The latest Emmy for The Aftermath seems to have gotten under the skin of Miscavige.
His multi-million dollar media “empire” (Scientology Media Productions) has been a dismal failure. No shows worth watching. No audience. Not a single Emmy nomination for anything, let alone a win. In fact, they don’t even make any Emmy ballot categories to even be considered for a nomination.
So we are now seeing them hyping the “dotCOMM” awards they garnered.
You are no doubt wondering what a “dotCOMM” award is.
Their hype machine spit out this description.
So I took a quick look at the dotCOMM website.
You pay them money to be eligible to be considered for one of their awards.
A little further review and it reveals there are hundreds of categories. You can even invent your own category if you don’t seem to fit into one of their 214 existing categories. Here is the END of their list:
And if you look at the “winners” for this year, there are literally hundreds of them — they apparently hand out more than one award per category and one would assume for invented categories as well.
This is the best they could come up with.
Yet, according to Miscavige, the launch of SuMP was the greatest thing in the history of scientology.
Smoke must be coming out of his ears in frustration that nobody gives him and the scientology the respect he knows they really deserve….
Has Scientology Media Productions used by any Tom Cruise movies?
Don’t every one remember? The very first year of Sump they won a BOATLOAD of awards! 24 in fact. They won some Tellys, some Daveys and some MarComs. Here is the link to Ortega’s write up about it and there’s even a pic of the BOATLOAD of BOUGHT awards.
These awards, some from the same company as the dotCOMMs, are all bought. I think that with these awards if you pay the fee you win an award. There are no losers. They’ll give you some kind of award. It’s exactly like the fake statuses in Sci Inc.
You have to remember fans that our illustrious Dear Leader had a fake Emmy MADE for himself when Ted Koppel won for the Nightline series where he buried Miscavige. Basically all he had to do was let Dave talk and talk and talk…he buried himself. I wonder if DM still has that fake Emmy…or if he’s destroyed it or maybe beat someone with it…who knows?
Mike said, “Smoke must be coming out of his ears in frustration that nobody gives him and scamatology (Edited) the respect he knows they really deserve….”
If it is really true that he believes he is deserving of respect, I would find that to mean he is truly delusional and that might just be one of the primary causes of his impending downfall. I check the news and I check this site daily in the hope that his downfall will be coming soon.
If there’s smoke coming out of his ears, it’s probably because he’s running on borrowed time. It won’t be long before the whales (or should I say MORE whales), begin to recognize that he’s not only getting nothing accomplished, but actually going in reverse. He can’t possibly not know that.
gorillavee, i think the whales are mostly dead-enders whose belief and commitment can’t be shaken by reality. though it’s possible that over time Scientology will lose just enough of them that the balance of its finances will start to tip – but it still has vast reserves to prop it up.
and i don’t think we can discount the possiblity that many of the people still in, possibly including all the way up to the top, are deluded in a way that is hard to conceive of – bordering on insanity, really. i’ve noticed that scammers and cult leaders often have many of the traits of gamblers, maintaining blindered optimism and a belief that they’re either winning or just about to strike it big, even when the truth is that they’re going bust – and they never plan for that latter eventuality, like having money stashed and a place to escape to.
well, from what I’ve read, a lot of people completing OT8 had the WTF cognition and left. But you’re likely right about those who remain.
There once was a dwarf in a slump
Who focused his sights on a SuMP
He made up a tale
And fished for some whales
Creating an overpriced dump
Very nice Scribe.
There are so many words that rhyme with SUMP and that can be used in so many potentially great poems. Words like: dump, chump, trump, bump, hump, jump, lump, rump, sump, pump.
Those are just a few and there are so many more. I can’t recall hardly any other word that has so many other rhyming words. I think a great piece of rhyming poetry is currently on the tip of someone’s tongue and I would love to see them create that.
If anyone will do it, I would bet it will be Scribe.
Since when does a Scientology organization, like SuMP, need public acknowledgement. Wouldn’t that be affirming that Wogs know more than scientologists? Or is this an attempt to obscure the low stats with a group Ack (called ‘the magic hand’ by illusionists)?
This looks like the Sequoia University of awards!
Like having your own book printed (Vanity Press) these are Vanity Awards. They do the same thing with book awards. A friend of mine wrote a book and desperate to promote it paid one of these paid-for-awards-sites and then proudly wrote of his “win.” Naturally I looked up this win and there was nothing impressive about it, if you didn’t know better. Like these idiot and fake awards for $cientology which is of course the ONLY award they’d ever win, one they paid for.
“Idiot and fake” seem to be concepts that dog Lyintology in everything they do anyways so a perfect flim-flam match that signify nothing and zero accomplishment, as usual.
I don’t think there has been a genuine praise in decades (maybe never).
Miscavige’s motto must be, “Pleeease like us. If nobody likes us, let’s buy fake admiration.”
Not sure how these awards and all their paid for “press releases” and pre-approved speeches and success stories align with Hubbard’s “Never desire to be liked or admired”.
