They are making fundraising videos….
This is the ONLY thing that has emanated from the Sump since the grand ribbon yanking ceremony.
The irony is amazing. Even for scientology.
Miscavige decides he wants to be a Hollywood mogul and purchases and old studio lot.
Let’s not forget he already HAS a “state-of-the-art” studio at Golden Era Production with “the largest free standing sound stage in California” and a purpose built “Film Lab” to process film (of course that is like his specially built CD line — horse and buggies in the digital age). Nevertheless, the facilities at Gold are the envy of most audio/visual companies and Miscavige has proudly showed them off to various Hollywood luminaries over the years.
Of course, Golden Era operates at about 10% of its potential capacity to produce films, videos, audio recordings, music and anything else you could think of that falls under the rubric of “A/V.” The last thing scientology needed was yet another studio (there is also “Mad Hatter” – Chick Corea’s old recording studio in LA that Miscavige purchased to help Chick out of financial problems and then spent millions restoring).
But, Dear Leader wanted this KCET white elephant (he had been threatening the staff of Gold that he was going to shut the place down for years, same thing Hubbard did many times, calling them the most out ethics crew in the history of scientology), so like the Sultan of Brunei wants hundreds of cars even though he doesn’t drive them, Miscavige bought the joint.
This of course then presented an opportunity to “fundraise” – even though it had been bought, the pitches started to get money for the Scientology Media Productions facility.” Everyone knew (or should have known) that if the renovations of that place had to wait on Quinn the Eskimo and the other LA vultures, it would NEVER have happened. They have been working on Valley Org for 20 years and still have more than $6million to go. This place probably cost 10 times that at least. But it didn’t stop them telling everyone how important and urgent it was to turn over their money to make planetary dissemination a reality. This was to be THE thing that was now going to drive in the millions to the waiting ideal (and not so ideal) orgs. It would permeate the airwaves and spread the good news of dianetics and scientology and L. Ron Hubbard to the world. This was to be the uncorrupted comm line to the billions or something like that in shermanspeak.
Two months ago the most epic and important event ever that nobody who was anybody could possibly miss (except every single scientology celebrity – Nancy Cartwright excluded) happened and Miscavige did his ribbon yanking to much applause and cheering and whistling. Nothing like a good yanking to enthuse the crowd. Everyone expected the floods of public would be rolling in and the airwaves would be permeated with the miracles of scientology and the exploits of LRH 24/7. The dog days of being exposed in the media would be over. Going Clear could go to hell, scientology was going to be making a stand for the rights of all good men everywhere with its newfound ability to disseminate on an unheard of scale.
But then, crickets.
Not a whisper was heard. Until now.
The LA premier [sic] of a video about Valley Org to be shown at a fundraising event for Valley Org.
So, all of you Grand Disseminator Extraordinaire Invictus Pompousnesses, or whatever certificate you got for turning over your cash to fund the greatest planetary dissemination crusade in history — looks like you just gave money so they could make videos to convince you to give more money.
If Bernie Madoff could have thought up a scheme like this, he would never have gone to prison. He would be dancing the night away in his John Lobb shoes, serenaded by his own personal band while peeled grapes were prepared by his personal chefs for his pleasure — and to top it off, he wouldn’t have to even pay any of them.
On a certain level, you have to admire the chutzpah. And what’s more, the people who are sacrificing themselves — whether giving their entire lives or merely all their money — sing his praises as if he is the sole reason they have anything to be thankful for in their miserable lives. Kim Jong-un – you have competition.
“So, all of you Grand Disseminator Extraordinaire Invictus Pompousnesses, or whatever certificate you got for turning over your cash to fund the greatest planetary dissemination crusade in history — looks like you just gave money so they could make videos to convince you to give more money.”
I busted a gut over this – as always, thank you Mike Rinder.
“Reporters found fundraisers were ordered to be ‘brutal’ and ‘ferocious’ when asking for money.” Wonder what they would say about IAS and Idle Org fundraisers?
Mike this is supposed to be attached to my comment below. Can you do so for me please?
The Brit Daily Mail newspaper is running a story that the government is setting up a database that bans charities and fund raisers from contacting or approaching people who don’t want to be approached or contacted. If you read it and apply it to Church fund-raising it is quite funny.
I am having one of those “duh” moments.
For years I’ve been breaking my brains trying to figure out what films and shows would be produced at SUMP. And now I’m embarrassed because the answer was plain from the beginning and I couldn’t see it.
