Here are some leaked stats — sent in by Hushmail of course.
This is one of the few remaining Southern California missions. lists 9 in the LA area — probably they don’t all exist, some even state they are only open three days a week from 5:30 to 9. This with 4 Ideal Orgs (including “the model”) each “generating massive field activities across all sectors.” (We don’t count Valley as they are not ideal and therefore can’t do anything) Evidence enough of the failure of this “why.”
You can see from the stats that the brilliant innovations of GAG II have not resulted in any increase in sales and delivery of services.
Nor has the massive “IAS sponsored” advertising campaign with ads on the Super Bowl and Grammy’s etc resulted in an influx of public.
The brilliant Intro Routes in this “Distribution Phase” have not seen any increase in people starting on the bridge.
The magnificent “Basics” have not resulted in any booksales (other than the ones that are stacked in people’s garages or in dumpsters at libraries).
There is absolutely NO evidence of any expansion at all — let alone straight up and vertical.
Every one of COB’s over-hyped “brilliant why’s” has resulted in a big goose egg. And while he blusters and bloviates on stage through hours of Shermanspeak, loud booms and computer generated graphics to convince the clubbed seals there is nothing but good news (everywhere except where they are), the reality is far different. And becomes more and more evident every day.
NOTE: I will be repeating this over the next week a number of times.
My email subscription software has some compatibility issues so I have replaced it.
If you would like to be notified of my posts by email, please resubscribe on the front page.
Obviously these are false stats. It’s just part of an op to flush out who is leaking this stuff to you. Ya know make it so bad that you can’t resist posting it.
Thank you, Mike & Moles, for these Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time Stats!
“Mike’s Moles – Burrowing In An Org Near You.”
The stats are pretty much what you’d expect them to be after the Mission Holders Conference back in ’82 and the “Sea Org Moved In”.
Some of them continued to struggle under the suppressive weight of “new management” aka “the coup” like West Wood (which was labeled WW or COSMWW when I worked in the WUS Flub Catch unit which I used to get confused with World Wide sometimes) Davis COSMD, Riverside COSMR (no “S” ’cause that would make it RS 😉 ) etc which were bigger than many orgs.
I think Riverside for example had over a hundred staff at one time who were all making a living wage while working at the Mission.
Even so they had to promote for more auditors.
If you’re wondering why there didn’t seem to be a lot of Field Auditors back then. It was because most of them were being hired by either Franchises or Orgs (including SO Orgs in the LA area) according to the PL Selling and Delivering Auditing.
Chances are if some ED or CO heard that you were an VIII or BC Grad or Grad IV or V or even a IV or V they’d try to hire you.
So why start a Field Practice when you could make 25-50 bucks an hour auditing for some mission or org?
Anyway, even after the whole Franchise Fiasco missions were still able to hire outside help to audit their public.
Then some time in the early ’90’s the coup in their infinite “wisdom” pretty much shut down hiring outside auditors calling them “consultants” (I mean never mind what Ron said in the above PL) and demanded that any auditor hired had to sign a contract and only get “units” like everyone else which I personally think was the final nail in the coffin of the Mission Network and many of the Orgs as well.
Let me label this as *my view* entirely.
After that auditors and C/Ses drifted off and either got a “wog job” or worse became WISE Consultants.
Then some registrar at ASHO can’t remember his name got the bright idea to resurrect the Auditors Association and hired Joe Pinelli and John Joseph as Secretary and Registrar respectively exactly per the LRHED and a bunch of us ran with it and ended up signing up about 1500 auditors.
Worked on getting a network set up with metering and TRs seminars and setting up coaudits and doing outreach according to the above RED then Heber contacted us and wanted us to do a photo op with him in front of LA so that we could show the world that there we more Scientology Auditors than any other kind of psychotherapist in the LA area.
Then sometime our photo op with the Pres.
Int Management descended down like locust and tried to recruit all the auditors we signed up for staff.
