By Mike Rinder
This email was sent out on 7 March. Tony Ortega put it on his blog on March 13. However, I feel it bears a little more scrutiny as one of the most jarring emanations from the twisted world of the RCS (Radical Church of Scientology) in recent memory.
Apparently the sickening irony of it is missed by those in the bubble.
Standing “at the crossroads of whole track history and necessity level” (lifted straight from a Shermanspeak speech?) they proclaim that they have the answer to all planetary ills from war, drugged children, drug trafficking, poverty, crime, only 6% of the planet having a college degree and lack of drinking water to the curse of the Bambino and the ratings dive of American Idol. BUT, they are not making it available just yet. Soon. Promise. But first, give them more money for a building they already built (and boy is it impressive, a whole city block! 377,000 square feet! marble everywhere!), and then they will allow you to pay us and receive the miracle. Just like they have been saying for a decade.
What happened to the “necessity level” to save the world? The only necessity level apparent here is “give us more of your money.”
Imagine the hypocrisy of an organization putting out promotion like this:
We have the cure for cancer and AIDs. An exact, precise series of steps, developed, piloted and tested in 1979. We own THE solution. We may allow you to have it soon, providing you give us enough money for a building we don’t need. And if we do allow you to have it at some unspecified time in the future, you will have to pay – again because all the money you have given us so far is only to build several of the building we don’t really need to deliver it in.
In the meantime,
…enjoy your pain and suffering and we hope you don’t die (at least not without giving us all your money).
Corporate Scientology Sinks Lower
Here it is again, stark eviedence of the depths of depravity to which the church of MEST has sunk (no comment on the lies/overhype about the services themselves).
From: Barbara Dews <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2013 8:49 PM
Subject: This is the year for Super Power!
Lift the veil off the state of this planet and it looks something like this:
80% of the planet lives in underdeveloped countries
One billion are functionally illiterate
One in seven are malnourished
Another billion are left without access to clean drinking water
And if college education once meant better living, today it’s just 6% of this planet that has one.
It’s a world wherein if you live with adequate food, proper dress and bearable accommodations – you’re better off than half the people of Earth.
Add the statistics of “brutal crime” LRH mentions in his Birthday Game ED and here’s what goes down every 2.5 hours:
75,000 prescriptions are filled for the top 20 psych meds,
114 million dollars is spent trafficking illegal drugs,
Two million children take psychiatric drugs
And more than 35 million dollars is spent at war.
And that lays bare the orders of magnitude behind LRH’s words: “….a sick, a dying and dead society.”
“Super Power is the answer to a sick, a dying and dead society.” LRH
Super Power!
It’s the series of technical rundowns that LRH most closely associated with planetary clearing.
It’s been in the making for some 30 years. And for good reason.
It’s a technology where small results simply aren’t even conceived.
A 7th dynamic boost to our power as a religion and your potential as a thetan, in ways you can’t even imagine.
Super Power’s release is 21st Century Scientology to the core.
These are moments that haven’t yet existed on the Scientology time track.
And moments that will be hard to surpass in our future.
Our next epic milestone is closer than ever……
“A Super-fantastic, but confidential series of Rundowns that can be done on anyone… that puts the person into fantastic shape unleashing the Super Power of a Thetan… It consists of 12 separate high-power rundowns which are brand new….” LRH
Super Power is a series of 12 rundowns, each of which make the being himself more able, competent and powerful.
They are intended to give a person back his own viewpoint, increase his ability to perceive, improve his ability to learn and his power of choice.
And that is exactly what pcs and pre-OTs who have received Super Power report—in rave and astounding successes.
One of the Super Power rundowns has to do with something people have a huge amount of charge on, due to it’s suppressive use on the whole track. The subject? Ethics and Justice.
If the charge isn’t handled, it can get in the way of attempts to apply ethics to your own life in present time. This Super Power rundown thoroughly handles all charge. It is broken down into 128 aspects, each of which is run four flows, making a total of 512 individual types of charge removed from your track.
Yet another of these rundowns handles the phenomenon of deadness. LRH found that a being himself can be dead, though his body is alive. He found the exact mechanism that causes this to happen. The rundown zeroes in on the precise points that hold it together, the whole mechanism crumbles to pieces and the thetan literally comes back to life.
