The lies roll off their tongues so easily. The SuMP (scientology’s useless media productions) is the next big thing that is going to absolutely, definitely bring about planetary clearing for reelz.
But as with everything like this, the absurd joke of this is also very revealing of the desperation inside the bubble.
This poor sap is “ordered” to relay this information.
The SuMP is STILL not open, though the opening has been scheduled twice now and canceled.
I assume whoever wrote this actually believes the opening of this white elephant is going to drive in masses of people to scientology. Of course, this is based on NO evidence whatsoever. Golden Era already churns out volumes of videos and ads. If the “airwaves” are so important, how come they don’t have ads airing all the time? Only for “big events” where they can promote it to sucker more IAS donations? They are not airing their existing ads, so how will making more of them not to air have any effect? And most of the other videos they already produce end up as filler for their websites. Probably the largest number of videos produced by scientology are “attack” videos to “dead agent” people. They put them on Freedom mag website or “Who Is Latest” sites and nobody ever sees them.
I wonder if the lack of staff to keep the doors open is the main reason SuMP has not yet ushered in the era of massive international expansion that GAT, GAT II, GAT for OTs, GAK, Ideal Orgs, Super Power, Running Pgm etc etc were all supposed to bring and failed?
Or is the reason that Miscavige has been preoccupied with other problems like his father, or is too afraid to make a public appearance – and god forbid that a building anywhere be renovated without him to officially yank its ribbon.
Or perhaps the real reason is the most cynical of all — as soon as it opens they cannot continue to raise funds… And the L. Ron Hubbard Hall seems severely lame as a the new “big thing.”
Or could it be that with all the promises they have to figure out SOMETHING they are going to do that at least in THEORY is going to drive in more public. It would be pretty strange for this thing to open and NOTHING happens. How is Miscavige going to explain that next month at the Maiden Voyage?
Ah, the problems trying to run a scam. Things keep catching up with you and it requires increasingly complex lies and maneuvers to not have everything come crashing down. And that is hard work.
ps: the staff being paid 45% of gross income IS a joke. Just put in there for shits and giggles. Clearly, the staff being paid nothing is a serious objection to people joining staff… Wonder why? And wonder why everything they are promoting as a reason to join staff is the personal benefits you get? Tells you a lot about the state of this org. Even if they con some people into signing up, they are not going to stay as soon as they find out these things don’t happen. They are much better off promising fantasmagorical and intangible benfits like “saving mankind” and “being part of the only true group” blah blah… Those things can continue to be restated in different ways for ever. Well, at least for 60 years or so now….
I like how they put in “This is no joke or over-exaggeration”, which usually means it is both a joke AND an over-exaggeration. I can’t believe they’re still trying to sucker in people with that universe corp scam. Name me one person who has made it to OT 8 as a result of the Universe Corp? And to think the LRH ED about the birthday game and the universe corps came out almost 35 years ago. They must have “other fish to fry”, LOL.
I have to wonder if they really pay staff 45%, or if some of the money instead goes to Miscavige. My guess is they probably don’t cheat at this level, as it would be too easy to spot. Still there are stories of Hubbard visiting orgs and finding they owed him a lot of money, and he also asked them to send him any money they had laying around.
unelectedfloofgoofer, as far back as the 70’s the VAST majority of orgs never made enough money to pay their staff even to the level of minimum wage. And NO org ever made enough money consistently to pay staff even minimum wage. They paid book royalties though as Hubbard had to amass wealth at the staff members expense. The only real money for the S.O. Reserves came from AO’s & the FSO and S.O. staff don’t receive “pay”.
Where do you live Mike Wysinski? That kind of affordable real estate sounds tempting. What city?
This email went out today:
This is a really important message. Your help is needed. You need to go into the org and get your ticket for the SMP Grand Opening as soon as you possibly can. You may not realize that you need to get a new ticket and that your old one is no longer valid.
6000 people are expected to come to the opening and every single one has to get ticketed beforehand. There’s two weeks between now and SMP opening, that’s 13 days. Per day that breaks down to 461 tickets per day for people to come and pick up from an org reception.
If you wait until the day of the event or in the few days before, you will have to wait in long lines, and it will be dev-t . And, if you want to look at worse-case, imagine showing up the day of the event, and the line for tickets is so long, you don’t get yours fast enough and miss it.
So you really need to come in NOW, bring your photo ID, go to an org reception, and get your ticket. You may also get your spouses and young children only at the same time.
Thanks, but the party crashers will be getting theirs on StubHub the day you plan to jerk-off the ribbon.
Everything you underline in red, ignoring the rest of it, it sounds like a new company starting up using rhetoric to recruit. Alas, this was also the release of Dianetics in 1950 by John Campbell in Astounding Science Fiction. 66 years later and still no “clears”.
Here’s one for you Chuck Beatty, a scholar investigation of scientology, your wish come true, be sure to read to the end.
another link:
as an aside: “its subtitle calls Scientology the “World’s Fastest Growing Religion” ….
wouldn’t this be the Most Easily Provable” Bullpoop …if we just consider the number of births of Brand New Christians or Catholics every year?
