These emails get stranger and stranger.
Don’t these people ever notice the contradictions in their statements?
Call on me, so that I can help you convert that money into something really valuable and long-lasting…
Well, if money is invaluable, then why is it that you are grubbing for it always? And why won’t you accept anything OTHER than money before a service is delivered?
But that isn’t the real point. It is the “success story” that is included that is REALLY bizarre. Talk about unicorns and rainbows.
“I had become almost instantly extremely sane and I dare say SMART. I am now able to look at a 10-digit (and letter) number for instance and recall it several days later. I was hiking up a mountain with my 13-year-old daughter’s classmates, and at one point we all stopped and guessed the elevation. The instructor had an altimeter. I ‘guessed’ the exact elevation to the foot – 1950 feet.”
Hmm, how can someone so extremely sane and smart keep buying the bs they are fed?
Actually, here is a person that ingests bs and then spreads it around to others. “I ate it… It tastes GREAT. Really. [Because if it tastes like shit I look like an idiot]”
He/she then goes on to talk about “perceiving” the “Tone 40 intention” of LRH creating Super Power in the 1960’s…
Yeah, well. OK. Don’t invalidate his/her gains… Even though they have NOTHING to do with reality. 1960’s? As everyone knows, “Super Power” was developed for incompetent and failing STAFF in the late 70’s, early 80’s.
And while you are at it D.D. — if all that Tone 40 intention was there sweeping away anything in its path, why did it take until 2013 for this to start being delivered to anyone (and still not to staff, though it was going to be available at St Hills in 6 weeks from when it was announced?)
I wonder if his/her “Perception of Imagination” pricked up when they wrote this “success story”?
And the best realization was saved for last. Clearing the Planet is just the ground floor.
It’s like that little step is virtually a done. All we need do is postulate all a bit more and sharpen up our perceptics in the “amusement park for thetans” and it will be done in a flash.
Sadly, this IS what Sandy Dodwell thinks will convince people to give her their money. As unreal and internally inconsistent as it is, she believes people will buy this bs.
And even sadder — the people that turn over their cash DO buy it.
From: Sandy Dodwell
Sent: Oct 20, 2015
To: [email protected]
Subject: Money problems?
“Well, money is a peculiar thing. It is a via on havingness. Money converts into havingness and a person can go downstairs from havingness into buyingness, you see, and that’s another via…
“‘Oh yes,’ you say, ‘but then there are various agreements by which that thin piece of paper is more convertible than a calculator and it’s this and that.’ Yes, it’s easier to carry, anything light is. Its convertibility has very little to do with it. Money won’t convert to anything. I’ve put a dollar bill down and said, ‘Be a loaf of bread,’ and it never has. Money doesn’t convert; it’s still money.
“You find very often it puzzles people in financial circles how money will run on one channel all by itself in one complete network without ever associating itself with havingness at all. And there are people up on the Street who’ve become artists at money, but money no longer is a mechanism which will buy. It is itself.
“Well, as long as money is convertible into something, we can see a lot of sense in it. But when somebody isn’t any longer going to convert money – that is, he’s not going to any longer do an exchange with money and the money is simply the money and it’s just going to pile up as the money just so he can be somebody, because to be somebody you have to have some money – he’s gone silly.”
—L. Ron Hubbard, lecture of 27 March 1957, Extroversion-Introversion, Its Relationship to Havingness and Communication
Isn’t that a great quote about money? It really puts things into perspective.
Call on me, so that I can help you convert that money into something really valuable and long-lasting, just like this New OT V did who recently completed Super Power:
“I recently finished Super Power and now that I am home, I thought I would make an assessment of my wins.
“The following are the highlights of my Super Power experience. I accent the word ‘highlight’ as it would be impossible to catalogue each and every win I experienced while receiving life changing auditing on 10 distinctly different and amazing rundowns, not to mention the daily wins I continue to have days after completing Super Power.
“This auditing addressed the spirit, not my bank. It is OT auditing.
“My operating basis as a thetan began shifting immediately. I saw considerations, ridges, circuits and fixed ideas (and thus fixed conditions) go away immediately.
“In the description of the Personal Revival Rundown, it states that ‘a being can go into many states of awareness-and many levels of unawareness.’ How can one be cause with levels of unawareness? I discovered many, many aspects of ‘unawareness’ that I obviously had no idea about, in a sudden (and in many instances) dramatic fashion. My world got rocked. I experienced masses and things blowing that weren’t manifestations of my case! It was I that was changing.
“During the False Data Thinking Rundown, I had a profound experience. At one moment in my session, I sat there and felt something going on in my universe. I wondered what was happening when I realized that suddenly false data was as-ising all the way down my track. I sat there actually feeling this phenomenon occurring, not wanting to move a muscle in my body. When this sensation stopped, I looked and perceived ORDER, complete and utter order of thought.
“I had become almost instantly extremely sane and I dare say SMART. I am now able to look at a 10-digit (and letter) number for instance and recall it several days later. I was hiking up a mountain with my 13-year-old daughter’s classmates, and at one point we all stopped and guessed the elevation. The instructor had an altimeter. I ‘guessed’ the exact elevation to the foot – 1950 feet.
“My office manager came into work and said she went out to eat last night. I knew exactly what she had ordered and eaten for dinner.
“Fast forward over the next few rundowns, leading me to the Perception Rundown where I became a bigger and much more educated OT being. I couldn’t fathom how I could be changing so much as a being in such a short amount of time. It was impossible.
“At one point in a session, when I became aware of yet another major change in my beingness, I looked at the Flag Building, the complete competence of my auditor, the enormity of what it took to establish the actual delivery of Super Power auditing and the quantity of case gain actually attainable in such a short time, and I perceived LRH’s Tone 40 positive postulate to create it. I perceived the thought, the intention going out to infinity, with zero, nada, not one speck of counter-intention accompanying it despite the infinite number of barriers that could have been conceived against it at that moment in time in the 1960s. I experienced a peek at what perhaps is meant by ‘orders of magnitude’; how a thetan is capable of imagining and postulating out of this world future realities without any encumbering or limiting barriers. Just pure decision! It is a theta awareness I will never forget.
“Getting back to the auditing, addressing the spirit, in one session my attention went onto my right ear. In 1975, while playing sports, I took a ball square on my right ear. My eardrum got destroyed and most of my hearing with it. During my session, I realized that I had a mass on the right side of my head. I had not-ised it at some time as it wasn’t a pleasant sensation. When I saw this mass, I looked at it and lo and behold I cognited that ‘I have a vacuum on my right ear!’ This huge mass blew immediately. My head felt lighter and it was as if I could now walk with my head straighter. And my hearing improved! Each rundown made me successively more able and more powerful so that the cumulative effect was fantastic.
“The Power of Choice Rundown was very OT. The promo states ‘you’ll increase the very amount of life you possess. That’s power.’ This is so spot on! During this rundown, I got blown away. I rehabbed a new level of ability to make postulates come true. Very OT!
“When I got to the Perception Rundown, I was really excited and I didn’t get disappointed. The staff is incredible. Their object is to make sure you experience each of the 57 perceptions and walk out of there completely perceiving and living with all 57 channels lit up!
“The wins I had in this ‘out of this planet’ environment were so theta. Every day, I felt like I was at an amusement park for thetans. I was exhilarated doing these drills. From touch, taste, hearing, sight to perceptions I was totally unaware of: Perception of Affinity? Perception of Communication? Perception of Imagination? What??
“When drilling the perception of affinity, it was so native to me,the thetan, I became very emotional, very keyed out, so ME. It was a very important perception for me. Then I did the perception of communication and the same, very OT feeling occurred again. Then it all made sense. ARC!!! The perceptions of Affinity, Reality and Communication were so pure, so much the woof and warp of me, the thetan. There was nothing there but me and ARC. I was experiencing the very make up of my soul.
“As I sit here typing this, my space is big and clean, I am very able. Super Power is incredible. There is nothing subtle about it. The case gain is big and fast. What a complete blast!!!
“There are thousands of staff members, Sea Org Members, missions, orgs and Ideal Orgs with the purpose of helping people attain freedom. This Herculean effort is primarily focused on helping mankind to get rid of their banks! It occurred to me during a Super Power session that despite all of the HUGE gains available to us as we as-is our banks for the first time on our track; relatively speaking, it just gets us to the ground floor where the real fun starts. It became clear to me why there are OT levels VIII-XV. I can now imagine the degree of case gain available to us when theta is audited.
“All the hard work and dedication I have put in so far to get rid of my case and the work I have left to do in this regard is a fantastically small sacrifice for what lies ahead for me as an educated OT being. I tasted the wonder, I am different and boy do I look forward to more as I climb the Bridge to total OT.