Then there is the famous Perception Rundown: the New Flag building will house this powerful series of rundowns. It is here that pcs will progress through physical universe drilling stations that are part of rehabilitating all 57 perceptions of a thetan.
And when it comes to the future, here is something never even conceived of on this planet. Drawn from every ounce of LRH research and discovery, here is the means of restoring all preceptics of a spiritual being.
Perceptic by perceptic, it’s a one-two punch with auditing to remove disabilities preventing perception and whole track drills to restore native ability; not as a body, but by theta perceptic alone.
Here is some data regarding the new Flag building:
At 377,000 square feet and spanning an entire city block, this building is the equivalent size of seven Ideal Orgs. 800,000 linear feet of track and stud encased in 31,000 sheets of dry wall make up the building’s walls. More than 1.5 million feet of electrical wire is routed to 25,000 light fixtures and all electrical implements through 500,000 feet of conduit. While 720 tons of stone – much of it customized for installation—do their part to make this a timeless masterpiece that will endure the ages. And it’s service capacity exceeds anything to date, capable of delivering to many thousand at a time. This is the attainment of an LRH vision: the release of Super Power and opening of the new Flag building.
“Some time ago I realized the resolution of this scene would require a powerful tech, tailored to check this downward spiral at each step of the way and get it reverting upwards.
I set about to study and research and develop processes that would accomplish this.
The result of that work is Super Power.
Super Power is the answer to a sick, a dying and dead society.
With it, we literally revive the dead!
With it we have the means to put Scientologists into a new realm of ability enabling them to create a new world.” L Ron Hubbard
Super Power will be released and available for public sometime this year. The building is ready. The perception equipment is installed. The auditors and technicians are currently training.
The only prerequisites are drug handling complete and you can’t be in the middle of any other actions.
I want to help you get there.
Call me or write anytime for anything.
Barbara Dews
Flag Service Consultant
323 872 3585
Isn’t Super Power already being delivered at the Harlem NY org?
“The church will never release this broadly, because if they do, the emperor will be found to have no clothes.”
So right, Pendleton! But I can tell you that word is that SuperPower will come out this year and at the BD event, that was the carrot DM was holding out. I’d like to keep stats on who does it and whether they are alive a year or two or five later. Or if alive, how these completions are faring in life… health-wise, financially-wise, and all other ways too. DM will turn it into a big implant station. And now when one completes OT VII, Flag doesn’t route you to the Ship for OT VIII. Instead Flag sells you one or more L’s, so as to get their last bit of money from you. And those doing L’s end up NOT doing OT VIII because the L’s and setups for them, took all their remaining money. Flag is competing with the Ship and Flag is competing with lower for for the Grades pc’s. Soon there will be no other ogs, just one big giant monster that ate up all the others and must be fed. Feed me! I need money! Mooooore money!
One thing you can virtually count on with Miscavige is that anything he claims or implies as LRH Policy, the opposite is most likely the truth. Take an LRH quote out of context and then interpret it (or imply the interpretation) and most staff or public will believe it – because they themselves do not know the policy. Study of the OEC is almost extinct and has been for years. First Miscavige removed OEC training because the OEC needed to be “re-done” – then he makes sure it never is re-done. Look on Bridge’s website and the only things you can find are the “Golden Age of Knowledge” materials, no OEC, no Tech Vols. Staff don’t study the OEC because generally they don’t get study time and if they did they would be required to study the Basics, or be sent off to be trained how to squirrel Objectives and the Grades. It is so sick.
Here is the sickness, we already had everything we needed to clear the planet with the old green books in 1979 and even before that. What was lacking was production. Instead, the master of endless pointless organization and group bank goes into hyper drive on having to have (all the money in the world if possible) before he can do anything, in the mean time he refuses to do anything except lie and make more promises. Oh, and kill the unborn children of staff. Etc.
Barbara Dews forgot to put in the last line:
“And as we are a church and know that man needs help now, we are opening the
Super Power building today even though we only have two auditors who can audit
it so we can start to get the show on the road and start to get a change to what I
have outlined above. Also, as we know this 4th dynamic is in serious trouble we
have decided to donate 1 billion US dollars to 300 missions around the world with
the sole purpose to educate people to become self-sufficient in developing their
natural resources and thereby feed themselves.