Probably newly birthed Muslims, or Sikhs, or Jews… betch’a any old one of them would beat number of “new Scios” by a country mile.
read the links
I think “the extreme mass of inflow” means all the shit that will land on them as they make themselves even more irrelevant.
What that document means is that they are truly desperate to get any sheepbots into the joint. The staff that gets 45% of the income is Demento because he’s Staff.
I’m willing to bet that the long-timers read this baloney and know it’s BS. But they’ve been pummeled into apathy over the years and can only shake their heads in silence. They know better than to question mgmt. So they just let it go and try to survive through the madness. For various reasons, the veteran Scio of today is like a shipwrecked sailor grimly hanging on to a piece of driftwood, hoping that drowning won’t be their eventual fate.
There’s truth in your comment Murray Luther.
Hi Murray Luther, Very true & sad what you posted.I think if I had stayed in Sea Org just a few weeks longer than I did,I would have become one of the silent head shakers still in and would have been long gone without my body by now.Always,Ann B.
If an org doesn’t deliver (non-squirrely) services, there will never be any acceptable income for its staff.
Many years ago I started up my own little team of org staff who decided to do whatever we wanted to do to raise our own income. Our ED was part of the conspiracy too, and just played YesMan to the screaming FOLO staff two times a day with their charming phone calls. We had had enough of that “product officer” crap and knew it was wrong. Because it ONLY stressed gross income and higher stats.
“Whatever we wanted to do to raise our own income” consisted of making sure students and preclears got standard tech, timely service and were 100% happy with what they got. Hmmmm…I remember that in policy somewhere. Our resign-up line buzzed with resign-ups and we did not need a “reg” to talk people into giving us money. Our gross income rose weekly with NO registrar on post! (The 2 Reges had blown under the entheta stress from the lovely FOLO.) People wanted more because they loved what they got. Prices back then were also waaaaay lower, not gouge-out-your-eyeballs grossly overpriced.
I took home $183 pay one week, averaging $80-100 while prior to our little team uprising we took home nothing or a couple dollars a week. The ED’s highest week for personal income was around $235. As long as we did not do what we were ordered to do by the angry, disassociated FOLO, our delivery and income improved. We even started to get old staff back again.
As long as our ED could weather the crap levelled at him every single day and give us air cover, we just carried on doing what we wanted, not what he/we were ordered to do (minutia management) by FOLO Stat Pushers. True story.
Somehow the sea org still manages to be the most controlling, angst-y, negative and anti-social group through all these years. They have Tone 40 intention confused with anger and hate. That’s why no one ever does what they say unless they are threatened within an inch of what they think is their spiritual survival.
This is one of the best and most interesting posts I have ever read and sums up my whole experience with the FOLO and Flag Action Bureaux and blundering (actually dramatizing SP) SO “management”, and also then in the greater microcosm (or is it then macrocosm – one of the two) of Scientology. Wish I had thought of that! Before about 1982 it was it seems and probably was quite possible to do this sort of thing or maybe it was also possible after that as well, even with Miscavige starting his career as Action Chief and interfering with the running of Orgs by sending in his rabid dogs to tear the place up. I remember we used to sigh and groan with disappointment when we heard FOLO were sending a mission or when they simply arrived in the Org – it mostly always resulted in the Org being ripped to shreds and public and staff being abused and wrongly removed or busted. In fact I cannot remember even one instance when an SO Mission accomplished anything worthwhile. In fact it was always the opposite – complete and utter destruction!
during an SO mission we’d start calling the bulletin board the “Who’s Still Who” board. They’d rip sh*t out of it every time. Declaring all kinds of good staff, busting others, just rippin right though and destroying. It’d take a couple years to recover from the latest mission.
Hi Gato, your post is the single best post I have ever seen about how the shit hit the fan. I remember it starting when the FEBC/L-12 graduates came back from Flag. They freaked out all the the OTs that were around, and they ALL left. And stopped making any new ones. And downhill from there…..AARROUGH!
I can see Miscavige reading this and already working out ways of finding out if it is still going on somewhere, or if not him then some clone of his at a FOLO. Thing is a decent Exec would say “great, more power to ’em” but of course with COB successful actions like this is “mutiny” (against his intended destruction of Orgs). God help staff these days, well, since 1981-2 actually!
Worked the bulk of a 30-year staff ‘career’ in or over Treasury or on the Financial Planning Committee and it was always 30% of the CGI per all the LRH references I ever came across on the subject of the payroll. Love to know when and how this 45% crept in and what LRH ref it’s purported to be based upon because I’d lay good money on there being none. Regardless, I’ve done enough payrolls to know that 30% or even 45% of an org’s average CGI over any meaningful period doesn’t amount to enough to live on, unless perhaps it’s also regularly being topped up by decent book commissions (which would only apply to those directly responsible for them) or sizeable IAS commissions. Unlikely in the extreme.