“We are so fortunate to be here right now in this place and time. LRH has put the Bridge there; all we have to do is do it. Thank you Ron, from the bottom of my heart! And thank you COB and all the Sea Org Members for completely duplicating LRH’s havingness and postulate for all of us to have freedom once again.” – D.D. (New OT V, Super Power Completion)
Call on me if you need any help in getting you or any of your friends and family to Flag!
Sandy Dodwell
Flag Service Consultant Northwest U.S.
Dear God, save me from these crazy idiots that write this dribble.
Hubbard Scale of Peculiar
Wow what a way to achieve nirvana! Sign me up, can I get a trillion year option?
You forgot “escapingness” and then “delusion(ess)” at the end of the scale , after many years of having escaped the CofS. :-)))
Dear I-Yawnalot, if you think that I can be impressed or influenced in any way by that misemotional rubbish of yours you are dreaming. You obviously misinterpreted my intentions and basic argument, and I have no time nor tolerance today to deal with fundamentalism. :-)))
The issue here, is cognitive dissonance. Additionally, a blind spot in one area doesn’t make for stupidity in all areas of life.
I saw some horrific things in that church, and hindsight often beats my head like a hammer as to the things I could have said or done at the time. But does watching an irate HES negate a therapeutic walk I took earlier in the day? Does my torn relationship with a family member mean I didn’t learn anything from simple communication drills?
It’s important to not hold the pendulum so hard on the dichotomy of where one once was. By letting it settle back in the center, can we begin to see truth for what it is. And sometimes, you’ll find a flower blooming in the middle of a battle field.
pseudologia fantastica that is what L Ron Hubbard is.
Anon – does bankrupting my family, losing my home, shattering my mind negate that theraputic walk I took around the block or that “thought stopping” Process I did so that I would not emote HE&R when I lost my daughter to cancer….
Let’s get it into perspective, please?
The real EP of Scientology: Look at that empty bank account. Thank you.
this letter makes me wonder if they’re putting ecstasy in the water… or something else. to echo Steve Crawford’s comment, what the fuck is this person talking about? the only time I’ve ever had a conversation with someone even approaching the level of this was on some heavy duty drugs in my misspent youth. I am also not a scientologist, nor have I ever been, and I don’t want to discount any “wins” or beat down someone who has been helped by the tech, but I have to wonder about these glowing testimonials… maybe a scientologist can chime in here: if these success stories are essentially forced, how much of thisthis are we supposed to take seriously and how much is hyperbolic nonsense so the staff will get off their backs?
Sashie, it’s hard to say how much of it is true, because even if half of the people who wrote good things meant it, you weren’t “allowed” to write bad things, so we’ll never know a true balance.
But I do know that everyone is different.
I’m studying philosophy in college, and let me tell you, it’s crazy how many things I already know having studied Scientology growing up. Theories LRH took word for word from some of the greatest thinkers of all time. So, knowing that, can we really negate everything that’s studied in Scn? You would be claiming men like Socrates and Voltaire frauds.
I try and see things for what they are, and some people genuinely felt they improved themselves with the tech, and continued after leaving the church. Others received some sort of pain from the tech, and vehemently oppose it now.
Therefore, there must be some sort of truth to both.
Hi sashiebgood,Thank you for an interesting post.Back in the 70s it was my experience that when I wrote my success stories and some would be published in Orders of the Day,what I wrote was genuine and as far as I knew never altered for content etc.But then I blew in late 78.Today I have absolutely no idea where these success stories come from and who now edits them.Crazy indeed.Always Ann.
I found it quite hiLARious that an email telling you money was worthless was begging you to give it to them.
This phrase right here hit it all on the nail (ahem David Miscavige, I’m talking to you)
“But when somebody isn’t any longer going to convert money – that is, he’s not going to any longer do an exchange with money and the money is simply the money and it’s just going to pile up as the money just so he can be somebody, because to be somebody you have to have some money – he’s gone silly”
If I were still stuck in the bubble, this might be my wakeup call.
Hey, thanks for reminding me that my money is worthless in your eyes.
I’ll spend it where it matters.
Buh Bye!
🙂 Valerie.
I am not a Scientologist, and I know nobody who is, but from an outsider looking in this looks bat-sh*t crazy. I don’t mean to run the poor misguided souls down but do they really have no idea how mad this all sounds? I am seriously not meaning to put you down if Scientology has helped you but the more I read Mike’s blog, the more I doubt the sanity of the people still inside. Please, I really mean no offense.
Hi Steve Crawford, Good to meet you. You are not bat shit crazy.The still ins think we are the ones bat shit crazy,but they may learn we are more loving more sane and more ethical than ever was displayed in Sea Org etc or Scientology now.Please post whatever you feel Always, Ann.
Bat shit crazy is the technical term for card carrying scientologists. You have that right.
Organisationally you could not offend them by your comments, the mere fact you commented here has you in their eyes, an apostate, an evil one. So in a weird way you are an ex-scio. Sanity is a game of defining stuff, join the fun.
Welcome aboard, comment away see what gets a nibble or make a point, speak you mind (something orthodox scientology will never allow), normal forum rules of manners apply but please but don’t hold back if you feel the need…
Being offended or offensive is all relative.
Steve – LOL Best laugh of the day followed up by freebeeing’s quip!
Steve Crawford, what gets leaked to this blog by Mike’s Special Correspondents is not Scientology but the desperate, off-policy, off-purpose, and hugely deceptive and largely unsuccessful stratagems of a dying, money grubbing cult called the CHURCH OF Scientology.
Steve Crawford
I’m new to blogging so the comments go by at warp speed for me. If you come back here, thanks for your comment. I hadn’t heard that batshit crazy phrase in a long time and it really hit my funny bone in this context. Sometimes I’ll laugh at something and my will say “That’s just stupid.” She doesn’t get it that the reason I’m laughing is because it IS just stupid! If you’d like to chat a bit more back here it might be fun. You can pick my brain a bit if you like. lol
Best Richard
oops “my wife will say”
Welcome to the “Amusement Park For Thetans” ! If you’re not enjoying the rides, hmmm well perhaps I can direct your attention to a different attraction.
The difficulties of waking up from the merri-go-round are not insignificant.
When you turn the road to freedom into a freedom factory, you deserve what you get. (Freedom factories are places that promise you freedom — the price… your freedom of course!)
What D.D. failed to mention was how she/he was bringing about the “New World”. I fail to see any super powers mentioned. In fact, I’ve yet to see any significant beneficial changes brought about in the world by Scilons. They yap about it all the time, but if they ever cared to LOOK, they would clearly see that their group has accomplished nothing in that vein. Quite the opposite in fact. Increased delusion, impoverishment and submission to a continuous thought-police action that never ceases and never will cease.
You can find truth, you can be free. There is a way, but it cannot be attained in the Co$. That is for sure an Impossibility for as long as one is employed in a freedom factory one will never find one’s freedom.
So true. Where is scio working to HELP this dying
planet? Absolutely nowhere. Amassing money for
the use of DM and his narcissistic behaviour is
doing nothing for this world.
OSA, how can you?
Well D.D. did claim to know exactly what her co-worker had for dinner the night before. That’s kind of a super power. Then she knew the correct altitide, so I guess her perceptic of altitude is working…. such expensive prices for such mundane superpowers!
“It is a via on havingness. Money converts into havingness and a person can go downstairs from havingness into buyingness, you see, and that’s another via…” That bit almost gave me a headache. The rest of the Stupid, sorry, Super Power was the proverbial prepared statement (which read like Sherman on LSD) that Dodwell just put her name to. The unicorn illustration gave me a good laugh.
OK, I have something to say about money, havingness….and buyingness. (Love that one!) As an org staff member for 11 years, I used up all my personal finances so that I could work there, and even the money my family would send me for gifts. Most of the time I’d make nothing or a few dollars. “Units” they were called. The value of a unit was determined by the income, and you got some dollars. Or not. At one point my husband and I jumped on the bandwagon where staff were encouraged to sell books, not just the Bookstore Officer, and you got commissions for that. The most money I EVER made as an org staff member was from selling books…it was something like $180 for the week. That one week. That was all. Then back o poverty. My husband on that same week made $240.00. He supplemented our income by doing part time construction work when we needed cash. The truth of the matter was that we provided our own money so we could work on staff!
Once in the sea org it was even more of a bust. Recruited by being told you’d make $50 a week, get fed, housed, clothes, all your medical and dental, etc. etc. etc….that was a gross lie. We went days, weeks, months with NO pay at all, a couple dollars, $18….the percentage of time that the staff actually got $50 a week was less than 10% of my entire sea org career. Again, I occasionally relied on gift money from my family. I even had to use it to buy uniform clothes to keep from looking homeless. Some staff didn’t have those gifts and DID look homeless with frayed baggy clothes.