With much love,
Actually it was not supposed to be funny but a slap in the face of DM and all his
enablers, like SO members and public who supports the insane views and actions
of what should be a help towards the 8th dynamics.
Since I came out of the SO I have met people who were doing more for the 3rd
and 4th dynamics than we ever did in the SO. I have some very close friends who
have dedicated their lives to help villages across the world to become self-sufficient
and only rely on their own work to survive, eat and get an education. These friends
could easily be multimillionaires but they live very modest and sink the majority of
their money into helping people in underdeveloped countries. Now that is an OL in
my book!
Barbara Dews makes fantastic claims about the about the results of doing Super Power. She could only make these claims if at least some people had received the run down and you could see the results. This would have to be upper Sea Org management who would right now being expanding Scientology with their new abilities. Instead you have a church continuing to contract with no real measurable expansion.
The truth is that either Barbara forwards this hype or she has her head cut off. I’m sure that before DM has milked this for all he can, he’ll be on to his next off policy fund raiser and Super Power will be forgotten. All the church is going to get out of this is more empty buildings.
Of the approximate 40,000 Scnist onlines, about 10% will immediately plop their money down and get in the SP queue. I don’t have exact figures about their expected capacity, but let’s say that they can deliver SP to 100 PCs at any given time. Time estimates I’ve seen for SP have been about 3-4 weeks. So we can expect about 1500-1700 completions per year. Actually, I would be impressed if they were able to do THAT.
Based on an initial cull of 4000 paid PCs, I give SP 2 1/2 to 3 years before it goes the way of KTL/LOC and fizzles out. This is why it is the Flag Delivery Building and not the Super Power Building, it eventually will be delivery regular Flag services.
For an operation like this to be viable you would need a constant supply of new public, AND who have gotten through Purif + TRs and Objs. Most people I know who have done or are doing the New TRs and Objectives Course have been on it for over a year, many of them longer. So, just finding prospects qualified to even do the service is going to be tough. Then there’s the cost of SP, which ain’t gonna be cheap, and the accoms, etc.
The second point I would like to make is the first round of delivery (let’s say the first 750 to come off the line) will probably be overt products. Sure they will write glowing success stories about how Scn is going to take the planet in no time, and how they got a boner for DM. But, in reality, the results they hoped to achieve or were lead to believe they would receive just won’t be there. Hopefully no one will get sick or die in the process. This will result in people being recalled for reviews and repairs (cha-ching). In all liklihood, Super Power will probably NEVER deliver the hype. Once the public realizes this it will quickly become “optional”.
But, in time, the whole thing will die on the vine. The custom SP machinery will remain in place, but will more like a museum than a delivery operation. Eventually, Super Power will be a distant memory and will fade into the annals of Scn history. The next generation will hear stories about Super Power and all it promised, like KTL, like LOC. But, before then, the Master of Misdirection will artful draw everyone’s attention to the next shiny, glittery you-gotta-have (probably OT9 & 10).
And on, and on it goes….
In Ron’s Journal 30 which Ron recorded sometime around 1979, Ron announced Super Power, said that auditors had already been trained to deliver, and that it would be released to Orgs in about six weeks. Ron has never been known for dragging his feet or BSing Scientologists.
Let’s see…..late 1970’s. That’s right around the same period of time a brazen SP by the name of David Miscavige covertly insinuated himself into a position of control of Ron’s comm lines, isn’t it.
It is more than 30 years later and the rundown is still not released.
I believe that Scientologists can do the math.
Ron has never been known for dragging his feet or BSing Scientologists.
You’re kidding, right?
Super Power! I remember that! That’s the rundown LRH described back in about 1979 or so in Ron’s Journal 30. I remember him saying that.
In RJ 30, Ron said that auditors had already been trained to deliver it and that it would be released to Orgs in about 6 weeks. Ron has never been known for dragging his feet or BSing Scientologists.
Let’s see…..late 1970’s. That’s right around the same period of time a brazen SP by the name of David Miscavige covertly insinuated himself into a position of control of Ron’s comm lines.
It is more than 30 years later and the rundown is still not released.
I believe that Scientologists can do the math.