After witnessing countless revisions of the staff payroll calculations over the years I finally came to the conclusion that it simply wasn’t possible to make being on staff a viable proposition financially, no matter what new parameters were introduced, including the 10% IAS commission for any staff selling memberships (which initially used to go directly to the individual staff member selling the membership but was later changed so that it went to the staff pay sum instead). And as if the point didn’t need stressing enough, it was perfectly highlighted by an incident in London org around Sept 2008 when the Fdn ED, Lorraine Bulger, was pulled off for a week to do a ‘vital’ IAS reg cycle over in Israel, I think. She came back after closing a whale for around £1m.
So, per the extant payroll guidelines (which were always promoted as being geared around making being on staff an attractive career option, with recompense being on a par with a regular job) all the talk was about the expectant paysum being bolstered to the tune of £100,000 from the due 10% commission, making it the largest ever by some way, but long overdue and thoroughly deserved nevertheless. Too good to be true? You bet it was. It was instead used to clear the outstanding backbills and handle the org’s solvency (per the affluence formula of course….).
Colour me cynical (it’s what you do get from being on staff) but this came as no real surprise, although still sufficient disgust.
And this was done under the auspices of the CMO INT mission there at the time (Lucky Story and Smith) who I’m pretty certain were being run directly and by Miscavige, London being one of his first Ideal orgs. So, if that is indeed the case, it provides a pretty clear indication of what he thinks of staff renumeration.
So no, if not by design, then by intervention, but it will never be financially viable to be a staff member. And most staff know it. But they’ll lie to get some help. Very sad.
Keep up the good work Mike – brilliant posts as usual of late and thoroughly enjoyable and at times enlightening comments too.
Paul is right. When I joined staff in 1970 and throughout the 70s, 31% of CGI was supposedly set aside for staff pay. Corrected Gross Income was Gross Income MINUS book sales (and now DVDs, CDs, etc), repayments, refunds, etc (and I think money sent uplines by the FBO was also taken off the top before CGI was determined and there may be other things now as well). So … with about 130 staff at the time, you can imagine how little was left for each staff member (like under ten bucks most of the time). Where would Pasadena org get enough public paying enough money to support staff? Absurd really.
My guess is that the ONLY folks who would even consider joining org staff now are 1) retirees with an income 2) someone whose spouse makes enough money to support their staff career and 3) second or third generation young people who are still supported by mommy and daddy. (and even these would have to be the bottom 1%/almost brain dead. No one else could even CONSIDER joining staff for simple survival reasons.
And joining because of the new studio? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH You would have to be a COMPLETE FUCKING MORON, but … those folks DO exist. HCO just has to hunt up the gullible idiots and get that signature on the contract in QUICK TIME!
our org once got a huge “windfall” type GI cycle from a public who’d stuck it rich – then during a horrible meeting the entire staff was “regged” to donate 2/3 of the pay sum to a stupid “hill ten” happening somewhere else on the cont. I sat there, wanting to SCREAM “NO”, I voted against it but was outvoted. I’ll never forget the look on ‘AJ’s’s face… he felt like I did. I know. Let’s just take a moment here to do a Happy Dance: “I’m not staff, tra-leee-loo-la! I’m not Staff! Tra-Leee-Looooo LAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!”
I wonder why they don’t actually implement their stupid Universe Corps thingy.
It’s not like staff have anything productive to do. They might as well make each other yell at ashtrays as long as they are there. Wouldn’t add anything to operating costs, and would keep the slaves happy.
And take away a percentage of the few paying clients Scientology has??? That’s why they can’t have a universe corps. then staff wouldn’t need to pay for services!
That’s pretty much what they’re doing in London org these days. Per their FB page (Scientology London) the bulk of the completions that get posted (I’d say around 80-90% of them) are staff completions. And a large chunk of those are staff admin training or bridge re-dos. It’s a big clue that there aren’t enough public on lines that they’ve more or less become a staff clinic.
So it finally came down to that, huh? Staff Clinic. No one new coming in so the staff actually gets trained. I say, good for the staff! I mean, they’re not making any money, but, they’re going up the Bridge to Nowhere…
You have to understand the mind of David Miscavige.
It’s about money
Making people better or more able Ha,ha.ha.ha
“their stupid Universe Corps thingy.” +1 🙂 🙂
SUMP will be a huge flop.The COB will blame
all the usual suspects.
The New improved Gat 2 HOLE will fill up.
Business as normal in the bubble.
45% may be true, depending on how “Gross Income” is defined. Your COGS could be high, or are they referring to Gross Revenue, a totally different animal.
In scientology, GI is gross revenue. They do not do a typical breakdown of financials. There is gross revenue and then the items which are deducted from that which generates Corrected Gross Income (CGI) or “spendable revenue.” There are various percentages of this which could be analogized to VCOGS. Pay. Marketing/promotion. Overhead. etc
Waaaaait… they have redfined ‘gross income’ as ‘net income?’ That’s extremely dishonest and possibly illegal. Or at least it would be if they were a business.