Duh! SUMP is producing FUNDRAISING videos.
Millions of dollars were fundraised from Scientologists to create SUMP so that Scientologists – can watch fundraising videos!
Oh, my dear God. Its been a very long day and I’m quite physically fatigued but something mental is snapping.
I think I’m short-circuiting. As I type this I’m giggling idiotically. You CANNOT make this up…its hilarious. ONLY the cult, THIS cult, could pull a stunt like this.
But as I chuckle away, I am also experiencing profound gratitude that I am OUT.
People, can you just IMAGINE what its like to be IN – now?
$75, per ticket to watch a fundraising video,
Does make me Giggle you know in a perverted way.
Wonder how much popcorn will cost for the show?
yep. I can. Still connected to it all..and yet….NOT. I’m so out. and still processing. These last few days I’ve been thinking of how just tiny and small and nothing the cult is. It is so small it doesn’t even exist.
Looking about the world, seeing just how big and busy it is… the cult is sooooo small and soooo insignificant… it matters nothing. One tiny corner of one tiny city has a billion more things happening in it than the nonsense cult. ANY city block has more happening in it than all of scn. It’s crazy small and nothing. I can’t believe I ever believed it held the answers to everything.
This growth away, this freeing…this process of shedding…is so much a relief.
I’m more and more relieved every day. ………such a celebration. It doesn’t even matter that I wasted almost 4 decades. It’s just so nice to be away. It’s getting to be “normal”.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
even listening to the stupid drivel from my SO is getting easier.
🙂 🙂 🙂
oh…they’re robocalling like crazy these days. such retards.
“Grand Disseminator Extraordinaire Invictus pompousness” I Luke that one. What folly! Bubble dwellers are no doubt psychiatric cases. What a relief to be out of this madness.
I have an entire gallery of photos of how empty the place is. I took the pics just a few weeks ago.
The only pomposity I allow is the pompatus of love. I love me some pompatus. Thank you Steve Miller. Screw you SuMP and the mini clubman you all rode in. Or should that be a Fiat 500? Either way, clown car to the Valley.
I wonder how much this dinner will cost. They probably need to make it cost effective so they can make as much $ as possible. They add the pennies they save by making that dinner as cheap as possible , but still tasty. I wonder if they ever budget their expenses before ‘going all out.’$75 for one and $100 for a couple. Not quite as smooth as it could be. The midget needs to go on The Sharks to get business advice and a bunch of $.
Scientology Media Productions is our uncorrupted communication (uncomm) line to the billions. However, to have uncomm with the masses, SMP first needs the money to produce uncomm.
Hence, a fundraiser is needed to generate the wherewithal for SMP to create uncomm. Whereupon, it becomes evident that SMP must engage in uncomm with what surely will be literally dozens of Scientologists in Los Angeles in lower conditions about fundraising for the Valley Ideal Org.
The $75.00 price of admission is easily explained by Scientology’s doctrine of exchange: We in RTC can’t possibly authorize showing Scientologists an uncomm fundraising video unless they keep their exchange in by giving us $75.00.
This fundraising video is the most vital technical action in the last 50,000 years of thinking men. To not see this video, to not donate, is tantamount to surrendering this planet to the Psychs.
So what’s wrong with the Pyschs, again? 😉
Lol! 🙂
I read an interesting article about perpetuating lies today related to Lochte.
My favorite parts of the article were:
“A lie can never stand on its own. It needs a support system, an environment that makes the lie itself believable and gives the liar in question the confidence that their fib would be seen as truth as soon as it leaves their lips.”
“Lochte, 32, is not a kid as Andrada said. He’s a grown man but, unless it’s pathological, even children don’t lie for the sheer fun of it. They lie with a purpose: to avoid punishment, to gain something. In his story, when Lochte turned himself into a nihilistic hero in a country plagued with violence and crime, it was supposed to be the ending to his wild adventure in Rio. He knew that lies become truths if the environment wills it to be and he stuck to his initial story because he knew what was supposed to happen.
His story was supposed to be believed at face value, there wasn’t supposed to be a deep investigation and certainly it wasn’t supposed to be this big. Rio was a terrible place full of poor and desperate people and he had money and fame. A robbery in the middle of the night during the Olympics was supposed to be a non-story and he knew this.
He lied because he had been told that he could get away with it countless times before he even stepped foot in Rio.”
The reason it was interesting is because it so closely paralleled scientology’s reason for lying. Miscavige and Hubbard before him made lying an art form. The people who perpetuate the lies believe they can get away with them because they have been for years.