Scientologists don’t need Super Power to gain the power of choice … they already have that …. Visa or Mastercard? (yeah, yeah, I guess before they lose all their assets, they could still pay cash or use Amex). Of course, failing all the above, one could always choose instead to lose one’s family, friends and possibly one’s job as well. Ah, life …. choices, choices.
LRH said “LITERALLY revive the dead”? Uhm … where was the word clearer when Ron needed one?
Reading all about the gazillions of square/linear feet of this and that for “a timeless masterpiece that will endure the ages” (barf, Dan Sherman, just barf) made me think that if there is a God, and He is truly merciful, He will let me live to see the day somebody buys that ugly-ass McMansion-looking thing and knocks it down.
Not until all SP rundowns are piloted to make sure they cause no damage to DM at all, they wouldn’t be released. Am I right? If so, by the time there would be no SP auditors, no PCs for SP rundowns and the only one left is the real SP. It is so money motivated by taking away the special gift promised by LRH to staff, and turning it into a bait to rip off all parishioners.
Mike, Great Post!
“They are intended to give a person back his own viewpoint, increase his ability to perceive, improve his ability to learn and his power of choice.”
“ability to perceive”? “power of choice”? Get Real cob! are you really sure you want any of your sheeples to have any of that? Oh, I thought not.
TOO MUCH HYPE for one man to stomach!
if it ever is delivered, there sure won’t be any LRH Tech in it, unless of course it’s completely reversed.
COB_chairman of black Dianetics.
I predict it will not be released this year. I predict that if it is released next year, it will be to select people and hideously expensive. I predict the rundown will not even come close to delivering on what this fatuous email promised – and when the puzzled “completions” wonder why, the result will be because they were not ready for it and had overts – so, buy another 2 intensives of the old standby, sec checks.
The church will never release this broadly, because if they do, the emperor will be found to have no clothes.
Hey Grasshopper,
don’t you know, that you have to clean the cows udders before milking?
For those who have been through it all it is a spectacle.
In the 50s, it was a new Science of the Mind.
From 2000 onwards, to hell with anything except money extortion.
The “IAS” scam is a runaway money extortion machine giving away worthless plaques and bestowing titles.
Who would like to be a
Titanium Platinus Victorius Octavius Bloviatus Meritorious Delusionus Laureate ?
You can experience a frenzy of Flag waving and a standing ovation for only $5 million smackaroos to Super Power !
As I continue to repeat 95% of spin from the “Church” is utter LIES.
Not half-truths, not acceptable truths but SCREAMING LOUD lying propaganda.
Take the page above in a recent IMPACT (IAS Magazine)
The people of Columbia read “The Way to Happiness” booklet and Hey Presto ! Abracadabra !
The crime rate dropped 50%
Give your money to the “Church” and they will drop a crime rate !
Can you believe it ?
Karen this was ultimate, so funny, had to repeat, LOL!
“Who would like to be a
Titanium Platinus Victorius Octavius Bloviatus Meritorious Delusionus Laureate ?”
“Titanium Platinus Victorius Octavius Bloviatus Meritorious Delusionus Laureate ?”
Karen1, Have you been talking to Dan Sherman lately or what?
I thought he was the only one (and dm) who could Oblovioatolouyscienousate that much!
There is NO LIMIT with this crew!
DeElizabethan and Steve Poore……ROFL !
There is no limit with this S_crew!!
Titanium Platinus Victorius Octavius Bloviatus Meritorious Delusionus Laureate ?
Karen, how did you think that one up?! 🙂
If the Sea Org members would read Way To Happiness, maybe the crime would drop 50%?
Good one 🙂 And, does anybody bother to look at the state of affairs on the planet? What is funny is that they say how awful it all is, yet from day one Scientology is supposedly handling it….I say, where’s the product folks?
LRH still had a number of years to live after 1978, so if he wanted to release Super Power to staff, he certainly could have. Nothing stopping him. Supreme test and he WAS Ron, so he obviously decided it wasn’t THAT important. I’m sure myself that all the hype was pretty much just that, LRH talked in over the top terms from the very beginning. Re-read section on the Clear in DMSMH and the Philly lectures.
