Scientologists live in a constant dream world of what is “going to happen.” All orgs are going to be ideal. OT IX and X are going to be released. We are going to disseminate to the entire world through SuMP. Scientologists, in their own vernacular, need to “get in present time.” They are not stuck in the past. They are stuck in the future. Operating in a completely unreal world that exists in their minds sometime “soon.”
And what is so laughable about this particular promotional item is that it is selling people what THEY have to do to be able to disseminate, when the whole pitch of SuMP was that it is going to bypass all the problems with dissemination, putting their message directly on the airwaves of the planet, reaching “billions.” Now, to prepare for this, people need to pay money to learn how to disseminate, because as it turns out SuMP is NOT going to do it now. Even though they have been promising this since before it opened. Promises, promises. And the sheeple suck them up week after week, year after year.
Brings to mind the old saying: Fool me once, it’s shame on you; fool me twice, it’s shame on me; fool me forever, it’s a shame to be a scientologist.
BTW that should say “mandatory” donation. Because if you don’t make it you don’t get to aattend.
They will probably set up a Bluetooth transmitter at the gates of SuMP and claim 24/7/365 scamology, FM broadcasting to the sheeple since BT uses frequency modulation.
Every time I see mention of the coming release of OT IX, X and above. I can’t get Michael Tilse out of my head. To this day, he is still trying to make amends for the perceived damage he caused to his friends, family and even the “cherch” itself! Reading this document still makes me sad/angry and I don’t know if you’ve had dealings with him … but please help him to finally live in peace?
Only Micheal and Marty know what really happened during the numerous and expensive sec checks he had to endure but to his amazing credit ,,, he used Hubbard’s own words and tech to destroy the practices of the cult as run by the freak show midget Miscavage himself!
Marty still has much to do if he ever wants to clear his conscience and help Michael to find peace of mind. One day he will try and garner the respect that you are gaining everyday. I still ask Marty one question … do you sleep well at night?
Please put an end to the past and future misfortunes in the mind and morals of Michael Tilse and all the remaining member of this distructive cult!
With Respect,
– Hawk
I don’t know what you are asking me to do?
I’m sorry for the rant Mike. I was just trying to point out that you by example are doing a world of good, unlike some others. Just giving me a place to rant about the injustices perpetrated on people like Michael goes a long way. Even though he put his neck on the line to expose the group, he still lives with guilt, deserved or not. Maybe he’s built his own prison so there is really nothing that you or I can do but to let others know his struggle. Just keep being you Mike and the healing will continue. Thank you!
– Hawk
“SuMP”… that about says it all. I have a sump pump in my basement in case of rising water.
It sucks and then spits out elsewhere. I know a certain organization that does the exact same thing.
So gross!
“Scientologists, in their own vernacular, need to ‘get in present time'”. They are not stuck in the past. They are stuck in the future. Operating in a completely unreal world that exists in their minds sometime ‘soon'”.
Perfect, Mike. What a writer you are.
Scientology is stuck in “Having to have before doing”. Don’t know what that translates into English…probably something like I need more money now – don’t tell me you have to talk to the wife about it.
I had a client once who went to FSO and while there paid IAS 40,000 with an AMEX card that belonged to his wife’s girl friend!!! He just couldn’t say no I suppose and IAS needed money before they could do something or other and he had to donate before he could start what he came for etc. etc.
Good points Mike, thank you. The podcast with Jeffrey and Steven on Tony’s blog today is worth spending the time to listen to anyone who was in scientology especially. I’ve had an especially fine day since listening 🙂
Oh, Lord – I know somebody who put $40K on an Amex card, too. That’s a charge card, not a credit card, so the $40K was due on receipt of the bill.
Needless to say, the bill went into default and the card was revoked.
You know, the saying is “If you build a better mousetrap, then people will beat a path to your door”.
It’s not “If you build a better trap, then people will beat a path to your door”
at the birthday event miscabbage, (looking like he’s had a bit of face pull) surprised me with a very evil vicious glint and snark as he announced that this summer suMP would commence broadcasting – they will show all the sooper dooper videos on the ideal orgs. And, they’ll show programs that unmask the SPs. From the way he was obliquely describing things, I got the impression they may do Smear Vids on their perceived enemies.