Daily blogs doing a deep investigation into the lies continuously perpetuated by scientology will hopefully someday bring them to light and comeuppance will happen. Thanks for continuing to investigate.
This is SERIOUSLY OaTy! Getting folks to pony up $75 each to watch a fundraising promotional film to raise MORE money is quite the accomplishment!
I’m sure that toward the end of the film, the doors will be barred and a coven of reges will descend upon the gala attendees, with the intent of prying open their wallets before they’re allowed to escape the building.
You’d think that by now all those who understand that they’re going to be strong-armed to empty their children’s college fund accounts for meaningless paper “statuses” would get hip and merely RSVP with their enclosed $75 check, then never show.
In any event, it will be interesting to see who chumps for that “double-tap” con and actually shows up for the gang regging post-film festivities 😉
Absolutely hilarious, Mike. Your sarcasm takes the edge off, for sure.
The dirty little secret that’s not such a secret nowadays is this: Scientology is a fraud – that despite the hyperbolic promises of OT, Super Power, and Cause Resurgence, in the end the Scientologist – literally and figuratively – is left running around in circles; a more apt metaphor could not be conceived.
Delivering an actual product is a vastly different enterprise than advertising its delivery. Scientology perpetually PREPARES to “deliver”, and hopes that this nuanced difference won’t be noticed.
But for the starved souls who attend the “exquisite dinner” – the mere absence of food poisoning will provide “proof” that Scientology works.
The simple reality is that SuMP will never produce anything remotely professional. Even an ill-conceived cheesy video requires skilled people to produce it. Sound, lighting, camera work, set construction–it all requires lots of people with technical skills. Instead, we will likely get something more on the level of a family wedding video directed by Ed Wood.
Good to see that all of your jerking and yanking and huffing and puffing is bringing religion to the Porn Valley. Will you be featuring the opinion leaders and celebs of valley porn in your films?
Even porn was movout as Scientology was moving in. Legislation requiring condoms is driving the “industry” to Nevada and elsewhere, opening up a space for the only organization more reliant on circle jerks than porn.
Your House of Cards Davy… not big enough for you? Your SuMP is now as fully operational as it can get. Maybe it’s time for another ship… no a plane! A Scientology Airship! Yeah… that’ll bring ’em in. The Miscavige circus never ceases to amaze. It’s the only circus on Earth where the clowns pay to watch.
It’s disgusting how far PR goes on the cowed and dumbed down. But for anyone outside of the bubble. Well, it’s been YEARS since I’ve encountered someone who didn’t have a negative thing to say about Scientology. They will never recover from their war with the internet and Anonymous. That opened up the belly of the beast, the old timers saw and confirmed the rot, and the rest has been an oozing of the organs and sinking of the ship. I’m very happy to have gotten off that crash course.
Under DM’s stewardship, there has been no greater sea change, than the move towards full-time fundraising. Not, GAT, GAT II, GAK nor The Basics have had greater long-lasting detrimental effects as does fundraising.
This is no ordinary fundraising. This is not your annual PBS fund drive, or a Jerry Lewis Telethon. Scn’s brand of fundraising is unrelenting, insatiable, ruthless, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, ravenous appetite for MONEY.
They are NOT attempting to solve world hunger, or find a cure to some disease. They do it to move the stats of their bank accounts; purchase Italian marble to line their halls; or rare African woods to panel their walls.
For a person seeking spiritual enlightenment, there is no greater turn-off.
How long before Miscavige buys some of Cruise’s properties (Colorado, California) and converts them into delivery locales for OT 9 & 10?
‘Much like OT VIII can only be delivered on the Freewinds, OT IX and X can only be delivered from the privacy of the former estates of an aging movie star/3rd Biggest Being’
As Tom ages and the action figure roles dry up (and as he continues to move up in status (i.e. donate more $$) he is going to need to liquidate some of his assets. What better way than to donate a $50MM estate, move up to Super Duper Putonium Mega Meritorious 3rd Biggest Being status and get a tax write off all at the same time!
Who knows, maybe he’ll get another wife out of the deal…
Tickets : 75$ /1 , 100$/2 …. Ahahahahah .,
Big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
And the women from Bulgravia are simply stunning! Factious, but, still stunning…
Isn’t that where Throgmagog hangs out?
Hush! That’s suppose to be a secret!
OH! Got it. Like BTs and other iddy bitty stuff? Mom’s the word.