But really the phenomenon is very common in the “religion game.” Earth folks LOVE this approach and actually CRAVE it. Full and utter ultimate end phenomena is what the folks want. All people who make religion their business have always known this. The Jews had complete approval and support from God if you earned it, the Christians had complete salvation and everlasting life if you believed in Christ, the Muslims had their version of how to earn the great rewards of heaven. And the non God centered religions all have their own version of nirvana, the one-ness, the throwing off of ALL mest temptation, final stage of enlightment etc etc etc Pagans had their ultimate.
LRH was very aware of this when he marketed Dianetics. He knew it wasn’t enough to promise improved health, happiness and power to postulate. The promise had to be an ultimate state, as described in DMSMH, and then taken to tremendous proportions in the Philly lectures and then of course the OT levels, the L’s, etc etc etc ALL promising SPECTACULAR states of beingness and power never before imagined or attainable. And so then we get Ron’s last hurrah of stupendous hype – Super Power.
NO ONE is holding back the secret to handling planet Earth, folks. The promises you read in the message sent is all of the same going back to 1950. Dianetics is more important than the discovery of fire and WILL HANDLE EVERYTHING BAD ON PLANET EARTH (all in DMSMH). It is much more likely that Super Power has never been released because it DOESN’T deliver any of these promises in reality and that Miscavige wants to milk the sheeple first out of every cent he can before he eventually rakes in his 300 million bucks or so the first year when he takes APs on it and starts to deliver the latest of the rundowns that really, really, REALLY will finally handle your case. Marketing – REALLY the oldest profession.
Joe, as far as all these extremely increased awarenesses of the senses on the super
power I got those after maybe 50 hours of ARC S/W (1967, one process, 3 commands)
and if it would have increased any more my head would have jumped up and down
like a cholo’s Camaro lowrider boom box along with the cannabis burning my nostrils.
It is a hype even though someone sitting in something and these processes handles
that; fantastic! But a 4th dynamic turnaround, no, that is not true.
Yes, and don’t forget that LRH pulled the marketing on DMSMH because of new data and he wrote New Era Dianetics, but because the book stats (and NPI) went down he ordered the original book to get pushed again. He says it is the thing that will bring people in–never mind that he also stated that the pt processes left book one in the dust. The two policy are right next to each other in the OEC. How blatant is that! . He was always pulling the carrot on the string: today only sales etc.
As far as the whole Power thing, maybe the processes weren’t complete when LRH said to have them out in 6 weeks or whatever…but if these are the ‘magic’ that will ‘save the planet’ then DM has had plenty of time to create them one way or another. I would love to ask DM, why didn’t these get going back in the day when LRH said they should be out. They were either done or not done. If done, then DM sat on them all this time to have SOMETHING to hold over everyone’s head. What I’m wondering, when they do actually start delivering, is how they will explain the fact that with XXX amount of people getting SP, the planet will still be in a state of chaos and decline. They will have to come up with something…the planet is too out ethics so the tech won’t go in on them, so only Scientologist will survive and we will take over and restart civilization and get these poor wogs later. Maybe DM will talk about recreating on the freakin’ moon, or perhaps they will just take responsibility (hallucinatory cause) for ANYTHING good that is happening on earth and say it was because of SP —just like the Berlin Wall came down because of us!
That is going to be an interesting saga to follow! I think that the first person to get all the run downs, since they are about ethics and justice, should be DM, and all the SO members that support him.
It never ceases to amaze the scams being used to extort money.
I was asked to meet with David Miscavige one time. Knowing how valuable his time was and not wanting to waste one second of it I beat myself up first.
🙂 funny…
That’s what I get for watching a Woody Allen documentary.
Lift the veil off the Church and it looks like this:
80% of the Sea Org staff live like people in underdeveloped countries.
They are ALL social illiterates totally out of the communication with the rest of society.
All of them are malnourished except for David Miscavige.
Less than 1% if that. is afforded a college education past present or future.
They are not afforded proper clothing, accomodations, medical, dental, health care, or avenues or resources for self improvement.
The statistics of brutal crimes between forced abortions, sacrificing your children and bitch slapping and RPF’s and emotional blackmail is ALL are victims.
But they are going to fix all of these unwanted conditions for the rest of the world while manifesting them and dramatizing it for for themselves!
