Things are not going too well with the big plans for the Super Bowl.
Though there are 3 ideal orgs and another “almost” in the Bay area SFO (actually two — Day and Fdn), Stevens Creek, Mountain View and Los Gatos; and with the “massive international expansion” scientology has been experiencing since David Miscavige took the helm, rocketed with the advent of the Golden Age of Tech, after-burnered with the Basics, shot skywards with the Golden Age of Knowledge, exploded into hyperdrive with the Golden Age of Knowledge II and Super Power and launched to the stratosphere with the Golden Age of Tech for OT’s, not to mention the magnificence of the ideal org strategy — they don’t seem to be able to round up a few people to hand out Truth Abour [sic] Drugs booklets guaranteed to save the world.
What is going wrong?
It would appear, despite repeated pronouncements to the contrary, that all is not well inside the bubble….
Sorry this is a little late, but here’s a possible explanation of why there’s so little enthusiasm among Bay Area Scientologists to hand stuff out at the Super Bowl (aside from the general lack of enthusiasm for being involved in Scientology in the first place). The event will be massively secured, and I am sure that the various law enforcement agencies involved are going to keep people without tickets well away from the stadium.
Bay Area news media have been telling people what the restrictions on movement will be for months. So I suspect that the locals know that they won’t be able to hand anything out and will be stuck with a ton of material that they have paid for and can’t use. Of course, clueless management in LA assumes you can just show up with tons of paper and hand it out right in front of the stadium gates at an event that is described as the highest level of security alert short of a Presidential inauguration.
A really good article describing the details of security is here:
All of what you say may be accurate, John P., but here is the real WHY: people in the Bay Area are so fed up with the two clowns who run the 49ers, Jed York and his GM Trent Baalke, that interest in one of the most storied franchises in the entire history of the NFL is at an all-time low. Not even the hiring of Chip Kelly is enough to overcome the damage those two have done. That and the fact that one can’t get near the stadium. Hey, these guys couldn’t even get the end zones painted properly.
One short part of that flyer should guarantee no response and that is ” . . .we will load you up with copies . . .” We’re not talking handfuls folks, we’re talking cartons, probably 40 or 50 pounds each. Once you have them a) drive directly to the recycling center and think of a way to justify the overt b) store them c) spend Super Bowl Sunday outside the stadium being rejected.
If the orgs expect members to pay for the booklets as someone below suggests, then; $300/carton, 5 carton minimum. HELP!!
I can appreciate Scientology’s misuse of their followers’ money renovating old buildings.
But Scientology money wasted putting their bogus ideas into paper form is wrong.
I appreciate now Mike’s criticisms over the years of the donation scams Scientology runs on it’s members so they in turn print out all the bogus tripe that gets handed out. It is a waste of human resources and no human improvement is resulting.
Better if Scientology’s Volunteer Ministers showed up to clean up for free the stadium after the game or something.
The handouts might be happening at Game’s End, is what I’d shoot for if I were still brainwashed like they are.
The Cherch of $cientology is that insecure demanding boy/girlfriend we’ve all had that can’t stand not to be the center of attention at all times. Fuck you Dave, you’ve been dumped again. Looser. Lol
Are our agendas not to your liking?
We all are living less than ideal lives – course, session, fundraisers, propitiating Dave, what have you. We are gullible people!
You may not be able to see the point and not want to contribute. Too bad!
Come in immediately and we will load you up with enough kool-aid and pamphlets to keep you going until the big game is over so that you can throw your mind away while contributing to this project!
maybe it’s finally reached the point that people are not even going to go into the building anymore, knowing that whatever the reason they came, they’re not going to be allowed out without handing over some money. the church doesn’t GIVE away those booklets, people have to BUY them. billions of dollars in the secret accounts and the COS can’t just give people the 20 cent booklets to hand out? really?
I have never been involved in a religion, but my friends and family who are all describe their various houses of worship as a sanctuary, a safe place for reflection and community. I imagine that the COS is feeling less and less a safe place for Scientologists these days… (I mean for public scns, it’s not been a safe place for staff or SO for a long time.)
LA very enturbulated all the time now. Folks looking at my website can’t help but notice that the cult is aggressively going after me when I protest, esp. alone. Over the last few years I can tell they are getting more and more stressed out. All the workers know the ship is sinking and the look of fear/depression/impotence in their eyes is palpable.
Not at all surprising they are sending desperate flyers begging to get people to show up for ANYTHING.
Too bad. What they don’t realize is how much better their own church will be once it’s over. Whatever (If anything) rises from the ashes will be better than what it is now.
Well done, seems there are more GOONS than Scientology public.
Is there a GOON Union Hall that David Miscavige gets these people from?
They all look the same or this is all the same family?
DM has goons in LA and sea hags in Clamwater. Elzie Segar is turning in his grave.
Hi Espiando, Thank you for posting info that I could not know and it helps me understand more.You have my heart with Sea Hag!!Still laughing! Goons and Sea Hags,you go dm things are looking older,greyer,and no brain cells left in their heads too.Have a good week Always Love,Ann.
BRAVO FOR YOU, AGP! You deserve the All-around-A Number 1 BEST AMERICAN BALL-BREAKER AWARD EVA!!! You surely do seem to get under their skin more than any one person showing up to protest that I’ve seen so far! … And you do it so calmly right in their face! Good for you! haha ๐
I remember, 10 years ago now, when I realized the administration, and “ethics,” and “policy” of the cherch was a crock. I was at the int base. I was definitely shaken to the core, but I had enough sense to SEE that it was nuts and I needed to get the heck out. Any one of those stressed out, fearful, failing people, especially the ones in LA, can just WALK AWAY. Take whatever little bits of money they have, take a walk over lunch time, call family or a friend, hide, and get picked up and taken back to a normal life where people are kind, understanding and supportive. And where the food is decent, you can get enough sleep and when you get a job you’ll get PAID for your work and will get to go home after 8 hours. Every day. Unimaginable, I know, but it’s there and that’s what the law says is supposed to happen. Quit suffering for a cause that no longer exists. All there is now is “what COB wants.” And all he wants is to control you and make you pull in more and more money for HIM (not Scn, but for HIM). Not a happy, winning, successful life. Just LEAVE. Just DO IT!
