Well, another “Freudian slip” (footbullet?) that scientology manages pretty routinely.
Here we have a wonderful combination of reminders of some of their most epic fails.
Valley, the “largest and most important” Class V ideal org on earth is sending out emails to get “actually anyone” to please show up in the org for a photo shoot. Of course, this begs the obvious question: why don’t they just shoot the people that are there taking services or participating in some way?
The answer is, of course, because the place is EMPTY.
So they have to beg people, “anyone” to show up to be “featured in these shots” to create the false impression that this org, the one that is “winning the birthday game” actually has some people in it. (it’s another chapter in a long book to go into the manipulations that occur in the “Birthday Game” to ensure the org that Miscavige deems should win, does so).
You can bet that if this video is ever used it will NOT be presented as “Here is Valley Ideal Org with as many people in it as we could persuade to show up — from anywhere — none of them are actually on course or participating in auditing or doing anything at all other than arriving when summoned for a photo shoot.” No, it will be presented as: “This is the BOOMING Valley org, with 10X expansion since going “ideal”.”
And then to the second major fail. Whatever happened to the SuMP?
Remember how Chairman of the Bored opened this magnificent white elephant to much fanfare on 28 May 2016 (after two years of hype preceding it). He promised that this would give scientology its own TV and radio station broadcasting 24 hours per day. Before the grand opening, he had promised this would occur before summer began on 22 June 2016.
Well, it is now a year and a half later. No broadcast of ANYTHING.
All the SuMP has done is produce some event videos and POW style smear videos.
Not a good return on $100 million investment — especially when they have the same facilities at Gold which are not being utilized either…
Here are two of the emails sent out begging for anyone to show up.
Dear Friends,
So much excitment is happening at Valley org! Key stats in highest ever after highest ever! More public joining staff and becoming part of the winning team!!
And speaking of winning, we are playing the Birthday Game for real. Right now we are one of the top three orgs on the planet and we have every intention of coming in #1!
In preparation for that announcement on the big stage at the 2017/2018 Birthday Game Event – we have SMP in the org daily shooting video of Valley in all it’s expansion for the big screen!
But we need a very key element to make these important shots work and that is YOU the Valley public – students, PCs, OTC members, Groups… actually anyone… to be featured in these shots.
Our next one is this Friday the 24th at 6pm at the org.
I have been assured that these are not long cycles.
PLEASE let me know if you can make it and I’ll point you in the right direction!
Thank you guys and Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Hi Valley;
Tomorrow at 3:00pm we are having an SMP shoot and I need as many people there as possible (30+)
This is for Valley winning the birthday game. Please come it won’t take long. Let’s show off! Even though we don’t brag.
Let me know if you can make it by simply replying to this email.
I’ll see you there.
It’s always a wonder to me that the same people they are begging to be in videos to create false impressions of booming orgs are also the same intended audience for these faked videos. I know that seeing a faked event video about how my local org was booming with images filled with shipped-in people that I knew was a lie is one of the things that started my journey out.
I can’t get over the number of empy buildings there are. It’s music to my heart. I think dm does it as an investment besides trying to hide there’s no one coming in now. I congratulate everyone on getting danny m. off of the Netfix show.We are seeing so many changes and I think that Mike and Leah were such a marvelous team to do their show. Thank you to everyone here for your successful efforts You all deserve a big hug! P.S. danny has the same initials as the asshole dm.
30 plus! So much for clearing the planet. At this rate, they may be able to clear the local supermarket in about twenty years!
I personally know people who have left the church but, because of disconnection fears, do so secretly. Often they are badgered or threatened to come back into their local org. Most people just say they’ll be coming in really soon but somehow never make. Some of these people have had mental breakdowns from the flagrant North Korean style confessionals and have no intention of going back into the cherch. Ever.
I went twice to the Portland Org, and there was people walking by the site, but nobody was going in, and the place was completely empty except for the receptionist. The second time I went in with the Oxford Capacity Analysis questionnaire filled out, and got a reading of the results. The receptionist had to call a guy to come out of the back room to “score” the test. All the time I was in the place there was no one who came in. They have a TV with LRH droning on with some of the most stupid “personal accounts” of his life that nobody in their right mind could believe. Well…I kind of rest my case. They had a small table outside with pamphlets on it, and no takers from the general public. I saw the picture of the opening of this Org, and it shows a lot of people, with a hedge on one side of the building with more people throwing paper in the air and that part of the picture is kind of blurred. In reality the Portland Org is on 3rd Avenue, there is no hedge, and one of the main side streets in downtown Portland. One has to wonder how many of the cult members are scratching their heads and thinking: “When did the City of Portland put up a hedge in the middle of the road by our Org.”
Here I am a Pizza Driver WOG (and former Navy Chief who is sick of the nautical rip off)….and they didn’t catch the typo “it’s” for “its”.