So yes, Sandy Dodwell, do take a look at your own money, havingness and ability to deploy your buyingness…LOL….it isn’t THERE!
The point that worries me most is the statement from the success story that LRH developed Super Power in the 1960s. Now obviously (to those who know their Scientology that is) he was confusing Super Power with the Power Processes, which were developed in the 60s at Saint Hill. It is this level of superficial knowledge of the subject (from someone who has at least done Super Power so he’s not just a Basic Course student) and its history that I find quite disturbing. What are they teaching them now? Now at least the Examiner or Qual Sec could have told him his error when he read the Success Story and corrected it before publishing but it seems that even the Qual staff probably don’t know this sort of thing anymore! I can even see some twerp saying that by doing so this would be “verbal tech”. Is there no one sufficiently experienced left in the Church that can pass on such knowledge or has COB triumphed with his ploy of the “blind leading the blind” in stripping the Church of such experienced staff and public. I begin to wonder about those left in the Church and thus the subject as well if it will survive with this level of superficiality. Will we find in 10 or 20 years time members saying things like “I went Clear by donating for my Patron Status!” (that was a sort of half joke as they are very nearly saying that now).
Hi Foolproof,Good to meet you.A very interesting and insightful post.In 20 years time I can see the “I went Clear by donating my patron status” or worse what may come in future years I shudder to think.I pray this trap will be sprung wide open in my lifetime,this time.Best,Ann.
Funny the i went clear doing my patron!
What about past life IAS status?
If you paid patron super meritorious died and picked up a new body. Will your earlier statu be credited?
And your account in flag?
Or how about this one. “URGENT IMPORTANT – CHANGE TO VICTIM PROCESS S2: New command is to be “From where could you communicate to a Patron Meritorious?” (PC answers: “From the Reg Office”)
Quote: “There are thousands of staff members, Sea Org Members, missions, orgs and Ideal Orgs with the purpose of helping people attain freedom. This Herculean effort is primarily focused on helping mankind to get rid of their banks!”
I have nothing to add to that!
This is LRH on “Super Power” :
“SUPER POWER. A Super fantastic, but confidential series of
rundowns that can be done on anyone whether Dianetic Clear or not that
puts the person into fantastic shape unleashing the super power of a
thetan. This is the means that puts Scientologists into a new realm of
ability enabling them to create the New World. It puts world Clearing
within reach in the future. This is a parallel rundown to Power in
Saint Hills which is taken by the Dianetic Clear. It consists of 12
separate highpower rundowns which are brand new and enter realms of the
tech never before approached. Power is still very much in use on the
Grade Chart but is for those who didn’t go Clear on Dianetics. Super
Power will be delivered at Saint Hills within the next 6 weeks as we are
right now super grooming the Super Power auditors in a special
international course. It will be delivered in almost all languages.”
(Ron’s Journal 30 , “1978- The Year of Lighting New Tech”)
Notice this , “Super fantastic….”
And this :
“…puts the person into fantastic shape unleashing the super power of a thetan…”
And this :
“This is the means that puts Scientologists into a new realm of
ability enabling them to create the New World. It puts world Clearing
within reach in the future.”
And this :
” Super Power will be delivered at Saint Hills within the next 6 weeks as we are
right now super grooming the Super Power auditors in a special
international course.”
The problem with having delivered in 1978 was the many Scientologists would have found out this it all was pure hype from LRH. If DM just release everything all at once , then it would be a lot more evident for others to realize that Ron was just full of shit. So he has to do it on a gradient , so the “next level” , the “next release” , handles what the previous ones couldn’t handle as the lack of these new RDs are attributed the lack of expected previous results. Releasing everything at once would be “bad strategy” form an economic stand point.
Scientology is cleverly designed to make one feel incomplete ; inadequate for our own survival. Then a route (the “Bridge to Nowhere”) was designed to make you “whole” again. Part of the trick was to create a super secrecy (The “upper” level materials) , a “Mystery Sandwich” , that would actually “PULL” everyone towards the channel. And the “penalty” for not staying on that channel was “Eternal Darkness” and “Personal Oblivion”. Isn’t that a fascinating , incredible , and magnificent way to enslave others ? “Hitler, move aside , here comes Mr. L. Ron Hubbard”.
The “Secrecy” , the confidentiality was intended to avoid bad PR ,and to avoid inspection , not to “protect” anybody’s cases as it is claimed. If one take a real good look at it , only a master hypnotist , trained in military intelligence and the psychology of undue influence could have pulled something like this. An extraordinary piece of work , indeed.
Correction , it should have read , “The problem with having delivered it in 1978 is that many Scientologists would have found out sooner that it all was pure hype from LRH.”
Hi Theta Clear, Your post got me right out of my moping around funk and re-lit the fire of transformation through just writing my experiences down.Whew what a number Ron’s World did and David’s now,just mind blowing.All love,Ann.
I am glad I was of help , dear. :-)))
T.C. scores — FTW!
Lets take two of the wins here. One was Sandy could tell the elevation of the mountain, the other was She (I’m guessing she) could tell exactly what her office mgr had for dinner. OK, now these wins are a little different from a lot of OT wins, in that they are measurable/repeatable. I’d like to see her taken up 10 different mountains, write down the elevations, then see how many she got right. Then I’d like to set her down in front of 10 people who just finished dinner, and then tell each one what they had eaten. Only fair right? And if she can’t repeat these feats then either it was; a coincidence; she lied or is fooling herself; or she immediately lost the abilities she had gained.
Good point, I remember “wins” like this in scn myself – like correctly predicting the winner of a game or briefly having really good recall during a card matching game.The thing is they never lasted and could not be repeated. Scn does something but it certainly isnt the “predictable and guaranteed” result they advertise. more like amateur hypnosis with very unpredicable results.
The thing is… Those things are not that impressive.
I mean, I can remember 20 character random generated passkeys after seeing them once or twice. Someone for whom it is less natural can do that easily using a simple technique called mnemotechnics, invented in the 1800s, which you can find today in a 15$ book. And the guy who wrote it does not even ask you to worship him, even if several fraudulent televangelists use this technique to bamboozle people into believing they have god-issued superpowers.
As for guessing what elevation I am at, may I ask what is the use of that ? Seriously, it’s one of the most useless superpowers I’ve ever seen.
I am just an ordinary wog. I don’t know, but if these are the most impressive superpowers you can demonstrate to me (even if they were reproducible) after spending that much moolah, I would say you did not get your money’s worth.
Method of loci is another good memory trick.
Which was invented in the Greek and Roman age
There is a lot of useful info in scn. IF you are trying to learn how to pull a con.
See, it’s not ALL bad. 🙂
“It became clear to me why there are OT levels VIII-XV”
Because I didn’t become a super being on OTs 1-8 and I’m still blindly holding on to the hope that LRH wasn’t a con artist.
“My operating basis as a thetan began shifting immediately. I saw considerations, ridges, circuits and fixed ideas (and thus fixed conditions) go away immediately.
He demonstrates out- grades so he then gets put on OT levels, they are so Out Tech it is beyond beleif
Just how does SP handle Ser-Facs exactly?
Personally, I don’t know how an SP would handle a SerFac. Why don’t you ask your C/S the next time you report to your OSA masters at your local Morgue?
“He demonstrates out- grades so he then gets put on OT levels”
LMAO! Every single “OT” I ever worked with (scores and scores of them and a large % produced directly under or by Hubbard) demonstrated “out grades”. EVERY one of them. The “grades” don’t produce what El Ron claimed. In fact, the only two people I’ve seen threaten other posters with violence for speaking on this blog were “clear” and Grades comps…
p.s. – El Ron manifested “out grades” often.
Hey John who are the 2 possters that did the threats and who did they threaten? That is the thing with these scientologist they are bat shit crazy like that poster Steve said.
I for once , fully agree with assertions there , dear John. To date , I have not been able to see ANY Scientologist with the full alleged abilities of the Sc Grades ; none.
Let’s analyze each Grade ability here :
Grade 0 :
“Willing for others to communicate to him on any subject; no longer resisting communication from others on unpleasant or unwanted subjects. Ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject; free from, or no longer bothered by, communication difficulties; no longer withdrawn or reticent; likes to outflow.”
In first place , Scientologists can’t , can’t , can’t handle ANY criticism towards Scn and/or LRH REGARDLESS of the validity of the argument presented and how respectfully is stated. Enough evidence of that is the reaction of dozens of KSW supporters posting here when they do. They just CAN’T handle it ; period.