Hi Gato, nice to meet ya! GREAT POST!!!! You should write a book and title it “Scientology: Not a happy, winning, successful life? … JUST LEAVE! — JUST DO IT!”
When I was there for a really short time (not even a year!), I clearly remember thinking, “Jesus H. Christ, these poor folks feel like they must have “permission” before they can do whatever it was they wanted to do!” (And that included using the god damned elevator! I kid you not!) Perhaps that’s part of the reason why so many are staying in? They can’t think on their own without permission?
To me it’s just like “smoking.” I should JUST QUIT!” I shouldn’t be looking for a reason why or when I started smoking in the first place — I should just STOP this filthy, disgusting HABIT! ๐
If they do hand out pamphlets at the Superbowl, they really should be fined for littering.
People want to forget about life and just watch football. Handing out any pamphlets in
that venue will only bring about bad P.R. Like Hari Krishna’s at an airport, or getting the “Watchtower”.
Those pamphlets will just be a big mess all over the ground. A fine for littering would be in order.
Yo Dave,
When it comes to the subject of bowls which are super ……………. what will you be serving in your Flog World Tour Punch Bowl over at the Pasedena Morgue?
Will it be more fucking Kool Aide? You know good buddy, you might get more attendance if you changed it up occasionally. Just sayin ………..
Unfortunately, Cooper, the only thing david miscavige knows how to do is to add more or a different poison.
The first sentence reveals all: 1) course; 2) session; 3) work; 4) kids; 5) school; 6) what-have-you. These are the priorities in order of importance. 1 and 2 trump all others. 3 is tolerated as necessary even though it puts one in agreement with the MEST universe. 4 and 5 are unnecessary dev-t, and 6 is discouraged because it’s counter-intention to clearing the planet. I propose that Super Bowl Sunday become the first official holiday for former Scientologists who have freed themselves from bondage. Even if you’re not a football fan, even if you could care less about the game, take this day and make it your own celebration–maybe something like a combination of Thanksgiving and Independence Day. “God bless us, every one!”
Hi Murray Luther, Good to meet you.I like your idea about all us bitter defrocked sp apostates on
a little blog on the fringes of the Internet ( still love saying that ), having a super bowl super party to celebrate us all.Our stories, our connections, our lives out for years or recently from cos and my hope that all still in or disconnected from loved ones will see and be-able to find the strength to leave.It is so hard, but life without cos is heaven.Love,Ann.
I’ll be making the chili (with cornbread). Beer is optional, but Dos Equis is my brew of choice for all dishes Mexican.
Hi Murray Luther, I learned to love chili when I spent the last two years of college in Athens, Ohio many moons ago.I have since understood there is OK chili and really good chili.Yours sounds wonderful.Look forward to more of your posts.Love,Ann.
I’ll bring homemademacncheese and some italian bef sammiches. But beer is required. I’ll bring some of that too.
Hi gtsix, Saw your post to Murray Luther,& suddenly I realized my whole life,I have called sandwiches, sammaches, and never heard anyone else call them that until you.I love all types of sammaches, and since we share so much well here is another area that we both know.If anyone wants a little sweet I’ll bring the King cake from a fantastic Cajun bakery here.Melts in your mouth! After though I swear off sugar for awhile -the honey in the cake takes it over the top! And I always get the baby so I have to buy one the next year.
I just had a wicked thought.Make devil’s food cake and have a devil baby named dm that no-one wants to keep around.Laughter,thank you and love to a beautiful spirit.XXOO? Ann.
Hello you beautiful person you!
Mmmm King Cake. Yes please! I never get the baby, and yesterday we had one at my office, and the person who got it… threw it away! The horror from our New Orleans staff member was evident ๐
I got the word sammiches from my ex (who was a brit).. I do love using silly brit slang, it’s fun. Especially watching football (soccer) matches. And yes, I will make sammies out of anything – I love bread to a slightly crazy degree.
Hope you are having a wonderful year.
Hi gtsix, You made the sun shine on me with your post! Thank you.Right back to you- because you shine so brightly.My late Mom, let me politely say that was one mother-daughter relationship,that definitely did not work!In the 50s she got into making bread with whole grains and all the good stuff,I think she put wheat germ in the mix.A few days ago I ordered King’s Hawaiian Jalopeno bread.In 1951 my late parents would take me to buy the same bread baked today at the original bakery in Hilo,Hawaii.I was only one,but the bread was so soft I was happy.
The horror of the baby going in the trash can! I can get creeped out with large doll collections, but I have all my king cake babies from 20 years in Baton Rouge, in a box. I imagine them getting sprung from their spot at 3:00 am and causing mischief throughout the house.Laughter!Always Love,Ann.
Hi Mike, I love where the piece says ” we are not idle or boring people. ” Oh no cosers and lifers in cos are always Ideal and Dead within a shell that belongs to dm.Gosh Ann that was not nice of you! Laughter.Ann.
They’re certainly NOT boring. They’re always good for a laugh, although usually without meaning to be…
I am a small business owner. I do my own promo writing. One way people can prove that I wrote it is that it will contain at least one typo. One time I was suspended from an on line game because I didn’t check my typing before I hit send. To quote the bumper sticker “Typos Happnen.”
Perhaps we are actually seeing something we have been hoping for?
The flyer itself is interesting to me in that it acknowledges that people may have a life outside the confines of the cos as well as addresses school and “kids”.
Although soft pedaling it, the desperation is there.
When every. Single. Flyer. Sent. Out. Begs for money, a saturation point is reached.
Interesting it would be this.
It seems as though our favorite cult will disappear more like fog in the morning rather than a fireworks display. I’m sure it is delivering a lot of agony to dear leader who desires adoration more than money.
