Lauri “We Are Opening This Year For Sure” Webster is leading the cheering section to get everyone routed onto Purif and Objectives “NOW” so they are “ready for Super Power.”
You can read some of her recent emails below starting with the most recent. While they really speak for themselves, I have noted some significant things after each:
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013
From: Lauri Webster <[email protected]>
Subject: Important: Grand Opening Data NeededDear Cornerstone Member,
As I told you in my last email, the new Building will be opening before
October (E.g., we will open in September!). While the official date is not
released yet, we are rolling on the preparations for what will most likely
be the biggest event in Scientology history.Because you are part of the Cornerstone Membership, I urgently need to know
who in your family plans to attend the Grand Opening for the new Flag
Building. Please get back to me right away!Ml,
Does anyone want to take bets on whether this really WILL be in September? For 10 years she has been making statements about the grand opening of the Palace in The Sky, so I would be putting my money on this NOT opening in September.
Though we don’t have a date set “I urgently need to know who in your family plans to attend”? How typically bizarre. We cannot get our act together to set a date, but we expect you to tell us whether you are going to be attending. Kind of like “attend the Silver Anniversary Maiden Voyage — make your reservations now and pay up in advance” until its cancelled.
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2013
From: Lauri Webster <[email protected]>
Subject: It’s happening before October!!!!Dear Cornerstone Member,
I wanted to give you an update from last night’s Flag Graduation. Chairman
of the Board spoke at the beginning of Graduation and announced that we had
our first completions out of the special Cornerstone Golden Age of Tech
Phase II course room last week! There are now over 150 Cornerstone Member’s
in the new confidential course room. The course room opened only three weeks
ago, and we already have our first completions!Also, he announced not only that the IAS Anniversary event is not going to
be in England this year, but will be held here in Clearwater in October.
Following this announcement he explained that the event will be here because
everyone will want to celebrate their religion at it’s center, as the
building will be open. E.g., he announced last night that the new Flag
Building will be opening before October, along with the release of the Super
Power and Cause Resurgence Rundowns!!!!!!! At which point the crowd went
wild!So, if you have not yet gotten set-up you MUST come to Flag now and get your
Super Power per-requisites in. This is happening and it’s happening fast. If
you get here right away, you will absolutely have the chance to be ready for
the release of Super Power.Please let me know if you need any help with this. I want to see every
Cornerstone Member routing onto Super Power right away.I will see you soon.
After 20 years of promoting and hyping Super Power as the “solution to planetary clearing” and the single most important thing in the history of Scientology, and having raised hundreds of millions of dollars from people in order to make this possible, and with allegedly 10,000 local Scientologists and with a 300,000 square foot building with hundreds of auditing rooms — it must be VERY worrying that they can only get 150 people onto the “special/confidential for you only” super duper prereq courseroom/rundown. And she claims “this is happening fast”???
And then she runs the party line with the “Big Lie” that the IAS Event “will be here because everyone will want to celebrate their religion at it’s center, as the building will be open.” Funny, this just doesnt really ring true. I have watched a LOT of IAS opening videos and speeches and they always say that the IAS event is celebrated at St Hill because this is where the IAS began (not really, but there was a PR event there) and that this is “L. Ron Hubbard’s home” and the “home of Scientology”… It is in fact interesting to note that “Super Power” and the building is “Miscavige Scientology” and “St Hill” is “Hubbard Scientology” and things are inexorably shifting from Hubbard to Miscavige. He is positioning GAG II and Super Power and the new buildings as His brand. He pays lip service to Hubbard, but there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that He is now “Our Leader” and this has in many respects superseded “Founder.”