In other words a total betrayal.
Not only that but now they wanted total control over the Auditors Association and so they replaced the original Secretary and Registrar with a couple of SO flunkies from Div VI who’d never been near an e-meter either side and that pretty much ended the Auditors Association as well.
Just something I noticed is that when the “Sea Org Moves In” over the time I’ve been in Scientology that it eventually turns to shit.
Yeah you could say it’s Miscavige or some vast conspiracy involving the CIA or some other dark and covert intelligence agency or maybe even the Marcarbs but I think aside from that is the fact that there is nothing but a bunch of obsessive control freaks at the level of Int that run everything on a constant Bypass and the above is a perfect example.
2 people brought in in the entire week?
I mean back when I started in Scientology any PES or Dist Sec would be too embarrassed to report such a dismal stat.
1000 bucks for VSD as a peak?
Are they kidding?
During my short time as Tech Sec. I used to make more than that in a day.
1100 bucks as CGI?
Man if we scored that low on GI divided by which is about 110 bucks per Staff Member which is totally unviable when I was in Qual even at a Mission we’d all be crying in our beer and this is a peak?
Anyway as far as I’m concerned all these stats are all in non existence. None of them are viable at all which wouldn’t be so bad if they were moving into a higher range.
But all of them are *flat lined* meaning that these Mission are on life support and if it wasn’t for whales supporting them they be out of business.
The actual number of sign-ups for the ASHOF Auditor’s Association was 1740. I know. I got a copy of the mailing list. And a major factor that collapsed the Association was GAT 1. The CO ASHOD went to the Auditor’s Association Secretary and demanded that he round up auditors to recover pre-GAT auditors onto the re-training line-up. The demand included unannounced house-calls on the recoverees. After about a month of that bulls**t, the Association’s active list dropped to 30.
That might have been the stake in the AA’s heart but the list you had was mostly “inactive” due to the changes I covered POT.
Maybe like many of the members of the Church these days they remained on the rolls in a condition of “hope” then lost it when they saw the idiocy of the “Golden Shower of Tech”.
Has nothing to do with the S.O. now remoteviewed. IF that was the “Why”, then Indie field practices would be BOOMING. With 100 staff member “Missions”, etc., etc..
The current “Why” is the the “Internet” is giving correct info to people about LRH’s scam BEFORE they can be suckered in.
Oh right.
Like the internet abounds with truthful and factual information.
The decline OS started in the late ’80s when public access to the ‘net didn’t exist.
I’ve got the stats to prove it:
As you can see those are Flag’s stats which is pretty much a bellwether for Scientology Internationally.
Mike, for those of us who are never-ins or are researchers/media grappling with this, could you define what the acronyms “CGI,” “VSD,” and “CF,” mean in for your post? Also, are “raw” books publications that are sold to the uninitiated public or off-the-street walk-ins? Thanks for all you do!
CGI is Corrected Gross Income — meaning the total Income minus booksales (which go straight into the Book Account and cannot be spent for anything other than book restocking and promotion) and FSM Commissions (which are supposed to be paid straight “off the top” without requiring approval from the “Financial Planning Committee” and return of funds (nothing they need worry about today). It is sort of “spendable income.”
VSD is the Value of Services Delivered. It is calculated by adding up the value (in dollars) of the services that were completed in the week. If someone completed a course they paid $1000 for then that is $1000 VSD. Though this is often manipulated as there are all sorts of discounts and packages that reduce the price of services, but the Tech Sec usually ignores that and counts what SHOULD have been charged for the service.
CF is Central Files. Everyone that buys anything is supposed to have a folder made up for them that contains their name and address and information about their progress in Scientology. Concurrently their names are added to the mailing list.
“Raw” books are books sold to “new” public as opposed to existing Scientologists.
Thank you for the unfortunate news that another mission has expired. I knew it was on life support and every measure was being taken to hold off the inevitable but still it is sad news.