In the second place , Scientologists tend to withdraw from the “Wog World” as they so eloquently call it , and from the world at large. Most of them seek NO OTHER sources of knowledge besides LRH , as they misguidedly feel that he discovered EVERYTHING that needed be discovered about life. This is a severe communication block.
Grade I :
“Ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish; has no problems.”
Nothing could be farther from the truth in relation to most Scientologists. Most of them have the same routine problems as non-Scientologists have , and frequently , even more. Many of them are totally overwhelmed by financial problems , family situations , work situations , etc. “Has no problems” , my ass. That is a fairy tale.
Grade II :
“Freedom from things others have done to one in the past. Willing for others to be cause over him.
Relief from the hostilities and sufferings of life.”
The fact is that most Scientologists are as accusative , hostile , and victim as most people are , and even more in lots and lots of cases. They suppress the Freedom of Speech right when it comes to Scn and LRH. They , many of them at least , can’t handle the world outside Scn very well. They manifest many “I am being a victim” type of dramatizations , as we frequently see here at this blog. \
Grade III :
“Can grant others the beingness to be the way they are and choose their own reality; no longer feels need to change people to make them more acceptable to self; able to cause changes in another’s life without ill effects.”
Scientologists ? Please , don’t make me laugh. Anyone criticizing LRH and/or Scn is frequently met with violence , strong disagreements , or accusations of being “Failed Cases” or “Miss Withholdy bitterly hurt natterers”. They invalidate ANY other philosophies except LRH’s , and think of psychiatrists and reporters in general as harmful individuals just because LRH believed so. And :
“Freedom from upsets of the past; ability to face future; ability to experience sudden change without becoming upset.”
Don’t think so. They frequently are stuck in past ARC breaks , and have a SEVERE lack of ability to face the future w/out Scn. Take Scn from them , and most of them just collapses.
Grade IV :
“Ability to tolerate, and freedom from others’ fixed ideas, justifications and make-guilty of self; free of need to respond in like kind.”
Really ? Is enough to read this blog and others to realize this is not the case at all. Scientologists are very prone to use Service facs , justifications , and general “make wrongs”.
“Moving out of fixed conditions into ability to do new things.”
For most Scientologists is VERY difficult to move beyond Scn. The most successful one were ALREADY successful BEFORE they got into Scn , at least most of them.
It was all a fraud from LTH , I am afraid. Good wins from the Grades ? Yes. The advertised results ? Not a chance.
Often ? I would dare say EVERY DAY after the 60s.
Dear Dumb Dingaling, You say “….when theta is audited.” Well what do you think is being audited now? Come on now – you just got smart so what is it?
Whoops … the rest of her comment in case you didn’t remember all the gibberish.
“I can now imagine the degree of case gain available to us when theta is audited.”
Mike, I love reading this stuff now. For a while I couldn’t as it made me sick at my stomach (literally). Now I read it and remember feeling all those things too and that was all part of the trap. Thing is – all those wonderful results from good sessions are things that happen in life anyway for the most of us. Shame on Ron for attempting to monopolize normal human experience and knowledge and me for being the ‘not-so-bright’ he well knew of. Hahaha … I’m the one laughing to the bank 🙂
Hi Cece,You go girl! Loved your post.I’m laughing all the way to the bank and back home too.Free of the cult,how I wish all still ins could really see and not through Ron colored glasses as I did or through David’s black glasses either! Love always,Ann.
Thats real funny that unicorn pooping out a rainbow, But honestly that more then you’ll ever get out of Scientology. I would rather have the shit.
“Well, money is a peculiar thing. It is a via on havingness. Money converts into havingness and a person can go downstairs from havingness into buyingness, you see, and that’s another via…”
This is a sample of the unequalled wisdom of Ron Hubbard. It requires interpretation, just clearing the words won’t yield much insight. I take it to mean that money isn’t valuable by itself because it’s just a means to acquire things desired and needed through “buying” them. Once we’ve done this then we will HAVE the thing we acquired and there’s a particular pleasure to acquiring things. That pleasure or satisfaction, Hubbard calls “havingness”. He calls it that because it’s more esoteric sounding. We thank him for revealing to us what we already know but in words high and confusing.
The guy had a gift to say the most Duh things in as uselessly complicated and inelegant way as possible. Things which are not even profound, just duh. If you’ve got any understanding of economics, you know what buying power is, it’s a simple and mundane concept. Leave it to Hubbard to make 3-4 paragraphs of profound-sounding word salad about something the average 10 year-old understands quite well without anyone needing to explain to him.
He even invents words there never was, is or will ever be any need for, FFS.
He’s like a reverse Feynman.
Yes exactly Kemist. For F**k sake. I was ‘in’ scio 35 years and never finished Dianetics or understood some of the basics like Axioms and logics. I didn’t even try just figured I wasn’t smart enough. Now I probably would understand them. I was always looking from the viewpoint he was actually saying something. I used to feel so unlearned till the same day I tossed all my ‘sacred scriptures’ in the trash 🙂
Hi Cece,Good morning to a wonderful spirit.You speak truth with your post. When I threw out the letters I had smuggled out when I blew that I had always thought were from Ron and even when I had to leave hundreds behind,I felt totally unlearned and alone.But those feelings have definitely dissolved and that is fantastic! Love to you.Ann.
Yep its like he had diarrhea out his mouth. LOL
If you can tell what your co-worker had for dinner the night before, you might suggest Listerine.
Boy, does this strikes a nerve.
When I was still in, over the years a particular LRH datum was used by registrars and other assorted staff on me and undoubtedly many others which proved quite effective in getting money out of me.
Paraphrased, it was, “Money is trash to a thetan, its worthless”. For years, this line “handled” my considerations because on some level I knew it was actually true.
At some point I had some sort of cognition about this being an LRH datum taken out of context and not necessarily applicable to all situations, specifically those situations which necessitated the feeding, clothing and housing of these inconvenient things called bodies!
Anyway, out of this cognition came sprang a natural response to all the endless variations of the “Money is worthless to a thetan” datum:
“Yes, money is worthless -unless, of course, the Church needs it – right?”
I shook up a few cult beggars with this comeback, in the end – highly gratifying experiences! But I like your line better, Mike! Wish I’d had the nerve to say it that way. God knows it was what I was always thinking!
He he…
You should have asked some from them. Why, you’d just like to be helpful and take all that trash away from them… 😀
The difference between what scientology promises and what they deliver,
that is the fallacy that is the Church of Scientology.
Scientology is the science of getting you to buy what you don’t need. And they use every trick in the book.
Mind manipulation:
It begins by adopting the language. As soon as you find reality in Dianetics or the definitions found in Scientology, well, you are falling into the rabbit hole created by the master of mind manipulation, the Source, Mr. L. Ron Hubbard. As you come to believe you begin to give yourself away, believing that believing in Scientology is the most powerful way to personal freedom when in fact you are flipping over to thoughtlessness and the absence of reason. It doesn’t matter, says the mind, the answer is just on the other side of the bill you are about to pay… that is the gift of your Scientology superpowers.
One thing that possibly went unnoticed is that she says this guy doing SUper P is an OT5
If that is so they are squirrelsssssss 100%
You CANNOT do anything once you are on NOTs beside the nots program and after that Solo Nots
This is written in NOTs series 30
Program Departure
“It would be completely forbidden to go off pgm on NED for OTs and run something else.
….The consequences would be disastrous.”
But in DM land who cares!!!! He is giving the zupper powerz
I reckon the NOTs series is so bobby trapped it doesn’t make any difference how you interpret it.
dm openly endorses it – what does that tell you?
It’s designed to be a cash cow, + the Sandcastle needs it to exist like it is – what does that also tell you?
It can only be EP’d on someone else’s evaluation – what does that tell you?
They sec check you every six months while your on it, violating heaps of HCOBs about mixing process. What does that tell you?
People on it for years & years, driven into apathy and financial ruin, What does that tell you?
Too many people have blown off it. What does that tell you?
How many people got sick on or after it? Or go nuts. What does that tell you?
Makes you cause over life – yeah right. Look at the many examples, see any? What does that tell you?
NOTs – heralded a new era all right.
Best for last. DM found errors in it and wrote some issues to handle back in the 90s- if that doesn’t make you feel ill, you’re made of concrete.
“Well, if money is invaluable, then why is it that you are grubbing for it always?”
Priceless, Mike.
It’s about the properties, even after they “drop the bomb”, you still own the hole, that’s what DM deserves, the hole…
“I had become almost instantly extremely sane and I dare say SMART. I am now able to look at a 10-digit (and letter) number for instance and recall it several days later.