For that reason I hope it really drags out!
Yo Dave,
Do you buy your adoration in bulk with Bob and Tom or do they ration it out these days? And I imagine your Dad hasn’t called to say hi in awhile either. ………oh well, let em die big boy! BTW Dave, have you started work on the design for next years IAS statues?
I think the fireworks display already happened with The Truth Rundown, Internet Blogs (J. Hawkins, Steve Hall, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder), John Brousseau’s story, The Debbie Cook Email, Katie Holmes blow, etc. That was the big firework display with the crescendo of Going Clear and Troublemaker. Now it’s just the band playing while the remaining folks file out or hang around to clean up. It is O V E R.
Dance band on the Titanic?
‘… band on the Titanic?’ OMG! LMFAOROTFF! Spit out my tea! Thanks, I needed that! ๐
You are of course correct ah mundo Mary! I suppose all we are really seeing now is all the shit returning to earth after the big blow up.
the sad thing is is that it is unlikely that anyone will get their money back. when it is finally really over, my hope would be that all the properties are sold, all the accounts are found and everything is split up between the people who suffered because of this cult. of course, this will not be what happens… but if there were any justice in the world, all of you exes on this blog would get a nice fat check.
Yeah, Valerie, you’re so right. It makes a whole lot of sense. And it also plants the idea, “Since they’re mentioning it, why don’t I have some kids, too? … Some kids in school or be in school myself? … That would be nice! — Hum, there’s something definitely wrong with this picture!”
‘Gasping for air’ update:
Your minions put up a new sign in font of your hole in the wall organization on Ventura Boulevard between Sherman Oaks and Studio City. There goes the neighborhood.
How is the attendance looking for the Flogging the World Tour in Pasadena tonight?
Has the Punching Pontiff ever discovered that
the Super Bowl was the right PR event to sell Scientology?
How many OT’s claim they got in the Church because of Super Bowl Promo?
Sports Events in general , could be all barking up the wrong tree , no results for
shiploads of money.
Just saying,
I’ve got cold beer ,hot dogs and chips and two big screen tv’s.
Will be unsessionable for a week after the Super Bowl.
I’ll be unsessionable for a month……Feel free to come on over!
OSD aren’t you in California? Why don’t you drive up there and hand out some booklets? You can enjoy the scenic Pacific Coast Highway drive and have the satisfaction of knowing Ron is proud of you.
You’re right! I am in southern California at the beach in Orange County. And if Ron will be proud of me, I’ll make it my life’s work to hand out WTH booklets. How far north are you?
Hi Jose Chung,You are the Man with the Plan for Super Bowl! It is still so nice to me,that we can watch, listen, or read what we want when.Still is astounding to me at times! How isolated we were inside the bubble dome.Love,Ann.
i am so interested in your column but as someone who lives in clearwater and has a large interest in all this scientology happening and its decline i would appreciate a column some times written for the non scientology person.. all the words you use are foreign to me and hampers my understanding.. thanks for the consideration ralph
Read Lawrence Wrights book, it will tell you all you need to know.
Well that right there, Dr. Ralph’s plea for clarity by elimination of unfamiliar words, provides anecdotal evidence of the fundamental workability and effectiveness of one piece of Hubbard’s “tech”.
Whatever the original “source”, he at the least compiled much that works well enough that it is sometimes sort of miraculous.
I have no point here, except don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is stuff there that can help people.
Hi Bob Dobbs, Good to meet you.You bring up a good point in your post.I have nothing against indies or those that want to use the Tech to help not hurt people.I only throw the baby out with the bath water,if the baby has a dark soul. Then the bath water and the baby can go else where.This is from just my own personal experience in Ron’s World.?Love,Ann.
Hello Saaaweeet Lady! You still find the nicest way of explaining the most hideous. You don’t scare folks away. Just the opposite. Your meanings/opinions get across so very well, you keep people interested in finding the TRUTH! xoxo ๐
Word-clearing is for incompetents who can’t learn meanings of words through context. I learned how to do that at about age 9 or 10, and haven’t needed a dictionary ever since. Word-clearing is for the unable, and Scientology is supposed to be for the able, so there’s a nice little contradiction for you.
And may the Stark Fist of Removal strike you for taking the name of “Bob” in vain.
Hi Bob, Quoting you:
Well that right there, Dr. Ralphโs plea for clarity by elimination of unfamiliar words, provides anecdotal evidence of the fundamental workability and effectiveness of one piece of Hubbardโs โtechโ.
Whatever the original โsourceโ, he at the least compiled much that works well enough that it is sometimes sort of miraculous.
I have no point here, except donโt throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is stuff there that can help people.
Me> I agree with you 100%.
There is a lot of stuff in scn that not only can, but is the only thing on the planet that can really help people. I only did very little of it, and it saved my life more than a few times, and increased by ability to handle life to a huge degree.
I searched the world for help before I came across scn. I tried everything, and I was only getting worse.
Scientology is such a fucked up, defiled subject. The assholes, shit heads, idiots and criminals have hi jacked the subject. That was started by LRH.
The point is made in the proverb: Don’t throw your pearls in front of swine. For they will trample it under their feet into their manure.
And don’t throw what is holy in front of dogs. Because if dogs can’t eat it, or fuck it, they piss on it.
So much so, that it is the most disreputable subject and organization on earth.
It is the world’s most criminal, most evil, most despicable organization.
Like I said before, I suspect that LRH was used as a via (a channel) by some entity outside of this dimension to get this data, this tech to earthlings.
Scn can solve a lot of problems but it cannot cure the “asshole” and “bitch” disease.
Only the proper use of the bible can cure that.
That is why I am a Christian Scientologist plus. “Plus” is for other good stuff, because there is a lot of other good stuff out there that makes a better bridge.
To me one of the most significant things LRH ever said, is that “The purpose of scientology is to make a Christian a better Christian”.
One of the things Scn is missing, is the Jesus factor.
