Unfortunately, it’s that time of year again.
Each Super Bowl, Scientology does their best to litter the parking lot with fliers people have been handed out and just as quickly thrown away. Usually it is these “Drug Free World Booklets” and also Way To Happiness. And you know neither of them make mention of scientology.
There is absolutely NO evidence at all that handing out their booklets “results in less crime and less drug use.” These fools really believe that a pamphlet is going to stop a criminal from committing a crime or anyone from using drugs? The only PROVEN result of handing out “200,000” of these things is whatever that translates to in terms of pounds of litter and wasted trees.
I assume, like in other years, they will run a new “Super Bowl Ad” — not really what it pretends to be, they actually run it on local airtime in a few markets (LA, Tampa, New York etc) where the vast majority of their sources of income reside so they can tell them to “watch for our new Super Bowl ad” and then hit them up for more money.
And just what is this Drug Free World Los Angeles front group?
If Betsy Davis seems to ring a bell it’s because we last saw her organizing an SMP video shoot with ringers at LA Org — she is the “Director of Success” but apparently also wears a few other hats. They apparently have a shortage of scientologists in LA interested enough to run this Drug Free World campaign so they have to have Sea Org member from Los Angeles do it…
It’s funny. Like Sea Org members get a Sunday off to watch the Super Bowl. When I lived in Clearwater, I’d go downtown to watch the game. Wouldn’t you believe it…? Zero Sea Org members.
Jeez I’m glad I don’t live there anymore. I wanted to get as far away from that place as possible and Fairbanks, Alaska is as far away as I could get. Now I live here with almost zero scilons.
Given what I said about drug use I would’ve been declared.
Wait. If LA has the most densely concentrated group of $cientologists in the world, why do they need to bring in 30 people to make the place look busy for a photo shoot? Asking for a friend.
I know it’s OT, but no one in Cincinnati will be paying any attention to Scamology this coming Sunday. It’s been 35 YEARS since The Bengals got this close!!
It will, however, be interesting to see if anyone in the Northern KY center (that’s Cincinnati) will be smart enough to make sure the ads are shown here.
Another one of those front groups that carefully hides their Scientology connection.
I have to wonder if they plan to get legal permission for said murals. LA has a whole process – registration, etc.
“We need about 30 people to be the ‘actors’ in the shots”. And that statement can be taken definitively.
One would think that with all the cult’s loudly trumpeted “unprecedented expansion” getting 30 actual Scientologists to show up for a photo shoot would be a cakewalk, but no, actors are needed.
A thought: Possibly the cult HAS 30 Still Ins to tap for this sort of thing but these public are – dare I say it – too OLD?
If a few knock-off ethical ideas could solve intractable personal and societal problems why has the cult done nothing to make that happen? It would be small fries to them to inundate Clearwater with their phony pamphlet. In fact they would be ethically obligated to do so—if they really believed their own BS. Not to mention, very much in their self-interest. Instead of winning hearts and minds in Cult City by ethical suasion, they opt for the wog robber baron way, oppressing the would-be colonized with the weapons of MEST and bought influence.
Why did they allow their own backyard in Los Angeles to deteriorate to the point where now many of the locals make off for greener pastures? And none of these refugees direct their exodus to locales featuring ideal orgs!
Most telling, why didn’t elron himself make it a point to live up to the ethical principles that he himself had plagiarized?
When I got a pamphlet a few years ago, and didn’t realize it was a Scientology group at first, I kept it because it was good for a laugh. It’s a list a drugs, with humorous “street names” for each and Reefer Madness-like hyperbole, obviously written by someone who had never had an honest education on the subject. I’m not even sure what someone is supposed to do with the information in the pamphlet.
My step-son got some of these along the way here in NJ (not sure how – there is basically no Scientology presence here). We had the same reaction; they are hilarious.
Scott Foster (Folder Admin CLO? Boy Scout club leader for Scientology kids) ran a bunch of volunteers running a hotline number for patients to phone for help with human rights offenses. I guess they put these numbers by all the payphones.
We then reported like a KR the facility.
Dev-T. I thought I was helping.
Maybe Scott was out of the SO by then.
It’s all the same scam as in the 1970’s. No change. Only they put their ads on tv now. It’s so embarrassing compared to the 1980’s dianetics campaign that actually did bring people into the org. But hey if it works….destroy it. Lol.
I called CCHR once for help with a non-scientologist that phoned me for help to get him uncommitted. Nope, never a return call. This was 2015? Before I was declared.
CCHR is typical scientology: talking a low-key game, but when presented with a chance to actually do what they profess is their purpose, they do a complete fade-away.
If it weren’t for their lies, we’d never hear about $cientology. And their lawsuits and their members being arrested for crimes. But without all that, we’d never hear about $cientology.
^^^ Zee.
I think it’s funny that “This Is Exciting” has to be said in order to make it exciting.
I have been in groups of reges that “This Is Exciting ” was said in order to make something painful try to seem exciting.
I have had reges call me and say “I’ve got great news!” Essentially what the great news was they found a way to start another reg cycle.
Ok. Glad I’m done with that nonsense.
Or call you in for a DofP that sends you to the MAA/Ethics Officer.
OMG, Dotey, I can’t tell you how many times someone calling from the Org prefaced their talk or voicemail message with “This is exciting!” with the purpose being to get me to an event. To this day – I swear, with no exaggeration – to this day – and I’ve been out for 9 years – to this day, if some person, some albeit SINCERE person who happens to be authentically excited about something prefaces their remarks to me with, “This is exciting!”, my stomach clenches a little.
If ya gotta work THAT hard to make it sound exciting, it NEVER will be exciting.