If anything like that happens, I would hope they would be open to being sued in technicolor.
I have to choke at the idea of those Ideal Org garbage vids giving anyone the idea of how busy and ‘wonderful’ they are. Sitting there watching it all, watching the latest “reveals’ and crap, I just cringed at the idea of the uninitiated swallowing any of the BS about how expandy they all are.
I think he mentioned July as a start date.
That little cretin really does have a smug face, doesn’t he? I get a kick out of the true believers who admire his “focused” glare, believing he has some mystical powers.
There are thousands of people who can not wait to see that sociopath weeping and crushed as he is jailed for the horrible crimes he has committed. He probably knows it is only a matter of time.
The pressure on him has not eased, and in fact it grows, day after day, night after night. He must be feeling so cornered and desperate. GOOD! I sure wouldn’t want to be in his size lady 7 shoes.
“about to start broadcasting” … not using the US airwaves it isn’t.
For those of you who wish to keep an eye on Scientology’s attempts to file for an FCC license to broadcast via TV, radio, or shortwave, visit the FCC website at Look for the ULS (Universal licensing system) and search “Applications” or “Licenses” for any of the extant tentacles of this organization by name or partial name. Currently they have a license for a business radio system inside SuMP that uses a base station and hand-held radios — obviously for staff or security.
To attain a TV or radio license from the FCC, the process usually takes several years which include a period of the FCC collecting responses from the public. There is a massive equipment requirement and voluminous regulations and filings. One of the requirements for a “religious broadcaster” is access to their donor files by the government. If the little Five Footer does decide to pursue this course, I think he’d balk at this last requirement.
Frankly, the only way they’ll broadcast anything over the air in the US is by buying airtime on shortwave stations or late night ad time on existing stations. The latter would be fun — competing with Snuggie ads and those salad spinners and Ginsu knives. As to the former, how many people listen to shortwave regularly? And this “about to start broadcasting” stuff ignores the five hundred pound gorilla sitting in the room. What will Scientology broadcast? All of their documents are on a pay-per-view basis. People are not able to talk about what the documents mean to each other on penalty of ethics. Will they play nice music and those idiotic “win” videos we laugh at on Youtube?
” One of the requirements for a “religious broadcaster” is access to their donor files by the government. If the little Five Footer does decide to pursue this course, I think he’d balk at this last requirement.”
Bobbie, secretfornow made a newer comment that sort of answers a question I had posed previously about what SuMP was going to “broadcast,” which I assume will actually be something like internet streamed programming. SFN said that they will show videos on the ideal orgs, and programs that unmask the SPs. That’s in line with what I had guessed, something like an online version of the content in Freedom Magazine.
I don’t think they’d bother with a broadcast license at this point in time, but if they did I would guess that they would try to come up with some evasion strategy like applying in the name of an entity such as CST with limited finances they could stand having to reveal. Scientology is sneaky with that sort of thing, which I think always needs to be kept in mind.
Bobbie you are so naive. Little Bigman has no respect for Wog Law and considers himself above and not subject to it. So we will see!
He is so smart that when he gets shut down he will have a contingency plan. Here’s a thought right out of LRH – take to the high seas. Maybe he can take the rusting toxic hulk that no one wants to do service on and anchor it out just beyond US or Cayman Islands territorial waters and broadcast shortwave programming from there.
Big Beings don’t need no stinkin license!
This is going to get to the point where Miscavige tells his followers that all OTs should be able to hear the message being disseminated from SuMP.
And if you are OT and can’t hear them? Well you better get to Ethics! You have O/Ws or a SP on your lines……that will be $50,000 please.
Just like the townspeople who saw the Emperor’s new clothes, OTs everywhere will be singing the praises for what they hear over the ‘airwaves’
Idiotic “win” videos. Thanks for making me laugh.
I will believe that SuMP will begin broadcasting when the Scientology Dictionary is released.
