Wow, if this is all they have to show for 15+ years, hundreds of millions invested in this building, and virtually unparalleled hype, its pretty tragic.
And what is so amazing to me is how they keep giving actual stats as if they are worth shouting about?
15 Super Power Completions in a week? At the ONLY place on earth that can deliver it? So EVERY scientologist on planet earth that wants the most hyped service ever MUST come to Flag? And they are completing 15 per week and there have now been over 800 completions since release??
Stop to catch your breath for a minute whoever is writing this copy.
You routinely announce there are 12 million scientologists. At 15 a week that will take 15,000 years to complete the existing scientologists on earth.
What if your figure was overinflated by a factor of 10 and there are actually only 1.2 million scientologists — it would then “only” be 1500 years.
What if it is overinflated by a factor of 100 and there are only really 120,000 scientologists. Only 150 years….
What if it’s really overinflated by a factor of 1000 and there are just 12,000 scientologists on planet earth (that’s about right, not counting SO and staff). Then you will be wrapping those people up around 2030.
Now THAT’S orders of magnitude of planetary impact!!! Cheers, whistles. Standing ovation. Dear Leader laps up the adoration….
WTF? This is like someone promoting the fact that they came 143rd in their class of 150. It’s very poor, but it’s not dead last. Certainly nothing to send out in an email. But like the person who is 143rd, I guess they aren’t smart enough to have any self-awareness. Or in this case, self-awareness is ruthlessly hammered out of existence in the cult in favor of the “party line.”
And then there are the insipid and horrendously generic “success stories.” “One person returned home and found himself accomplishing things he hasn’t been able to do for the last 20 years…” Come on. Sound like an ad for Viagra or ExLax where they don’t want to give any details of what it specifically does, it’s all “understood.” Except here it isn’t understood. This is really the best they can find to promote the wonders of “life after SP”?
It’s a shame that the smell perception didn’t kick in so they could call bullshit🤨
What a bunch of losers.
These Rundowns are great except for those too stupid to participate.
I wonder what happens when the PCs are getting the (much lengthened from the original) Ethics Repair List and they finally, after say about the 115th question (as they have suppressed it beforehand being good Kool-Aid drinkers), have no other choice now but to admit and realize that COB and his cohorts is/are their SP that has been handing down wild, arbitrary and unjust ethics actions? Of course the public PCs may not encounter such a situation until about the 253rd question, although it has been building up as BPC since question 1 of course. The cognitive dissonance will know no bounds on this situation, methinks!
Great post, Joe P. From my viewpoint, the answer lies in the application of the expressed abilities gained or the cognitions experienced. I’ve had both, in Scientology auditing and training. Some I’ve applied to my life and some I haven’t. They ALL felt good when they occurred, but for whatever reasons, some I continually use and apply, and many I don’t. In short, you can learn how to do something, but then you’ve got to do it. You can experience greater potential but you’ve got to channel that potential into some purposeful activity. For me, the real wins in tech and training occurred not when I wrote the glowing success stories but when I used those wins in the actual laboratory of life.
Amen, Aquamarine!
I’ve expressed my view before on this blog (re: Angela Knight and others) that a person’s win is a person’s win is a person’s win. If a person says she can confront a group of people and tell their position on the tone scale, their time track motion, their endocrine state and their A, R & C at a GLANCE yet! ….. then I guess she feels that she can do that, as implausible as it may seem … just like if a person feels he can communicate with any person on any subject …. then I guess he feels he can do that . CERTAINLY no Scientologist that I ever met in 40 years applied any objective test to someone’s wins or claimed abilities …. BUT I think it is quite fair for folks not in the CoS to bring this up. I mean, if IN FACT Super Power (or any other auditing) can produce these abilities, then how come the folks who run the CoS and EDs of individual orgs cannot apply these abilities to expand their orgs and make them flourish (after all, many claim that they can now expand on all the dynamics)? While I don’t question peoples’ fantastically stated subjective wins, I certainly question these wins as existing in our shared universe. When I see Heber, Yager, and their ilk actually CONFRONTING and HANDLING the environment around them, then I will believe that they are really “OTs” and that they have the attested abilities they signed off on on the TRs course, PTS course, etc.