Hey there…. I’m a huge fan of Mikes blog and an quite new into researching what all this Scientology stuff is. Trust me, watch a few disgusting David Miscavige presentations and a documentary or two, and you’ll totally be up to speed on what all these weird terms are all about…
So strange!
“Never in” here too. I’ve been patronizing Mike’s blog since “Going Clear”. I’ve read a serious number of books about CoS, Tony’s blog daily, and there’s still so much I’m unclear about.
For you folks that were in CoS, you lived these terms. It’s part of your life. Even though I still try to learn and wrap my head around this stuff, I’m still bewildered.
I know it’ll never happen, but I wish that a story could be written and then another one in Americanese. Kind of like the King James version of the bible and the American Standard.
If you keep at it, some day, much sooner than you’d believe it possible, you will understand all of those words.
And that will scare you.
That’s what happened to me – I’ve never been in, but when I read or hear scientologese I know exactly what it means. It’s as if I now have two meanings for some words, one valid for scieno-land, the other for reality. That weird insider’s language is part of every cult experience. It redefines the world according to the cult’s values, and it’s frighteningly easy to acquire.
If anything can teach you how easy it is to become trapped in a cult, that weird phenomenon does it.
Hi Kemist, That is amazing that you picked up this weird SCN language without ever having been involved. With me, having been born into SCN (now ex of course), I probably was asking my mother “do birds fly?” while still in diapers.
When we Anons started the real-life protests, it was recommended to us by WBM and Magoo that we learn a lot of Scilon terms in order to better communicate with them and to better understand Hubbard’s gibberish to understand what they believe. So most of us put in some time lurking at Clambake and other sites to get a good hand on the lingo. It did help tremendously.
It was easy for me to pick up Scientologese thaks to all the articles at the Underground Bunker and other books. Then again, I worked at Boeint Commerical Airplanes in the early 1990s and they had a ton of acronyms and other corporate lingo, similar to C0$.
Perhaps you should consider just how lucky you are!
And Ralph, if you wanted a thorough understanding of the BS known as scamology you could route onto a course at the local Ideal Morgue. ๐ I know, that is of course a very bad idea!
Hi Newcomer,Just found your post.Thinking all those Ideal Orgs have got to get some body in the shop at some point….won’t be mine! Laughter.Love,Ann.
also a never in. along with Going Clear (the book) Chris Shelton’s book Scientology: A to Xenu is a great one for helping to understand terms and concepts in has a glossary in the back and is also one of the best-ever titles for a book about scn.
Jeffrey Augustine’s Surviving Scientology podcasts are great too, because he interviews Scientologists and asks them to explain many of the terms used.
This blog is written for a particular audience. Mainly ex-scientologists and those in various stages of leaving/doubting the Church of Scientology. Tony Ortega’s blog is much more accessible to those who are new and unfamiliar with the subject and is an excellent source for current events in Scientology.
Ralph, my suggestion is that you purchase “Scientology from A to Xenu” by Chris Shelton. You can download it to Kindle or buy it in paperback in Amazon. It’s very readable and there’s a comprehensive glossary in it too. It will get you up to speed in no time.
Not to speak for a Mike but he has so much he posts just from leads he gets from other readers, he probably wouldn’t have the time to take to back up and post a glossary. I hope this helps you.
Also read, Bare-Faced Messiah by Russell Miller. The cult got his book banned after 12,000 copies were sold. He excoriates the cult. Now, his book is so spot on, the cult never challenged him again.
Hi Doc Ralph, most of the books written by “ex’s” have glossaries, I recommend Jon Atacks “A Piece of Blue Sky” to get you started. You get a really good idea of what life inside is like in Jefferson Hawkins “Counterfit Dreams”, I think I’ve now read “all” the books and one is as gripping as the next. I peruse the blogs but I find the information from the posters here packaged with so much insight, intelligence and the smartass humour I so appreciate and it draws me here daily. If I come across an acronym I’m not familiar with I just google it with the word Scientology and figure it out.
Hi justmeteehee, I so agree with you.I peruse Tony’s and sometimes Chris Shelden’s I love the title of his book, will get a copy. But as you posted nowhere else can I find either, the insight,intelligence,smart ass humor and if I may add love,that I find here.Mike’s Blog is a rocket.Saved me from only thinking about my Sea Org dramas 24/7 too.Talking here & laughing and learning from all of you = the best! Love,Ann.
Ann, you are one of the delightful reasons everyone comes here daily!
Hi justmeteehee, Now I am blushing! Thank you. And y’all are the delightful reasons I keep coming back! Love U,Ann.
Hi Just, I SECOND that emotion! Luv you, Ann! xoxo ๐
Eh … What’s up, Doc? (haha, always wanted to use that!)
Ralph, I had to find a dictionary, too. I knew most of the sci-fi BS, but just didn’t bother to remember it because I was only TOO HAPPY TO GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE!
So, if it’s ok with Mike (since it’s a link), HERE YA GO, a sci-fi dictionary:
Thanks for posting that link Pat. Good one to keep in mind as the question comes up often.
Thank you, Mike! I appreciate helping you out for a change! You’re everyone’s HERO! ๐
I thought it was just so simple to tell the Doc about the dictionary, instead of his reading all the books, especially since he lives in hell (clearwater). Doctors probably do not have that much time either; as well as other folks. Me? I love research so it’s no problem for me, and I like helping other folks out, too.
I didn’t know if I was stepping on anyone’s toes, cause most of the time I don’t know if someone’s teasing, being facetious or being “for real,” with some of the shit they say on here. Sometimes one can’t tell if someone’s backing the sci-fi freaks or breaking their chops. “Typing Tone” can be such a bitch for some assholes! LOLOLOLOLOLOL ๐
Well, I appreciate your help.
Havent looked at those definitions, so I dont know that I can vouch for them, but I bet they are pretty helpful to someone who is struggling to try and understand the dense lingo that flies around scientology related discussions.