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013
From: Lauri Webster <[email protected]>
Subject: Your plane is waitingDear Cornerstone Member,
As I have been briefing you, Flag is a buzz of excitement with more
happening right now then ever before. And the core of this excitement is the
soon to open new Flag Building and the release of Super Power. Those beings
who have created the energy to make this epic moment a reality are the
Scientologists like yourself, the Cornerstone Members.The massive delivery of Super Power will launch at the opening of the New
Flag Building. As you know, your route on to Super Power, amongst the first
on Earth, is a top priority for this planet’s expansion.Right now at Flag there are 500 Cornerstone Members either complete on their
pre-reqs for Super Power or moving through their requirements on purif or
Objectives to be fully set-up and ready.The Cornerstone Membership Project that was established some weeks ago has
just fired tours to the Eastern United States and the Western United States
to round up the remaining Cornerstone Members in these areas to arrive to
Flag right now for their prerequisites.The next territories are Europe, the UK and Russia. However, my advice to
you is to get on the very next plane to Flag and arrive for your pre-reqs!
Do not wait for someone to round you up, come to Flag now! I am here
awaiting your arrival to ensure you will be amongst the first to do Super
Power.Thank you for becoming a Cornerstone Member and making Super Power a
Lauri Webster
Oh, that’s good — there is now a “Cornerstone Membership Project.” It’s really another euphemism for “Reg Tour” — they are trying to persuade everyone to “come to Flag now” and do MORE services BEFORE doing Super Power or “Cause Resurgence…”
Now, it’s amusing to me to think back at the number of times myself and others were ordered by Miscavige onto the Running Program (“Cause Resurgence Rundown”). There were NO PRESREQUISITES. Not even being in the middle of an incomplete action…. Now, Miscavige of course is the absolute King of Standard Tech and Finder of All Lost Tech — so what has changed? I guess the only difference is that SO Members at Int didnt pay for any services so there was no point in making a long runway or insisting anyone re-do anything. And it is also amusing that he is now going to stand on stage and announce how wonderful the Cause Resurgence Rundown is and he personally sent dozens if not hundreds of people to do it as PUNISHMENT for being “fuck-ups.” I well recall the entirety of International Management being herded out to the Running Track based on a “COB Order” that everyone was now on the “Running Program” full time.
Here is another really interesting question. If this is such a valuable and astonishing service, why was the “Cause Resurgence” program CANCELLED at Int? The running track was ploughed under and reseeded.
And a final question for those who will watch Dear Leader hype the hell out of Cause Resurgence. If it is SOOOO wonderful and powerful — why haven’t you done it?
Sinar sent me one of his photos of the Int Base that shows where the Running Program (“Cause Resurgence” ) used to be:
I wonder how they can complete Cornerstone Membership Project? How are they going to get those BDA ex-cornerstone members back, such as the Garcias? Looks like it will be another incomplete cycle of action. And a good justification for not to open this new Flag building.
I think Miscavige is going to force the opening of the building before IAS, because there have been so many delays, bogus timetables and and promised opening timetables that turned out to be BS that he can’t afford another BS statement this time. As to whether Flag crew survive the schedule and demands that places on them is another story, and whether or not Super Power is actually released at the same time is another story, but the buliding, I think has to open this time. At the same time, all the Whales are going to be brought in for the opening by hook or by crook and the event will be the perfect time and place to start regging the crap out of everyone for the Hall that is supposed to be built some time this century.
I agree with you. This time He means it!
It so reminds me of the indulgences the Roman Catholic Church used to sell in the 15th and 16 century. The indulgences were just so expanded and made more elaborate as Scientology Inc does with GAT1 and GAT 2. There even was an indulgence with which you could buy yourself sinfree for your whole future life – internity. And we all know where this reli-business led to: the reformation with Luther and Calvin – back to real basics and no more money laundering. Ah well, Scientology has already found herself a new Luther.
By the way, in my language the abbreviation GAT means something very different – a…hole. I can’t help it.
These e mails from Laurie are a perfect exercise for spotting out points, it has so many, I am just noting two:
“E.g., he announced last night that the new Flag Building will be opening before October” – so he announced it will be open BEFORE October, but she later said it will be around September..So, can not they get in agreement on the “PR Lies”?