Anyway, what caught my attention was the second line: “staff are getting through their hatting in a matter of months.” Hatting is training, right? How could it possibly take months to be trained for any job? Recently, the small business i work at was bought out by a corporation, and the training we got was a total of 40 paid hours and about 10 more unpaid to learn the corp’s business procedures and how to use their extremely complicated and fairly crappy software. Certification or getting a degree takes months, and you do it on your own before you apply for a job. If you are taking months to learn a job, something’s wrong.
Waaaaait… they have redfined ‘gross income’ as ‘net income?’ That’s extremely dishonest and possibly illegal. Or at least it would be if they were a business.
Nope. A business can call it whatever it wants. In the USA anyway. The ONLY thing that matter is paying taxes.
you just made me soooo happy that my FP meeting days are so long over. forever. and ever. and ever.
Isn’t all of $cientology there for the ‘shits and giggles’? All of the hoopla the clampire trots out every day is there to keep the sheeple busy and for them to have some thing happy to talk about. That ‘straight up and vertical’ stuff is just fluff, none of it really happens. The minions have to believe that or they wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning. To paraphrase Forest Gump, ‘deluded is as deluded does’.
The way management has been replaced in LA and now Copenhagen and the prospective management at Harlem are being ‘trained up to GAT 2 standards’ speaks to a heavy duty retooling of everything Lron preached. All it is being replaced with ‘Miscavage Tech’ ™.
There are no giggles in Clam town anymore. The fear is palatable and every ‘hatted’ clam is looking for that SP to take the blame. They don’t want the fickle finger of DM to dwell on them.
it’s all just “shits” then, eh? ?
“…in order to handle the extreme mass of inflow”. OMG, I can’t stand it.! I’m dying here! You’re killing me here! Mike Rinder, you just made my whole week. Thank you.
Oh, no! Seriously, the Model Idle Pasadena Morgue is PACKED! I’m tell ya, they have a ton of students that are taking courses. And, all the lights are actually on! Not just one room. And, they’re selling books like crazy……
Except, every time I go by that Idle Morgue, I don’t see anyone doing courses. At all. But, I blame myself. I’m just not showing up when a massive groups stream into the Morgue. It’s my bad……If I could only be there 24/7, I’m sure I could figure it out.
Do you have a supply of those OTIII flyers that always generate soooo much excitement when dropped from the nearby parking structure?
How the Hell did you know that I do, in fact, throw them off the top floor of parking structure next to the cult? I knew you were good, TFB, but, now I realize you are a Master.
yahhh…that was pretty wonderful, wasn’t it? *sigh. 🙂 🙂
“ps: the staff being paid 45% of gross income IS a joke.”
I don’t know Mike. 45% of what most Class V orgs take in a week is probably $5 😉
“This is no joke or over exaggeration.”
-Personnel Procurement
It is not easy being a scientologist Staff member,
Worker bees have it easy by comparison, and then there’s…
sorting out all those jokes and over-exaggerations coming out from Division One.
You know…I smell a new series! “Being On Staff.”
“Getting The Shaft”
Before I was Scientology Staff I shoveled Lion Shit in a Zoo.
Staff was short lived and degrading.The Job at the zoo
was great every day,the pay was good, people visiting
the Zoo always friendly pretty much a fun time every day.
Anybody know what the UNIVERSE CORPS old timers are supposed to get the benefit of in the third bullet point of the memo from Elia Sims?
Hi tony -b, Like your post.Sounds pretty spooky to me also.Something wicked….Always Ann B.
Sadly , staff will be so busy handling the influx that they won’t have time to get the free training they have earned.
By the way, why mention this since it only applies to “old staff”, not new recruits ?
Well, Pasadena may be an Idle Morgue, but they’re not Saint Hell Size yet. That means that if you get on staff now (when they’re not Saint Hell Size), you can reap the benefits of the Universe Corpses when the massive influx happens and they do go Saint Hell Size. That’s how I read it, anyway.
Scientologist Delusion: it’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Only in scientology world can the word exaggeration be made even more exaggerated.
An exaggeration is bad enough but to state in a missive replete with denials of things that shouldn’t be pointed out in the first place that this is not an over-exaggeration is a hilarity.
The deal is, thought police will track down any good little bubble dweller who thinks that
– staff is underpaid
– it takes a long time to get through staff hatting
– staff doesn’t get processing
– staff won’t receive Universe Corps benefits.
The exaggerated over exaggeration only points out all the out points to joining staff. It is not a joke or an over exaggeration. It is an acceptable truth. For anyone unfamiliar with the definition of acceptable truth, it is “flat out lie to make us look good.”
To rebut the success of his dad’s bombshell exposé of Scientology the COB should write his own. I suggest the following title; “How my SP father turned me into the monster I am today”
Seriously, David Miscavige should be put before a Congressional hearing.
Forget the book.
Precisely because he refuses to speak on his own, or answer to the allegations put forth in all three books:
Trouble Maker
Going Clear
And to reveal to his followers the real reason why nobody gets to see Shelly, ever, for how long now?