I can even still remember the 10 digit phone number that my parents has when I was a child, does that make me super duper duper platinum humanitarian new civilization builder OT?
“I recently finished Super Power and now that I am home, I thought I would make an assessment of my wins.”
Translation: “The Fing crooks won’t let me leave until I write this lie.”
“..just going to pile up as the money just so he can be somebody, because to be somebody you have to have some money – he’s gone silly.”
Which is what the insane conman was doing, piling up the money handed to him by the rubes, marks, and suckers. Except that the insane criminal was insane long before he managed to swindle his first customer.
“I was hiking up a mountain with my 13-year-old daughter’s classmates”
Really? Don’t let the Scientology criminals find out that you’ve got free time or, for that matter, a family. They’ll put a stop to that at once if they find out.
“This auditing addressed the spirit, not my bank. ” Interesting that a OTV still has a bank.
Interesting indeed. They seem to shift valence rather than being themselves, another area requiring attention perhaps?
“This auditing addressed the spirit, not my bank. ” Interesting that a OTV still has a bank.
What it means is “This auditing addressed my bank account, now I can’t afford spirits”
And yes it is interesting an OTV still has a bank account, (unless it’s in permanent overdraught), don’t let the Regges or MAA know
Status upgrade or Sec Check… Your choice and will that be check or charge?
Wake the fuck up, you are being used and abused, get out now
” “This auditing addressed my bank account, now I can’t afford spirits”
Funny how actually LRH predicted and defined his successor DM, aka Mr Pompadour, aka Black Heart in his lecture above noted:
“when somebody is not going any longer to do an exchange with money and the money is simply the money and it’s just going to pile up as the money just so he can be somebody, because to be somebody you have to have some money – he’s gone silly.”
DM needs lots and lots of money just to (pretend) to BE somebody. Worst that the success story of his follower.
Is she/he a walking, breathing emeter date locate drill? Must have an instant greater than…?, lessor than…?, of a mind… geezers, I couldn’t finish that SS, it was spinney to say the least.
There is really something whacky with scientologists and their SSs. Mike mentioned, “Yeah, well. OK. Don’t invalidate his/her gains… Even though they have NOTHING to do with reality.” It seems the SS realm is their only safe ground they have left, no matter how bizarre. This ‘never’ invalidate someone’s gains has morphed over into a huge generality and they probably all stand around applauding when in fact most of ’em haven’t a clue what was being communicated, but “we’re all having fun now, right?”
In a warped way it aligns with never feed a PC a cognition. The downward spiral of cognitive disability of the scientologist is becoming painfully obvious. Pretty soon they applaud someone for the act of reading a quote, not what the quote actually means. Oh! they already do… reality and the scientologist, a study of human discord.
I just can’t get Homer Simpson’s voice out of head when I read a written win by a scientologist.
Actually, Super Power grew out of a bunch of staff at WHQ being RPFed incorrectly during the disastrous List 1 Project in 1978. When LRH found out how many people had been found as L1 RSers, he began an amends project (I think) to make up the damage he allowed to happen right under his nose and came up with the Ethics Repair List and then a bunch of other stuff to round out the rundown. That’s actually how it went down. The rundown remained incomplete until 1991 when I completed the compilation of the rundowns on LRH’s directions before he died. When we piloted it, everybody was utterly blown out by it. Of course, DM has turned it into another moneymaker for Flag and himself, doing what he does best–perverting what LRH said and convincing others to swallow it.
“RPFed incorrectly” is one of the funniest things I’ve read all week (but the week is young). Riddle me this, Batman: Was that 5 year old girl closed up in the chain locker RPFed incorrectly? What did LRH do when he woke up and found out he had done it?
” When we piloted it, everybody was utterly blown out by it. Of course, DM has turned it into another moneymaker for Flag and himself, doing what he does best–perverting what LRH said and convincing others to swallow it.”
So I take it that you are saying that the wins/gains to be had from it as advertized by LRH himself were occurring on that pilot ? Then where exactly are those “Super beings” now, dear Dankoon ? Why is that NOBODY in the Indie field is having any wins as described on LRH’s own writtings about that RD? I mean, you know as I well as I do, that the HCOBs/refs on which that RD is based upon are fully available (always have been , in fact) . So how come the Indies are not bringing about “Super beings” ? You know why ? Cause it is all bullshit, with all due respect. It was always pure hype from LRH.
Please, don’t come now pretending to explain the lack of the promised results as a “perversion” of the Tech.It never worked as it was supposed to, REGARDLESS of any alteration. I think we are all grown-ups here , to be disseminating pipe dreams.
Best regards,
“Why is that NOBODY in the Indie field is having any wins as described on LRH’s own writtings about that RD? I mean, you know as I well as I do, that the HCOBs/refs on which that RD is based upon are fully available (always have been , in fact) . ”
I would like to be a part of the losers. Can you tell me where these are fully available? [email protected]
As you wish. Dan Koon wrote a VERY detailed pdf document on this a few years ago. It contain most the the needed refs :
Missing is the part on “Decisional Processing” as contained in PAB 69 , 6 Jan 1956 , “Six Levels Of Processing Issue 7. Here the link for the Tech Vol II 1954-56. You’ll find it at page 354 of the pdf document and at page 321 of the vol itself.
Enjoy them , have good wins , but don’t expect “Super” powers from it ; you won’t get them with anything from LRH. If you need advice or assistance , feel welcome and free to contact me through asking Mike for my email address. If this helps at all , it is my belief that the most workable processes in Scn (though they won’t get you the advertised results , but good results) comes from the 1953-56 era. After that LRH just went totally nuts.
Best regards ,
Wow! Thank you T.C.! Not looking for super powers. I think someone looking for “super powers” might be children held over from the Superman television show? Sounds like goals of little boys with the Marvel series. Edie Adams was my idol, and I had a crush on bad boy Errol Flynn.
Hi The Oracle, I had a crush on ole Errol Flynn too.We think alike! XO,Ann.
Theta Clear, can Dan Koon be allowed to have had his experience?
HIS experience?
NOT yours – not mine – HIS?
Is that alright with you?
Stop being misemotional, Aquamarine ; this isn’t about “experiences” , this is about TRUTH, something that apparently most Scientologists have a LOT of difficulty recognizing.
Your version, maybe on some group level or by dismissing someone else’s personal experience.
Misemotional? Where in the hell did you get that term from?
Recognition should never be through prejudice or do you believe in enforcement of yours?
Just what are you trying to win here? Aquamarine’s subservience maybe? Don’t think you’re going to…
I Yawnalot :
Your version, maybe on some group level or by dismissing someone else’s personal experience.
Misemotional? Where in the hell did you get that term from?
Recognition should never be through prejudice or do you believe in enforcement of yours?
Just what are you trying to win here? Aquamarine’s subservience maybe? Don’t think you’re going to…”
Talking about being misemotional here ; I posted a reply to this before , but I have no clue why it never got posted. So here I am again , but this time I am a little more relax and tolerant towards “misemotional” rubbish.
In first place , you obviously didn’t duplicate my reply to Dan Koon as expected of any Scientology influenced individual. This is all very predictable.
In the second place , you are wrongly assuming that I can become impressed or influenced by emotional comments like yours ; I can’t.
Tell you what I will do ; I’ll leave you totally in the mystery as to what I meant in the first place.Today , I don’t feel kind towards fundamentalism.
Hello TC
I am not used to such comment fromyou. How do you know tthat super power canno give actual wins?
I never said “any wins” , dear friend, I only said the “advertised wins” ; a different assertion. You know, like the advertised wins from New OT VII and VIII. Or from the Ls RDs, or from the Grades ,or, or, or.
I am quite sure that good, excellent wins could be had from Super Power as with any type of 1953-56 processes , which is was most of Super Power consist of. There is nothing “secret” or “confidential” about it at all . Don’t you find it quite odd that LRH made it confidential ? There is nothing about BTs, or whole track implanted GPMs, or any other type of “upper material” stuff, and yet he made it confidential ? Why on hell ? I am sorry, dear FG, but that smell strange to me ; VERY strange indeed. Care to theorize about it ?
Preach it Thetaclear. Aquamarine L Ron was a fraud.
I am afraid he was , all right ; took me almost 2 decades to realize and accept it , though. HOW exactly he was a fraud is not easily recognized by individuals still under LRH’s undue influence.
Thetaclear, Aquamarine didn’t sound misemotional to me at all. She simply asked you to grant a little beingness and show some respect instead of going down someone’s throat just because his experience was different from yours. But I guess that comm was not accepted by you.