Clearwater, FL: Downtown advisory board election brings more Scientologist candidates
With four of the seven current members now tied to the church, this election has the potential for five seats to be filled with parishioners. The board is advisory and cannot pass ordinances.
I wonder how this plays with the bubble-dwellers. Those left may credulously swallow it as a “win” and assume that the outside world is validating Scientology’s accomplishments, lacking or having lost the ability to think critically and question authority.
And I don’t think this is the first time that Scientology has been exposed as flaunting awards that are actually just pay-to-play self-promotion schemes. Though I can only specifically recall that they use paid PR wire services for press releases and propaganda to make those appear as “news.”
Why is there a SuMP? Because Golden Era Productions can’t hire.
There is nothing being done in the SuMP that couldn’t be done better at Gold, but due to the crazy rules that Hubbard set up for Gold when he thought he could hide out from the law there, no one is qualified to go there to work.
Everybody that goes to Gold has to be personable, a dedicated proven Sea Org member, not connected to anyone who doesn’t like Scientology, able to keep their mouth shut. There is absolutely no requirement that they know anything about music, film or video production, though sometimes it helps if everything else is good.
I think they may have possibly hired a new member or two since 1994. Adam Rueveni comes to mind. Can’t think of anyone else. Of course I left in 2004 so maybe there are some I don’t know about. Probably not.
Sane, normal production companies hire the very best they can find, let the clunkers leave, and build up a competent crew. These crew get paid top dollar. When you have invested millions of dollars in equipment, a sane company does not let it sit idle. Either make something with it or hire it out to others.
Insane Scientology poured millions into music, film and video production facilities that literally produce nothing. They even have a film lab that can produce 16 mm films and edit 35 mm film. They went digital on the film systems in the late 90s, so there is no need for the Film Lab release print production area. The huge Cine Film Studio, called the “Castle”, with the largest uninterrupted sight-line sound stage area in California, has nothing to do with all the training films finally done. With the personnel problems, the rest of the facilities at Gold struggle to produce anything useful even when there is need.
Despite the shortcomings of Gold, Dave still wants to produce extravagant videos for his events with insanely over-egged computer graphics. So he bought an old TV station in LA, where the personnel can be pulled from the massively over-manned LA Sea Org crew. No American Saint Hill Organization is needed anymore, there is no Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Lots of other loose Sea Org members around. Put them in the SuMP!
Of course he puts out propaganda about some kind of multi-media power-house that will change the world by broadcasting Scientology. Anything to get the donations flowing. What’s really happening is Gold was dead and convulsing in the early 2000s but he still needed the odd video here and there. Voila! SuMP!
Does SuMP stand for Sucking up Miscreants Profit?
This is the funniest thing since viewing Scientology’s last garishly decorated Org opening.
Now Mike, I know walking the high road is a lonely one. But since this “church” is obsessed with constant one-upping because they lack creativity and originality, we should start a gofundme so you can win 9 (not 8) dotCOMM awards you can proudly list on your blog!
Here, I have the first 2 of 9 award categories listed:
1. Most informative blog
2. Blog influencing common sense in society
“and so on and so forth……”
“Most Appreciated Blog”
“Blog With Most Links to Australia”
“Best Short Beard in Blogdom”
“Blog with Best Refutation of Lying Critics”
“Blog Famous for Allowing Fewest Trolls”
and of course…
“Blog With Most Wins Per Entry” to let people know you won without stuffing the ballot box.
While not nearly as predatory this scheme is awfully reminiscent of scientology statuses. Pay up and we’ll give you an award. The more you pay, the more “glamorous” the award.
It even comes with a certificate. (Some of these outfits will also gladly award various statues and trinkets, as long as the “award” recipient pays extra for the additional “recognition.”)
Even this outfit’s own advertisement is telling for a proactive approach to truth that could have come right from scientology stats. They compare their own awards submissions (aka paying customers) of 200,000 to their competitors’, 6,000. Sounds like a world of difference, no? What they hope a reader will not ponder too closely is that their claimed number is over the course of 26 years (7,692 per year) while the numbers they compare theirs too are annual.
On a positive note, their graphic presentation is refreshingly retro. I haven’t seen anything so crudely produced since the days of the Commodore 64. It appears they haven’t changed their artwork since 1994!
May I suggest a new slogan for the cult: scientology–stolen valor, fake titles and bought honors. Curious!
This fake-i-ness reminds me of a critical short film that showed a young woman struggling to get by as staff at a CoS org. Her father wants her to leave, she still is trying to study Hubbard.
The chief of that apparently dying org is in need of some success. With no advance notice he announces to his group members and to the young woman that she has reached the state of Clear. He then announces a party in her honor, and during it he ostentatiously attaches a fancy Scientology “Clear” bracelet around her wrist, to much applause from the party attendees.
The lady is quite confused and a bit embarrassed, partly because she thought she was far from the state of Clear, and partly for being the center of undeserved attention.
After the guests leave, the camera shows her staring at the precious-metal Clear bracelet on her wrist. The org chief officer comes up behind her silently, quickly removes the Clear bracelet from her wrist, and puts it back into its presentation case. He says, in a chastising voice, “We don’t just give those bracelets away. They cost over a hundred dollars, you know.”