Is that where Moms hangs out then?
There is in a very strange way, a sort of aesthetic symmetry you might say about all this. Miscavige has raised the art of the scam to not necessarily a higher level, but a whole different one. He invents the idea of planetary clearing ONLY being possible by virtue of having these “ideal orgs” which he raises hundreds of millions of dollars for. THEN he raises money for a new movie/TV studio and his first major production is a film ABOUT one of the ideal orgs (which is not even done yet) in order to raise MORE money and then … CHARGES people 75 bucks to watch it and get regged some more!!!!! You PAY to get regged!!! Beautiful! Amazing! Superb in its “scamical” beauty, how it all FITS together (thus the symmetry of one side matching the other … money raised to raise money) …. COB is indeed a genius in his chosen line of the continual and circular money racket. I await the next development. I just KNOW he’s got more for us, folks! *but … you do get an “equisite” dinner … uhm … ok …
The snake eating it’s tail.
Maybe Kim Jong-un will pal up with Miscavige like Luis Farrakhan has.
I am laughing out loud.
Fund raising video’s
The ghost of Reverend Gene Scott has been hired by David Miscavige.
Guest appearances by Jim and Tammy Baker
And don’t forget Paul and Jan (the heights her pink wigs went) Crouch. They called their followers ,prayer partners and look what it got them. Nothing.
I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but I thought surely there was something planned in advance that SUMP would produce to convince the public that the expense was justified. Just like with Super Power and the Ideal Org program, the longer SUMP exists without the promised results, the more damage it will do. SUMP is just another festering wound on scientology’s fragile public. Are we reaching a tipping point?
Way past tipping point.
There will be a sudden implosion then violent explosion
with Mushroom Cloud going several miles high.
Will the mushroom cloud have a gold top you reckon? It might help explain some of the more hallucinogenic qualities of Scientology.
Ok, so once Valley is complete, there’s going to be another fundraiser for a subset of Valley to be raising money for another org. So we have people shucking out money so that SuMP can make fundraising videos so that Valley can fundraise for someone else. Pass the Pen, anyone?
The company I work for has had Golden Era Productions as a customer for quite some time. We have the most expensive product in it’s class for what we do so of course they had to have it.
According to our contact, LRH still has an office there that they keep the coffee hot in a cup at a desk for his return. Of course I cannot validate what they were saying is true.
When asking the client if a certain deal we were working on was dead he simply replied: “Nothing dies here.” Good news for us I suppose, they have deep pockets. In a sense, it is not very comforting knowing what I know about them doing business with the company I work for… In another sense, we are a for profit business and happy to take their money.
Such a strange thing though, asking them why they had no cars in the huge parking lot or why they wear such odd uniforms.
We did NOT ask if he saw Going Clear, and I certainly did not mention that I subscribe to this blog. I think that would not end well.
I think that would not end well. Methinks you think right.
Thanks for the insight into the bubble Left Side. Be aware that Kim Miscarriage reads this blog too and he hates leaks.
Yo Dave,
How is Your discovery/ Whine Finding coming along on the OTC minutes leak over at Valley and Flog? Stay with it good buddy, you will get it figured out in a decade or so. You might try threatening Your OSA goons with another round in Your Hole.
Happily, Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige can trust his OSA minions to never let him down and can continue to abuse them without fear of any of them taking evidence and going to the authorities and the media.
Well, almost… I mean, present company excepted 🙂
Wimp! I would have the guy sit in a chair, try him up, & force him to watch Going Clear.
I’m sure he’d thank me for it……….right?
And make him watch the full season of the first year of Antiques Roadshow and edit out all the evaluation prices and tell him there’s a prize if he estimates correctly within 5% of the price – after that he’d be more than ready to thank you, the cat and all the passing cars colored green. Might even get him to volunteer for a couple of hours in CF!
Thanks for your comment and following this blog. It is all very funny sometimes to look back and see what a fool I was. Funny about the contract and hot coffee. As for this event well after paying 75/100 for a ticket and getting more begging I bet more simply drift away and find the true stories being told about LRH and DM and the dying tradition known as the Sea Org. Since 67 = 49 years of having a nearly free bunch of well intention-ed persons brainwashed into thinking they were the only ones who can do something for this planet. These Sea Org are not even ’employees’ they are volunteers. They are there for LRH not for COB and more will break away when they inevitably figure it out. I figured it out completely accidentally and they too mostly will not be questioning enough to look them self’s. But now that cracks about scientology are on nearly every late nite show and comedy act ~ well the word is getting out. Thanks for sharing what you know and laugh with us as the big con gets taken apart bit by bit.