My thoughts exactly!
I’m having flashbacks to the hype for the HRD then the FPRD, KTL and LOC. Always the “greatest thang evar.” Tis the dawn of a new age of hidden standards for the current group of faithful.
“One of the Super Power rundowns has to do with something people have a huge amount of charge on, due to it’s suppressive use on the whole track. The subject of ethics and justice”.
No kidding. But I’d say for most people the charge was on the last 30 years and not so much the whole track!
seems to me that Scientology suffers because of an SP David Miscavidge, get rid of the SP major crime there isn’t it?
Ahh, Super Power. No matter how many millions of feet of electrical wire, sheets of toilet paper, square inches of floor licked, it still adds up to 0 hours of delivery. How long must the world be forced to wait for this supposedly vital piece of planet-clearing tech? Wars have been won in less time. The Great Pyramid, the Colosseum, the Hagia Sophia, the statue of Colossus, and a whole host of other structural wonders, old and new, all built in less time.
But Super Power? The solution to a sick, dying society? A tech that can revive the dead?! One would think that something so important for this planet and its future would have been made available long ago. (Rapidity of particle flow alone determines power… I’m sure I remember someone saying that somewhere).
But then, let’s face it, if DM was deadly serious about clearing the planet, if the whole agonized future of every man, woman and child really was at stake, it wouldn’t cost over a quarter of a million dollars for the average joe to make it. Dear old Enid the Lollipop Lady is destined for an eternity of ignorance, darkness and despair. She’s not going to make it out of the trap on just £7 an hour. Who is going to help her?. You, mister and missus fence-sitter? Whilst you violate your integrity for fear of Miscavige’s wrath, someone somewhere ends his life never having the opportunity (and the funds) to go free. Think on that, why don’t you. — Mike
Remember the settlement with the IRS. 501(c)(3) will box CoS into certain kinds of transactions. Buying buildings (even LOTS of unused buildings) and fundraising for Super Power can help demonstrate an absence of inurement. IRS EO Topic 81: “Inurement is likely to arise where the financial benefit represents a transfer of the organization’s financial resources to *an individual* solely by virtue of the individual’s relationship with the organization without regard to accomplishing exempt purposes.” Buildings -I would think- qualify as “exempt purposes”. Rathbun was on the Tax Compliance Committee. I’d be surprised if this kind of thing didn’t come up as a discussion point during the Transition Period.
Rusty — you are absolutely correct. One of the reasons you see the IAS buying buildings is to try to make outlays for exempt purpose activities…. Monique Yingling harped on Miscaviger constantly to have the IAS spend money. He did not want to spend it on things where there was no asset, thus the buildings. RUnning “education” campaigns is good for PR and they cost very little, but the money is GONE.
Double whammy with a building purchase. It helps to prove the church/IAS/trust is expending money for the public benefit and it increases his real estate portfolio.
Rusty — you are absolutely correct. One of the reasons you see the IAS buying buildings is to try to make outlays for exempt purpose activities…. Monique Yingling harped on Miscavige constantly to have the IAS spend money. He did not want to spend it on things where there was no asset, thus the buildings. RUnning “education” campaigns is good for PR and they cost very little, but the money is GONE.
Double whammy with a building purchase. It helps to prove the church/IAS/trust is expending money for the public benefit and it increases his real estate portfolio.
Thirty years and counting indeed! Near the end of 1978, LRH called for trainees to be brought to the base near Indio, CA for training on Super Power. He envisioned that the rundowns would be released to staff in the beginning of 1979, 5 months after he disbanded the L1 R/S Project, pulled people out of the RPF and began to rectify the situation. This is a very different approach to what DM is attempting to do with Super Power. He plans to sell it to FSO public and probably at Ls rates or higher. LRH intended it for the run of the mill staff member to make them more effective on their posts. THAT is how he envisioned planetary clearing happening, Not by bankrupting a shrinking cadre of clubbed seals. The people supporting this charade do not know how badly they are being taken by the Conman of the Board.
I was seconded to NWC in the mid 80’s and I can tell you that back then there was no talk about some monstrous edifice required to deliver the Super Power RDs.
In fact the Ol’man’s intent back then was to have staff receive it first before the public and that it was either supposed to be delivered at SHs or as part of the U Corp delivery to staff of orgs that went SH size.