****Not relevant to this post, but perhaps of interest to other topics of note*****
Uber Says Customers Give Up Right to Sue When They Agree to Use Service
Sound like anyone we know? Lets just flood the markets and do an end run around such silly notions as sovereignty and personal rights to Be, Do and Have….’take their money and let the lawyers sort it out….’.
Truest of true statements you’ve made for some time Mike – “Scientologists are stuck in the future.”
That is what really “unstuck” me from Hubbard’s ramblings sometime back and allowed me to actually look at what that guy was doing (round and round he goes, like a wheel). He came up with some interesting stuff early on but just couldn’t let it be and then marketed it all based on impossible to attain states, in other words he lied about you actually get out of applied Scientology. Life was always ‘tomorrow’ for him, success will always arrive ‘tomorrow’, we’ll rest after the job is done etc, and on and on and on with never ending research. Which btw never quite made sense, as the next breakthrough was always predicted to be just around the corner, streamlining became an administrative addiction, even to the point of being dramatized with quickie grades by others who’d do anything to please such a master of tomorrow. Yet, he stated in KSW1 way back in 1965, just do this and we’ll all be as free as the birds. But the products in ’65 walked out the door, so along came space cootie tech and new Bridge, a never ending source of aberration for you to handle. Oh, but it’s so confidential, you need to become a slave to the organisation so it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands & btw, it take years and years to complete. But don’t worry we’ll let you know when you are done. But always remember the technology is far more valuable that you are or will ever be, so you need to guard it with you eternity!
What it all turned out to be was as long as he and his organisation had your attention all was well, and that can only mean your “outflow = money = future = a billion years = resign = join staff = shoulder to shoulder effort and we’ll win = the enemy never rests and so we cant’t either = the psychiatrist is behind it all and they never let up in their doom and gloom = the speed of particle flow alone determines power! You can be never be going fast enough for Hubbard but if you ever did go too fast, he slowed you down with yet another “discovery, a ‘you need to know/do this’, or another piece of technology you need to apply or otherwise he deemed you suppresive or have other fish to fry, but above all, don’t you dare be you! He created the SO, staff contracts etc & wrote lots of policy to make sure the flock was well corralled. Even down to his discovery of the true cycle of action, ie create, create, create. There is no stop button in Scientology, for you see, if they did actually deliver an OT level that worked per their descriptions, Scientology as a therapy ceases and is replaced by living with all that create, create, create you supposed to now be good at, all nice and standard like. All Scientologists are channeled into a constant support for Scientology, but it is actually all reversed. Scientology should be supportive of its parishioners. Instead it’s a scam of constant, give, give, give.
Scientology is NOT and should never have been a replacement for life or living! At best it’s a description of life through the notion that theta the static is obsessed with motion. What would happen if the dog ever caught it’s own tail?
Getting or having a life is taboo in Scientology, the Cof$ must be made into everything. The only administrative EP of Scientology is that every person on earth must become a Scientologist and must be Clear. Absolutes are obtainable in the mind of Scientologist and the EP of Scientology is a Cleared planet, oh, and then there’s target 2 and so on.(Sorry, coffee’s a bit strong this am, end of rant!)
I Yawnalot,
I agree.
One of the very obvious trends in Scientology by Hubbard was this constant need for “research”. He never had a valid system in place. The next “breakthrough” was just around the corner. Scientology today is nothing but an altered and truncated version of some of Hubbard’s work. I trusted him in 1972. I saw through him in 1988.
It sounds like my Dad’s old Tavern saying….
“Free beer tomorrow”
I had free beer tomorrow, but, tomorrow never came…
Yawnalot, very good rant which says it all.
I still want to know what “Broadcasting” means. My observation is that generally Scientology takes some sort of step to fulfill promises like these, even if it is rather a token one that does not fulfill what most people would expect from the language used.