I am going to send some flowers and a card this afternoon. Is there going to be a wake?
A wake would be out PR.
A couple years ago an ex-friend of mine was doing basics at the Foothills Mission in Montrose. She was OTV and said, on Saturdays, the course room was full of OTs trying to get through basics out of reach of harrassment for more donations. She said she just wanted a place to study LRH in peace. So instead of getting new people in, the mission was acting as a safe house to keep the wolves at bay.
What the KA faithful fail to recognize is that if things WERE straight up and vertical, it would be self evident.
You wouldn’t have to be told how great things are, you would just see it. Successful companies don’t have to tell you how successful they are, you will know it, and see it by their success. When you have to go to special events to be told how great and successful things are, that alone should raise the warning flag.
Right on the money! These way over-the-top events are just to keep everyone in line so one peeks behind the curtain to see the Great Oz is just an ordinary man. Or in this case, an ordinary dwarf. Ok, maybe a smaller ordinary dwarf.
Obnosis is effectively dead in Scientology and they are just “whistling past the graveyard” and it is a graveyard!!
Straight across and prostrate, as your perfectly apt description goes. The patient is brain dead, and the insurance isn’t willing to pay the machines much longer.
From the policy letter Superior Service Image: “It is an old maxim that if auditing is occurring in the field, orgs will boom.”
So there you have it.
Thanks for the update Mike.
There really should be a stat called “Old people out” so that the differential really shows. I guess the stat for total people currently on service would be too revealing also.
“Whoever leaked these stats is only exposing their own overts since it was their job to get these stats up in the first place” said a burning bush on behalf of David Miscavige
In the mid 90s a lot of Scientologists living in Sunland patronized Mission of the Foothills in Montrose. A lot of children did their Purifs and had their first auditing there. It would be interesting to be able to compare the stats of these 2 Missions. In any event, these guys must feel awful with these stats and most likely are doing and redoing lower conditions to no avail.
There is a famous quote from LRH that goes along the lines that if you sell 25 books, you will end up with one person becoming a Scientologist. This is a quote from 30 years ago and in today’s world with Miscavigian Public Relations I bet you would have to sell a lot more before one person dared set foot into one of his ideal hell-holes. However, it took the Sunland mission 18 weeks to sell 6 books. Thus one could expect that Sunland mission will sell 25 books every 75 weeks. So we would be expecting to see 1 new Scientologist from the Sunland Mission every 1.44 years.
The mission is in the Sunland/Tujunga/Shadow Hills area and there is no other Scientology operation in that area. The population is around 54,000. As long as the population does not increase, that area should be 100% Scientologists in around 77,000 years.
The big question is, if you are going to “clear your area” in 77,000 years, could there be anything wrong with your leadership?
In the minds of the Kool Aide drinkers what happens to Sunland is not a problem, and they do not actually care about the long term future of Scientology. All that is really important is what happens to them, right here and right now.
Guess this proves the recent proclamation that Seattle and Pasadena Idle orgs are bringing in 2000 new people in per month- outright lies exposed in the South Africa blog yesterday. At least we have honesty here in Sunland.
That’s a CGI graph so shouldn’t reflect Books (if I remember correctly after all these decades). Matched with the VSD and they are backlogging deliver of almost every service sold. With that low of service sales I don’t know how they pull that off.
There is a church policy (HCOPL “Statistics Graphs, How to Figure the Scale”) on how to correctly graph statistics.
“1: Determine the lowest amount one expects a particular statistic to go – this is not always zero
2: Determine the highest amount one expects the statistic to go in the next 3 months.
3: Subtract (1) from (2).
4: Porportion the vertical divisions as per (3).
Your scale will then be quite real and show its rises and falls.”
I think the last time I read this PL was probably 20 years ago. Why does it say vertical instead of horizontal? I may just be having a “brain fart” as they say.
