In typical Keystone Kops fashion, the world is informed of the planned dates for the “Grand Opening” of “The Mecca Building” and release of Super Power and GAG II and the Mark VIII meter and, and, and… in early October.
BUT, the Chief Super Power Reg sent an email 3 days ago TO GET PEOPLE TO COME TO THE EVENT and she is STILL NOT GIVING A DATE!
In fact, she is telling people to come in September and that the Grand Opening and IAS event will be in September and October. And this is an email telling people to get visas and make their travel and accommodations reservations.
Are things really THIS disorganized and uncoordinated?
Reminds me of the emails for Graduation “You know Who will be there….”
“Come for these events, we don’t know when they will be, but make your reservations now….”
And her final note is just weird: “After 30 years, the auditors are looking like they are nearly ready to be able to deliver to you. Isn’t that amazing!!!”
From: Lauri Webster <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013
Dear Cornerstone Member,
As you have been receiving my emails, I have been trying to give you some heads up about everything coming up at Flag. I want to make sure that you arrive to Flag no later than September to get your set-ups and pre-requisites for Super Power complete so you can start as soon as it is released.
So, that means, if you need to go to your embassy to get your Visa, you need to do that now so you can get here right away.
September and October will be quite exciting at Flag as you will experience the opening of the new Flag Building followed by the IAS event.
I want to reiterate that you should bring the following with you as part of your wardrobe:
-Event Clothing (including business suits for the ribbon cutting ceremony and any other events held at that time)
-Banquet attire
-Party wear for a celebration
Basically, you should be prepared for a series of magnificent events!
Stay tuned and ready for your next update!
PS – Great news, all the auditors are through their first rundowns of Super Power so they can be ready for you!
To be clear, truth be told, and make no mistake, just be ready to jump How High when we say so! Simple as that! Drop everything in your life, job, family, vacations, pre-planned events of your own— it’s not important, book a bunch of different flights and a bunch of different lodging reservations, pay extra baggage fees for all your fancy clothes so the phoney photos look real good and need less photoshopping, and bring all your checkbooks and credit cards so you can get all your GAG II services and Super-Duper Power at the highest cut rates we can give you. Ain’t it great???
Didn’t the Tampa Bay Times publish an article on Sunday Aug 18, 2013 that gave the opening date as Oct 6, 2013 with the IAS “Tent” event the weekend of Nov 8-9, 2013? I went back and re-read the article and it really only says the “dedication ceremony” will be on Oct 6th. So maybe that doesn’t equal the building opening. Still, did the Times scoop Lauri Webster? Just asking.
Of course they did. The Times reported on an application for a street closing. You don’t close the street to hold a “Grand Opening” without opening the place. In any event, this is the event where the people are supposed to show up in great numbers for the biggest event in history. The truth is that they may not be able to get their act together and hold the event on that date, but it will NOT BE EARLIER.
Just reading Lori’s insincere drivel gives me the creeps. . Giving out wardrobe instructions? The tone is so condescending it is as if she is herding a kindergarten class. Or a herd of sheep.
Dear Cornerstone Member: Get down here NOW, and bring money. All of it.
Dear non-Cornerstone Scum: YSCOHB. First thing, you out-ethics piece of shit, is cough up $30K for your Cornerstone. Then you need to get your suppressive ass down here RIGHT NOW and bring your mortgage and insurance documents and bank statements. And don’t try hiding little Susie and Johnnie’s college funds, either, you worthless scum, because we’ll be sec checking you to within an inch of your useless life about your FINANCIAL CRIMES against DAV… um, SCIENTOLOGY!!!
I demand this because even though you’re nothing but a suppressive asshole, I care about you. If you don’t, you’ll spend the next gazillion years of your eternity IN AGONIZING PAIN!
Much Love,
Your Flag Reg
Yup, I reckon so.
I know what Dave is working on now.
With the Super Power building opening, he has to replace that cash cow. I can see his wheels turning. I can see the scared IAS and Finance execs brainstorming about the “next big cause”. The fundraising machine has to find an URGENT, LIFE-THREATENING situation that requires IMMEDIATE action in the form of large donations by a close deadline.
Let’s try to guess: What do you think Dave will announce as the next BIG, URGENT NEED that EVERY SCIENTOLOGIST NEEDS TO CONTRIBUTE TO RIGHT NOW at the IAS event?