So I assume they are going to do something with SuMP, or appear to do something with SuMP, even if it’s just using SuMP as the online host of a sort of private YouTube – though I see that they already have a Scientology Video Channel on their website. Another possibility would be a private online channel or stream of LRH material, that only members could subscribe to – and that members would be intensely “regged” to subscribe to at high prices that created a new profit center for Scientology. I’m guessing that the LRH biopic that they’re working on, and that we’ve seen casting calls for (though, ironically, for shooting at Gold in Hemet, not SuMP) might be the centerpiece of whatever their new rollout is.
But I do wonder if they might take it a bit further and do something like creating news broadcast style presentations of Freedom Magazine pieces. Or even really surprise us (and possibly, make us cringe as well).
Just so incredible Mike, how that bubble envelopes all who are stuck in it. So so many trees, the cult is lost in a very black,dark,forest of it’s own making. Thank you.?
Ok, please forgive my ignorance…I have been around Scientology my entire life and have been reading your blog a long time as well. But I have an MU…what the hell is SuMP??
Scientology Media Productions = SMP
But as it is a sham, SuMP has become the moniker.
I was wondering that too! What does the “u” signify?
Put an f in front and a ck at the end of it and it’ll give you some sort of an idea.
Of course! Lol
Scientology Media Productions.
If you’re asking what the acronym stands for, it’s Scientology Media Productions, that Mike terms as “SuMP” as a play on the acronym, calling this studio a “sump”.
If you already knew that and are asking what Scientology Media Productions actually is, Mike posted a few articles about it (many before my time) that goes a bit more into detail about it. At the end of his post, you can see the tags (“Tagged With:”), and clicking on those can show you the stories related to it to get more information.
Ahh, gotcha. Ok, I knew what Scientology Media Productions is. The ‘u’ for snark is a nice touch.
Thank you everyone for the clarifications.
Mike, thank you for your blog. You rock.
Snark good. Serious bad.
Scientology Media Productions which is their broadcasting facility in Los Angeles. It opened last year to much fanfare and was going to broadcast around the clock to billions creating a new dawn of dissemination. The ‘u’ is for snark.
It’s a play on words on Scn Media Productions. If you’re from dry country you may not be familiar that a sump is a low place that collects stagnant and possibly polluted H2O . We had one in our cellar with an electric bilge pump in it.
LOL I thought it was a brand name for a pump. Thx 🙂
I shutter to think what Miscavige would have been like as a Wall Street Stock Broker.
This donation game that Scientology plays is old. I remember the one for the Freewinds.
I had a special briefing that my power as a thetan was greater than the sun. I was
shown an authentic Bulletin which showed this huge number followed by scores of zeroes.
That was my power, he said. All I had to do was use it to get back my money.
Anyone has a right to talk about religion, but Scientology falls into a category of
its own. I will finance for you, Dave, a great new show in which Hubbard as the anti-Christ
gets on the air and talks about the Golden Age of Scientology. Do you want my donation?
There’s a Hollywood movie somewhere in the future.
What normal human being creates a personal navy to avoid paying taxes?
Sean Penn as Miscavige? What person could play Ron?
Too bad Irwin Corey just died. He’d have been great as LRH.
Do you have your megaphone license from the City of Los Angeles?
Ha! Made me snort.
Whatever the end product is will definitely be narrowcasting. Yet another example of Scientology doing (and being) the exact opposite of what they claim.
Random: Does Miscavige wear blue contacts?
Possibly, his hitlerian blue eyes may be greying with age.
Constant rekindling of “the purpose” jazzes them up, and that’s part of their movement. Constantly rekindling their dreams.
Failing to ever affect the humans of earth.
Renoing buildings where they can meet and carry on constantly rekindling their dreams.
No one becomes “OT” supersouled people who can launch out of their skulls like soul astronauts on space walks, though.
No ESP (other than coincidences which they endlessly wait for and when their normal lives’ coincidences happen they mistaken coincidences as “OT” proof of their gained soul abilities).
Spiritual con with constant rekindling of the spiritual dreams of soul-flying and ESP abilities that none of them ever attain.
Rekindling the purpose over and over to no results.
I wish the final page of Lawrence Wright’s book, “Going Clear…” with the Sarge interview, would be fully expanded and made mandatory for all Scientologists to digest that information in full.
