He doesn’t put anything out because he knows very well it’s all BS and nobody gives a shit. The buildings are there for the IRS exemption and nothing more. There is nothing to disseminate. You wouldn’t want to air constant failures either. 🙂
Sometime in the next six months watch for a closed door ultra very super special briefing to be delivered to all Oh Tea Sevens and Ates at the SuMP.
Subject: Delivery
Dave will be the ISEE …………. it will go something like……………..
“I have put all of this magnificence into place and I did it all for you, your future and your eternitee and now I need your help to pull this off. Each of you needs to own the problem and we together will take this planet by storm with no others than ourselves. You are the truly big beings on this planet and there are only those of you in this room who truly understand what this epic point in the long and sordid journey toward total salvation of this sector of the universe means. Tonight before your leave I need a simple pledge for only one million dollars from each of you and the battle will be won.
Streaming from our ramparts will be the message every man woman and child throughout the world has been waiting for since the dawn of humanity. Know that those of you in this room have taken responsibility for this epic and never before realized opportunity of achieving total freedum.”
Yo Dave,
Doncha think its about time you leaned on your slackard Oh teas for a change. Geesch, you don’t have to do all the work all of the time …………do you?
Your jargon continues to crack me up. You have the patter down. 🙂
I don’t think Duggan and the other whales and clebs will get away for only 1 million. But yeah, there will be something like that. But behind closed doors and individually, can’t have the minions looking sideways at each other.
I think you are accurate Zemooo. Because Duggan is sooo there in terms of his whale status, look for him to push it over the 100 mil mark. But where the hell is Tom these days. The all time numero tres dudamundo of the cultamundo seems to be lacking a tad these days.
Yo Tom,
It’s about time to show your stuff Mr. third largest being of all fucking time. Lets get our ethics really in here good buddy. Shutdown your namby pamby pantiwaist dillatante approach to life and git er done …………….. and yes, we know it is a mission impossible …….. but who else? Don’t tell me that you are waiting for Cee Ohhhhh Beee to do it for you. Gawd ……..do something Tom, even if it gets you into lowers with He Who Is The Lowest Of All.
And Dave,
Bite me!
And OSA,
You guys need to all be dumped into the RPF. I mean it has been literally years gone by and the OTC email leaks continue unabated. Are you all stupid or do you just not care. Losers one and all.
Newcomer, your Shermanspeak is not bad at all.
I of course am a wannabe compared to RB, the greatest duplicator of the Sherminator of all time!
David Miscavige. He probably thinks he is going to live forever or something! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
He will continue to stink the place up forever for sure.
Ahhh yes, the ever so predictable request/demand for more of “Scientology’s Religious dollar.” It does however, buy YOU nothing.
What’s that bit of tech? – it’s much more holier and remunerative to outflow than to inflow.
To smart people Scientology is criminal, for Scientologists it’s a religion and the laws of wogs don’t go there. Thus SuMP is just another nothing connected to Scientology.
Money for nothing, geezers… stunning isn’t it?
This is the worst case of “Having to Have, before I can’t Do” I’ve ever seen 🙂
“Having To Have Before We Could Do, the David Miscavige Story, or How I Obliterated Scientology With The Ideal Org Program And Other Boondoggles”
+ 1,000,000,000
Scientology should have a huge barricade banner made for all its buildings CAUTION – THE BRIDGE IS OUT!
🙂 “no longer repairable.”
Wow, well exposed Mike. Thank you.
And all for what? I have good sources that told me a couple of adds appeared in Mexico’s TV. But…but they
promote it in english when, at the end states is ‘scientology church’. That has zero meaning for the over 100 million people in Mexico. Church there means Catholic or Christian, nothing else. English may be spoken amongst a 35% of the population.
How miscavige dares to approve adds that will give misunderstood to ‘wogs’? Tsk, tsk… another flunk!
Silvia, do you think they might be doing a bit of a False Flag here? Trying to lure people in by giving people the impression that they are a Christian denomination? After all, they’ve got the cross and the word “church” going for them, and broadcasting in English just fits into the Decepticon vibe.
It’s either that, or they’re of the firm belief that all Mexicans secretly speak English. I call tell you that a lot of Anglos in Chicago believe that.
Saw an ad for CCHR yesterday. I wasn’t paying attention to the TV but saw the typeface out of the corner of my eye. I instantly recognized it as what’s been used for CCHR for many years. I watched the rest of it, a couple roundabout slams on the mental health industry, and that was that. My impression at the end was “good luck trying to take down something that actually helps more people than you do.”