Drug Free World Booklet kits will be placed in stores as well as laudromats in and around PAC Base (Los Angeles), Celebrity Centre (Hollywood), the Valley Org (North Hollywood), Inglewood and Pasadena. It’s very easy for an apostate to visit laudromats and discard the kits (which will be in English and Spanish). Whole groups of apostates should swarm those communities looking for the kits. Individual booklets will also be found, no doubt, under the windshield wipers of parked cars. Those booklets can be retrieved and thrown out, too, by an enterprising apostate.
In truth, DFW is only really placed in landfills, ultimately, usually unread except by the bots handing it out.
You know, over years and years of watching drug addicts try or not try to get rid of drugs in their life I have come to realize that until a person wants to quit, no matter what help you give him, he will not quit. They may quit for a short time but they will get right back into it. A person must truly want to quit to really quit. There is no magic formula or “Tech” that will cause this to happen. You can put them in the very best treatment centers in the world and when they get out, if they truly don’t want to quit, they will go right back to the drugs.
Sad, but true.
That certainly was my story. And certainly, no addict is going to quit because they read a gaudy pamphlet; ridiculous! The poor clones handing these out have no clue how worthless their efforts are. The religious proselytizers – Teen Challenge et al – are going to help addicts far more that scientology ever will (not them I’m endorsing those groups, be at least they do get people off drugs).
Ah yes – working hard at making no difference.
Working hard at the ineffective “cures”.
Good material (i have had a couple put in my west Melbourne letter box – the marijuana and ritalin one )- well presented with great information but as you say to believe that they actually decrease crime and drug use rates is the ultimate form of gullibility. Just like nearly all aspects of scientology they do help somewhat but the benefits they give are extremely exagerated which is typical of the organizations deceptive and manipulative nature. They will be the first to mention drug rates have fallen in places that they have run their letter box campaign (which is purely by coincidence) however they remain hush hush when cities have had a surge in drugs, its hard to fathom that people actually believe that declining drug rates are due to the drug free world campaign yet they do !!!
Heres a q for anybody in the know. Drug free world claims to be a non profit organization- if a addict went into one of their centres would they be assisted without being asked to pay ? And what would that assistance look like ?
They don’t have centers for treatment. They just hand out booklets.
Ah thanks Mike, i mistakenly thought in the States (as i hadnt seen any in Aus) that they had drug free world centres similar to the way to happiness, criminon, CCHR etc etc.
I have heard you say those services are hardly used, i wonder if those centres are free and if they offer any genuine help or if its a case of heres a small booklet, see you later and if you want the real stuff go to scientology and show us your money !
“…heres a small booklet, see you later and if you want the real stuff go to scientology and show us your money !”
And what’s funny is that if they ever do walk into a Scientology org they won’t get any help either. No one will talk to them; instead they’ll be directed to a video or sold a book and told see you later and if you want the real stuff show us your money
I’d assume that if you asked, they’d steer you to another front group, Narconon – and its $15,000+ program.
“they help somewhat” – I take issue with that, respectfully.
They help themselves — when they can, to whatever they can get.
Thats ok, i dont take heart to your differing opinion. I do however think it is true otherwise this movement wouldn’t have been able to attract over 100k followers in its peak and be able to maintain some long standing followers. Essentially this is how they get people involved, they see some benefit and it gives them a positive feeling of self improvement which they keep chasing. If followers never got a initial benefit then they wouldn’t have become the worlds most successful cult with triple figure following. It may not be for the reasons legitimate religions help which is out of the goodness of their heart, it may be for moneytary goals however some see benefits otherwise they wouldn’t go back after their initial experience and would dismiss it as a load of crap.
Thanks for your response. As a never-in, I have to take it at face value when people say they’ve gotten some real value from Scientology. From what I’ve seen and read, whatever positive value there is, is far outweighed by destructive evil the cherch causes. It sounds like the value is mainly in assertiveness training of one sort or another, and I wonder: is that training unique to scientology, or can it be obtained elsewhere.
In my own struggle with addictions and other forms of negative behavior, I’ve gotten help from various sources: group therapy, individual therapy, a love-hate relationship with the 12-Step programs, a Buddhist meditation practice. Hell, I even got a lot out of a college course in public speaking; getting up to give a short speech to the class did a lot for my self-esteem.
So when I hear someone say they got a lot out of scientology in the beginning, I wonder: could they have gotten the same benefit from another, less destructive modality?
I’ll add that the idea of using some kind of gadget, i.e., the e-meter, to obtain spiritual advancement puts me off big time. You shouldn’t need some kind of mechanical device to tell you if you’re making spiritual progress.
Hey mate, I agree with everything that you said (im also a never in). From what I understand many get a initial benefit but those benefits and that high hit wayns the further you go. People chase that initial high without success and much like a drug they keep looking for that initial rush from the benefits of the beginner courses without any luck. This is of course only my opinion and a generalisation, some hate it from the beginning, some feel they are benefiting all the way deep into OT levels however they would be the vast minority. As for how beneficial it is, maybe the initial courses offer some kind of help however the same self improvement can probably be found from a 2$ self help book from second hand book store. Your probably more inclined to learn more from a book for Vincent Pearl or Susan Jeffers as they are well written and easily understood therefore your more likely to keep your focus rather than the ramblings from a book from L Ron who goes on and on and on (just like this post) who was a average writer and who struggles to capture the reader. Do they help ? Yeah most likely in the beginning stages but nowhere near enough to justify the overhyped and over priced daylight robbery that the organisation practices.
Great comment; thank you. And no, you’re not going on too long if you’ve got something worth saying, which you did. Take care, friend.