I hope this comment goes through Mike .. because we are now at relations of time in some degree .. and there is something which wonders me straight since years after the Basics were released ..
LRH lived from 13.03.1911 to 24.01.1986 .. this are about 75 years .. or 27’346 days or 656’304 hours .. and then DM said it were 2.000.000 hours spend to recover the Tech to source .. but this are more than three times of hours LRH has ever lived in his life .. it seems impossible to me that so much time could be spend for something which was already there .. and acknowledged from puplic since decades ..
I mean, you can hear everything and it goes by, but if you put it in reality and look about as real actions, it can become more than idiotic .. this one makes no sense at all ..
One point in addition. DM has an MU on semicolon .. he do not know what it means .. but there are a lot of people who have the same inability .. which is not new ..
Most likely he plucked the 2 million hours out of thin air. However, if the figure has any basis in reality it probably includes all the times he ordered people to re-do work (like the OEC project), all the time spent on dictionaries, all the hours spent per person picking specks of dust of tape and film reels, etc. ad nauseum. Plus the cumulative time CSWs and projects spent in his in basket.
Again .. it seems impossible to me that so much time could be spend for something which was already there .. and acknowledged from puplic since decades .. it is a fake to say it needed 2 Mio hours for a complete unnecessary work ..
What a shame “Bullshit Detection” is not one of their heightened 57 perceptics.
Roland Rashleigh-Berry made a back-of-the-envelope throughput analysis of the SP building and figured that since there’s only one vomit comet ride the whole great thing would never be able to process a lot of people. Just another thing that’s obvious to “wogs,” I suppose… Details on WWP (somewhere)
You know what? I don’t know! I haven’t a bloody clue what SP has to do with planetary clearing.
What I do know is this: How the hell are they going to clear the planet when they haven’t even cleared the bloody Sea Org? Seriously, not many SO people get any Scientology beyond Staff Status II. Scientology can’t even clear their own Elite Regime. Oh, boy.
Perhaps David Miscavige will read this and have a cog: “Holy Fuck!” (sips some old Scotch, puffs on a clear Havana)… “I better get these CSOHB on their Clearing Programs!”
OK, maybe not.
And not only that, Gus, but Super Power was supposed to be given to staff first. So not only are staff not getting it first; they are not getting SP at all. So more broken promises.
They can always charge entry to the Super Power building for those of us who want to practice for entry into Starfleet. Now THAT would be using $15 million wisely.
Oh, is that why my cats get all lovey-dovey when their chow dishes are running low?? I guess I just don’t have those Sooper Perceptionz 😉
One of the few things the Old Man came up with was the concept of obnosis. Stupid word, but “observation of the obvious” is a good skill for anyone. Especially those who have cats.
I have a tech question: What does Super Power have to do with Planetary Clearing? I’m not being facetious. Is this on the Bridge now?
Aquamarine, I was at ITO (international training org) in California around 1990.
Helped the SO there to train the Germans because I spoke both Eng/Ger.
We were told the line up was to be Key to Life Crs, Life Orientation Crs, then Super Power (in that sequence).
To be delivered to Staff, then Government and Public or Public then Government (not sure which, but staff first)
Sorry I’ve got no Ref. I can point you to.
I assumed all staff, would receive KTL, LOC, Super Power. And as new staff came on, they would be put on KTL, LOC, Super Power, which made sense since LOC has some batting and product clearing steps.
hope this helps.
Sorry, HATTING and product clearing steps.
Ken, you are absolutely correct. The reason Super Power was not released “in 6 weeks at Saint Hills” as publicly announced by LRH in a broad public issue (one that is no longer mentioned by anyone…. wonder why?) is that LRH then decided he could not train Super Power auditors and they needed and “undercut” and that then became WOOC (World Out Of Comm) which then got a surveyed name — Key To Life. And then Key To Life was to be followed by LOC as staff members needed to get their act together on post. So, KTL and LOC were the undercuts to getting out Super Power.
There is no KTL or LOC and more (they will be coming as part of GAG III and everyone will “realize” that without KTL and LOC they really hadn’t made any progress in Scientology so they will start all over again).
Ken and Mike, Thank you both for the background data. So KTL and LOC are the intended LRH prereq’s for Super Power, which means that anyone permitted to do SP who has not comp’ed both KTL and LOC is being knowingly made a squirrel by the Church itself! I mean, they can be SOLD Super Power, but if Tech Services permits anyone to do it without first having done KTL & LOC – OMG, these people are so, so screwed.