You don’t have to look any further than this whole Super Power travesty to see how much the Tech has not only been perverted but its purpose totally altered beyond recognition!
Super Power was part of what would later be called “De-Op” or Deoppression Tech and was meant to put staff at cause over their environment.
Just as the famous Ls were supposed to be for Scientology executives.
Now they are being used mainly as a justification for their failure to deliver Standard Tech.
They can also justify their failure to achieve the aims of Scientology by saying that the reason is that they aren’t yet able to deliver Super Power.
“It’s been in the making for some 30 years. And for good reason.”
The ‘good reason’ being lots of time to empty people’s bank accounts.
But LRH did have care for staff members. He spent lots of time in the Esto tape lectures providing solutions to help staff with the work related problems they would get tangled up in. It makes sense to me that LRH developed Super Power for staff.
“One of the Super Power rundowns has to do with something people have a huge amount of charge on, due to it’s suppressive use on the whole track. The subject? Ethics and Justice.”
While perhaps some of us can still live with hope, where is the hope for justice for Mark, Gillium, Heber, et al? Indeed disgusting sickening hype in their names alone.
On a more serious note; a person who completed the Ethics Correction List honestly, would no more be willing to take any crap from dm and his nazi minions. That is why it will never be released.
Anyone kinow if the Ethics Correction List is available online? (I suppose I could just google it.)
Wow! This is the year for Super Power….Hey, wait a minute. That’s the same thing they said last year.
RD, true, and the year before that and the year before that and the…
DM_DEGRADED MASTER of Lies and deceit.
Amazing crap! As I recall from earlier PR, this was supposed to be exported to the world at large, such as government officials. NOW, they need a drug handling too! Utter BS.
Lol Mike!!
It’s true. They have the answers but won’t release them untill you mother fuckers PAY UP!!
We have the power to save the planet but we won’t if you chumps don’t do what we say.
What a crock.
Oh, and I love the one about them having the rundown to handle the charge on “ethics and justice”!! Good luck on that one! Lol.
Tony, not only that, but OT 9 and 10 will have the powers of Superman, but will not be vulnerable to Kryptonite. I even have the evidence to that: I dreamt it last night. What more proof do you need.
Thanks for keeping it REAL Tony! You always manage to “lift the veil” with the most accurate translations!
You capture the REAL message in your translations. And don’t we need constant translations of this vague illusion and promise coming from the Church? They are caught between constant denial and compulsive promising. Someone might have missed promise / deny as a standard GPM. Selling promises has been quit lucrative. Nobody really has to put in any exchange. The money begged and gotten on the promises, can then be used to manage the denials on the other end! This is the slick business of the sociopath con man.
You’re too kind. 🙂
Guys, Super Power is going to be great. Not only will it give us a Cleared planet, but it will also give us faster than light space travel. We will finally know how to convert led into gold and platinum. It is the cure to cancer and aids, and much more.
All you need to do is, now that you donated all your money, borrow more money and give it to the project.
And for God’s sale, stop enturbulating dm. What is wrong with you?
Sorry the last paragraph should be:
And for God’s sake, stop enturbulating dm. What is wrong with you? So what if he is sleeping with another’s man’s wife? what if he cannot play a game of basketball without cheating? A saint I am telling you, saint.
Message for Graveside Mestcavige;
Carry on Sicko! Your D_E_P_R_A_V_I_T_Y knows not the depths from which it originates!
Hi Calvin!
Hi Tony! Is this a great new blog or what?
I know…they use LRH basically suck more money from the people….EVERY IS ABOUT MONEY…but one day they will realize… the end of the email…the corporate Church of Scientology say they will help you to get there…but how?….I need to pay any F…way…so what is the point of the help….I did many events regarding and I show some videos..and everything look good but when I open my eyes I realize is just marketing to suck more money……anyway…good post Mike!
Ha! So, they’ve been running, or have run, the Super Power on some PCs, eh! Well, why not just start the wholesale delivery right now? Those already run on the program didn’t need to have all this ‘stuff’ to run the program, so why does anyone else?