If they correctly follow this HCOPL their graph could be correct although I would disagree with showing a division of something that is not possible to get. You cant sell .5 books or get .5 people. It’s essentially graph filler. THe graphs also tell you how high they expect their stats to go in the next thre months.
Crediting Hubbard for something taught to any first- or second-year high school student in Geometry is a complete and utter joke. And even if you weren’t paying attention in class back then, Excel will do it for you automatically, but that’s not KSW, is it, Chris?
I dont think you need to target Chris. He was saying how the people in the Mission would figure out how to do a graph. If it is written in a policy letter then that is what you do, no matter what the real world tells you. I have used the example p[lenty of times that orgs will not accept registered mail because it is forbidden by policy, but will accept a FedEx that is tracked and has proof of receipt. FedEx didnt exist when the policies were written. Neither did Excel. Or even personal computers.
What’s amazing to me is that in all these years, none of them has ever thought about or learned to use a tabulator.
I don’t know anyone who still makes graphs on paper with a pen and ruler. Not even high school students.
It’s “vertical divisions” as in gaops between the lines. Not as in horizontal lines.
I’ve seen graphs like that before in several places. Like WISE once had a graphing tool thingie they were trying to flog where I worked, it produced identical output. Here’s how it worked:
Figure out the scale on the Y axis. Get the difference. Divide that number by 5 and draw corresponding horizontal lines. It doesn’t even check for integral values. So you get lines for half people.
Now in the software trade we call that a classic n00b error. The people who commit them are called clueless idiots and they simply don’t understand the data they are working with. yes, it’s an insult, quite a grievous one.
Ha. You found my “MU”. All this time I never really got that part.
I think I’ll use this definition for proportion though: adjust or regulate (something) so that it has a particular or suitable relationship to something else.
Keeping Scientology a stat graph is part science, part art and part ritual, and part having graph paper. Seems like I was always out of graph paper. I would borrow a copy of a copy of an old graph paper, scrounge up a a very rare blank sheet of legal size paper, put it in the copy machine that would then go click, click, click, pop, pop, pop, clank, clank, clank….
Bit off topic but very much to everyone’s interest. Check Tony’s site. Court cases against Scientology everywhere! The Belgium case is particularly interesting, if lost by the “church” will set legal jurisprudence to wipe out scientology in all west European countries! I’m EXCITED!! Yeah, beverages for all!
all the european union since any decision in any eu court is binding sort of in all european union countries(which are the europe).that leaves the scientologists with mother russia where they are sort of illegal and already banned.
Yeah you are right about that! I do have to say that Davey has a few ways to escape but non are without damage. And if he will continue to delay and appeal (which they will most certainly do, as that’s scripture) it will take many years to reach a final ruling. But the immediate good news is that Davey has another dossier to micromanage — how large is this guys attention span? I mean, seriously, the trouble he is in would send many people in a psychotic break pronto. I wonder if he won’t just die at some point of a heart attack or a stroke or something acute related to stress.
It’s very obvious what is happening in the Orgs and Missions around the world. Dear Leader is hard at work recommending ineffective dissemination, upsetting and getting rid of the best staff members and working hard at altering the tech and destroying the Orgs.
Dear Leader, you actions speak loud and clear, the stats and empty buildings are the results. It’s time to step down and face reality.
If David Miscavige cared about products he would have resigned in embarrassment a long time ago.
The reality is he HAS been getting products. He is a 2 1/2 percenter, an SP. Getting rid of Scientologists and getting rid of Scientology orgs are his products. while at the same time becoming himself more and more wealthy, and, last but not least, while doing this, managing as well to actually convince the still – ins that he is expanding Scientology.
I agree with what Roy McGregor said here recently with regard to Miscavige, on his own, stepping down: “Dream on”.
I guess Black Heart mixed his wording, instead of having stated the Why of ‘Orgs doing too little’, he should have said: ‘my purpose and intentions are for the Orgs to do too, too, little, That is all his aiming for.
Great observation, Jonsty.