Food for thought: perhaps Miscavige had actually intended to re-do KTL and LOC and release them before releasing Super Power, but then the Garcia’s lawsuit forced him to reopen the building, which in turn forced him to release the Rundown which was the purpose for the building…what a tangled web for him – overts committed to solve problems, which then create more problems, which then necessitate more overts, etc. Yeah, its does suck to be him.
Not totally correct that they are prereqs. He said they were needed in order to be able to train the auditors for Super Power.
In truth, he said KTL was a prereq for auditor training and virtually a prereq for receiving auditing, though I am not sure it was ever that clearly stated. But if you recall when KTL was released it was “everyone MUST do this” and there was NOTHING more important in the history of the universe.
Now its simply forgotten. Miscavige of course determined that it was “poorly compiled” and must be “re-done” but of course only he can do that and he is just too busy to get to it. Funny, he is the one that got the Disney animators for all the illustrations and personally oversaw every page of those monster KTL books. But they are now “out tech” and “KTL isnt currently available.” I am sure he will blame some “SPs” who messed it up if he ever gets around to re-releasing it. Sooner or later people are going to wake up to the fact that this “previous out tech” that delivered “no gains” and so must now all be redone is all on his watch….
But then again, corporate scientology is the modern day verion of The Emperor’ New Clothes.
Well the funny thing is, it is being delivered to the wrong people (the public, instead of staff as originally intended). Whether they do anything for people at all I cannot say, but as it is we’re not likely to find out.
Those in the bubble are as fundamentalist as anyone who believes the earth was created 6,000 years ago, and any evidence to the contrary on reinforces the belief because god only made that evidence to “test their faith”.
Yet any Scientologist would scoff at the idea they are anything even APPROACHING fundamentalist.
This is the mind-fuck. You become exactly the one thing you think you could never be.
Hence, how someone can be in a cult for 30 years, and not know it.
Seven completions a week. I bet there are ten times that leaving each week.
Mike, that official scientology flyer has quite openly referred to non scientologists as ‘wogs’. Do they have any idea that this term could reasonably be considered to be offensive to people? Do scientologists have a sense of irony? The next time a scientologist accuses someone of being bigoted, they should wave this flyer under their nose and call them on their own bigotry.
I’ve wondered about that, worthy oriental gentleman is a rude racist generalization
steven fishman videos on youtube he claims it actually stands for world operating genetically which makes a lot more sense, but I don’t know if lrh actually said or wrote that?
Another of the Fishman, somewhat credible sounding made up out of whole cloth assertions he liked to pull out of his butt. He literally made this stuff up.
SilentMajority – it was never intended as a racist phrase by Scientologists although it was somewhat borrowed from the British colonial usage which meant “anybody or anything not one of us” and also the colonial usage also did have more than just a bit of racism attached as well. But the Scientology usage was never that way intended. In my Org there were many black and other nationalities and no one took any offense as far as I know.In fact there are many LRH lectures where one cannot conclude otherwise that the old man was not only not a racist but concerned about the plight of other races. Some argue because he was somewhat caustic about Bantu’s or some tribe in South Africa stealing things that he was racist, but he wasn’t. But you have to listen to all the tapes to understand that.
Well, this depends on your definition of racism. If you go strictly by skin color/ethnicity, you are right. If you take the essential essence of racism — “I am better than/superior to you, because you are not like me” then it is classically racist. Just something to consider: would you define Nazis as racists? Their prejudice was against white people of different religious/ethnic background, but essentially the same people, many of whom had lived in their country for hundreds of years and generations of children. But they were not “Aryan”…
This is a highly charged topic.
But my personal view is that I cringe every time I see the word wog. I find it absolutely as repulsive as racial slurs, and while it is color blind as a concept, it is not superiority blind.
The bigger the certificates the more smug they look.
Like it means something…it is AWESOME…lol
I do like how they put Grant Cardone in the flyer though….it does make everyone else look more normal by comparison.
A big certificate and frame means it’s more important.
Where’s my PooPouri Spray the crap is piling up over the top!