Dear Cindy , I’ll be nicer to you as your communication was expressed with good manners , as opposed to I-Yawnalot’s.
“She” ? How do you know Aquamarine is a “She” ? Are you assuming this , or you just know it for a fact ?
I think , dear Cindy , that looking at the world – specially while interacting with others – through Scn’s concepts is not very realistic from my perspective. You see , one can end up misinterpreting and misduplicating the intentions of others as Scientologists frequently do , as this has been my “PERSONAL” experience with dozens of them (to keep using this word that many Scientologists love to use , to come up with faulty arguments about Scn/LRH) .
“Show some respect instead of going down someone’s throat just because his experience was different from yours.” ?
Now , how on hell did you arrive to the conclusion that I was “disrespecting” Dan Koon just because I challenged him to debate about the alleged abilities that the “standardly” run Super Power is supposed to bring about in others , as supposed to DM’s “squirrel” version ?
I have no beef with Dan ; none at all. He is a very intelligent , capable , and nice individual. I am very happy , in fact , that he brought to public view , some years ago , his experience compiling for LRH the materials for the Super Power RD , and the technical refs behind it. And because he DID so , is a pro-Scn , Pro-LRH individual , and is a well trained individual , therefore , one can ASSUME that many tech terminals in the Indie sector HAD and HAVE available to them what is needed to deliver the Super Power in a suppression-free environment. As I know practically EVERY delivery terminal and group in the Indie field including everything the DO deliver , I know that that RD is not currently being offered out-here. And I just wonder why ?
I mean , the refs it is based upon are very 1952-55(ish) , where no “Body Thetan” phenomena is taken into account but mostly 1953-55 Objective type of processes , learning drills , perception drills , and correction lists (Ethics Repair list , Student Green form). The refs are very simple indeed , requiring no “expert” training at anything beyond a class V training.
Now it was Dan and not me who inferred that DM’s version of the RD was “squirrel” and therefore unworkable. It was Dan that inferred that “perversion” of the Tech was the “reason” for lack of promised results. As I wasn’t sure , if Dan’s arguments were actually those that I described , I then ASKED him to clarify. He decided not to engage in a debate or clarification about it , and that was the end of it. Pretty simple , ah ?
All the misemotional array that followed that was just that ; misemotional faulty interpretations of my comments.
My point was , that just as everything else from LRH was pure hype , starting from the Grades , Clear and OT ; the alleged “abilities” that Super Power is supposed to bring about are just more hype. You or ANYONE here are very welcome to prove me wrong on that with FACTS , not with “experience”.
Best regards ,
Sorry , the above reply should have read , “Now , how on hell did you arrive to the conclusion that I was “disrespecting” Dan Koon just because I challenged him to debate about the alleged abilities that the “standardly” run Super Power is supposed to bring about in others , as opposed to (I had written “supposed to”) DM’s “squirrel” version ?
Thetaclear, I have no beef with anything Dan Koon has said. Dan is a reliable source in my opinion. My comment to you was that you disrespected aquamarine and accused her of being misemotional when she was actually quite lucid iand calm n her comment. And by the way, you used the term, “misemotional” which is an LRH invented word. Ironic that you say none of his stuff works and he was such a fraud etc, and yet you still sling the lingo.
“Thetaclear, I have no beef with anything Dan Koon has said. Dan is a reliable source in my opinion.”
TC : This has absolutely nothing to do with him being a reliable source or not , but regardless of that , I only deal in facts and not in “reliability”. By the way , I never doubted in Koon’s story about his involvement in compiling the Super Power materials and refs. In fact , I used him as a reliable source years ago when I researched that RD. So you guys and gals seems to continue to misduplicate my general message. Is this endemic ?
“My comment to you was that you disrespected aquamarine and accused her of being misemotional when she was actually quite lucid and calm in her comment.”
TC : I believe I already took care of that with , ‘her” ?
“And by the way, you used the term, “misemotional” which is an LRH invented word. Ironic that you say none of his stuff works and he was such a fraud etc, and yet you still sling the lingo.”
TC : Again the misduplication issue resurfaces ; please , would you be so kind to quote me when I said , according to you , that “none of his stuff works” ? I’ll be waiting for that quote , dear.
A fraud ? Let’s define fraud , shall we ?
fraud (frɔːd)n
1. deliberate deception, trickery, or cheating intended to gain an advantage
2. an act or instance of such deception
3. something false or spurious: his explanation was a fraud.
4. a person who acts in a false or deceitful way
Let’s particularly analyze def #3 , “Something false or spurious: his explanation was a fraud.”
spu·ri·ous (spyo͝or′ē-əs)adj.
1. Lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not genuine: spurious poems attributed to Shakespeare.
2. Not trustworthy; dubious or fallacious: spurious reasoning; a spurious justification.
3. Archaic Born to unwed parents.
Source : The Free dictionary by Farlex
Dear Cindy , according to that definition if an individual claim that a certain process that he developed is designed to bring about a very specific result , and this alleged result has never been really achieved by the people doing that process , then BY DEFINITION , that individual is a fraud ; PERIOD. Do you want to know how many times did LRH repeated that with other processes ? Dozens of times , dear , idf not close to a hundred. I thing that such an act classify under the definition of the word “fraud” , don’t you think ?
And to close this case , I have no problem whatsoever in using Scn’s vocabulary to describe observable phenomena , or is it that you feel now that I am violating trademarks ?
Theta Clear, I get it.
You want TRUTH, and NOT someone’s “experiences”.
And you’re correct in making a distinction between the two because they are not necessarily the same, and possibly they aren’t ever the same.
All you want and need is truth.
I wish you good luck with that, and I mean that sincerely, unlike before when I was being sarcastic.
I’m sorry about that. I was sarcastic and it just made things worse. I didn’t understand where you were coming from before but now I do.
Let’s calm things down and not use our words as weapons to wound one another.
We’re all The Wounded, here, in varying degrees of severity.
However we disagree, and no matter how heated the arguments get sometimes, we should take care of each other, a little bit.
Got it, dear Aquamarine ; and I fully agree. My apologies for my rudeness ; I tend to act, more than I would like to, as a totally
self-righteous asshole. Perhaps is in my nature. I come from a very dangerous environment, where only the real strong survives. So I tend to become defensive sometimes.
I don’t doubt the wins and good changes that Scn is capable of bringing about. But I know that the changes as advertised by LRH were very exaggerated and even misleading at times, and that upsets me very much, as I saw how the hopes and dreams of many, many friends that I so dearly love just vanished in thin air. Some of them have specific conditions that they thought they would be able to handle at NOTs, which is very probably they will not. Some of them, like me, had high hopes to be able to establish real contact, not unreal “communication” through “reads” , with the dear ones that passed away. We needed to say “good-bye” and “I am sorry”. We believed it was possible to do with Scn, and it just isn’t. I don’t have at the time being (I am just beginning to research these things myself now) any stable data, any substitute to offer those dear friends and that saddens me immensely.
For me, my criticism towards LRH and Scn is not a matter of hate or desires to destroy or revenge. It is about alerting others soon enough to prevent having to confront more broken souls. That’s all. I mean no harm for anybody ; I am actually in love with people in general ; females and males equally. I just hate seeing others fooled for so long.
Thanks for your kind words. Take care. We are all right.
Best regards,
Peter, thanks so much. Apology fully accepted. I hear you on all you’ve said. We are definitely all right and always will be. One day we’ll be clinking glasses together celebrating at OSD’s beach house.
Hi Aquamarine, Well said,I dream about that day! Always,Ann.
We sure will be! :-)))
Uh, Dan, when people said that they’d been blown away by Stupid Power, they lied. If they hadn’t been blown away by it, they would have been sent to the RPF. Certainly after a quarter century, you would have figured that out by now. It’s okay, though. There are certain elements of the Mindfuck that people cling to, even after the blinders have been ripped off.
Yes Dan, I remember that time well. Wasn’t it right when the RPF needed to be manned for the PAC renovations? And then in late ’78 when the renos were done and LA Org, ASHO, AOLA, CLO, CMO, Bridge were moved in, gotta clean up the mess of cases that I made? Then a few years later was the Finance police to cave in more cases then pumping up the birthday game saint hill size game when the org staff get super power (which promised to handle injustices) which of course never happened. I do have a friend that did up to OT 3 in SF as a staff member (reg) so something got done on that line after I left in ’96. The whole thing is full of broken promises, betrayals and contradictions. It is hereby assigned confusion or what ever may be below…
That reminds me of when I read about the English penal and colonial days when construction and major engineering was required the law was simply altered to create more criminals (workforce). A case in point was in NSW Australia when new areas requiring roads and particularly bridges (cut from sandstone) required a vast amounts of cheap labour. Locally crimes normally given 3 years were suddenly given 5 to 10. Or word sent back to England and magically the magistrates diverted whatever they needed from the courts over there. It was an administrative solution which seldom if ever provided the wherewithal to accommodate such increases of sending humanity to wilderness locations and dying whilst in custody statistics rose proportionally.