Orrrrrrr….”How I became THE most fucked up cult leader in the 21st century.”
Demento has enough problems without you suggesting he take up his green crayon and butcher paper to rebut (which to Der Dwarfenfuhrer means stubbing out his “cigarette” twice) the scurrilous LIES perpetrated…it must be Monday, I’m using big words…by his, sadly, non-carked father.
Don’t worry, it will never happen.
Even he seems to know that if he personally stood up to address the public,
his invisible credibility would instantly take on that of a cartoon character.
Any book with his name pinned to it as the author would be publicly slashed.
There is not defense, none, for the remorseless crimes of David Miscavige, nor his falsely named church.
Yet, I invite him to write. That goes for all the hard-core scientologists, too, which you’ll notice also have nothing to say around here, where the truth is king instead. Please, please write.
My response would be personally exhilarating. But, you guys on the fence, you write, too. I know you have your wins, but after 30-whaatever years of abuse and not getting paid for it, wondering if you really wanted to disconnect from mom and dad, or whatever good reason, if you have a doubt or complaint about your church AT LAST you have an avenue through which to express your doubts. I know the courage it would take. Here, you would not been thrown down the well and into “Ethics”, certainly not for criticizing anything David Miscavige has said or done. Here, you would be applauded. [I DO need to spell that name out fully nowadays]
Rightly so.
“,,,,, SuMP has not yet ushered in the era of massive international expansion that GAT, GAT II, GAT for OTs, GAK, Ideal Orgs, Super Power, Running Pgm etc etc were all supposed to bring and failed,,,,”
Someday I wanted to do a review of the “Original LRH EDs by L. Ron Hubbard” two blue vinyl volumes of the hundreds of L. Ron Hubbard projects that fell flat on their faces during Hubbard’s era. At least per Hubbard, the LRH ED definition contains the option to just drop the project when it was not working.
This Miscavige era of various projects follow the Hubbard era of LRH ED projects, in both eras there are countless failed projects simply being abandoned, and then new projects starting up for the next immediate future to keep the movement members shooting for some immediate group goal.
Miscavige truly is repeating Hubbard’s LRH ED era patterns, any serious researcher who reads Hubbard’s endless LRH ED projects will discover.
In Miscavige’s era’s favor, would be lots more buildings for show.
Hubbard liked to have his books on display as Hubbard’s progress to be proud of.
Miscavige likes to have his buildings to display, as Miscavige’s era of progress, and he’s obviously proud of these as being his accomplishments
– Chuck Beatty
ex dupe, OEC/FEBC Course Sup, Routing Forms Pjt researcher/writer
Excellent point Chuck. Yes, you can wonder whatever happened to “Org Program No 1”, LRHED 236, LRHED 153 etc etc. For a time each of them was the panacea for all of what ailed scientology at the time. And each eventaully faded away into old news…
Once you get the proper perspective, you discover that what ails scientology is scientology itself. The entire “religion” is so riddled with contradiction and punishment that it sets itself up for failure.
Scientology is its own problem.
And, I think it is a mistake to perceive DM as the primary perpetrator of the church’s demise,
bungling tyrant that he is, when all he really does is play by the LRH handbook.
I hope you have the binders for this, otherwise I’m going to be a tad regretful. Within the last year I threw away every single thing I owned, including these. I didn’t want to have any of it end up in any hands that might be fooled into finding it “valid”. I saved a couple random issues like the old BPL with the lower conditions “black arm band” requirement. But everything else was burned or pulped.
I think DM is applying the correct technology here. He is trying to retain control the poor souls left inside the bubble with this bit of LRH tech:
“THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, “Off the Time Track,” lecture of June 1952, excerpted in JOURNAL OF SCIENTOLOGY issue 18-G, reprinted in TECHNICAL VOLUMES OF DIANETICS & SCIENTOLOGY, vol. 1, p. 418
Those who “get it”, GOT OUT!
Yep. I got out because I get it…
“Over-exaggeration” is now my new favorite stupid word!
David Miscavige is not measuring up to Brigham Young, simple as that.
David just doesn’t have the ability to pull off being Scientology’s Brigham Young.
Hubbard never left any scriptures for the movement to give Miscavige the type of allegiance that Brigham got.
And Miscavige hasn’t the personality causing people to want to dedicate their lives to work for Miscavige, as compared to the thousands of Scientologists over the movement’s history who dedicated their lives and dropped everything to go work personally for L. Ron Hubbard.
Miscavige doesn’t have that charm or character talents that Hubbard had, to attract personal devotion.
Miscavige just ain’t the right guy to replace Hubbard.
Let alone Hubbard didn’t usher in a replacement, since Hubbard wrote rather that a Coordinating Committee of all the various top management leaders and movers and shakers were to together coordinate and continue the operation of the movement.
Hubbard didn’t script a “leader” role, Hubbard didn’t script a Brigham Young leader into the movement’s operation.