And also: “special Cornerstone Golden Age of Tech Phase II course room last week” What is this new “special Cornerstone GAT II? Wasn’t this for everybody? And what about all the other IAS status-the Golden, the Platinum and what not? She only, so far, has mentioned the Cornerstones… Interesting.
Excerpt from Grand Cardone who’s buying the entire objectives for OT’s bullshit on his website.
Grant Cardone
19 hours ago via mobile
Doing process called Objectives at FLAG – this technology is amazing for increasing Awareness
Grant Cardone: For those of you asking questions about this post ==If you have ever experienced unexplainable fears, stress, unable to sleep for no reason, anxieties and concerns, Objectives technology is a simple technology delivered by a Scientology Church and the results I have experienced are beyond amazing. Introduction to the courses and services available at Church of Scientology Missions.
13 hours ago · Like · 6
Melody Freylach: Seriously?? Scientology?
13 hours ago · Like
Grant Cardone: if you only believe what you see in the media you would never do anything good for yourself. Be your own person
Since about 1996 with the intro of GAT, the brakes started to be slammed on real hard and turned Scientology into an eternal collection plate screeching to a near-planet-clearing-halt. Training has been drastically slowed into borderline non-existence, Real Estate acquisitions have become prerequisites for services that were to have been released over 30 years ago, and OT IX and above are nowhere in sight; and everyone cheers the clown(s) who’ve been stopping the show all along.
What I’m reading is that “the building will be open” by October or whenever the hell. Now, with the joker running the Church of Scientology, He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige, what that means is this: The building will be open. What is does not mean is: Super Power will be released.
He’ll move some courserooms or whatnot in there, but SuperPower won’t be released. The building will be open. There will be some lame excuse, and some (but not all) of the Flavour-Aid drinkers will accept it. A few will finally get fed up and leave.
…or I should say, a few *more* will get fed up and leave.
We’ve had enough, Dave.
What is ” The new Flag Building” ?
I’m confused with those buildings !
Lauri needs to look up “e.g.” I think she thinks it means “i.e”. Either way, these e-mails read like someone on the verge of a breakdown. Which describes all the active Scientologists I know.
“Right now at Flag there are 500 Cornerstone Members either complete on their pre-reqs for Super Power or moving thru their requirements on purif or Objectives to be fully set up and ready”.
This assertion alone is a swiss-cheese of outpoints.
1) How many actually are complete, and how many are “moving thru”? Enquiring minds want to know but probably won’t be told.
2) Everyone I know has been exec/CSed by Him to re-do Objectives ANYWAY, but now all of a sudden, re-doing the Purif and Objectives are specifically pre-reqs for Super Power?
3) As to re-doing Objectives, how about those Cornerstone Members who are NOT OTs and who therefore do not qualify for the reduced, OT Objectives rates – will they need to spend months in their own Class V orgs getting Objectives so they can qualify for Super Power?
I am so glad I’m not a Cornerstone. The pressure on them now must be really awful. What a reward for their generosity. Just more hoops to jump thru. It just sucks, and the real mindfuck is that not only does it suck for them but their enthusiasm will not only be expected but enforced. They’ll have to be excited and happy about it all. I’m wincing at the very thought.
Geeeeze. Maybe I should get going on my A to E with Mr. Int Justice Chief so I can be ready for super duper pooper scooper super power extrodinaire. Lets see, fly to Flag tomorrow, see IJC Tiuesday, pay buku $$$ Wed and start purif Thursday. Whats not to be excited about!!!
I could be the first fully rehabbed DB SP OT VIII to be launced out the far side of the super duper pooper Flag Only building. I’m starting on my success story tonight in anticipation……………….
Cooper, you take the prize for a FUNNY so far on this thread with: ” I’m starting on my success story tonight in anticipation……………….
That is classic! Please finish it my midweek stats tonight and post tomorrow. LOL
Great one. lol
Mike, this data answers the questions I posed to you in the previous post. This is more mind-boggling stuff. You have furnished SO much on which to opine but at the moment only one concept only keeps reverberating thru me, a fervent, grateful, simple prayer…”Thank GOD, I am no longer in, thank you, thank you, thank you, God”.