Well, you’re quite Welcome, Mike! And yeah, it does help a lot. So far I haven’t found any contradictions to their explanations. I even stopped building my own dictionary due to your site and this scien dictionary. All the other guys and gals’ books and websites were and still are great help, also. ๐
When I joined AOLA Nov 1977 my spelling was atrocious. It is still bad but I always could/can see the errors. I was Director of Promotion for a spell (under Kim Hawkins and Peter Mead). All our promo had to be approved by the LRH Communicator for ‘issue authority’. Either that doesn’t happen anymore because there is no LRH Comm (I doubt it – someone else holds the post from the side or wherever) or I can assume the LRH Comm is just as bad at it and can not even see the errors. It’s a reflection of the state these staff must be in. In 2007 after divorcing my husband of 24 years I left in the SO, I took my BF to the Santa Clarita Mission off Soledad. We walked in and two staff members were at a table against the opposite wall. They never looked away from their computers while we browsed the book display for a minuets. The floor was thick with leaves and dirt that had blown in leaving a trace where the door swung. The corners were very thick indicating not even daily cleaning. My BF nicely didn’t say a word. We left and not once did the two persons even glance at us. The mission is no longer there as of a few years ago. Yes. It’s a sorry sorry state. I’m expecting my disconnected children to call me any day now.
Cece, I hope they do call you. Love.
Make sure you are easy to find. Waiting as you are for my eldest daughter’s mother to request a reunion. Making myself easy to find for when the time comes. ๐
Cece, didn’t know your kids were still in. All of us will be waiting for that call. And it will happen.
Hi Cece, I send all my intention and lots of light to you and yours. Sometime the rubber band has to stretch tightly and go along way before it Snaps! May you receive the call you so deserve.Love always,Ann.
Hi Cece, nice to meet ya! And yes, they will call! I got 3 of mine back, so there is a lot of hope and best wishes for you! ๐
Amazing how they can make begging sound like it is saving the planet. But I have never really understood that booklet. I mean can’t a person see the truth without some official booklet from Scn? I figured out the truth abour drugs empirically. For the most part it was much more fun than reading a booklet. As some SO members and die hard sheeple may not be idle they have indeed become boring. Just read the promos.
Handling drugs is not really part of LRH works .. he himself did fall about himself as I have heard .. he had no real concept about .. he has never found the why .. but it is easy, you go into a wrong mind and call it your mind .. and you need some drugs to hold your actual mind in present ..
Very true – has a glossy bookLET ever educated you or changed your mind about something in your life? I read a booklet when I’m touring a museum. The truth about drugs
A. Is subjective
B. Cannot be distilled to a booklet
C. Is not liked to be read by druggies at the Super Bowl
Likely not liked. Sheesh here I am reading a post about not proofreading and I can’t proofread my own stuff.
Hi Valerie, I hear you.At 64 my spelling has gone south, along with proof reading & Suri sulks all the time and sends my posts to the front porch of Infinity.XO Ann.
Sorry buddy, wrong why. Nothing to do with the schedule. I’m just plain NOT INTERESTED in being loaded up with brochures that I think will be a waste of time and money.
The stadium in Santa Clara will be loaded with 70,000+ fans who will themselves be loaded with beer and hot dogs.
How about “I don’t want to spend money to buy a book then go to a stadium and risk looking like a scalper while handing it out to people who will either toss it on the ground or in the garbage?”
Your schedules don’t mesh because the smarter sheeple are pulling away as far as they can. When you stretch one side of a shirt the buttons don’t line up anymore.
People also do not want to be burdened with dissemination materials for an organization they do not truly support. The tech aside, if an organization like the Church of Scientology cut their prices by a third, at this point I still do not think they would lure most of their public back. They are gone because they have lost trust in management and the abuses of disconnection and financial shenanigans have made the organization untrustworthy. I don’t think there’s an UTR that would touch the C of S with a ten foot pole.
“We are not idle or boring people!”
Do they chant that to their mirrors every morning?
They may not be idle (other than at the morgues) but ‘not boring’. That of course is another lie, $cientologists are definitely the most boring folks around ……. original thoughts do not exist and the comm is never otherwise than ‘gimme more money’.
For all you know it alls, “abour” just happens to be the correct spelling for the commonly misspelled “about.” Our Dear Leader discovered a transcription error made by a Sumarian scribe in 764 BC. All LRH books will now be corrected and all $cientologists will be required to purchase these new texts. That is all.
I nominate Amy for best post of the day!
Why is it that they cannot seem to put out one poster with all of the words spelled correctly. The Truth abouR drugs?
Ummmmm……because they make up shit as they go along? Oh, and proper grammar is no big thing. It’s actually embarrassing how they butcher the English language.
Seriously- A couple possible responses:
Typos while Under horrible deadlines which result in even more horrible punishment. Get that stat even if it’s crap.
Slave labor from persons who don’t have a grasp of the language.
Persons without basic education because education other than “his” is deemed unnecessary.
Lack of sleep.
The inability to fathom the correct procedures for review because it’s not Hubbard’s.
The list goes on, but still equals – due to the frequency of this type of thing occurring – a flawed entity.
Typos happen but the amount of typos in just the slices of info we see from Mike indicate, to me at least, proof positive of the erosion/falsity of the supposed “tech for everything that only we have” organization on display loud and proud for all those who can see.
“Abour” really tells the whole story, Mike. Though spellcheckers have been de rigeur on computers for a long time, they apparently don’t have the updated ‘puter tech to make use of them. And I guess Study Tech doesn’t include “how to edit” nor “how to proofread”. What a sorry mess. Good post, Mike.
Maybe the “front porch” doesn’t have wifi with Spellcheck? Just sayin’
Wait a minute…..are you telling me that my Eternal Front Porch does not have WiFi as well as Spellcheck? What the hell kind of Eternal Front Porch is this? I’m beginning to think this whole thing is scam.
Hi OSD, About that Front Porch of Infinity Scam,I second your post! XO, Walter had Hawaiian surfing on yesterday I think and the waves were I billion times straight up enormous, had to cover my eyes at the wipe-outs.Love,Ann.