They don’t just up and start delivery now because of several factors:
a) Miscavige isn’t done micromanaging the SP building yet (remember the building permit that was obtained just a few months ago)
b) piloting SP on a large number of people hasn’t been done and will never be done
c) the executive C/S program put in place by Miscavige to make everyone redo their Objectives and Purif hasn’t bled the parishioner base completely dry yet
d) the staff really needed for the SP building is Flag registrars and IAS registrars and Materials Insultants, and they haven’t been recruited and properly taught how to open parishioners’ jugulars yet
e) a workout hasn’t been done yet on how to make the existing Flag staff do their regular cleaning stations as well as double-duty cleaning stations in the SP building
f) the electronic cross-feed from all the cameras and look-in systems is preventing Miscavige from getting his voyeuristic thrills from peeking into everybody’s sessions, and classrooms, and hallways, and bookstores, and restrooms, and showers, and…
POT — you are correct they pulled a NEW “building permit” within the last 6 months. BUT the building was issued a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY in 2011 around the time the church tried to get a reduction in the $400,000 plus fines they had been levied by the city for failing to complete the work on the permits they had earlier pulled….
Perhaps I should have put /sarcasm=on and /sarcasm=off around my whole comment.
POT — I understood your sarcasm. I just didnt know if it was generally known that the building is not only done, it has had a Cert of Occupancy for 2 years and no occupants! So, they went and pulled another permit to make yet MORE modifications to the interior!
“The Cof$ is not the answer to a sick, a dying and dead society.”
Somewhere LRH says Superpower is for staff? Does someone have that quote? I would love to see it.
I think of the ole man after he developed all this ton of superb technology and to see it trashed sucks seriously.
He would be livid.
This article Mike and all the attention this email has received puts a nice degree of pressure on the dear leader to deliver. If he does not, this year, the airwaves will be buzzing with censure.
Lets see.
GOW — it was DEFINITELY developed for staff. It followed the failed “L1 RSer” projects/era and was a solution to the havoc wreaked by that. In RJ 30 LRH promoted it as an alternative to power. The write up in 1969 promised it would be delivered at St. Hills within 6 weeks and contained considerable marketing hype — but it didnt hold a candle to the crap that is said these days about this being the answer to planetary clearing!! It was the answer to messed up staff ravaged by false assignment to the RPF and being declared List 1 R/Sers.
Thanks Mike.
I will see if I can find that and read the whole thing.
Interesting how there is a complete disconnect between proclamations about clearing millions and the actual real economics of doing this in terms of individual affordability.
The current bridge pricing is elitist at best, not to mention what SP will cost.
Superpower may have originally been developed for staff, but there is an LRH reference where he indicates that public can receive it too:
LRH ED 301 INT 17 December 1978 The Year Of Lightning Fast New Tech
Ҡ* 3. SUPER POWER. There is no reason a Dianetic Clear should be denied the
powerful gains which research made available in ‘78 (see above). For the public who
have gone Dianetic Clear, and those who haven’t, Saint Hills will become a mecca
where they obtain the most excellent results obtainable in Super Power.
I see your note on Mike’s data. I figured it was a sequence of sorts. Staff then, then, then.
One day we can go in there and help unpick the mess maybe.
I can’t help but wonder how miscavige will twist and torture whatever Ron might have left for the superpower rundowns. One thing is for sure, they will be fashioned into actions that are every bit as much an implanting activity as the very MEST he’s erected to deliver them in.
As the basic overt act, per LRH is to make other thetans want MEST, miscavige has proven himself to be truly back to basics.
Mike, I cannot recall ever reading an article where the nail was hit more squarely on the head. And it is exactly this kind of contradiction that precipiated my leaving the cult. All that I see today is a bunch of fanatics who hang upon every utterance of their God-Man prophet (and his representative on earth) in the non-causative belief that they – and only they – will be the chosen few to reach the other side when the rest of us perish in a cesspit of our own evil. All sounds very similar to various “health and wealth” Christian denominations who have followed much the same downward spiral.
It really is hypocrisy and arrogance.
And, oh…the line about needing to have drugs handled before starting…to me, that equates with “you will have to first redo your Purif (again!), AND get those 100’s of hours of MORE objectives if you have not done so already.”
In the RCS, the spirit of April 1st, All Fools Day, reigns for 365 days a year.