I don’t know if Lauri Webster has done Primary Rundown and Method One Word Clearing, but it looks to me like she should be forced to retread/redo them.
Does the wonder-tech of Super Power have the ability to change a super-illiterate to a super-literate?
Pierre Robillard criticizes Montreal’s ideal org
This is an unofficial translation of a message written in French by Pierre Robillard, a former Executive Director of the Montreal org. The message was sent to over 200 Quebec Scientologists and was posted on July 28, 2013 on the website. Robillard criticizes David Miscavige’s ideal org program, with particular reference to Montreal, Quebec City, and Cambridge, Ontario.
Un message de Pierre Robillard à tous les scientologues canadiens
“A message from Pierre Robillard to all Canadian Scientologists
Posted on July 28, 2013 by voltaire2003
This message from Pierre Robillard is addressed to all French Canadian Scientologists.
My name is Pierre Robillard and I’ve been a Scientologist since 1969. I was a staff member for nearly 25 years, mostly in Montreal, and I’ve held most of the key posts such as executive director, case supervisor, etc.
Because I was there at the beginning, I’ve always considered the Montreal org as one of my responsibilities. And I’ve always had (and still have) a high affinity for this org and all the people who are part of it.
I’ve been out of the traditional Church of Scientology since November 2012. I am an independent Scientologist.
The purpose of this letter is to communicate my disagreement vis-à-vis the way the present-day interpretation of the policy letter titled “The Ideal Org.”
Nearly 6 years ago, Montreal parishioners bought a building and, since a month ago, a campaign to renovate the building in order to have an ideal org has been in full swing.
Anyone who carefully studies the policy letter will note that the main purpose of an ideal org is to make clears and competent auditors and to create new Scientologists. An ideal org is clean and attractive without being a royal palace. But the most important passage in this policy letter mentions that an ideal org WOULD BE BUILT STEP BY STEP BY SMOOTHING AND IMPROVING EACH OF THE ORG’S FUNCTIONS.
This was the operational practice in the 70s and 80s, and the birthday program to achieve Saint Hill size was essentially focused on obtaining an ideal org by applying policy, the reward being more clearing and more staff. The Montreal org experienced unparalleled prosperity in the early 80s. Radio ads on CKOI produced a minimum sale of 250 Dianetics books a week to new people. BOOK ONE groups (auditing using the methods prescribed in the DSMSH book) flourished. Auditing hours reached 450 hours a week. The Academy was full of people who were studying to become auditors and who completed their courses. Preclears completed the grades and attained the state of Clear at the Montreal org.
Today, all of this no longer exists. No auditors are being trained in Montreal. Or very few. As of November 2012, no auditors had been produced in Montreal since 1995. Those who completed auditing courses redid the courses with the Golden Age of Tech or studied at Flag or elsewhere. Lists of auditors were presented to me, but no auditor was produced in Montreal since 1995. I could elaborate, but that is not the purpose of this letter. There is a website called “Friends of LRH” which explains the difference between LRH tech and the tech after the death of LRH.
Here is how the policy letter “The Ideal Org” is being interpreted today. You buy and renovate a building with extremely precise specifications (location, size, architectural theme, etc.) and, bing, you have an Ideal Org! You forget the first step, which is to train staff members and to make clears and auditors. The ideal org is a building that is funded and renovated at great expense by the parishioners, and then it’s up to you to figure out what to do.
In Toronto, they say that, once the building is completely renovated (in December 2012, 7 million dollars remained to be raised), one million Torontonians will flock to the ideal org every year and magically become Scientologists. In the movie “Field of Dreams,” the hero played by actor Kevin Costner hears voices telling him: “Build it and they will come!” But a building by itself doesn’t produce clears or auditors.
There is a concept in Scientology is called BE-DO-HAVE. To have or obtain something, you must be or have a certain identity and act accordingly. Obtaining a building as a priority is doing things in the wrong order. It’s putting the cart before the horse. To obtain an ideal org, you must be a staff member or an active public, you must apply the policy letters, produce clears, produce auditors and new Scientologists and then perhaps, possibly, buy a larger building.