Now now OSD, you are perfectly aware that the Infinity Porch has wifi, but you only paid for the Porch, not the wifi.
Poney up, sucker.
And add another 10K for even thinking the word “scam”.
Based on the local org, computer tech in scn is incredibly backward, they still didn’t even have lcd screens and the printer was the old fashion dot matrix type hooked up to incomm which seemed to be a DOS based system. Networking, what’s that? A completely alien concept to the most advanced and rapidly growing religion in the world.
For years, due to my Sea Org career jobs, now afterwards, my nightmares are sort of moments where I’m contemplating large problems of Scientology, from how I’d deal with them.
Years of conditioning having been peripherally connected with Hubbard’s management writings and private advices traffic, it’s left me nightmares, the mild dull Catch 22 nightmares, grasping to try to solve the movement’s problems, and especially after I read mention in Mike’s blog of their ongoing problems.
It drives me to think of “How Would Ron” solve this, per his administrative and his book advice and policy.
It’s a never ending chasing of one’s tail.
Hubbard’s management system is further botched and blocked up by Miscavige’s own personal problems on top of the Hubbard limited and difficult to execute and frankly unworkable options.
What keeps the staff there, though, are Hubbard’s rules and penalty writings that bar them and limit them.
Miscavige tries to cut through the parallel Hubbard policy “solutions” (which are long range problems unnoticed by Hubbard) which Miscavige tries to dodge around.
I remember the long list of Int Base staff and the phone list of Int staff, and it is a dismal bunch of persons who’ve been spinning in circles trying to solve this movement’s big overall problems of growth.
Scientology and Hubbard claim to achieve things for people that factually people do not achieve, and that problem is Hubbard’s fault, but Scientologists can never spot nor conclude this, it’s in fact a thought crime to conclude Hubbard’s spiritual pseudo-therapy and exorcism do NOT work to produce “OT” super-souled people.
No amount of window dressing renovated buildings, nor superficial (but important to beginner Scientologists) “spiritual” or mental improvement towards the highest goals of the “OT” supposed soul status attainment actually occurs.
Scientology doesn’t deliver what it promises, and no amount of strategic PR, marketing, Div 6 “routes”, will do anything but get people somewhat newly started, to languish in the public and staff echelons of Scientology for a number of years, until most conclude the conclusions you are NOT allowed to conclude, which is that the subject, the actual goal of “OT” is not being achieved.
No Scientologists are flying out of their skulls and flying about like true “OT” souls that they should be after doing all of the Hubbard “Bridge to Total Freedom” pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
No amount of organizational activity hides the lack of results.
The final pages of Lawrence Wright’s book, “Going Clear….” ought be mandatory reading for anyone who thinks they are doing the right thing starting on the Scientology courses or auditing.
Chuck, thank you as always for your true insight into the church. Your experiences alone of receiving THOUSANDS of hours of security checking by the church (that never even turned up one thing the church falsely accused you of hiding from them) is enough to show anyone proof of the kind of insanity that awaits if inside a Church of Scientology. ๐
Chuck, thank you so much for all you wrote. It sums up very succinctly what I have known in my heart for far, far too long. Scientology doesn’t deliver what it promises. Nice to know there is someone else out there who knows this too.
Glenn, they have NEVER delivered what they’ve promised. Ever…..
However, they do a great job of enslaving people…..
Glenn, the Church of Scientology never delivers what it promises and never promises what it delivers. It takes a real being to audit others not someone that steals money from people to cover up the fact of doing so others. The Church of Scientology is just a scam but . . . . . not to be confused with the actual subjects of Dianetics and Scientology that L. Ron Hubbard patented. The Church of Scientology and Dianetics & Scientology are 2 entirely different activities. One actually works, the other doesn’t. If the Church of Scientology ever re-approached me with the idea of getting more training or auditing I swear there would be a fist fight. ๐
I loved this post. Thank you.
You know, Chuck, I never got into Scientology to fly out of my skull or do really ANYTHING outwardly spectacular or amazing. I was a nervous 19 year old when I joined staff and what I really wanted was to be the cause point of my own life. And not even TOTALLY, just a lot MORE causative than I felt I was. I became a Cl IV auditor in my study time by the time I was 21 (I had a lowly admin post) and yes, I certainly DID feel that I was learning very important things about life, and I really felt that auditing people and training auditors was a valuable activity (how many beings have cognitions about their life as a regular occurrence?) That’s quite a valuable thing (in my opinion anyway). And I still apply all the skills and knowledge I learned on the levels forty five years later very successfully and I might add, in many parts of the world, as I am an expat traveling man.
The day I joined staff, my direct senior took me to meet our senior the Dissem Sec and introduced me him to me in the following manner “This is our senior Bob Diskin, he’s a real ASSHOLE!” (true story). Bob (who was a very nice guy, soft spoken) shook my hand, took me aside (it was a Friday and I was on day staff hours) and told me that they would be collating level 0 packs all weekend (I didn’t know WHAT he was talking about, of course this was all before bridge or pubs) and would I please come in all weekend and help. All weekend!!! And you know what? I was thrilled to be asked and very happy to do it and even to have something to DO all weekend, AND it turned out to be fun too!. I totally dug being accepted into the group, made a lot of friends, fell in love a number of times, even freakin’ DANCED with a girl for the first time in 1971 (Ruth Bridges, still remember her, maybe it was 1972).
What prompted me to write all this? The post by Mike showing that invite that was a cross between begging and shaming people to help, though it was actually very light compared to what Scientologists usually have thrown at them. It was pretty much decided in the early 1970s sometime (maybe before that where Ron was) that to get staff to help or do things, they had to be “worked” … you know, otherwise you’d just get human emotion and reaction. I think LRH was right about a lot about life. But man, he TOTALLY missed the boat on how to get people to do things. I WANTED to help, I WANTED to be productive and the group to win, as did almost all the staff I was associated with. All it ever took was someone nice like Bob just gently asking for my help. I would have gone through the proverbial brick wall for him. But LRH just felt he had to exert MORE FORCE on people to do right than the bank exerted on them to do wrong (his concept, not mine, he said it). And he was WAY WAY wrong on that and the culture he created was way wrong as well, missing the simple way of dealing with people with respect and honestly (no, it’s not a “briefing”).