Another ad was run again yesterday too, the one that starts out with the fireballs trying to be scientific, answering the questions of life. These were in the LA area–don’t remember the stations.
Soooo….what event is being prepped with these ads being run now, so it looks like they advertise 24/7? It certainly won’t be Auditors Day! Getting ready to boast about it at IAS?
W-O-W!!! If I wasn’t already out, this would have been the last straw for sure! How can you even call yourself “Command” (since he claims to have nothing to do with management) but failed to build funding for your new project into it’s structure?!??
So, what? They expect the SuMP to be funded by continuous donations??
“I know you took out a third mortgage, maxed your last credit card and emptied your kids college fund and your retirement account to fund building this place, but now we need money for the next PHASE that we conveniently failed to mention while we were hard-selling you to fund building the joint.” All said without even batting an eyelash.
I guess they should just produce and air pledge drives 24/7…
Never been happier to be gone.
Jimmy Swaggert has his own cable channel, every month he has a “sharathon” where he tells his followers they need 3 million a month to stay on the air, it apparently works. I look for Miscavagie to try a similar scam.
“It’s The Demento Show. One hour of screaming, beatings, getting very very excited (certain parts of anatomy will be blurred for those of a nervous disposition) at the mention of Tom Cruise. Followed by a three hour video session of Demento’s best speeches and Grand Openings featuring Demento. Yes, The Demento Show comes in three flavours: Psychotic, Sociopathic, and Psychopathic.”
Call it a hunch but I think the donations to launch this dianetics media campaign are going to be disappointing. Few if any scientologists really believe it will spark a grassroots movement because for one thing, grassroots movements originate from the people out of their passion. Granted, some old-timers have a strong sense of loyalty to their ‘third dynamic’, but ‘passion’? There isn’t enough Geritol and scientologists seem to be embarrassed by, not passionate about their religion. Besides, enthusiasm to empty bank accounts in exchange for nothing of commensurate value is on the decline if not already pushing daisies. Does this mean we won’t ever get to enjoy hours of televised scientology propaganda? Well, since when does scientology ever deliver what it promises?
Oh, my happy blogger friends, do you not see the opportunity the clampire is offering its loyal minions? Now, they can not only get their names on some bricks in the wall, but now they can sponsor their own TV ‘shows’. Just wait for the Power of Dissemination Hour’, sponsored by The Duggans. Or maybe ‘Dancing with Arp Cola’ sponsored by John Travolta. You will eventually find The Valley mOrg and and the Sacramento OT Committee sponsoring shows. The revolving door aspect of this scam is truly Lronic.
The possibilities are endless, as is the fund raising/regging/dunning. This is the basic business plan of $cientology. I wonder why I didn’t see it before?
Their own TV shows! Sign me up! First show, “Surfing Made Easy.”
I hope they do reruns of Rin Tin Tin. Go Rinny!!!
“Out of the blue from the Western sky, comes SKY KING’! Old TV shows would so out draw any $cieno production.
Dead in the water.
I was dead in the water once. But, just thinking about the tech brought me back to life…as a zombie, but, I’ll take it.
Hi OSGD! (Old Surfer Grandpa Dude)
Belated congratulations on baby Dylan!
I’m sure you’re over the moon! Just don’t go to Venus…..terrible train traffic there.
Hope mother and baby are doing well!
Hi OSD, I am so crazed. Congratulations very late you both have a beautiful new life to cherish.I do so love you all.❤️❤️❤️❤️
I really don’t think the powers that be want Scn to become “too popular”. Popularity brings prying eyes and lots of uncomfortable questions. Questions like “Show me a Clear” or “Let’s see some OT powers”. They have plenty of scandals, lawsuits and news exposé, as a failing cult. Imagine what it would be like if they really did 5x or 10x their membership. They’d have a shitload of pissed off people.
Scn’s comfort zone is as a small, elitist cult, with rich white members.
“Scn’s comfort zone is as a small, elitist cult, with rich white members.” Nail meet hammer.
I implore you Dave! The planet needs to be salvaged. Once the message is broadcast the entire world….every single last WOG will be saved and there will be peace and trust among all fellow man.
Here’s my idea. I know you’re saving a billion or so in your private accounts…but….but….the planet Dave. We need it now. We’ll reimburse you. We promise.
Please let the SUMP pump it out NOW!
“You need to give us your money so we can make “Command Intention” a reality.”