6 raw books sold since the beginning of November. Our Div 6 gal could sell 6 raw books simply by having the door open and saying hello to the passersby, in one afternoon.
This Mission is simply there so someone can say it is there, and for no other reason.
Got that right!
Hey Dave, Looks like it is about time to implement your ‘exit plan’. You can probably squeeze one more “straight up and vertical” out of your May 9th Event. You know: open the Test Center in Hollywood (the ribbon is not up yet, by the way) with a new launch of “Dianetics” and your KCET Studios.
The IRS seems to be right on your tail with those written instructions for bundles of cash from “Flag”. We’ll be keeping an eye on TC’s hanger at the Burbank Airport; be sure to wave ‘goodbye’.
Keep on shining the light of pure, FACTUAL, truth on the state of the Church of Scientology, Mike!
It’s great to know that this Mission is dead. Part of me is still sorry for those in the mission who have been tasked with flogging the dead horse even more. But another part of me still wonders how abject the misery needs to be before someone there wakes up and goes “people, we’re fucked. David Miscavige, COB, is an idiot, and his ‘strategy’ is KILLING US.”
I know! Wouldn’t it be great if there was just a mass exodus of staff.
Sigh. One can dream.
Actual stats tell the tale.
They allow us all to look, and not listen.
Way to go, Mike.
And to whoever is providing us these stats – you are heros. Thank you very much for what you are doing!
At least no-one is buying gibberish masquerading as Scientology.
I will bet that almost all GI or delivery is simply the “OT’s”, who are part of the mission, buying books or doing basic-extension courses to show that they are active and in agreement with DM. In that way, they can stay away from the “Ideal Orgs” and stay out of trouble.
I totally agree with you, Jonsty.
That is also confirmed by the fact that in the last 15 weeks (that is almost 4 months!), they have only had 2 new names to CF…which translates to 2 NEW people who either bought a book or started a service in a period over 15 weeks. ouch!
Jonsty, that’s the situation with the Pasadena Idle Morgue. In the 3 years I’ve been checking up on them, the staff turnover is massive. It’s never the same people. The first time I stopped by, they had staff members outside trying to give away tickets to their intro film. Nobody was taking them. The last time I was there, they didn’t have anyone outside. Just a bin of books. I looked inside and couldn’t even see any staff.
Jonsty you hit the nail on the head. The only ones going there are OT’s trying to look good for being on course carrying out “command intention.” They go to the Msn cuz they dont’ want to go to the org and be massively regged and pounced on the minute they set foot inside. The OT’s “hide out” at the Sunland Msn. Their only reach out is that once in a while they do stress tests on the street to try to sell books and body route. They usually do it in front of the Smart and Final Store in Sunland. Only problem is that people would complain to Smart and Final and they would ban them from coming again. The PTP was to find a place that wouldn’t ban them. The PR for Scn was so low that it was very hard for them to find a place where they could do stress tests. And most walking by hurried by or averted their stare and tried to “get away.”
Not much viability going on there. It’d be interesting to know what lines, if any, they reach out on to find new public.
For a while in the mid ’90’s, it was mandatory for all Denver org staff to go to the flea market once a week to try to sell DMSMH. It produced almost no books sold or NPI (new public in). A few of used to argue that trying to round up public from a pool of folks looking for the best possible bargain wasn’t the best marketing strategy.
What a waste of staff members’ time that was!
A bit like spending millions to play a superbowl ad to a crowd of people high on booze and endorphines who came only (repeat, only) to watch the superbowl and have fun.
Probability that one of them or anyone at home was there for enlightenment?
Does anyone know what is a “new person in”? does that mean they just walk in the door or do they have to pay for a service. If they paid for a service they should be first service starts no?
New people in is just someone walking through the door. Could have been body routed in or someone brought a friend in. I have seen staff so desperate for stats that they would count any stranger walking in the door, even if the guy is just delivering a pizza!