800 Super Power completions… and not one of them can name the card I’m holding in my hand.
Delusion, thy name is Scientology.
Actually Mike, I did do that – once. Someone chose and held up a card about 10 yards from me and asked me what it was and I correctly replied the 6 of hearts. But then I’ve had a lot of real and good auditing.
OK, you did it once. Can you do it 10 times in a row? If you can’t then it doesn’t mean shit. If you can really do that at will, the Amazing Randy will give you a million $. If you only did it once, then maybe it aint so spectacular.
Ah! But even doing it once is spectacular really – isn’t it. So now one must do it 10 times to “prove” (to you) that such is possible. and when the 10 times is done then there will be another “test” etc. etc.
Actually the real reason why people (OTs that is but occasionally some others can do this as well) can’t do this on a regular basis is the NOTs case which LRH spotted as the factor preventing (pre) OTs from being real OTs. Most people you will find have not gotten beyond NOTs and then unfortunately the “OT8” being offered in the CofS is only a watered down version of the real McCoy.So all these people who yip yap about “there are no OTs” are ironically correct in that the released technology does not produce OTs as such – they are all pre-OT levels in actuality. I did one of the “old” OT Levels and was doing other things as well as the card trick above. Many other people have reported similar things as well. The old OT levels did produce OTs to a degree but then that is when LRH discovered the NOTs factor. So one has to get through NOTs and then do the old OT Levels and a few other things and then one will be able to do these things. Which is unfortunate for those people who don’t want OTs in their environments for whatever strange reasons they have for this.
Mike, question; All during the years you had to work under his dwarfness, did he EVER do any of the changes he made to the bridge? Did he ever do Sooper Power? Has he done ANYTHNG on the bridge since taking over in a coup? Just wondering…
Not that I am aware of.
Does he have a special dowsing rod or darts that he throws at the bridge to determine what part to squirrel next?
I guess what’s good for the goose isn’t actually also good for the gander after all.
I’ve heard that DM tossed the cans around OTV. Do you know where he got on his Bridge? Also, why did he toss the cans? The only things I can think of is that he is too paranoid for auditing or he decided (as I did) that it’s all a load of crap. But I’m sure there are many other possible reasons I have not yet thought of.
Never heard anything about the OT V cans. Last I knew he was “on OT VII” but not auditing.
Katniss, he also may have “tossed the cans” cuz he has overts and withholds and crimes he doesn’t want known.
So, Mike, since the dwarf does not do ANYTHING in scn, no auditing, no training, the sheeple are just expected to give him a pass? Or, is he now revered as the second coming of Hubbard?
Even Hubbard participated in auditing late into his life. Especially with David Mayo for many years. His dwarfness has turned his back on what he’s selling. I just don’t understand why members and staff don’t see this. It’s like mass delusion.
It’s afar from the only thing they don’t see. They dub in he is auditing away on OT XV because it would be improper to inquire as to his “case progress.” They don’t need to dub in that the ideal orgs are empty. Or that the IAS rakes in hundreds of millions and does nothing. Or that everyone is now on a circular bridge to nowhere.
Do you have to be at a certain point “on the bridge” in order to participate in the sucker, I mean super powers? Do you have to be Clear or OT?
Super Power completion and still wearing glasses…………….. Right.
Your points on this post are certainly germane and important. But what I really want to know is for how long will Flag continue to use (or dare I say, abuse) the Star Trek font in their promo pieces?
Shouldn’t they pay some royalties on that or something? I mean everything is SuperPower(TM) this and Flag(TM) that. Seems that being so much in the business of protecting their own business interests via copyrights and trademarks they would be hyper-sensitive not to use the intellectual property of others without both consent and recompense.
Something isn’t quite kosher there.
It’s too bad because perhaps some of these people are having some sort of case gain but because of the convoluted mess that the bridge has become, any win is overshadowed with hyperbolized bullshit. I can’t read one of these without feeling the brain fuck. With so many people stuck on basics, people who thought they were clear and aren’t anymore, who had a goal to become an auditor but gave up, who gave every last dime and have nothing left, these “super” wins feel very hollow. I estimate 90% of those who originally wanted honest case gain and abilities are gone now, and my perceptions are excellent. I am hearing more and more successes from indies who are demanding the right to finish their bridge on their own terms, with dignity and self respect.
succinct and spot on.