So factually, even as ludicrous as the subject of Scientology is (I’m a total quitter, don’t recommend people do any inch of Scientology), Hubbard still is the most important person and always will be, to Scientology.
If only the full writings of Hubbard were given out to the members, let those members paw through Hubbard’s full writings, and let the members see how off the rails these Brigham Young unwarranted leadership era years of David Miscavige have been.
I wish Shelly Miscavige would read this durned blog!
Shelly, I hope you read this someday, and get all the CST Hubbard writings onto some USB drives and leak all the Hubbard whole shebang.
Chuck, SMP is going to open “any day now” “any minute now”. There are several “key positions that need to be filled now”. Where are the people going to come from to do that. A “key position” means some KRC required. Every public person that want to sign up to there is already hatted? The more Clear and OT that church members become, the less sense they make. 🙂
AND…back to your idea…David Miscavige is absolutely not a replacement for L. Ron Hubbard. Not even for Brigham Young! 🙂 Don’t make yourself wrong because that story circulates. If DM understood Scientology completely he wouldn’t be promoting himself as “The New L. Ron Hubbard”? A lot of people ask “Why does DM have landing strips on his property visible only from space?” Apparently, the theory is, there is more than 1 planet that was used to R6 people, and LRH went there to bring some of his technology there and some of their technology here in one of their “leftover spaceships”. Now how can that be? 🙂 But anyway, I guess DM finally found a job nobody wants to fight him for. The words of LRH are everywhere. People can become Class IX auditors at home with real Pre-OT’s to audit. Life is a game. Have a win. 🙂
Hi Lawrence,Make sure the landing strips are well lit David, The Old Morgue has trouble with night vision at times,might just overshoot and then who knows where that” leftover spaceship” will come to rest.Laughter,like your posts.Always, Ann B.
Also Chuck … Brigham could promise guys a harem … now if Dave could promise three or so of the Tampa cuties as part of the contract …
I have a suggestion: Massive influx of new customers, first, with the associated massive influx of money. Then hiring staff to soak up that delicious 45% per LRH will be a snap.
>believes the opening of this white elephant is going to drive in masses of people to scientology
Agreed that it won’t work. If it ever opens and get some distribution, more people will Google scientology and learn of the massive greed, human rights abuses, fraud, and other crimes of the criminal cult of Scientology and its evil leader, David Miscavige.
>I wonder if the lack of staff to keep the doors open is the main reason SuMP has not yet ushered in the era of massive international expansion
A plausible explanation. Scientology has large financial reserves and can go a long time with no $ inflow, BUT they have almost no active members left to serve as staff.
Financial Reserves? At the end of a Ponzi scheme the reserves are normally used to try prop up the scheme…. mostly in legal $ and PR $, but it always fails because of lack of substance to the scheme itself. A Chihuahua barking at a wolf in the wild will eventually lose when the wolf figures out it’s a Chihuahua… (I love dogs, but it seemed like a good analogy so I used it)
Scientology’s “money out” and “money in” graphs may or may not have crossed. But they will eventually cross, because both numbers are in a trend. They have decreased income trend and increased expenses trend with their PR shitstorm, which is always followed by a legal shitstorm.
Robert thay are not crossed and DM will probably fade away to a distant locale with the money before they seriously cross.
The International statistics, as posted in the CMO Int conference room (when it still existed), have shown ‘payments for services’ and ‘services delivered’ have been seriously crossed for DMs entire reign of terror.
threefeetback, Those two were seriously crossed when I looked at them back in 1980. By ’83 there were hundreds of pages of computer prints outs for AOLA alone of upper level services paid but not delivered (even back then people realized the insanity of OT levels). FSO was in the millions by that time. I remember checking out Saint Louis org around ’81? It was floundering with no public and STACKS and STACKS of paid invoices for which no service had been delivered.
I actually knew an undersized Chihuahua named Mouse, owned by the vet who kept the bear in Grizzly Adams alive for an extra 13 years, attack a wild wolf which was being readied to be released into the wild again. The wolf totally backed down and would not go anywhere near the dog! No exaggeration. Be very careful of Chihuahuas protecting their territory!!!
So true, about 25 years ago my Cindykitty, who never got over 3 lbs her entire life was sitting on my lap when she was 4 days old. Jazzmutt, our Doberman came up and sniffed her. Cindy drew blood on Jazz’s nose. She became the undisputed boss of the house. Until their deaths, Jazz stayed as far away from Cindy as she could.
Never underestimate the teeny one.
When a few wolves stand up together the Dwarf…err Chihauhau has no traction even with a loud yappy bark. The wolves are circling.
eventually, legal judgments will deplete reserves of a few billion
well, i do admire your optimism.
Last I heard, there were 29 legal cases against Narconon going on In Vegas alone.
If legal judgments do in fact deplete reserves, THAT WOULD BE JUSTICE.
A lessor judgement would be compromise.
The SUMP “solution” may turn out out be a disaster bigger than anything else recently done by Miscavige.