Sydney, we used to go to the swap meets in Honolulu when I was on staff at the mission. We NEVER sold a book there for the reason you said. Everyone would come back down toned and bummed out. What a farce that was! But now, of course, the entire organization is a farce.
Or a “new people in” could be someone who has been in scientology for a while but elsewhere. So they move to Sunland and do an Improvement course or a seminar. They count as above.
I love the way, with these tiny numbers, a “1” or “2” creates a huge spike in the graph. Like a vital-signs monitor in the hospital that you keep staring at, watching and praying for the upticks that signal a live heartbeat. Without looking at the actual numbers, you might think there is still hope for this patient.
VSD means something like “value of services delivered”? Which different than actual income, right?
Parishioners donate money onto their “account” for services. When the org finally delivers that service, it’s VSD (like preordering something, then finally the company ships it to you). The stat exists b/c ideally, both VSD and gross income should be close in numbers (otherwise they would just be taking money without giving anything in return, and that’s criminal, right? Seems a pointless stat these days).
To be fair this is actually the proper way to make a graph of something (using the majority of the Y axis so your trends are more visible).
The only problem with that is when your ‘trends’ are from 0 to 2 people per week! LOL
The trend I’m seeing is a catastrophic public perception problem slowly strangling Scientology and it’s lifeblood: fresh meat.
Great work Mike! I love your MOLES! Driving Slappy crazy with the truth – is just the right thing to do.
Thank you for persisting with the exposure of the truth. This knowledge may help those sitting in DOUBT get out of Doubt and validate their suspicions.
IN order to get out of Doubt – one must see it all and without people like you and many others – they would see only what Miscavige wants them to see and they are all lies. They could sit in doubt forever and think it was “their case” or something they have done!
Lurkers – please don’t stop looking until you have all of the information YOU NEED to get out of Doubt.
” Lurkers – please don’t stop looking until you have all of the information YOU NEED to get out of Doubt.”
So true and worth repeating. Part of the trap “good scientologists” are in as that they are cowed in fear that if they LOOK they WILL FIND. So you guys already know, you’ve seen the organization and the people in it do things that are contrary to what is survival. The sooner you jump in to the REFORM MOVEMENT the sooner your “religion” starts to take a more ethical and honest track. The REFORM MOVEMENT is seeking to address the suppression on your communication channels so you can freely look and decide for yourselves. Reformers are not “SP’s” that is just a fear tactic and thought stopping label to keep you at effect.
I just love it when commenters address lurkers here DIRECTLY. It impinges, I know by own experience and through testimonies of those on the fencers that come here daily. I cant stress this enough: main audience here are LUKERS. All lurkers, listen to Idle Morgue — find all the information YOU NEED and get out of Doubt NOW. Don’t delay, and wait how things will unfold. There is NOTHING wrong with looking at data and evaluating for yourself what is true. Please, do it!
“Lurkers – please don’t stop looking ”
But, but, but! They paid good money to have someone tell them not to look!
Seriously, that was always one of my better counter arguments at a demo where there would be always be someone who had to share their opinion that I was obviously no differently from the victims of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology (it was just that I disagreed with them): “They have websites – I can look at those websites, and I do. I have a website – they’re not allowed to look at my website, they have to agree to have a filter installed on their computer to blank out my entire ISP, in fact.”
Ahh, the good old days…
(Carry on, you’re doing an excellent job 🙂 )
Why do they have a .5 marker for the “new people in” graph? Were they expecting some 1/2 persons to walk through the door?
How do you sell .5 of a book too?
.5 marker, possibly Mormon?
That is usually happens before they walk back out!
The .5 is probably to allow for davie, if he happens to walk in.
Good point, but they need not be concerned as he does not circulate among the unwashed masses of peanut thetans. If he HAS to go out to deliver some Shermanspeak in front of a phallic symbol he has an escort of security personnel, arrives in a blacked out limousine, is hidden from view by a forest of imported potted trees and hedges and then scurries away before anyone unclean can soil his silken threads. He won’t be popping in to Tujunga. The Elite do not go to the Valley….