Stunned, the woman leaves the building, wondering if her decision to leave or stay in Scientology has been made for her…
I just did a short visit inside the machination known as DM’s mind and saw that, as a follow up to this pat-on-the-back he gave himself, he is deigning a 2′ by 3′ hardboard glossy “ATTENDANCE AWARD’ to anybody who comes into an org, any org, anywhere any org, anytime in any org. Stat is awards issued, even if it is staff. If they come back in from a smoke break then give them the award. Stats forever.
Thanks Mike, for continuing to keep us up to date on just how loony they have become. Or is that loonyness becomingess?
Wow. That’s just… embarrassing.
Miscavige had to pay someone to recognize SMP. This amuses me to no end!
dotCOMM Award, the Sequoia University of the media world.
It’s like that time their printers won an award for glossiest odd sized mailings.
Do you want a whip round to get into next year’s dotCONN awards?
…Or the photo-op time miscavige had his Sea Org members dress up in their dress whites and line up to watch a retired Columbian official pin a medal on him.
Safe and stable Columbia where those Way To Happiness booklets have made a real difference? Well done COB
Where is your wife – PIE FACE
Do you torcher your executives _PIE FACE
Can’t be served – PIE FACE
Can’t be interviewed PIE FACE LIE, LIE, Lie – PIE FACE – PIE FACE – PIE FACE
I forgot. SuMP had just been opened and someone called me from SO for money and usual requests and we ended up arguing about the fact that fundraising for ideal orgs was off policy for me, this person clearly implied that it was necessary to have these new orgs because now SuMP would have drove thousands of people into orgs. Sure we saw how it really went.
“Let it be asked how any person wholly devoid of talent, skill, accomplishment, wit, beauty, charm, or even the practical ability to earn a living by routine labor, can conceivably become an object of flattering, greeted with applause and given a hearing for the feeblest inanities — obviously nothing will serve except political position.”
“When the word leader, or leadership, returns to current use, it connotes a relapse into barbarism. For a civilized people, it is the most ominous word in any language.”
— Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine. (1943)
wow. thank you. perfect summary
Take any leader (Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc) and put them on a street corner to rant and rave. They would be dismissed as raving lunatics. Take LRH or DM and put them on a street corner to rant and rave. They would be dismissed as raving lunatics. It’s the followers that gave them power. Shelly Miscavige was punished for doing her job, this is clearly wrong. Paulette Cooper was punished for doing her job, this is clearly wrong. People in leadership positions need to be held accountable.
Otherles, I find Isabel Paterson an interesting writer with ideas worth exploring. I do think that treating these terms as absolutes is an error. Lincoln was a leader, and a great one, so was George Washington and Gandhi. And I could name many more leaders who accomplished numerous positive things. I now realize that LRH was a very flawed individual with deep psychological problems (such as megalomania, delusions, etc) But he was certainly an extremely hard worker, VERY talented in a number of areas and I happen to think he had a lot of insight into the human condition. I recently re-read the two major bios of Ayn Rand, a good friend of Paterson’s. Rand had a number of worthwhile ideas, and some crazy ones too. And personally , she could be a real nutcase. People do not always fit into neat, easily described boxes .
Citing Lincoln, Washington, Gandhi, and LRH in the same paragraph is a far out association that I don’t think even Dan Sherman would have tried to make. Qualify the man any way you want, but LRH’s legacy will always be an ignominious one. Even Ayn Rand’s quirks could never hold a candle to Hubbard’s twisted inhumanity.
Chris Shugart –
I think one of the two points Joe made were pretty solid: “leader” is a neutral term that could be applied to heroes and villains. After all, both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis were leaders even though they were opposed. I would consider Leah Remini a leader in the movement to expose Scientology.
On the other, Hubbard was not always wrong. After all, he needed some philosophical meat as bait. Some of his concepts make sense, and some are accurate but are based on evil premises like the whole Bolivar thing. I personally like seeing how the Co$ walks all over certain things Hubbard said – nothing like condemning them with their own scripture.
Hubbard a leader in a historical context? Please. Hubbard will never register a blip in any history book ever published. I’m forever comfortable that I’ll never be in a position to defend Hubbard on anything, any time, anywhere. I’ll leave that demented narrative to the Freezoners.
Everyone has their flaws. But some people allow their flaws to dominate them.
Pathetic to say the least. They bought it and created their own personal category! Laughing!
That damn project has cost (and still does) millions of dollars and hasn’t given a coin back. A real example of finance policies applied by the book.
True respect can’t be bought. Also hubbard was wondering how come ‘wogs’ weren’t amazed by his grandiosity and didn’t give him any respect.
It always start respecting the others first.
SuMP was just created but a week later it already looked like a cheap, useless, not rolling, rusty and jammed thing. Filled up with tons of subliminal messages. Unwatchable.
The more money they pour into SLuMP the less they have to spend on their evil antics, this must be a good thing.
Andy absolutely correct. They would like to teach their “tech” to others while they can’t apply to themselves.