Moreover, a building is MEST. The reason we do Scientology, especially at the OT levels, is to reach higher levels of spirituality, not to become stifled in MEST. Anyone who says the opposite is not in the right religion.
Nowhere in the LRH HCO PL do we find any reference to the IAS, much less to the status of Patron, Humanitarian, or OT Ambassador. The PLs regarding memberships mention dues of $30 a year or $75 for a lifetime.
There are two policy letters concerning the purchase of a building. The January 18, 1965 HCO PL “Building Fund Account” states: “The weekly proportion of income owing to the Building Fund Account must be paid into that account weekly and may not be withheld from it for any reason. The purpose of this fund is to purchase a building, and no other solution is acceptable.” [Translator’s Note: The second sentence of this quotation could not be located in the actual policy letter found online.]
The PL “What Your Donations Buy” (payments for training and auditing) states: “Where does your donation go? The biggest part of your donation stays right in your area. It is used to make training and processing and data available to the next fellow first by keeping the church there and second by letting him know about it and third by making as sure as possible that the training and processing he gets is standard and effective.”
IN OTHER WORDS, WHEN YOU PAY FOR YOUR BRIDGE, ALL FEES CONCERNING THE PURCHASE OF A BUILDING ARE INCLUDED. This is what LRH always wrote, and the Montreal org on Papineau Avenue and the Toronto org on Yonge Street were purchased in the late 70s by Sea Org Reserves.
What will happen in Montreal is what is presently happening in Toronto.
I mentioned earlier that, as of Christmas 2012, there remained 7.5 million dollars more to be raised. There is a recognition chart that displays the names of donors according to the amounts given. For example, the status of Humanitarian is higher than Benefactor or Team Canada. Carol Nolan, the project in charge, looks at what you have already paid, assesses your potential (savings, RRSPs, loan possibilities, inheritances, second mortgages, etc.), and decides on the amount you should pay. In other words, this is very far removed from pan-determinism and the initial goal: TO GO UP THE BRIDGE.
In Toronto, there have been 55 evening events for the Toronto ideal org in less than a year. Each event usually includes food, music, awards for those who contributed, a speech and, mainly, various games to raise money. A small 4-page glossy color flyer is sent every 3 weeks in Toronto and across Canada to inform people and encourage them to give more.
Who benefits from this fundraising? THE PERSONS WHO ARE WORKING TO TAKE YOUR MONEY.
In Montreal, it’s Guy Peloquin and other reges/FSMs like Robert Aumais. The commissions for those who help raise funds vary from 1% to 10%. The rest goes straight into the reserves of the Sea Org or the IAS.
The worst part of all this is that it is impossible to obtain in writing the amounts of revenues and expenditures for the ideal org. In the United States, there are people who have invested up to 1 million dollars for a building and who wanted to know how the funds were being spent, but their questions went unanswered, and when they insisted on getting an answer, they were finally expelled from Scientology and declared suppressive. There are several websites that explain this phenomenon.
Now let’s suppose that the building on Saint Catherine Street becomes the Montreal ideal org. Who will own it? Not the Montreal org. Not the parishioners who funded everything. As in the United States, unknown lawyers will take over. As everywhere else, the electrical and phone bills will be much higher — on top of having to pay a percentage each week to Landlord International to occupy the building.
But once again, will this be worthwhile? There are dozens of examples around the world that prove it is not worthwhile. One example is the Cambridge ideal org (the former Kitchener org). It had recruited more than 120 staff members in December 2012, but now there are only 65. Its income is less than $3,000 a week. It is presently applying the non-existence condition and hoping to achieve Saint Hill size in July 2014.
However, for Montrealers the answer is much easier to find. We are very close to Quebec City, which has had an ideal org for about 5 years.