Come on Mike. YOU know that the “command intention” for Int Mgmt was/is to amass as much in Sea Ogre Reserves as possible. Davie IS simply following El Con’s intention. Command Intention. 😉
More evidence that there is absolutely no shame within the bubble when it comes to duplicitous behaviour. And more food for cognitive dissonance. Got to be a good thing.
I went to the Studios for photographs now that they are “functioning” – this is what I found: Nothing!
From the looks of the photos if you shouted the echoes would go on for hours.
Thanks Mike. Scientology and Miscavige have now gone so far beyond the scam of the century it’s astounding. It’s time to put it out of its misery, it’s still debilitating far to many people.
I agree! Stand up against the abuses this church inflicts – everybody!
Are they fundraising for toilet paper yet? I can donate an empty roll…
OSD, I’m willing to donate the other stuff it’s used for.
Don’t forget to use both sides and the edges before donating.
The COB could be running Three Stooges reruns and make money
and a little splash but in Hollywood”Dead Silence”? ====This Dog Don’t Hunt.
After over 60 years of failing miserably to convert the Co$ into anything resembling a not-for-profit center where people can go to receive honest help for the problems of life, the good people within the bubble of the cult are departing quietly and without sorrow.
All that remain, really, are the sharks and their marks.
I know from personal experience that one can actually manufacture a mind-set where one believes his own fantasies.
I’m really curious if Miscavige actually believes this marketing bull or if he knows it’s just a long-con. Any thoughts on that Mike?
My names not Mike but my two cents, Miscavige may be a number of things but stupid isn’t one of them.
Reminds me of “Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure” where they debate whether to get a guitars or learn how to play first.
Sweet!! It’s finally happening! Soon off to target 2…..
HimTony, I hear you.All aboard that old Morgue!xo
Its so pathetically predictable that its a bit amusing at this point. I guess for those still working 100 hours a week for a lie or having reges and Ethics Officers control and squeeze you for all you are worth and more, its not so funny. Lets see, you can give all your money to the SUMP or L. Ron Hall or the next “Ideal Org” or the IAS or, or , or and experience the greatest wins ever or you can be 1st Dynamic orientated, a bit out ethics and put your money on the Bridge to No Where. Decisions, decisions, decisions….
I chose “none of the above.”
Must be some lunkheads fault! Imagine, the Pope or even Billy Graham or the Dali Lama being so disrespectful. It’s OK for you to blame Davie darlin, what chew gonna do with all them properties and all that cash? Buy an island somewhere that LRH didn’t blow up?
“Not wanting to be Captain Obvious …” LMFAO reading that one. Any possible moneygrab until the last nanosecond of $ickentology’s existence is SOP now.
so true all of this & all of the responses…..as to those “in the bubble” asking why? Do not bet a penny on that. They NEVER ASK! That is the act of a SP…..Never question: the mark of a true destructive cult.
As to the ED whispering the word: Scientology….Yes, i remember the “WASBAND” (my ex) hardly spoke of it – unless he thought he found a “live one” ( a dupe) who might fall for the scam. Of course the wasband still believes it is the greatest bull and will save the planet. He still has the repeditive, duplicate copies of the numerous mailings sent to some of my kids…if he can get their addresses from them.
“As of this writing, SMP is directly setting up the ailitity to go direct TV…”
So is this saying they plan to broadcast TV directly, which will be hard to do without a broadcast license, or they are setting up some kind of deal with the ‘directTV’ satellite TV company?
Or was it deliberately left ambiguous, by putting the space between “direct” and “TV” to let people jump to their own conclusion?
Hi Pickanotherid, Good to meet you.I was about to post my feelings on the ability to go direct tv also.Ann you are making this too hard,do you not know cos is in charge of Infinity Broadcasting! As in an infinite amount of $ for direct TV will vanish into the ether.XO
There is, of course, one other viable possibility here: They could already be broadcasting on the psychic ClearThetaClear channel that only OaTys can pick up!
Just imagine the tsunamai of spiritual transformation that 10,000 attuned OaTy 7’s could unleash…this may indeed be SuMP’s real purpose and represent a quantum leap in progress in queering, er, clearing the planet!
Only time will tell, but for now, how about some classic reruns while we’re waiting 😉
Ok, I’ll bite. Let’s say that ALL of the money needed for Sump to start broadcasting materialized tomorrow. Lets just suppose that by some miracle, someone somewhere sent them a check for the entire amount. Ok, now, what shows are they going to produce? Does anyone have a clue? I have to think that achieving their financial target too soon would be the cult’s worst nightmare.