…..we have SMP in the org daily shooting video of Valley in all it’s expansion for the big screen!
I, too, thought that was odd in an official document.
Well Maybe they can hand out some Money and help dome homeless ppl clean them give few bucks for a Photo Op Or how about a RAVE kids these day’s really like to Party & for free drugs sorry it seems they would be okay w a few lil Lies oops don’t want to help them but WoW 30 ppl & thought they didn’t do Holiday’s but they need to throw a hell of a Bash for all the ppl that made a few Filthy Rich after loosing so much & be nice if they gave everyone a Million dollars & Beg for Forgiveness and close the doors for good.
Have a Great Week Mike U must be enjoying this and can’t say I blame yah…good job.
Smmity. Edit tool. Please use. Otherwise, great comment.
Omg lol….I like how they throw in that it’s a short cycle. I remember dreading going to yet another this-that-and-the-next-thing and knowing I’d be there hours. There goes another evening. Sooooo glad I’m done with that horrible place!!!!
Btw, I’m finally shedding some old habits from there and reactions – feeling freer!!!
The Ethics Officer will decide if you’re feeling freer.
Totally…duh! Lol
Ethics officer… some stern asshole “sir”, female or male.
What a laugh.
“…shedding some old habit from there and reactions – feeling freer!!!”
That’s great, Astro.
CNN has jumped on the Danny Masterson story and even received replies from someone in $cientology.
I love it when a good story has legs. Ortega and Remini are mentioned in the story. Now, can any Southern California law enforcement agency and any prosecutors office actually do what is required to get justice?
This is making my day too.
Now, what’s going to be even MORE enjoyable?
Watching Miscavige & Company’s PR machine throw Danny Masterson under the bus.
Oh, Danny Boy, how does the Cult not love yeh?
Start counting the ways:
!) Hasn’t taken a course or a service for over 20 years
2) Was never an active Scientologist
3) Drug problems, sexual perversion
4) Had lots of trouble meeting ethical standards for a Scientology Parishioner
4) Danny who?
All of this is pretty lame because its off the top of my head. Rest assured the cult will come up with FAR better stuff!!
Time to roll out the heavy artillery, OSA.
This punk cannot be allowed to besmirch the spotless reputation of the Church of Scientology!
See new post I just put up. That is exactly what is starting to happen.
Whoo hoo, be right there!
Sad that Danny hung his hat on scientology. Let’s see how quickly they throw him under the bus.
They did the same thing in Melbourne,Australia about 27 years ago( not to win the birthday game but they needed to show ,as a request from up lines,that the academy was booming). They got staff members to pose as students and they were seated around one table so it looked crowded.I am also in some of the pictures.
Ahh the stench of desperation…. something all staff and sea org members inhale for breakfast and swim through all their waking hours. It’s sad because they have been fighting to achieve impossible targets for decades and it’s only going to get worse as the orgs get even emptier. One day I hope they down tools and join all those who are waking up.
“down tools?”
Downing tools simply means stopping, could be for a strike or even just for smoko (taking a break) .. thats my experience of the word anyway ?
I just think its refreshing seeing scientology chase its tail … for so long they’ve had the ascendency over those who tried to expose their practices, now they just don’t ?
I love the stench of desperation! Especially on Thursdays. I just can’t get enough of the screaming.
Mike, this is off the topic, but I just read that Masterson has been fired – finally. Now that Netflix has capitulated, do you think it might be the right time to release the Masterson video recorded for the Aftermath and ‘light the fire’ under the LAPD? I can’t understand why the FBI hasn’t been ‘all over’ them, Or the Clearwater PD, for that matter. This could be a ‘tipping’ point.
This is in the hands of the District Attorney in Los Angeles. We have tried to act in the accordance with their wishes, not wanting to jeopardize any possible prosecution. If you want to write to the FBI or CWPD or DOJ or anyone else, please feel free to do so.
Wow, their staff just must be super out-ethics since no one is there. Too bad.
Ha ha! Off-policy and out-tech, too, saith LRH 🙂
No one is showing up because everyone is waiting for all orgs to reach Saint Hill Size
before OT IX is released.
Is that where the, ‘when hell freezers over,’ punch line is used George?
This is the kind of article that makes my heart fill with joy. I do feel bad for those few left, polishing brass on the Titanic. Grown adults lying to themselves, living in fantasyland… the longer this goes on, the more painful the departure will be.
Come on scientologists, just face reality and leave. Your lives will be so much better.
I must agree with you. It is sad to see those few people still carrying the torch for “total freedom” doing so in all sincerity ridiculed and the butt of jokes. They are real folks like everyone else. But they have their own journey and surely one day they will awaken from the trance.