Great post Joe! Thank you so much. It brought back a lot of memories.
Hi Joe! You just put in words what has been in my head for many years but hadn’t developed into a finished thought! I, too, was willing to help in any way I could but also found a harsh, enforced attitude demanding that I do what I was told to do without question. I hadn’t heard of command intention at the time but soon found out that I wanted nothing to do with it. I’m so glad that I valued myself enough to know that I was worth more than that. Thanks for sharing your story! You helped me with another step in the process of healing from this experience.
Good post Joe. My wins, like yours remain intact. It’s my opinion that people like us would’ve extracted wins from any path we chose. I consider myself placebo-prone.
Yes, agreed, super great post Joe!
I’m reading a book about the mechanics of con men, and what the best con men notice is that us regular dupes HAVE the desires for something, and the con men sit waiting for us to show up, and listen to our “ruin” or our “desires” and then they tell us we’ll be getting those desires and ruins just up ahead, and stick with their program, and it will all come out right.
Only thing, is Scientology’s con is nicely laid out by Hubbard, and no one attains those glorious out of the body high transcendent actual spiritual states. It’s placebo like someone posted here, and placebo improvement works.
Reassurance works!
And it’s our dupes’ desires and goals that keep us trudging along hoping for the goodies, whatever goodies were promised.
“Games” is even highly placed on the tone scale, another confirmation that we must be doing the right thing working in Scientology to help everyone achieve whatever their ruin and spiritual goals are!
Scientology is a Hubbard well crafted and well worded long con that if it strikes enough people as something profitable to engage in, then it has a whole big organized setup of echelons and people running every which way, generation upon generation, trying to get everyone “up the Bridge”.
Dupes’ desires fuel the hopefuls.
Second and 3rd generation monkey see and monkey do following those around us, noticing the power that the Scientology movement gives to the Sea Org members who waltz around with unchallengable power over the other Scientologists.
It’s a whole load of well crafted conditioned con man built bureaucracy selling Blue Sky to dupes who provide the horsepower driving the dupes towards the Blue Sky.
Joe, I had a girlfriend named Pat once, but, she became my ex….
PHEWWWW!!! … LOL, OSD! … I thank God regularly that all my ex’s are all dead!
Hi Pat Wog Winner, I love your post! I have no X’es I know of that are doing their thing on the other side,but all my late Dad’s three consecutive X wives ( step moms from you know where are gone and my late Mom’s X another awful step dad gone too.I understand your feeling.All Love,Ann.
Hi Saaaweet Ann, I’m glad you enjoyed my post. I made it for OSD, since he said he had an ex named Pat. I’m so very happy we’re all still here! Well, hell, there ain’t no place else to go and I like it here too much! xoxo ๐
You are so right Joe. I currently work with a group of people who ask each other nicely when we need help and appreciate each others’ help. No one orders anyone to do something. I never want to leave and willingly stay late to get projects done for the team. We have had the team now for 6 years and it is a great place to go.
I worked at another place years earlier where the bosses daughter (we called her Queen Renee) thought she walked on water. One day she came in and dropped a huge mess on one of the tables in my office. I said jokingly “hey I just cleaned that”. She said haughtily “do you know who I am?” I said “yep, sure do” and walked into her mom’s office and gave notice. No amount of pleading could make me stay in that environment.
Shortly afterwards the other girl I shared the office with walked out without even giving notice. She is part of our team.
You can catch a lot more flies with honey. That’s why they are dropping now.
I, like yourself, joined staff for altruistic reasons. If you managed to survive through several weeks of no-pay, chances are you were going to stick, even if you witnessed irrational behavior from staff and execs. There is nothing reasonable about being on staff. The org could be covered in three feet of snow, didn’t matter, if your stats were down, it was your fault. This simply defies observation, common sense and rational thought. It is policies like this which help push the staff towards insanity and chaos – and problems that cannot be solved.
True story – while holding the post of HES I had about 2 juniors, which meant I had to personally get the org mag out (as well as a dozen other things). I worked a continuous 36 hours to get the mag out the door, did the stat evolution, and afterwards our CO/ED told me I was in a condition of Liability (which means half pay). In a zombie-like state I told her to “Fuck Off!” and walked out of the org.
Later that evening she called me into her office with a big grin on her face and said “I knew there was a tiger in there”. In other words, she was pleased that I reached my breaking point and told her to F-Off; that I was willing to fight back.
I left her office shaking my head, thinking this is some of the most fucked up shit I’ve ever experienced.
This is “Modern Management Technology”.
Joe Pendleton – You mention “how many beings have cognitions about their life as a regular occurrence”
That’s the “hook” that persists, a longing for a fast track to wisdom and truth. We all had cognitions and helped others have cognitions by auditing them. But is the risk worth the reward in pursuing Scientology (in any form) as a way of life? There are many paths to the top of the mountain and not everyone needs or wants to get to the top.
Spot on, Chuck. What kind of person is soooo full of them self, that other loyal followers cannot contribute ideas or make new discoveries that would allow the subject to move forward. Hubbard is the ultimate “only one”. Admin Tech is just a joke. Ethics Tech is just Maoist behavior modification. And The Tech never has and never will achieve the promises made by Hubbard.
So what’s left? Property, lots and lots of property. And money, piles of money stashed away. It’s the only thing Scientology does well.
“What keeps the staff there, though, are Hubbardโs rules and penalty writings that bar them and limit them.”
. . . and unrelenting hope.
Dupes provide the hopeful horsepower so con men rush can sell the tailor made dreams to suit the duipes.
Hubbard’s Marketing Series principles “create want” “mystery sandwich” techniques to get those out there in society not already waltzing into Scientology’s doors.