Hubbard had severe despair and failure admissions and thus Hubbard was in doubt and came out against the whole Scientology movement he’d created, he chose to go elsewhere and not return to earth, he told Sarge in the end of his life.
Hubbard’s full writings, all the private final years of traffic he wrote, I wish so much that info were released so the whole body of world Scientologists would grow up and see Hubbard as he saw things, in the end, in full.
Chuck you mention this so much I re-read that last chapter just now. I think they should read LRH’s Affirmations. That would have done it for me. The Lawrence Write book not so much as a scientologist I was too bias to understand and believe. But I would read and strive to understand anything written by Ron. I would have read the Affirmations even if in secret.
Lawrence Wright that is …
Nothing specific is ever reported. If 24 scios flew in from Brussels and Amsterdam (a piddling number), then they could claim “dozens”. I doubt, however, that any actual count was done in the first place, just as it’s easier to shoop a photo than get an actual count, hoping that the viewers can’t spot a shoop.
Why pay 50 ? When I can get the lecture for $5 on eBay without getting recoged.
I meant regged.
Just a ‘senior moment,’ Juan. You’ll get used to them…
Could have been Freudian, ‘reCOGed’ works fine. Hubbard loves to feed cognitions to the clubbed seals; his own brand of PDH.
Fixed donations. The new way to are not buying anything from Scientology. It’s all free. FOR A FIXED DONATION. Which of course is tax deductible. Because we are a religion.
Read the small print.
Any donations are non refundable. Therefore if you are not satisfied with the product you cannot get a refund. You didn’t pay for it. It was free. FOR A FIXED DONATION.
Legal banter bordering on fraud.
This is a criminal organisation that preys upon people’s ignorance of the law.
It makes me SO ANGRY every time I remember what a con they are.
It then reminds me to KEEP TELLING THE TRUTH to as many people that will listen.
Luckily that pool of people is dwindling…
The real crime is collecting millions of dollars for a broadcasting facility and then failing to broadcast anything or even to make an attempt to do so.
Scientology is a very precise science of Criminality.
Collecting $225 Million dollars for Super Power Building over 20 plus years and the only reason they opened was because of Luis Garcia’s lawsuit…CRIMINAL
Collecting money up front for psuedo “services” delivered by VOLUNTEERS – BEFORE the Legal Dox are presented where you MUST SIGN without legal advice – CRIMINAL
LRH – CRIMINAL CON MAN hiding from the law
David Miscavige – COB of Scientology – CRIMINAL CON MAN who beats members and steals money to live a lavish lifestyle whilst hob nobbing with fools like John Travolta and Tom Cruise.
CLEAR – CRIMINAL – no such state
OT – CRIMINAL – no such state
Using “Big League Sales” book to train members to manipulate and pressure people out of time and money.
THAT is the Scientology and Criminality of Scientology
IM, blunt, direct and true.
William thank you for pointing out how they hide behind semantics and legal wording to make sure you are screwed from day one and can never get your money back. This is the only church I know of who has to hire tons of lawyers to make tricky dickey wording on release forms that all must sign before they even participate. With other churches you come in for free, get no questions asked and no strings attached and get help and succor and release. Not so with Scn.
Really enjoyed your interview on the Macron Show, thank you for all you do, love your comedy picks too
Mike, can’t you add links to your recent interviews at the bottom of the daily post pretty please? I don’t mean go back but perhaps as they happen? Thx.
It may be reported that dozens of Scientologists flew to L.A. from Brussels and Amsterdam for this event, but Scientologists have a well known reputation of being liars. And they are afraid to achieve the results their philosophy has to offer, because if people wised up, the church would have to give back or at least be held accountable for all the donations they have stolen from people. 🙂
My comment to Lawrence somehow got moved earlier than his. Still awaiting an okay from Mike.
Nothing specific is ever reported. If 24 scios flew in from Brussels and Amsterdam (a piddling number), then they could claim “dozens”. I doubt, however, that any actual count was done in the first place, just as it’s easier to shoop a photo than get an actual count, hoping that the viewers can’t spot a shoop.