Ha ha ha 1984. Good one! What I want to know is who leaked the stats to Mike? Seems they have a mole in their midst!
The 0.5 is David Miscavige, of course.
As a never-in this is the first time I’ve seen a Scientology graph with axes which are actually labelled and quantified. I may be missing something, but why does the vertical axis on ‘new people in’ go up in increments of half a person?
It must be “correctly” graphed. You take your highest likely and lowest and that gives your top and bottom. If they did whole numbers it would ride on the bottom and they wouldn’t be able to spot all the affluences.
It’s a computer program that generates the graphs. The numbers are low they have to have larger sections so the lines on the graph look bigger (yes, it’s stupid and deceptive). They probably have to add in the .5 lines to do this.
The .5 person is someone they have not gotten YET but they are postulating they will come in.
It is called “Management by Postulate Stats”. Report it and it will be true. Magical! Very Oat Tea!
David Miscavige does it everyday. It is part of the GAT II Admin RE-Training! This is how the Staff survive – they have to lie!
Same question basically.
Are the 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 =kids?
Is that just to make it look ‘MORE’?
Google shows they don’t even have a sign. People probably think it’s part of Panda Express next door.
Thanks Rod.
Frankly, its one of the better looking Mission buildings I have seen.
That would be an interesting project for someone with a lot of time on their hands to do. Make a gallery of all Missions from Google. It’s just a list of addresses on It would be an eye opener I am sure.
Someone did this and posted to ESMB a year or two back. I’ll see if I can dig them up.
It does have a sign. That stats back up what I saw when I went there to do services a couple of years ago. The course room was almost empty and the only ones there were long-term Scns doing their Basics. No auditing cuz they didn’t have an auditor then. I don’t know now if they have an auditor. But to average 0 to 1 new person in over a 6 month period as the stats show, just disgraceful! I asked how they pay their rent cuz the space is nice and you have to pay rent on it and someone said that a whale or two covers the rent. I feel sorry for all the staff and mission owner there. It’s like they know the game is done and they’ve lost, but they keep trying to put on a happy face despite their own failed purposes. Sad.
No problem, Mike.
Here’s a slideshow of California missions, which is probably half the missions in the US. I welcome any additions or corrections. I’m a little confused about the status of San Jose, Simi Valley and Montrose. There’s also a bunch that I’m not sure are missions or FSMs. Clovis, La Puente, Quart Hill, and Mira Mesa. I think they’re FSMs.
If you hate slide shows and want to see the addresses, here are the same pics in a catalog.
Wow — thanks Rod.
Some of these are what you would expect of a Mission. About half of them appear not to exist any longer. A couple of funny ones — the “Psychic Supply” and “Alcoholics Anonomos”…
The San Jose Mission is the one on 1083 Winchester Blvd, but there’s also one called San Jose Central Mission on the Alameda, and the Silicon Valley Mission, which is on Pedro St, which, as John P Capitalist deftly pointed out, is said to be in the Willow Glen area of San Jose when it isn’t:
3 Missions that are from 10 to 20 minutes driving distance from each other in San Jose, I can understand your perplexity at this state of affairs.
Nice slide shows and pics. Here is one of the Potemkin mission:
By any standards or terminology this is non-existent production. they would get more “new names to CF” by spending half an hour each week at a soup kitchen. the only real surprise here though is that there is any “VSD” at all – I guess they count a book read as a “product” or something. Pitiful.
This is sad. I was public & staff at the “Geltman” Mission in NYC in 1973-77. At that time the Mission had several Class VIIIs on staff, did about 200 WDAHs a week (no purif. hrs), the academy was always packed and was averaging about $10,000+ a week in GI. Also….it was a blast being on staff there. Things have certainly changed.
The Dear Leader´s postulate “I will destroy Scientology” is a REALITY.