“Tomorrow at 3:00pm we are having an SMP shoot and I need as many people there as possible (30+)”
30+? That’s it? That’s what they’re hoping for having “as many people there as possible”? Obviously they don’t already have that number and they’re getting desperate.
Wow….30+. That’s the target for the greatest scientology organization on the planet…..
Well… it’s better than 29 isn’t it? (Scientology likes to think big).
Good point. It’s pitiful (for them) that they have trouble raising 30!
It’s California. 1D state. They don’t like getting involved. It’s not just Scientology, but actually it is also because its Scientology. I mean – Why would they want to be publicly photographed in a controversial group (cult?!)?
Ideal Saint Hill size, huh? I’ll be there were more than 30 people at Saint Hill any time of the day, every day of the week.
That is seriously pathetic. How much did that place cost again?
Connecting the Dots Update:
Danny is now available to be hired for your SuMP. Thanks to your micromanagement style, it will not be long before you are mired in the quicksand that is now known as the Masterson problem. How long before Shelly’s photos start appearing at the supermarket checkout stand tabloids? Tiny Drone Tech.
Why doesn’t Miscavige just tell Valley to hire actors? That’s what Flog does if I’m not mistaken. Or they can just dress up a bunch of Sea Ogres in civvies.
Yes, they could take the 200 SO who took over LA Org to dress in civvies and go pose for the shots of Valley Org. They were packing the courserooms even in 2009 when Las Vegas went Ideal and they need shots of people in the courseroom. Word went out then to get everyone, even off lines people in for the photo shoot and to “dress upstat.” So the numbers have been dwindling ince 2009 and earlier and the begging to get enough bodies in the room for a PR shot continues.
Maybe they could use card board cut outs or surely there must be a ‘Manikin for hire company’ that can take advantage of this opportunity. They’ve been caught using Photoshop too often and real people are so damned unreliable! Plus they run to lawyers or to someone like Mike Rinder or Tony Ortega and blab all about it and make up lies at the slightest inclination.
It’s hard to broadcast anything when you don’t have a broadcast license. Apparently someone involved in the purchase of the old KCET studio didn’t understand that KCET’s broadcase license wasn’t included in the deal. Oops!
Well I would think that Julian the Ethical might ask Danny Masterson to have a talk with some of the larger beings in greater Hollywood to see about obtaining such a license. He could do this to ‘make up the damage’ and to also show how wonnerful $cientology is at rehabilitating those ‘human CHARACTERistics” than can sometimes cause injury to the opposite sex.
Oops, looks like Danny boy has made the news today as well!
Yo Julian,
Ya better get busy on a program for Danny Boy ………….. or will you do the usual and disavow any knowledge of having ever known him much less being a member of Your Most Ethical Cult. I’m sure You expelled him years ago for his ‘Conduct Unbecoming of a $cientologist’.
BTW Julian, I have heard rumor that you wrote up one of those golden thingys on me back in 2013 but I have not seen it. Can I make an appointment with you to review or do I need to see Mikey Poo? Let me know good buddy!
I don’t know that they’re necessarily
At one point earlier this year, when they apparently thought they were going to have material to broadcast before long, they reserved a cable channel in some markets. They have also referred to SuMP reaching “billions” of people, which I think has to mean that have in mind doing something like webcasting.
I think that Miscavige and his inner circle must have thought that they could put together some Hubbard biopics, and 700 Club style shows of their own, and come up with something viable by putting dedicated Sea Org staff and Scientology “tech” to work. I looked up CBN’s budget, and it’s $200 million per year – I think Scientology just had no clue how complex and expensive it is to actually produce and broadcast a full schedule of programming, that’s not laughably bad by today’s standards.
Somebody said « Scientology is dead but the corpse is still warm » he forgot to add that the corpse stinks like the reeking fumes of hell.
I had a girlfriend that was reeking of fumes of hell. She tried to get me into Scientology.
P.S. Be sure to bring your checkbook and Credit Cards for the Reg crush that follows.
Having worked on visual effects shots for Scientology (before I knew better and before the Internet) in the past for Golden Media/Hemet Sea Org as a non-Scientologist I suggest they shoot some green screen shots and add in all people they want. Just make sure the composites are really sloppy and amateurish and seeing that competent post production people are abandoning them in droves this shouldn’t be a problem.
Thanks for your comment…
Did you know my daughter? She was in SFX/VFX?
I initially took the “30+” to mean the AGES of those participating. Then I thought to myself, “Who am I kidding? It would’ve been 55+.” Old timers abound…and slowly dying off–sometimes painfully while all alone. Sad.
I don’t think there is any other way Madame. By the time you cannot work you are worthless to the Cult, an eater and bed filler at best. None of your See Ogre ‘friends’ have the time to see if you are even still breathing but they may whisper that it is time ………….time to drop the body and move on.