The time variability here is not due to incompetence as alleged. Rather, the variability has to do with COB
recuperating from recent hemorrhoid surgery that was necessitated by reading this blog.
COB really did “blow a gasket” and not in a good way!
I know this may be corny to say but I actually hope the people that paid so much money and waited so long for the dream of Superpower get some great wins. I’m not overly optimistic because of the history of altering the tech but I can wish them the best . They’re probably going to need it.
The exact dates of the events might not matter much. This could be another “once you arrive, you can’t leave without C/S okay” deal. Or ‘lasciate ogni speranza’, as Dante saw written over the entry to hell.
Not being able to leave is one of the things that finally broke me.
Even though the “wasband” (the ex husband) spent over two million during the 27 years of our marriage; he still has to grovel to The “org’s” demands. By the way, I did not have knowledge of this amount. I was lied to about the funds that he gave to the COS. He told me that we were short of $, and could not help our kids with college, camp, or vacations…so sweet.
So sorry. We all gave more than maybe we should of.
Dear Christine, Thanks for you reply. The ex gave and gave to the C O S. He rarely had the heart or soul to give to be or his children.
I am still in much pain, after 8 years out, and twenty seven years in.
Thank goodness, for a “Psych” therapist that helped me try to recover my sanity.
I truly love this blog. Thanks Mike for your insight and I have to say all of you in here are delightfully smart, precise and pleasantly WITTY. What a nice change from the mundane.
Mike, I got my data fix and my chuckles from this, thanks.
To me, underlying all of the confusion emanating from the RCS, what communicates to me very strongly is the contempt that David Miscavige feels for his SO staff and public. Sending out invitations like this with no precise dates, expecting people to snap and pop and then sit around like so many panting collies waiting for their bones – it just boggles my mind how rude this is. And this lack of manners toward the public stems not from ignorance, because the Dwarf knows better, but contempt – contempt for the public and contempt for his staff as he puts them in the embarrassing position of having to get products without the necessary data to get those products. And the public, thrown into a maybe, possibly making themselves wrong or being made wrong by cowed, abused staff – I’ll tell ‘ya, that guy just has to go. This can’t continue much longer.
[email protected] via
3:25 PM (5 minutes ago)
to me
We still don’t have a firm date. But events will be happening from Sept 20th or so until end of october. Wish I could be more exact!!!
I still think it should be called the Luis Garcia Building.
“From: Lauri Webster
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013
Dear Cornerstone xxxxxx Sucker, ”
“We don’t have a firm date yet but it should be end of September”. “Should be” is subjunctive and actually states nothing but I’ve found that many people confuse the subjunctive with the declaritive and will read it as “will be”.
Here is how I would want every invitee to respond to Lauri Webster’s desperate burbling nonsense:
“Dear Lauri,
Thanks for the invitation. It all sounds so exciting and I/we would love to attend. Got it on everything we will need to do and everything we need to bring. As you know, I/we live in ______. Accordingly, please let me know the exact dates with enough notice so that I/we can make the necessary plans. Please let us know as soon as possible, as I/we would hate to miss out due to inadequate planning on our part. Thanks again, and looking forward to hearing from you!
Much love,
I emailed Lauri just for the fun of it, to ask for more specific dates so that I can plan accordingly. Don’t expect a response, but maybe somebody will waste valuable time figuring out who I am or blocking me or something. I figure with membership dwindling, staff-time is a depleting resource.
… and I got a reply from Lauri!
“We don’t have a. Firm date yet but it should be end of september.”
Obviously banged out hurriedly, typos & all, but still — that was quick. Props to the hardest-working woman in Crazy Town!
Hey Richard Grant, perhaps you should ask her for a date for confirmation of the firm date. And then for a date for the date for the firm confirmation date. And then…….perhaps she’ll have some kind of cog.
It’s just not fair. All the comedy is on THIS side of the curtain. Mike, Martin, Dave, others — thank you so much for the laughs. ROFLMAO!!!!!
The lambs are invited to the slaughter.
Apparently DM raises the lowest priority items (MEST) well above any individuals, their lives or their work, and raises his own image yet higher still. And strangely, both these things go hand in hand with complete mismanagement and utter chaos. Meaningless buildings and meaningless and useless events (to the group) are accompanied by the terror and chaos of cross-orders and altered importances all over the place. If people were not getting harmed, it would be like a comedy where the actor tied their shoes together by accident and then stood up.