Well you know the guy in the black shirt is Grant Cardone. This guy’s code of honor would sound something like this: “Never desert a comrade in need or in danger, unless he doesn’t have money to pay you for your help”. If you were drowning he’d throw you a life preserver….If you had the money to reimburse him for it and his time. The guy’s a first rate asshole. His first criteria in choosing a 2D is how much money does that person have. No kidding, that’s what he says. This is a product? Yea, a product of bullshit.
Yes, but after Super Power, Grant is now a Super Asshole. And it shows…
i’m curious, is it correct that super power processes were originally designed for repairing the damage being on staff or the rpf could cause?
is super power positive or negative processing, are they erasing bank or just coming to pt or getting what abilities and has anyone actually demonstrated them?
Yes, but not just RPF, but staff as a whole. See Dan Koon’s write up of which you can find on the net. Of course the RD was intended for staff only (which fact has been conveniently forgotten in the registrar’s rush for readies) and is geared towards that fact (of being more applicable to staff). As to public doing it I don’t think from the type of process/actions involved they will make the same life gain as would a staff member. But – whatever…
Be interesting to find out if they have re-instigated the Bright Think Rundown as part of it as that was actually cancelled around 1982 or so as superseded by NOTs. If COB has included it again as part of SP then there is an outpoint we can pounce on to shift even more his already shifting sands from under his feet – ha!
It is interesting they are breaking down the Super Power stats into sub products to make it sound better (8,502)… wow! Perhaps the should change WDAH’s to seconds.
No Sooper Dooper Mike?
Another mathematic anecdote: at 75,000 hours since opening it amounts to 267 hours per week. Hum? With over 50 Super Power auditors? It is about 5.30 hours per auditor a week. Now that calls for this: 5.30 hours a week !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yupi.
Silvia — your math isn’t correct. 75,000 hours over 30 weeks is 2500 per week.
And that is something to write home about. 150,000 seconds per week of the most powerful rundowns the planet has ever seen! Can you imagine, when every second of this auditing is like an eternity it is simply a totally over the top value that has no equal.
Donate to the perps at the International Association of Sociopaths NOW! Make a difference in your life today ……………… and the Kool Aide is free (sort of) in the muddy waters of Clearwater.
Thanks Mike I will fix my calculator.
Thought this might be fun!
Wow! So, little Davy is who I think he is and the dog is his conscious. Well, that certainly explains everything! I hope it ends just the way it did in the video! What a happy ending that was.
dit,dit,dit, dash,dash,dash,dit,dit,dit, dash,dash,dash.
secret message from human race underground.
Flag is full of crap, over.
this message will self destruct in 5 seconds,
the secretary will disavow any knowledge that you are Flag Public.
Yes Dollar…what the hell is “Time Track Motion”?
Hmmmmm well let’s see… can now see others
time track and how it moves?
Or could it be they see their own time track moving
and are able to compare theirs to others?
Oh I know….they can permeate time tracks and make
them move in such a way as to relieve others of the pain
in their time tracks so as to make others feel OT while
in the presence of a Super Power completion. This in
turn will make others want to rush down to their local
IDEAL ORG and start a course.
I see this SP success story is from a person who is also
an auditor.
This person should know better….in that anyone can
create and perceive “Time Track Motion”.
Unless they have never done a Self Analysis list on
someone or done Book One or audited NED on another.
What do I take away from this success story?…..It is full
of bullshit lies that have absolutely nothing to do with
actually taking a person from Life Repair through Grade
IV, NED and hopefully Clear.
This story should be relegated to the Advance Magazine
where it belongs.
Thank you, Potpie!
Exactly !
If you can audit you can perceive “time -track motion” .
I guess it’s something new for cool aid drinkers, since they don’t train auditors anymore.
Just robots.
Potpie – spot on. “This story should be relegated to the Advance Magazine
where it belongs.” Exactly, I’ve been reading these ‘wins’ in Advance since 1973.
I can perceive the arrogance levels of the people holding their certs and the gravitational pull of the regges greed all the way from Florida. I have super SP power. Those Super Power comps run from me and other SP’s like me. We OWN them. Mwuuuhahahahahah.
LOL! That’s right!!