Treating humans beings like that and a lot worse if racially motivated (cotton production for example) is a human behavioural tragedy hard to fathom but to recognise that kind of methodology in the SO is a new low.
Scientology the new “modern religion” hey?
Is there anything they do administratively, I mean DO rather than just give false promises and bs hope that doesn’t result in misery?
I do happen to like some of the tech in it but the scientology organisation itself is the biggest criminal organisation and group of thieves I have ever been associated with, how in the world do you wash that shit off?
IIYawnalot all the things that are good in Scientology l loon stole from other people. L Ron was a liar and thief. And a bigger con man then Bernie Madoff.
I Yawn, Nope. False Hill-10s and attacks to defend and new releases and stats to get up. All to keep the workforce in line. No time to think about family, send Christmas cards, visit now and then or even call. I went to family funerals (3), 1/2 day to see my grandpa in San Diego (mostly driving) one 3 week vacation and three 30 day maternity leaves. Never got sick – would have had to go to isolation. I did take days off except under Nicole Sims as Dir Registration for 3 or 4 years and missed a few as Finance Dir (FBO). That’s in 20 years. My own time became valuable and I made the best of it. I spent more one on one time with my children in the SO then I had prior. Hey – one good thing 🙂
I must say that success is great material for a few issues of the Advance mag. Although I could care less about what a person had for dinner the night before, that should really get the sheeple going as they read their Advance mag. I think eating is below sex on the tone scale….did this person then have sex with their boss after “knowing” what their boss have for dinner the night before? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Grammar Police: I COULDN’T care less. However, if you can care less, let ‘er rip!
Grammar Police – I like that…
Potpie said sex is below eating so does that explain the wombat? Eats roots and leaves?
What are you saying here? That the wombat eats roots and then leaves? Where does the wombat go to? It’s lair? It’s cave?
Smoke a cigarette or two. Catch the sights, siesta, grabs a beer, you know… normal stuff. They are nocturnal you know, so don’t expect to see many during the day. But at night, aw man!… They go wild! Absolutely no ethical control, party animals el extremeo!
When I was going to college, I can guarantee you we were absolutely out of control and we did party to the extreme. Pete Wilson was Mayor of San Diego then. I lived in north Mission Beach and had more than a few raggers. One, on Santa Barbara Count, got so out of hand that the Mayor called the riot police on us. I have fond memories of running away from certain death….
The phrase “could care less” could be a reference to a statement the COS made after Leah Remini left. 😛
Hi Potpie,You just keep shining brighter and brighter.Thank you.Ann.
Spicy meatballs will do it, everyone knows what you had for dinner.
I memorize 10 digit numbers all of the time – they are called phone numbers. Does this mean I have super powers, too?
without a tin foil cone hat? Yes you have superpowers.
OMG!!! You can remember phone numbers, Lori S? How much did they charge you for the RD? You MUST be OT! Ok, ok….I’m thinking of a number between 1 & 3. What is it?
Uh ……………… 4? Maybe I need an Oat Tea tuneup OSD!.
Yo Sandy,
Can you help? Perhaps you can summon good ole Bill Batchelor and bring him by for a surprise sec check. He could finish up the one we never finished …….. remember ……..back in 2009 when Clive the Jive was doing his 10,000 on or through presentation in Sacramento? It was around October….oh yes, October 4th ……..!!
You will be happy to know that it was in that dusty overstuffed chair in the un-ideal Sac Morgue, when we took a break for dinner that I KNEW that I had held the cans for the very last time. What were you thinking (I’m taking liberties here) that you would accomplish with that sort of activity?
Anyway, I’ve had stellar wins since then. One that keeps recurring and prevents any further auditing is the persistent F/N of being free of your cult ……… and receiving NO MAIL from it either!
It’s another week in paradise Sandy and I hope for staff and public everywhere that your stats are down.
Coop, I feel the exact same way as you. Leaving. A word that describes moving away from somewhere you’re currently at. Leaving. Regarding scientology, it’s entering a world of unlimited possibilities where YOU are your own master. Doesn’t it feel great, Coop?
And…No! That’s NOT the right answer!
Well then, my phone is a hell of lot more OT than I am. Dr Google is far more advanced on the Bridge too.
“Electronics have once again come to Earth. Every time previously it meant disaster,” LRH.
I’ll take my chances, can’t do without me puta.
WOW! I just blew some major charge on a girl and her number I had forgotten!! It just came back to me her name was JENNY and her number was 867-5309! What a win!!!
And I guess that makes me a Joker and Degrader. Oh well, if the shoe fits….
Yeah, well, I’m a Jokcatorius Degrademaximus. So there (tongue sticking out).
That is only seven Tommy ………. what’s the area code? If it’s 213 or 707 ……..beware!
Damn! Guess I need a “Refresher” from that RD.
Hi Tommy J,I was moping around abit and read your post.Instant smiles! XO Ann.
Mission Accomplished then my dearest Ann! There aren’t too many moments in life that can’t be summed up by an 80’s song. Lova ya!!!!
Nice, Tommy J! That’s one of the songs my band will be playing.
Jeeeeeny I’ve got your number aaaaaaaannnnnddd I’m going to you mine….
I was in my first year of college when that song came out. It almost became a right of passage to get shit-faced and call that number.
OMG Espi, you just reminded me of something I forgot…ANOTHER WIN from this RD. My friend used to go out and get shit-faced and would come back with a phone number in his pocket, and had no idea where he got it or what she looked like. So I called his answering machine (yes answering machine) and in my best feminine voice said “hey Trey, I met you last night – and you told me to give you a call about going out this weekend – so call me back this is Jenny and my number is 867-5309.”
Now, as soon as Trey would come home he would also press a code on his phone to see who the last number was that called him. So I called when I knew he wouldn’t be there and left the message, then hung up and called back and I left him a message to make sure he wouldn’t know I was Jenny
Sooooo, he calls me up and says “this girl called me and I don’t remember meeting her and her name was Jenny!” He then went on to say that she had this kind of sexy masculine voice! OMG, I almost choked from laughter. So the end result, he never knew it was me – and he did call and got an answering machine.
Aaaah, thanks for being a good auditor because my needle is floating from this memory
Yes, you do. And may i say how i do admire your superpowers.
You also possess your get-out-of-jail-free card.
Testify! (i’m feelin’ religious)
I’ve put a dollar bill down and said, ‘Be a loaf of bread,’ AND it did become a loaf of bread. But then again I’m what they call a Special Person. I also happened to be standing in a bakery at the time.
Or the story of commandos who were dropped into an unknown area during training with just the clothes on their back & a pocket knife with the general order to make their way back to camp. A clever one had a credit card strapped to his ankle.
You actually stood in line at a bakery???? How much did they charge for the RD? For whatever reason, I’m always refused service….
Sandy sounds exactly like Hubbard, blathering on incoherently like a manic depressive mental patient. The last sentence from the Hubbard quote was especially ironic. The one about whoever hordes money just to have it has gone silly. That’s hilarious coming from the guy who always had to have a shoe box of money at hand and even died with millions of dollars in cash hidden in his RV. Fucking greedy lunatic asshole cloning other greedy lunatic assholes. That’s Scientology for you.
Kuato, careful about telling the truth about Hubbard. His brainwashed Flying monkey minions will start calling you a “hater”.
Really??? The flying monkeys are back??? Man, I just love those flying furry creatures! However, they don’t seem to love me. Guess it’s because I’m a “hater.”
Hi John Locke, Well now you have done it, Ihated those flying monkeys as a child in all the Wizard of Oz books and Hollyweird just scratched the surface with that movie.I read the whole series at around 13 creepy. So tonight I have to put the night light on to ward off those darn monkeys and surround myself with the pure light of truth.Always,Ann.
Ann, we are kindred spirits. I had nightmares about those flying creatures too. Turns out that the wicked witch had them all in her Oz RPF! They were so happy with Dorothy later! She liked Queen songs, especially Bohemian Rhapsody. She liked musical chairs too! My own cognition and I am proud of it.
Hi OTD-OUTTHEDOOR, Good morning.We are kindred spirits and I am so glad.I thought I was the only one who hated those monkeys!And you helped me remember the Asho F SO musical chairs we all had to play in our bullbaiting space.It was pretty funny back then though! Thank you.Love always,Ann.