Reread “The Ideal Org” PL and compare what is written with the Quebec City org’s key statistics (not spurious stats but an org’s real stats: paid completions, well done hours, student points, new Scientologists). Without any intention of insulting the Quebec City org, this is not what is happening. How many clears has the Quebec City org produced over the past 5 years? How many auditors? Has control of PR (public relations) improved? I doubt it. Narconon Trois-Rivières was shut down by social services.
Are staff members (there were more than a hundred 5 years ago) at the org full-time, going up the bridge, and not working outside (moonlighting)? I doubt it. All we hear about is the Basics courses. What I’m talk about is auditors and the training path mapped by LRH. All we presently hear about is the Golden Age of Tech 2 that will soon arrive and revolutionize everything. These are only words.
Various stratagems will be used to rebut my message. First, the Church of Scientology, through the Office of Special Affairs in Montreal (Jean Larivière) will send to everyone who has read my letter an assortment of documents that are supposed to refute my arguments. Here again, reread the PLs titled “The Ideal Org,” “The Building Fund Account,” and “What Your Donations Buy.”
There does not exist any PL written by LRH that can justify the IAS or the current ideal org program.
I will also be attacked personally. They will say that I’ve been offlines for a long time, that I’m a rebel, that I’m an apostate (a fancy word to say that I renounced my religion). This is not true. I have not renounced the writings of LRH and I consider myself to be a Scientologist (compare the independent Scientology movements with the schism between Catholics and Protestants in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance). They will say I’m a squirrel. There is an old principle in Scientology which states that people who accuse you of evil actions are often people who themselves have committed the same kind of evil actions. If applying to the letter the policy letters mentioned in a previous paragraph is a squirrel action, then I would rather be a squirrel.
They will say that I’m influenced by a few troublemakers who are SPs. I know how to read and observe.
They will also say that I should have used Scientology’s command lines to communicate my disagreement. But there are no longer any lines.
There are some OTs in Montreal who believe that all this is just minor or arbitrary details that will easily be resolved. I’m afraid I don’t think so.
I worked 70,000 hours on staff and received a total of $70,000 in salary over 25 years (hourly rate: $1). This is of no importance if LRH’s philosophy and tech remain intact.
I believe that a true Scientologist must work to keep Scientology working. I believe that a true Scientologist must look and not just listen. A Scientologist must not be afraid to put his life in danger.
I know that the biggest fear among Scientologists, and especially OTs, is losing their Future, their Eternity. I say that integrity is what is most important. An independent Scientologist said: “I did not lose my eternity. I regained it.”
Thank you for reading my message.
Pierre Robillard”
Bravo Pierre!
Formidable, et merci beaucoup, Pierre!
In Toronto, I haven’t seen any signs that a renovation is under weigh, other than boarding up the 1st floor windows and removing the scruffy collection of air-conditioners, and that was done months ago. Nothing has happened to the exterior, and due to the massive condo construction behind the org, there’s only one place that they could put a dumpster to hold scrap from an internal tear-down; no sign of a dumpster.
I think Toronto had better get used to that temp org location.
Way to go CommunicatorIC!
Pierre’s write up is excellent.
The first thing that happened to me at Flag was to fork over all my credit card numbers, that is after I signed my life away on an 8 page legal document to get services at the Sandcastle. Many places for signatures and each legal paragraph initialed. A ski mask and gun would have worked just as better.
There are way too many cache phrases and buzz words in what is transmitted from Flag. too, too many gimmick’s and tricks. Where’s Shelly Dave ? I’m teaching a parrot to say that for CNN.
We at Flag Land Base are breathlessly preparing for the release of Super Power, this while we are simultaneously rolling out the Golden Age of Technology, Phase II, Version 115.A., sections N-Q edited to excluded “As Is” components or anything else that impedes the ability of Super Power and GAT II to persist as continuing mental image pictures of a hoped-for spiritual state that is ultimately unattainable until all Orgs are Ideal and 10,000 are on Solo NOTs.