Sarcasm 101 (I perceive). MJ, I believe you got a doctorate in this field, yes? And, I do believe I perceive your Tone Level is at, well, where you’re at, there’s no number. You’re beyond mere numbers. I perceive you exists here on this planet as well as Target 2. Man, are my sooper dooper powers strong or what?
Still looking for my Goddamn fantastically big cert!! Hey, what am I, chopped liver???
And a German OTVII suddenly has staff reaching for the Bridge and taking courses at the local Org. Yea sure, there’s another law suit waiting to happen.
Well, Ronn S., I guess that could be true. In Germany, the cult is so despise the staff the German OT VII is talking about is probably 2. Maybe 1. OR, he made the entire episode up so he could have his “win” published. It’s overly tough to be a scientologist in any country, but, in Germany, they’re viewed as pond scum. And, yes, I know that’s an insult to pond scum.
Scn is so desperate for SP completions, Alfreddie Johnson through….now you know that was comped.
We need to get Farrakhan run through….he could use a shot of SP….wonder if he’s scheduled anytime soon?
Just some questions:
Those Completions are very Young. Where are the old Scientologists that financed it ?
Too old ?
Are those people actors or real People ?
Maybe they are trying to catch up with Irving.
I’ve had wins on this rundown I never imagined I’d have. All of the stops are off and I feel like I can do anything. I had one ruin that had never been handled by any earlier auditing. After my first session it was blown forever! Incredible, right? Well, that’s Super Power for you!!! If you’re a Scientologist, you need to do this rundown as it will change all your dynamics the like of which you won’t believe!
My undying thanks to COB who brought us this world changing gift. Thank you sir!!!!!!!!!!
Yep! My feelings exactly. Now …………
where did I leave my SUPER DOOPER POOPER SCOOPER? I have a major pile here that has been accumulating and it needs to be sent back to its rightful owner.
Yo Dave,
I have a truckload for you when you get back from your future………..
Oh, that is just SOOPER,
A SOOPER, DOOPER, KOOL AID, BOOSTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crap! There goes my coffee! Through my nose. I perceive you are one funny motor scooter. Ok, my day has been made!
So what exactly is a “Super Power rundown completion”? Is it a person who has completed one of the ten SP RDs? If so, does that mean 8502 individual SP RDs since opening would amount to about 850 people who have unleashed their power as a thetan and now have the stuff of living lightening in their hands?
Does this mean I shouldn’t carry umbrellas in a storm any more? Will we all be postulated off the fringe of the Internet? Will the US suddenly buy into the admin tech wholesale and tank at breathtaking speed, taking the world with it?
What does it all mean? After taking out all the adjectives and clichés, I find myself picking my way aimlessly through the greasy grey walls of this status jumble.
Admittedly, I have no reality on what they are saying. Is it something like, “I have no idea who you are, but I know your tone level, endocrine levels (good, tell my doctor and help cut my medical bills!), time track motion and ARC levels – and that’s all I need to know”? Does “time track motion” mean he or she totally understands where I’m coming from and everything that led up to whichever situation?
Help me out, anyone?
P.S.: I do hope we get an SP comp here some day soon. I’d love an honest report. Yes, I know Dan Koon did it years ago. I mean someone who went to the fancy building with the Star Trek interior.
What exactly does it mean to complete the super power rundown? Can you explain this to a never-in very familiar with SCAMMYOLOGY?
“Admittedly, I have no reality on what they are saying.”
Obviously, I cannot.
This is from the Wiki from their article about Scientology rundowns:
Described in the Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary as “a super fantastic, but confidential series of rundowns that can be done on anybody whether un Clear or not that puts the person into fantastic shape unleashing Super Power of a thetan. This means that puts Scientologists into a new realm of ability enabling them to create a new world.”[14] The Super Power Building in Clearwater, Florida was built for the specific purpose of administering this rundown.
Here’s the article about the Super Power Building.
Perceive the endocrine states of a crowd? Oh brother…
Oh, heck, Scn411, I’ve been able to do that for years now! When a couple is walking down a street, I can perceive which one is currently having an affair! When i walk past an Idle Morgue, I can perceive how many of the staff want to blow (around 84.5%). I can perceive when my cat is hungry! Although the intense love she shows me is a dead giveaway, I can still perceive it. And right now, I perceive you don’t believe I can do all these wonderful things! How invalidative! You’re just jealous, 411, because of my Sooper Dooper powers! I can perceive that you’ll soon be in an ethics cycle and thrown into the RPF. Now, how’s that for perception? Hey, where’s my humongous cert?