Ann B. My wife also had nightmares as a child about those monkeys.
I know I did….
” that is, he’s not going to any longer do an exchange with money and the money is simply the money and it’s just going to pile up as the money just so he can be somebody, because to be somebody you have to have some money – he’s gone silly.”
Sounds like he is describing the Monkey in Hemet. Maybe someday when He grows up He will be somebody! I know, the odds are not in His favor!
Yo Dave,
Go find some sand. Now, make it into a pile. OK…… pound on it good buddy. In fact, pretend you are at the Oscars!
As soon as Tom Cruise, the Elfmans, Stacy Francis, the Mastersons, etc are willing to convert their money AWAY from viasof havingness, so will I.
If these so called big beings can prove they do not want or need money and give all of theirs to the cult, then I will follow their example.
As one might say, ‘Show me the money!’.
Show me, Mr. Cruise et al. that you are willing to put your money where your mouth is….when the playing field is even and you are giving your family’s last dollar so that COB can have 3 gourmet meals a day (two choices per meal) and so that COB can fly his hairdresser and stylist with him all around the world….when you truly have skin in the game, call us.
When Tom Cruise has lived as a Sea Org Person in Sea Org Berthing stacked 9 bunks high and eaten rice and beans not for one day but for 1 year and lived with the sleep deprivation and invalidation for that 1 year and has lived on the same amount of pay NO CHEATING, NO SUBSIDIES for an entire year. When he can say he has actually lived as the scientologists live, then we can talk.
Sounds like you’ve described eternity Valerie.
Hi Valerie, How I loved your post! Power. Love,Ann.
“I’ve put a dollar bill down and said, ‘Be a loaf of bread,’ and it never has.”
Praise Lord Xenu, this is the new runaway winner in the contest for the stupidest thing ever uttered by a Scientologist (other than LRH). I know there’s no one reading this, nor almost any 3-year old out there, who doesn’t already know this, but you have to take the dollar bill to a store where bread is sold, and then it gets exchanged for a loaf of bread. You don’t just convert it by magical incantation.
Who falls for this line of reasoning?
Oh, now I realize that I was reading an LRH quote. So that’s not stupidest thing said by a Scientologist who is not LRH. Rather, it might be in the top 100 of stupidest things said by LRH.
I don’t think the list can be narrowed down that far. Let’s leave it at an even 1000.
What LRH is doing is a clumsy attempt to redefine the word “convert” to bolster his stance that you don’t need to save money, you need to spend it.
Everyone knows that you “convert” money by exchanging it for something, not by magically saying a prayer or incantation.
The REAL Super Power would include:
Bullshit Detection Rundown
Delusion Rundown
Financial Loss Prevention Rundown
Registrar Evasion Rundown
MAA Eradication Rundown
Rejection of Insanity Rundown
i gotta re-do my evasion rundown,
and i don’t care how much it cost.
-(stat: thanks, you always be my pusher)
It also needs an Orifice Repair Rundown or if you spent time in Hemet, perhaps the Hemorrhoidal Tissue Advanced Repair Action done by a qualified Class XII would ease the pain!
Ouch! No pain, no gain.
Apple cider vinegar will help with haemorrhoids . Cal mag will do in a pinch, any CLXII can supply.
Laughter! MAA eradication 2FF!
OIY vaye, how exhausting to read through this dribble. Mike don’t know how you do it!
“It became clear to me why there are OT levels VIII-XV” – all I can say, “Earth to D.D.”
Yeah, I’ve had curries like that, where you sweat it for days afterward.
I thought the manager had farted.
Hey, I was that office manager and I can guarantee you EVERYBODY knew what I had eaten! Most left for the day.
I read that comment and remember working with people like that. Everyone hated them. You agreed that whatever they said you had for dinner was what you had just to get them to shut up so you could get back to whatever conversation they had interrupted with their “brilliance”. Same with the exact altitude. O.M.F.G. What a blowhard. I cringe to think I was like that at one time when in and showing off my “powers”.
You are spot-on as usual. “Money is absolutely worthless- so give it all to us ( & try to live without it)”. What idiocy. And the ‘wins’. ( big eye roll)…. He knew exactly what his boss ate for dinner, but has he ever influenced anything of consequence? Helping a person in real need ( all the ‘DB’s out there), creating a new wing for a school. ANYTHING?!? didn’t think so .
Inside the bubble, you are taught that “people in real need” are DBs who don’t deserve to be helped.
An interesting way to justify not having to spend the czerch’s wealth on anything IMHO. If they would just come into “our fold” we would make them powerful, and they wouldn’t need help. We can’t spend money on them, that would only make them less powerful.
I’m a firm believer in the “teach a man to fish” school of thought, but refuse to look down my nose at those less fortunate than I. It could be me tomorrow.
LRH was probably talking about himself in that quote. Also I wonder if DD has a knowingness of the value of his/her checking account and can instantly process the difference between that and their outstanding debts.
Hey DD – Noticed a typo, so I fixed it for you:
“This Herculean effort is primarily focused on helping mankind to get rid of their bank ACCOUNT BALANCEs!”
WSMC, I see what you did there…
and I approve!
@Sandy Dodwell:
Dear Sandy,
Bowling League is in full swing and I’m still on a win from that auditing I got back in 1957. Feel free to reach out to me next lifetime.
PS – I’m already converted!
Reading Sandy Dodwell’s comment gives me Super Power Headache!
Reading Sandy Dodwell’s comment gave me my old friend back: Dia Rhea.
“Money won’t convert to anything. … “Well, as long as money is convertible into something, we can see a lot of sense in it.” El Ron
Wow, LRH was as insane as they come. His adherents are crazier still. Wonder why Sandy D. is completely fruit loops? She drank from the Hubbard pitcher for years.
John Locke, money does’t “convert”. It can only be exchanged, obviously. I think this argument is one of semantics. Keep in mind that sometimes money can become worthless, and not “convertible”, i.e, able to be exchanged for anything. That happened to Confederate money, back in the day. If, or when, that is the situation, then money doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. It is, after all, just pieces of green cotton, with numbers, pictures and symbols printed on it. Its valuable because we say it is, because we agree amongst ourselves that it is. That being said, if you were utterly parched with thirst in the middle of some desert with the hot sun beating down and you’re ready to faint, and someone gave you a choice of enough water to sustain you while getting to some oasis, or a million dollars, what would you choose? I know what I would choose.
On Sandy Dodwell’s letter: TL;DR. Have better things to do with my time. Thanks for summarizing at the top of the post, Mike.
“Money won’t convert to anything.”
I just converted some money into a delicious beignet and a cafe latte Sandy, you should try it.
NOLAGirl, that reminds me. My relative from N.O. just sent me the mix from Cafe Du Monde. I’ll be frying some up this coming weekend!!! 🙂
p.s. – I just confirmed that they converted paper money into the box of mix they sent me.
Your havingness is through the roof John, and clearly your relatives have super powers.
Be sure to convert some money into some powered sugar. 🙂
*powdered sugar that is lol
Powered powdered sugar is the bomb.
My wife and I know Cafe Du Monde well. New Orleans if one of our favorite cities. When we leave, though, we’re packing a few more pounds than we arrived with.
Do let me know if you & Mrs. OSD visit again, we’ll get together and gorge on BBQ Shrimp and Godiva Martinis. 🙂
You know we will, NOLAGirl! It’ll be great meeting a real local!
When I first saw your handle, I thought NOLAGirl was for No L.A. Girl. So, if you’re ever in southern California, allow us to show you around!
So OSD… you converted USD to British Pounds simply by being at the Cafe Du Monde? Or did you do what I always seem to do spend my USD on US food which turns into US pounds – I do hate it when I convert USD to US lbs.
Valerie, Pound’s Sterling convert directly to stones. 😉
I don’t believe a word of it, Valerie! I’m sure you’re a very beautiful and charming woman who’s posts I have come to adore!
Converted $ to powdered sugar yesterday! My Superpowerz told me that I would need it.
Yeah, I don’t think so, John. You’re already a Superpowerz Stud! When I saw you lift that woman up using only your Superpowerz, I was overwhelmed…
Oh crap OSD, I hope my wife didn’t see that too! 😉
No, she didn’t. I was telling her a very funny story at the time.
I covert money to powdered sugar too. Add some warm water, throw it in with some hops and then true OT magic occurs – booze!
Cheers to all the unabled 🙂
Don’t forget the yeast – but that’s confidential data.
Money is simply a means to an end. My end is my life and DM’s end is his life. DM apparently has a problem when other people have a life.
Yes…Yes he does. He really can’t stand anyone who’s happy. It ruins his day….