I was a dupe walk in, I had my hopeful horsepower delusional dreams all ready for the Hubbard Bridge to Total Freedom to fulfill for me.
Chris – re: unrelenting hope – The hope that some day, somehow, some way scn will work might always linger a bit for me even though all logic tells me it didn’t work then, doesn’t work now and never will work. It was a very powerful dream and dreams are ok. I’m not at all stuck in it and I am happily moving onward.
@chuck amazing distillation of the truth. We knew each other way back then btw.
I really wanted to save the planet. I was suckered into believing back in the ’70s that Scientology was the be all end all to do this.
The “tech” is flawed, no severely wrong, because even though you are taught to handle the person in front of you, you are taught you can never do anything differently than the exact proscribed course of action as mapped out by Source, whether in tech or admin so you are set up to lose.
Even the simple “never handle the same piece of paper twice” does not allow you to gather the other 14 pieces of paper further down in the stack that go in the same file before filing that one so you are eternally disordered.
You said the whole thing so much more eloquently than I can, but I too have the flashbacks where I feel responsible for fixing something I didn’t break.
What an amazing mind prison.
Learning words’ meanings and getting wider educated from the outside world undoes the Hubbard “mind fuck” (Patty Moher’s excellent phrase). (I used the NY Times mostly, and the NY Review of Books, to just try to wash the Hubbard out of my brain.)
Humor is the best medicine, some of the old alt.religion.scientology chat site humor powerfully undoes the Hubbard ideas I took so seriously.
Hubbard was simply a prolific loon pulp writer turned fake religion founder and it is prolifically mind consuming with a capital P.
Takes time to rewrite sensible info onto all your brain cells that have Hubbard nonsense written on them, including all the scenarios that give me the dull Catch 22 nightmares still.
Chuck, I think among people of a certain age, having dreams about past experiences or nightmares, like in my case, having to repeat Jr high, is just inevitable, and, given your long tenure in CoS, inevitable. If you had become, say, a film producer, you’d be having nightmares about try to work with a difficult star or your company going into bankruptcy. That your real life now isn’t a continuous effort to make the unworkable produced something of value is what counts now, IMHO.
Thanks Dark Avenger, you’re absolutely right, whatever life one lived, all those major problems that never were handleable due to the whole big scene, will follow one as long as there’s recent reason to put attention back on those continuing big scene problems that one was onetime daily dealing with.
Great point.
Hi chuckbeatty77, Thank you so much because you have the quote from Ron I butchered.”Scientology must deliver what it promised.” Now though nothing is promised for OT Levels old and new,dm has made sure it stays that way.
I salute you and all you were put through with cos SO etc.You are a hero to me.Love,Ann.
Chuck, one of your best posts! Thank you for very clearly expressing some fundamental truths about the Sea Org and Scientology experiences.
Perhaps they need these new booklets: “The Truth about Spelling” and “The Truth about Proper Usage of Exclamation Points”.
Or what about a book about the “Truth about the abuses and crimes of Scn leaders”.
That book would be so big and heavy, it would take two people just to pick it up…..
“We are all living busy lives; course, session, work, the kids, school, what have you! We are not idle or boring people!”
Here’s an observation. If you are busy with course or session, then you are idle. Give that shit up and focus more on work, the kids and school.
I’m genuinely surprised “the kids” even gets a 4th billing.
Let’s see, hgc, I’ve got band practice twice a week with a big gig coming up in April. I need to get to my gym 4 days a week. Oh! And, I’ve got to surfing every week.
I’m sorry, hgc, I would love to come into the org, but, as you can see, my schedule is full. Maybe next lifetime…..
OSD now that you mention it, I actually wouldn’t have time in my schedule to go pick up booklets and hand them out no matter who asked me.
HOWever if one of my grandchildren needed a ride or asked me to come watch them dance, swim, play football, basketball, etc. I would MAKE the time. Priorities.
There you go again Valerie flexing your Ohh Tea muscle power by Making Time. Please route yourself to the success officer and attest. How much did that level cost you? ๐
Lots and lots of love. And here’s the secret. I seem to have more every time I get another grandchild. It’s self-replicating.
Hi Valerie, I am genuinely so happy for you and another grandchild.That is lovely, a beautiful siprit that does not have to be inside the bubble ever! That is why I love my four legged babies, Mother Nature said, Sorry Ann no kids for you this time,so I am excited for you and yours.Love,Ann.
The number of typos in media hype from the Co$ is just astounding; you can tell they are sleep deprived.
As well as thought deprived, Sarah.
As well as reality deprived…
As well as education deprived. We could go on, and on, and on…. ๐
We’d never stop, rojo!
Hi OSD, One more for old time’s sake…communication deprived! Love,Ann.
Our “editor” positions are called “AVC” and one of the former AVC bosses wrote a well received fiction book about a cult, in Swedish.
Some of our AVC people were literate, but the tolerance for bad grammar and typos is very high in the movement’s “editor” overseeing department.
Through age 8, my daughter did not learn to read or write. That was the point where I pulled her out and put her in horrible, drug-ridden public school. Today she is a medical doctor.
“. . . pulled her out of the SO..”
Good move!
Scientology is a tough bubble movement with Hubbard’s overwhelming clutter of rules and regulations and self hype keeping the members stuck in the most dreadful predicaments due to Hubbard’s intensely Catch 22 rules and regulations about everything.
It is one Camel’s Tent that no one ought stick their nose into!
They get stuck at Hubbard’s level of ignorance and self delusion.
I wish they all could read the final chapter of Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear…” book, the epilogue.
Great success story and VWD on a successful job of parenting!
I for one am excited about Super Bowl. I’m not a sports fan. I sit in the cheap seats at Twitter and watch the many “WTF” reactions to the silly Scientology ads. Nothing says “I should convert to a life-destroying cult” like pizza, hot wings and beer! “Who am I? Oh, yeah, pass the nachos!” That’s what it’s all abour (sic)!
Ha ha ha!!