I can’t believe they actually used the term “wog world” in an official publication. Really reveals their us and them mentality.
C’mon 411, it’s SciFientific. 🙂
Yes, and with all those new perceptions you get on Sooper Dooper Power R/D, how come no one can perceive they are being ripped off, the tech is being altered, and DM has been lying to them for years? Where are the perception cajones to confront and see what is there rather than only looking at the illusion bullshit that is put up to keep the KA drinkers sucking it down?
Great point Cindy
You rock, Cindy!
Thanks, OSD. And I didn’t even have to do the oiliness table to get to my awesome state of rockdom.
Good question, but one of the prerequisites is, NO CAJONES !!!
And NO, perception of the Rip-Off Church of $cientology !
And no criticism whatsoever of anything, including perverts on staff, airhead OCT members, criminal management, etc.
With those prerequisites, you could hit the guy over the head with a hammer, and he would write an over the top success story!!!!!!!
WOW, I can perceive my unconsciousness coming over me like waves of joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loved your comment, Ken. Yes you hit the KA drinkers in the head with a hammer and they write a Success Story of how good it feels now that the hammering stopped!
“What if it’s really overinflated by a factor of 1000 and there are just 12,000 scientologists on planet earth (that’s about right, not counting SO and staff). Then you will be wrapping those people up around 2030.”
What do you think the number of SO staff is worldwide? If it is around 4000 then the ratio of perps to public is about 4:1. When it gets down to 1:1 then Davey can assign a SO staff to each public and provide continuous around the clock supervision to ensure those wins just keep on coming. Oops, forgot about those on the RFP, RFP-redo, RFP- Doo doo and EPF. At any given time what is the percent of SO staff that are on the shit list?
“…perps to public” I love it! Since they’re all criminals anyway, the use of the word “perpetrators” is perfect! Nice job, Coop!
Don’t forget that there are multiple completions per person. One person I know had three completions. I am not sure how the math works but the six people soon above probably are 15 in total.
Two observations: sooper power completions photo demographics appears to be in sync with OTC membership, 5:1 female to male. Why is there such a gender skew? Also, who has the wall space for all those giant framed certificates? Do people have them stacked up in the garage? Or, can they make a shelter out of them under an overpass after they’ve lost their home, family and future?
Hey, w.martin, i know what we can do with the huge certs. And I’m absolutely sure the cult never thought about doing it: Build a homeless shelter for the thousands of people living on L.A.’s streets.
Really? You’re a better person than me – I would’ve said toilet paper for my local org.
Does one have to pay for the certificate frame, or is it included in the super ripoff package?
Oh, no, hgc10, his royal dwarfness, although it does cost them around 95 cents per cert, is so wonderful and generous that, indeed, the certs ARE part of the super dooper ripoff package! What heart that man has! No wonder he’s loved by the remaining 12,000 members! Brings a tear to my eye.
Oh, W. Martin don’t go there, I mean the gender ratio. All you will find is trouble. 🙂
To answer the question on the size of the certs. They simply meter the bullshit factor. The CO$ figures the larger the cert the better the pathetic reality can be hidden behind it. “Look it is so big, it must be good.”
Soon the certs may get 5 feet high.
Oh, come,come Gerhard! Get real! The certs will be like dwarf’s events: Huge, loud, over-the-top, spectacular! So, I’m guessing you’ll need and 18 wheeler for 5 of them. They’ll also need around 10 SO per cert to get them to graduation…
Hey, bigger ALWAYS means better, doesn’t it…
Coming to an org near you. Ideal Certs and Awards. We found an LRH reference hidden in an old shack just outside a truckstop in Pheonix that LRH might have been too referencing the exact size of a Cert for Super Pooper completions. Once we analyzed the contents we realized that this is in fact the real “Why” for people not moving up the grade chart. Yes, size does matter.
All auditors that have small “certs” will have to redo their bridge and get new ones.
Ideal Certs?
The Garcias, who are suing Davey, are going to have a field day with this.