It not that Davis Miss Cabbage is so selfrighteously greedy.
He knows he can keep on getting away with this because the last remaining members of the Church of Robotology will keep take whatever marching orders he gives them on their road to total freedom.
Just another scam to demand more donations for nothing. david miscavige is brilliant and I’m sure He will prove it in the upcoming, release of His brilliant, “uncorrupted” documentary on the brilliant, “uncorrupted” david miscavige.
Like I said, “donations for the nothing.”
And your chicks for free…
Only if you are upstat……..and can help the chick up the bridge to effin nowhere!
I’ll do my best…
Better make reservations with your auditor now because very soon…..
“blah, blah, blah….will create a grass roots movement that will flood the millions onto the bridge.”
Dave, what happened to the millions that would flood Sickintology once the Super Power building was completed? Or Your GAT improvement on the Tech? Ideal Orgs? Etc, etc, etc.?
Be prepared not for a flood, but a mass exodus. Which is probably your intent anyway. You’re pure evil my friend.
Paying people $50 each to take a course…great idea but you’d have to have the nerve to even pitch an idea like that to anyone these days. I remember when I was taking a course at FCDC and a staff member whispered to me that even the ED is secretly terrified of disseminating. I had a hard time believing that but when I had lunch with her one day, she started talking about scientology, I noticed that she whispered the word “Scientology” so as to not have any other diners overhear it. Is it any wonder they have the largest, most inactive field in the US? That woman couldn’t pay someone $50 to come take a course! And if she did, they’d have to pay another $50 to get them to finish it. I was on course seven days a week, sometimes in the day sometimes at night. There was never more than about three people taking academy courses. Yet the entire length of the course room was filled with stat graphs. Ten to twenty graphs placed on top of one another, down the entire length of the course room. Since there was never anyone on course, I assume these graphs were from blown students. Ironically, most of them were blown from the PTS/SP course. Isn’t that rich!
I am amazed the staff member would say that about the ED. Can I ask who the staff member and ED were? I was getting auditing there in 91, Tom Clapp was ED for a while and another person ( a lady) was ED also for a while. I used to get harassed by Steve Lower for money constantly.
Speaking of sliced bread someone actually tried to ban it during World War Two. But everyone ignored the order and it was eventually overruled.
Fun fact: The actress Betty White is older than sliced bread.
This is just too hilarious and sad at the same time. One good thing that will come out of this I predict is many more people in the bubble are going to ask:
Wanna bet? My money is on, “Oh My God! We need to pony up quickly; it’s up to us now to make sure that scientology is understood everywhere because the SP’s will win and if we don’t do this after Command Intention intended SMP into existence, all of his stellar work in making this happen will go for naught and it will be our fault and the SP’s will win; He can’t do it all!”
OMG! That’s eerily accurate. So glad I’m not a slave to that fantasy anymore!
Reading your post gave me a pang of sadness, McCarran. I know you’re right.
No doubt with Scientology logic, they will be angling for ALL the money upfront. This is identical to buying a car, then expecting to save up the money needed for gas during its lifetime in your service before you start driving the car.
It’s sad that Scilons seem so brainwashed into thinking that “sure, this way works.” They must have heard of Youtube. Do any of them really believe that the *buildings* are what make content good? If any of them live in just a little bit of the American real world, they should know that all of the lies Miscavige has told them about about SuMP aren’t simply lies, but really stupid, patronizing, laugh-when-I-tell-you, lies.
They should word-clear “viral,” “social media,” and “for free.”
What?!!! Take off the blinders via Youtube? Get your ass to Ethics right now! How dare you suggest that the Kool-aid drinkers be deprived of their Kool-aid!
Comedy channel perhaps? or:
‘The Stupid Hour,’ with your host COB. Featuring this weeks celebrity, TC, followed by the All Stars of RTC,
Every episode finishes with the cast and crew center stage singing, “We Stall Small.”
It’s sure to be a huge hit!
I’ve said it before and I stand by it, new Scientology based version of The Thunderbirds!
Mark, these people are not anywhere approaching the level of awareness to do what you’ve suggested. The ability to spot misunderstood words is a fairly high one. These people would have to come way up to the level of being aware that they don’t understand.
Not understanding is impossible for a Scientologist – they have the tech!
The highest level of excuse is “I don’t have the data on that,” as witnessed by the response to logical questions asked during the siege on Marty’s place.