For a long while it appeared that the fundraising for SUMP was being deliberately dragged out (much as was done for the Super Power building) well past the stage where having enough money to rehab the building was the actual object. It was a good future goal (which is always best in Scientology because almost everything actually done by the organization ultimately fails to live up to the hype with which it is sold.)
Some researches believe that SUMP will NOT go “live” on air as a true broadcasting entity but will continue to produce DVD’s and possibly closed-circuit programming for consumption only by internal Scientology downlink sites (much as was done in the wog corporate world 30 years ago.)
But if SUMP is actually used to truly broadcast on open airwaves, the amount of ridicule and HE&R that will be heaped onto the church (and by default Miscavige) is likely to reach proportions that haven’t ever been seen before. The “brand” of Scientology is so toxic that it is actually best under these circumstances to lay low until people forget or move onto other matters. Speaking up is the wrong thing to do. You cannot “out create” a tsunami of counter viewpoints with a tiny bullhorn. What happens instead is one becomes a magnet for more ridicule.
Any credible wog marketing expert will normally advise NOT to “fill the vacuum” in such a circumstance, but to lay low until the massive heat blows over.
Scientology is perhaps near the zenith of toxic brands in all the world – it is almost as toxic as ISIS – outside of its own bubble. Shouting into the wind under those circumstances is likely to create incredible blowback…and possibly rally political opposition to the point where criminal prosecutions become more likely…that’s how bad the real PR of the church has become.
Miscavige might want to think this through…he may actually be setting the stage for his own arrest and prosecution.
The LAPD and the Homeless Encampment are getting overrun on doing the drill every time you threaten to yank a ribbon at the SuMP.
The odds are increasing that the PAC Complex will be sold to Kaiser and demolished to make way for Present Time. Why bother filling the cracks on the outside of ASHO? Wouldn’t it be better to simply focus on kissing your own crack goodbye?
That would be nice, and then they could change LRH Way back to Berendo St., too.
Hi Gus Cox, OhS###! I had no idea my second creepy home Big Blue that was on Berendo St.had become LRH Way.Sounds like a truck stop before one gets to that front porch of Infinity.Or the name of a crazy graveyard for cosers.LRH Way to Eternal Servitude! xo Ann B.
Hi, Ann – Oh, yes, unfortunately they did change the name of that block. Worse, they paved it in faux brick and it’s all a no parking zone! I can only wonder if money changed hands to get all that approved by the City!
I’d love to see Kaiser buy the Complex and change the name back.
Or even better, if the nearby Self-Realization Fellowship bought it! LOL that’d be sweet, seeing as how they are on the Fatman’s list of “suppressive groups.”
Hi Gus Cox, Your post got lost.Just found it.Oh lord Berendo is now faux paved brick! I can’t stand it and a no parking zone.Boy are the sheeple SO and the whole gang skittish!Also just thinking way back when,Asho,AO and any other Org in the area,we would have been tasked with paying for real brick pavers and probably old timey brick artisans to lay them.
Self realization fellowship,forgot about them.To think I used to hang out on Berendo and cry my eyes out during certain sits with Ethics etc.Especially when I was not allowed to be with my SO Team.Hardly any cars passed back then and a few homeless floated by but really just Kaiser and Big Blue Building Baiting me.When you are hungry thirsty and really bruised etc BBlue was not the friendliest place in LA to have to stand in front of and do TRs on between sobs.
45% of nothing is zero. Maybe staff is being paid according to LRH policy!
The drip drip drip effect of 60 years of cruelties is bringing into focus an unwelcoming, repulsive, ugly view of the church of scientology.
Lie about the bad or tell the truth about the good. Either way – it’s O V E R.
“This is no joke or over-exaggeration.”
That is EXACTLY what it is. EVERYTHING emitted from the church is an over-exaggeration.
“Staff get paid 45% of the Org’s weekly Gross Income.”
Hmmm…me thinks not. Unless they have revamped the FP policies. Staff pay was NEVER based on Gross Income – but CORRECTED Gross Income. Big difference.
SuMP is classic “must have before we can do.” Millions of people across the planet post YouTube videos with NO BUDGET at all. And get hundreds of thousands of hits. The cherch, or one of its parishoners, could start a YouTube channel, for the cost of a laptop and webcam, just to get the ball rolling.
Those claiming that SuMP is automagically going to cause masses of public to flood into the org are completely divoriced from reality.
I encourage them to continue fundraising for such efforts. It just means more and more people leaving Scn, once they realize they’ve been had.
Same thing Ideal Orgs were suppose to do. By now Pasadena Ideal Org should have given birth to lots of baby Orgs and Mission.
Yes — that was the pitch for ideal orgs. They are going to make planetary clearing a reality be generating new groups, missions and orgs. Not a SINGLE new org anywhere since the advent of this brilliant strategy, and less missions…
when I visited Seattle org last year, the div 6 floor was dark. No staff, no people, no public – didn’t even have the lights on. Saturday afternoon. ..
come to think of it ….to my way of thinking…that IS rather “ideal”.