LOL. I predicted this last week…that they would be begging money to pay for them to beg more money.
Miscavige continues to double down, and the corner he’s painted himself into grows smaller by the day.
But at least it is an epic, monumentally groundbreaking corner, the likes of which haven’t been seen for eons in the Livingroom of Time, just inside from the Front Porch of Eternity!!!!!
Thank you Mike. The witty observations always make me smile.
By now Miscavige has destroyed whatever was left of staff at Int Base; yes, of course they were useless, out ethics and could no to do what his majesty demanded. The threat to shut them down has become a reality and this proves the Int staff wrong and continues with the premise that Black Heart is the ‘only one…the best”
But behind the excuse to destroy Int base, Orgs, Missions, tech, etc is the greed for admiration and adulation miscavige starves for. I guess he needs billions stashed out to make him feel he has power as, otherwise, he will be a nobody, someone unable to create or honestly produce something.
Now, if the remaining lambs blindly following this sociopathic soul want to give away all they have, well, too bad. At this point is up to them and they have the right to choose their lives.
Wow, It is the ULTIMATE in recycling! Not s single dollar leaves the loop (except to go into S.O.R.)
Wow, Miscavige must has been reading up on the Moonies boss and Brigham Young, since Miscavige is becoming this “combination terminal” of quite a few odd characters, LOL. Moonies boss had the Moonies buy up that Washington newspaper and be a paper broadcasting platform on the side, now Miscavige is thinking in futures and in film/video and going that direction, him being the Brigham Young of Scientology and all.
Makes you wonder if Miscavige’s old 1960s “case” GPM running, goals problems mass, and the long term whole track goals all colliding in Miscavige’s life at the moment, are having an influence on his thinking.
IT’s all bogus imagination therapy to me now, this idea that our “whole track goals” might be dictating our behavior.
But I wonder how much Miscavige’s own mind his “whole track goals” come percolating up supporting his “big” “thinking in futures” ideas for the movement.
Graeme Wilson claims that they installed a new Ideal Sewage System at Saint Hill. I won’t believe that until I see pictures of Miscavige pulling the ribbon .. or yanking the chain.
Meanwhile, something smells rotten…
Oh, give ’em a break, Mike. They’re just testing the waters. LOL And soon they be trying to bribe/blackmail one or more pols to ensure they finally get a broadcast license. Then, of course, there’s the problem of what to fill those airwaves with. And with nothing to say that hasn’t already been said…and ridiculed publicly…that may be a wall he can’t surmount.
As for all the whales, one wonders how they managed to achieve the making of all the money. They can’t all be born totally stupid…or credulous, could they? That concept boggles the mind!
We should consider ourselves fortunate that DM doesn’t have any living descendants to continue the line.
From his behavior with extant family members, including his own dad, I do not think any descendant(s) would have fared well with wee little David as their father.
That’s the problem with being a narcissistic sociopath : it does not offer a nurturing environment for your young.
Doesn’t matter Les. El Con prepared a WHOLE bunch of replacement Oat Teas. They serve under him at Int.
im an audio engineer and overkill isnt even the word to use when i see the amazing setup they have
At least you would use the equipment correctly and not using the bullshit that L Wrong wrote which they have to use to produce everything. The reason everything they produce is the way it is? L Wrong datums and final approval by DM
SMP – Scientology’s newest money making ponzi scheme that rakes in millions….
Other successful ponzi schemes:
Super Power Building (225 million over 20 years. Forced to open it when Luis Garcia SUED Scientology for scamming him out of $65,000 to purchase a CROSS that five other people had also paid for.
Ideal Orgs: located in cities across the globe, these ponzi schemes bring in MILLIONS and the Co$ never has to do a thing…..they just keep raising the MONEY REQUIRED before renos can start. Most orgs start out at $4 – $5 MILLION but over the decade are now up to $12 to $13 million.
No accountability. No transparency.
Scientology calls it KSW and SOP
Wogs call it FRAUD!
To add insult to injury, you gotta pay $75 for the privilege of attending the event to see the damn film.
What I want to know is why we are all struggling to earn a living, we could go off and start a profitable religion instead. Oh I forgot you have to be without a conscience or very deluded before you can get this to work, oh well nice idea while it lasted.
You could always study to be a lawyer first. They’ve got the basics down pat.