It says it all right there in the fine print that our Cornerstone members in a confidential course room signed along with a bond. They will pay us $100,000 for each violation, so please don’t ask them to describe the pure theta of holding the corners of the room for eight hours a day.
What we are doing at Flag is so vital to this universe that COB is personally giving high-speed, high-impact, high-intensity touch assists to anyone expressing even the slighest CI. POW! You don’t mess around with straight up and vertical expansion! You just obey and do as you are told or else!
COB is personally giving high-speed, high-impact, high-intensity touch assists to anyone expressing even the slighest CI. POW!
OMG, that’s funny. I damn near spit soup and crackers all over my keyboard!
Hey Mike, I heard that the running program was cancelled at Int but I was told that was because there was no-one left there to do it. There is also an important reason that DM does not need to do the running program. You see the running program comes from a whole track therapy where a thetan would just find a large object and go round and round it till he felt better. DM’s extensive whole track as a flying monkey has given him ample opportunity to run this on himself. Well, glad to have cleared those two mysteries up for everyone.
I am not so intimate with all the various donation statuses, but I assume this Cornerstone thing is a donation status. A pre-requisite for a Bridge action is a donation to a building. Wow, that is a new policy indeed.
I see he drops time from his plans. Truth versus out point. The man is confused. Strategy versus ‘no time’ in the bank. Only money. I am confused too!
I am watching with great interest, the actual volume of people who take up this service, and whether the dates pan out. From what I have read so far on the net, He is pathetic at setting dates and sticking to them.
Conflated with this noise is his plan to roll out the new gang of supervisors and auditors as part of the GAG II evolution. Same again, watch the dates and how,many people,actually take up these services. Fascinating.
One odd thing that I’ve noticed about these announcements is that DM is not actually telling her anything. She gets her information like everybody else, from graduation. All she has go on to drive the cattle is “Before October”. So that’s the exciting buzz.
Very Keystone-Cops-esque.
Thanks for pointing out all the inconsistencies in the above emails, and there are many to be pointed out. Of course, the emails don’t address the outpoint of the “added time” it took to get to the point where they can even start to deliver Super Power. “Having to have before you can do” maybe?
Of course, there’s also the outpoint that the Super Power rundown was originally intended for staff members (my understanding is that the Key to Life was also originally intended for staff members). The only problem is that there isn’t a lot of money in servicing Sea Org members who make $40/week (if they get paid at all), or in servicing Class 5 Org staff members who are sleeping in their cars. Besides, staff members are all degraded beings, from “His” point of view, so why invest in them?
Perhaps the buggest outpoint is that “He” himself hasn’t done either Super Power or Cause Resurgence rundown. This indicates he no longer believes in the tech and/or he just sees Super Power as the cash cow that it is. But all good things must come to an end, and perhaps he feels he can no longer bullshit the public any longer for the most over-regged and over-hyped service in the church’s history, or perhaps certain lawsuits such as the Garcia’s have forced “Him” to shit or get off the pot.
Miscavige, I mean “He”, only uses tech and/or perversions of the tech to punish others. Reverse Dianetics all the way. It’s just how someone low on the tone scale controls others. If two people see a hammer, the high tone person will envision how it can be used constructively, while the low tone person will see how it can be used destructively, such as bashing someone’s head in. “He” falls into the latter group. It sucks to be low tone; it sucks to be Miscavige.
Have you noticed?
It’s no longer the SUPER POWER BUILDING,
it’s now the new Flag Building.
Well, the order came down that they could no longer call it “The Mecca” (something He had pushed for many years) — I think He is worried that everyone might think that this is Tony Muhammad’s building and not His…. So, it was renamed the “Flag Building” (all the other buildings may now only be referred to by number)….
hahahahaha 🙂
Yes, this is a argument with “the mecca”, but I thought they don’t call it the “Super Power Building” because only a tiny fraction of the space will be dedicated to Super Power.
As far as I remember, and I may be wrong, it was called the “Super Power Building” in all the church promo since the inception of the Super-Power-Project.
And here is even a Wikipedia page I just found:
I think “the new Flag Building” is a downgrade for some reason.