Maybe you just didn’t give them enough time, Mike. You might be rushing them and that’s getting them upset.
Yeah, I’ve been hearing about how the latest thing was going to “drive new public into the orgs” for years. Same old crap, over and over and over.
I remember when “The Problems of Life” film was being released in 1980 or 81 – going to blow the doors wide open, flood the orgs! This is IT!!! I think Gerry Armstrong played the handsome young man. I could be wrong.
Well, there have been numerous evolutions of “This is IT” – TR’s O-IV film was another one (starring Dan Koon). And on the film theme so too “Secret of Flag Results” (starring David Mayo). Then there is Key to Life. Life Orientation. THe Student Hat. Dianetics Seminar. Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course. The PRD. OT III. NOTs. Solo NOTs. OT VIII. The L’s. And on and on and on…..
they showed me “The Secret of Flag Results” while I waited for my OCA to be graded. I didn’t understand what all the weird looking people in funky uniforms were doing running around so upset about this “RED tag” on the folder. Why not just take it off if it’s bothering you so much? Why the yelling?
I tore my RED tag off. I cried for days…..
Oh fer hevvinsakes! Just a tiny problem in scriptwriting or direction…hmmmm…? I’m SO tired of “everything and anything LRH did was perfect.” IT WAS NOT.
DM = “Yanker in Chief” lol Sums it up nicely.
I read that as “Wanker in Chief” LOL
I guess either would work. 😀
Yep! A Yanker is one thing, but, being a Wanker trumps being a Yanker. And that little piss ant dwarf is the epitome of Wanker. Wank..wank..wank.
It’s quite amazing. Right in the middle of a booming metropolis we have a completely orwellian 1984 society which willingly (if unwittingly) lives inside a bubble of misinformation while the world around them points and laughs.
They even have their own version of “Big Brother” (little davey) who tells them the latest version of the truth so they can assimilate and regurgitate it to themselves in a minute by minute chant. They must chant the mantra du jour or the thoughts they are stopping might invade their otherwise “totally on purpose” minds.
That mantra stuff that they hear over and over again, and tell themselves over and over again, acts like Self-Talk–it does get into your head. So they steel themselves and they go for it, being “on purpose” and all that hype, and can hardly even SEE what is in front of them–their own EMPTY ORG! Their own ZERO PAYCHECK! Their own NO PROGRESS UP THE BRIDGE!
Wake up bubble dwellers!!
Maybw staff is being paid 45% of the Org’s income.
45% of 0 = 0
Hi Mike;
What kind of ‘weekly gross income’ would such an organization get, will they be selling anything? I suppose the only $ that they suck out of working orgs, just like all of management.
As another reader pointed out, it is Corrected GI so money for books or IAS is deducted from the Gross Income to make “Corrected Gross Income”, along with commissions paid, refunds requested and other items. I would be VERY surprised if Pasa averages more than $10,000 CGI per week. 45% is $4,500. If they have 50 staff that is $90 per week average. Even if you double their income it’s still only $180 per week. If they have more staff it’s obviously less. If they work a 60 hour week (VERY generous) that is $3/hour if they are making $20,000 CGI per week with 50 staff. You couldn’t live in Pasadena if that was your daily wage.
When Bunker regulars like myself or Missionary Kid go by Pasadena, we see at most half a dozen people in the Org, and that would be early evenings on weekends. If they have 50 staff they are hiding 90% upstairs.
Yes, I think they probably have 25 staff, but I was trying to be overly optimistic on their behalf. If they really have 25 staff they are absolutely no way making $10,000 CGI on average.
For an accurate picture of the state of scientology, compare the (always dark) Sherman Oaks Mission (located on Ventura Blvd near Sunnyslope Ave) and the (always dark) Christian Science Reading Room on Hollywood Blvd at New Hampshire Ave (located near the Steve Allen Theater / Center for Inquiry). You will see the similarities with your own eyes.
Mike, one of my clients works for the City of Pasadena. He lives in Redlands. About 60 miles away. He looked for a bachelor apt in Pasadena because of the drive. The cheapest was $2,500 a month. Staff would probably have to live in Redland.
$2,500 a month to live in that hell hole? I can get a 1/2 acre, 1,500 sq ft house, pool, beach front (on a real beach with 80+ degree water WITH a break 200 yrds offshore) on an island within driving distance of work for that amount OSD.
I grew up in the San Rafael Hills on the west side of Pasadena. We had an incredible childhood! But now, Pasadena is THE most expensive city in the San Gabriel Valley. But, it’s certainly NOT a “Hell hole.”
OSD, I was an OC guy. Pretty much the entire SoCal is a hell hole compared to back in the 50’/60’s. Even the 70’s. Pasadena’s murder, robbery stats are about 2x National average. Couple that with the insanely high price of admission, that’s how I define it.
If one can ensconce themselves in a San Marino, cool. Otherwise, no way hose B. 😉
Use ugly stats to describe a beautiful place, and, sure enough,
that’s all you see.