The only exception is if you still have some money stashed somewhere and willed to a next of kin who is not in the cult. Then You will have someone doting over you ………. to help you change your mind to help the only group that can make a difference!
Well there it is… the publics response to the Aftermath Series. What I’ve been wondering about is if it’s going to get to the point were contracted staff are going to start breaking their two and a half year contracts and getting jobs in order to pay their rent? Surely this has to be taking a toll on staff when there is no money coming in at all? And if they do break their contract then they get declared SP right? Seems like there would be other consequences to all of this contraction and collapse?
Valley public have to see how empty the place is. Ditto their OT Committee. Yet, they deny this to themselves and each other. “Key stats in highest ever after highest ever!”.
I’m going to say seriously now, with no intended sarcasm or humor, that I’m beginning to believe that these people are mentally ill. To operate this way there has to be something mentally wrong with them. I’m not being funny.
In fairness, maybe it isn’t the public but the staff. Maybe their public read this crap and do a private face palm. I wouldn’t want to paint them all with the same broad brush.
But one thing is certain; in this org, a number of them, be they staff or public are not shooting from all guns.
Being declared an SP is a badge of honor now. Staff should welcome it upon breaking off.
They should win some prize for this pathetic plea!
Sad and empty …
And empty & sad.
There’s a song in that, OSD …
Not much oxygen left in the bubble…but still it persists
Yeah, it’s like the car engine keeps running after you turned the key off. Most disturbing and makes you feel sort of inadequate, sitting there with the key out of the ignition listening to it idle!
Poor Susan Jacobs. So sad and such a sad place to work. I wonder if it ever crosses her mind how pathetic the number-1-in-the-birthday-game stats truly are. I remember Adrianna (ED of the Ideal Belleair Msn) telling me that Belleair Msn was number one in the birthday game and “We suck.”
At least she got a portion of it right! Happy holidays to you and your family Mary!
Same to you Cooper. I couldn’t be happier for you and your significant other and your whole managerie. Love you guys.
They are thinking big, 30+!
I’ll bet 10 show.
”I need as many people there as possible (30+)”
Geez. Trying to get people to show up and thinking 30 is a good number.
I actually feel bad for these guys, as I remember what it was like to have to try to execute inane orders, in impossible time frames with inadequate resources.
“…execute inane orders, in impossible time frames with inadequate resources”
That is the essence of Scientology International Management.
Gee, that sounds like software testing.
Empty buildings, empty promises.
I was across the street from the Portland building this last Friday evening, the lights were on and no one was home…literally. I only saw what looked like a few staff members.
Keep up the good work you’re doing, Mike.
I observed the same thing Rebecca, and even went inside, and nobody except the receptionist was in sight.
Hey, Kathy, I can make it! It’s getting cold here in VT and I could use a little trip to sunny southern CA. Just send me the plane ticket and I’ll be there!
Poor Kathy Morrow. Sold her sole to the Cult and now has to be the chief OSA bot for the Valley.
I used to be fairly familiar with these photo shoots at my local org, but when I finally graduated to Flag and the ship, I was fairly stunned to see the out-tech associated with it. They would disrupt course times for photos, asking us all to be interestedly reading course materials (no MUs allowed) with demo kits in use and fake smiles all over our faces. Flag was even worse: fundraisers where allowed into what I had thought were the hallowed portals of the confidential course room. That’s when I learned to brazenly walk out ignoring all attempts to stop me, elbowing staff aside if need be. At my local org I’d always escaped regges by going into the course room, and they would never follow, even at break time.
“That’s when I learned to brazenly walk out ignoring all attempts to stop me, elbowing staff aside if need be.”
Reading this gave me a pang, because it is what they could ALL do.
As it occurred to you, dr mac, so may it occur to them, and soon.
“Let”s show off. Even though we don’t brag.”
Hell, Kathy! BRAG, why don’t’cha? Why not? Great news like this needs to get OUT THERE! Shout it to the rooftops! Tell us all about it – can’t wait!
I think they’re right…
“Brag” doesn’t get across the sheer lack of reality or the wilful ignorance.
Dr Mac, so true, your comment. I was at Flag on course and the IAS came to take me back to their lair to reg me. The course sup actually let them in the courseroom and let them go get me. I refused to go and the argument that insued got the course sup mad and he wrong targeted me. I told him he was Out What Is A Courseroom if he would let the IAS come kidnap a person off course. It really illustrated to me the power that the IAS and RTC weild in the pecking order if they could order around a Course Sup in his own courseroom.
I recently posted a fairly long video here showing the Valley org. Looks like they have adjacent staff housing for S.O.? In any event there were no public and the place was locked up in the middle of the day.
Mike, have you received any Valley OT Comm. minutes lately?
Pathetic, weird wording, scary.