They will probably open “the new Flag Building”, but won’t start delivery of SuperPower(TM) anytime soon?
By the way, wasn’t Flag generally called “The Mecca of technical perfection” generally? And not only the SP Building?
But yes, the slogan is gone since the NOI rocks the landscape of Corporate Scientology.
It would be good for them if they go independent, anyway…
The best is the last line:
“And a final question for those who will watch Dear Leader hype the hell out of Cause Resurgence. If it is SOOOO wonderful and powerful — why haven’t you done it? “
Properly delivered, without Miscavige’s suppressive and coercive methodologies, Cause Resurgence could ‘graduate’ and propel many individuals out of the Cult of David.
Amazing huh? For the push to open this building prior to October….such a rush and laughable at that….and am sure (sarcasm ) it has nothing to do with Garcia’s evidentiary hearing slated for Sept 26th. Do tell.
What better way to stop a rising tide of fraud litigation than to magically finish the SP building and open it.
And if it actually happens all those corn on the cob members should thank Garcia.
Chris — as I commented before, there should be a statue of Luis and Rocio Garcia erected at the entrance to the Flag Palace…. Won’t make much difference to the lawsuit IMO — the response to “we didnt defraud you, look the building is open” is “Yes, opening the building is the PROOF of the fraud — it has sat for years “completed” while you kept collecting money under false pretenses. You only stopped your ONGOING fraud when we sued. But it doesnt change all the fraud you committed earlier….”
Indeed… Kinda like…
You hit the nail on the head Chris! The only reason he is slaughtering his cash cow by opening the Super Power building is because of the Luis Garcia lawsuit. Plain and simple. That is in an effort to win his case and say to the judge, “see, we opened it!” I hope the Garcias win big time and get a huge settlement or even just the satisfaction of winning is going to be awesome.
Der Fleder (mouse) is above Ethics. He’s pure intention. And intention is cause! (Sayeth the lord!). I mean just think of the power and persistance that it has taken to unmock the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut that was the Church of Scientology.
The flying mouse has been very busy indeed lo these not-so-many years, swooping in and sucking the blood out of everything in sight, much like the proverbial Vampire Bat.
I think that you are right on that the “Grand Opening” of the Stupidpower building will be nothing more than a paen to this vampire’s voracious appetite.
Tangent alert:
Does anyone know what’s up with Laurie’s husband, Donnie Webster?
Yes Mike,
I’ve done it myself. It’s definitely a great weight loss program. 🙂 I was wondering myself why he destroyed it at the base. My conclusion was though that it could be done by anybody at any point as you stated, and he just does not want any tech to be applied to staff ( beside sec checking of course ). Why it was very destimulating I give it that. Running for 5 hours after getting away from your brainwashed psychotic senior was quite the relief as well. We did it with JB together. It was fun. however as with anything else 5 years down the road it’s just a memory no eathshaking event and salvation of all mankind etc etc etc. The question is still though. Why the f@ck did he cancel it? He must truly despise every soul around and wants to make sure absolutely no case gain could be had. Anyways, whatever. 🙂
Ditto, requested and did it on that track too. Another workable and benifical Process dismantled by the DeMon.
I bet that they can’t set a date yet because they can actually set a date! Panic mode no doubt.
oops, should read, ” … CAN’T actually set a date.”
“……the special Cornerstone Golden Age of Tech
Phase II course room..”
This sounds super fantastic.
What are we talking about again?
“Do not wait for someone to round you up, come to Flag now!”
That sounds just a wee bit sinister. If you don’t show up at Flag, do they send a squad of regs or goons to your door to drag you off?
“Round you up”. Interesting turn of phrase. The arrogance, you know? Like they are referring to cattle or sheep. So annoying.
I, too, ridged on the phrase, “round you up.” Like the whole track being round up to be shoved through the implant stations. Like if you don’t report to the implant station on your own, they round you up. There is nothing spiritual about “rounding up” masses of people to herd into a group and cluster reg.