Very interesting what makes her think people are applying for a renewed passport from a foreign country.
What? No IAS or donation-appropriate clothing?
You get to buy the IAS shirts on site at just $10k a piece.
Fancy clothes are only for photo ops. It is never that fancy of an affaire.
Think I’ll pass on this event and wait for Super Duper Power when DM finally “fixes” everything.
It’s not how many sheeple show up but how much money
to the IAS gets raked in at each event.
20 to 30 percent that show up will not get service,
naturally ! the wheels of progress only turn for those with cash.
So about one third who get fished in will be thrown back on the Miscavige catch and release derby.
You can actually wear a Hawaiian Shirt and cutoff jeans for everything with Flip Flops for shoes
as long as you dump 10 million dollars at the door. People will get out of your way like you are Moses
Parting the Red Sea leading the true believers to the promised land. Nobody will question you or say a word. A few million more , Sea Org Nymphs will scatter rose petals every where you walk, even to the bathroom.
I was there around 98 when all Solo auditors were required to report in at the same time, about 4,000 people. It was a log jam and took me 3 months to get one intensive…. I believe this will be a heavy reg cycle for SO as well.
I’m addicted to my daily dose of Scientology gossip.. This does not disappoint.
According to “Inside Scientology” there are about 40,000 IAS memberships sold. I’ve heard from other sources, the church has excommunicated about 40,000 people for being the most evil people in the universe. How funny is that?
I would love to know the number of excommunicated people, I heard 2,500 in one year. (I am one of these.)
By the way, you can get Super Power in the Freezone/Independent practice if you’re interested. I know a couple people who’ve received it. They have very positive things to say about it.
money for 8 weeks accommodations and food … check
money for setups for Super Power … check
money for Super Power … check
money for GAT II materials … check
money for two Mark VIII emeters … check
round trip airlines ticket … check
visa … check
event clothing, banquet attire, party wear … check
extra money for IAS, books to libraries, etc. … check
Let’s see – have I forgotten anything?
Rachel — I think the only thing you forgot is that YOU’RE NOT INVITED! Too bad for you 🙂
Spend all the money you will save yourself playing blackjack at the casino. At least it will give you some momentary pleasure!
That is a lot of $$$, guess they figured it is more profitable to release.
These keystone kops are so out of control on what they write in their promo, they should just write what they will, send it directly to one of your informants (OSA can help), and then they can edit it with your outpoint comments – they would then have something coherent that they could send around.
I’m sure you could give them a fast turn around. Hell, you could even give the dates to schedule these events (all coordinated), since you certainly know more about POBs schedule than even he does!
Every Scientology email is always so badly written. They really enturbulate language.
Yes, there should be a blanket cancellation of everyone’s KTL certs.
With limited educations in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, truly cringe-worthy.
“I want to reiterate that you should bring the following with you as part of your wardrobe:
-Event Clothing (including business suits for the ribbon cutting ceremony and any other events held at that time)
-Banquet attire
-Party wear for a celebration
_And last but most importantly, Absolutely and Positively BRING YOUR WALLETS!
_And be ready to cele, ah,,I’m mean TO SPEND, SPEND, SPEND!!
Hey Steve!
Spot on with the wallet but make should you bring all your credit cards and cheque book with your wallet!
It’s gonna be a feeding frenzy!
Any truth in the rumour that ALL regges are being retrained in preparation?
Even in Africa, I am getting emails regards
GAT II! It’s coming !!!!
I would love to wait for the cornerstone members at the airport with the slogan:
“KSW 1: One above has been done … besides GAT III”
Well, after thirty years of buildup and anticipation it better be Super fantastic, if he does release it.
Nice and upsetting. What about the people who donated for other projects?
They are not allowed to receive “Super Power” right away? Was the Ideal Org stuff so downstat?
Davy my little friend, hope you think about the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.
Something can be thought about it 😉
…. and please invite the SP Cornerstone Members as well.
They contributed their blood by selling their integrity, houses and souls.
Come look at the pretty pictures at Las Vegas
What is Scientology? Find out.
Come in and take a self-guided tour of the Public Information Center. Walk through our interactive multimedia displays, and see videos explaining basic principles of Dianetics and Scientology, the life of Founder L. Ron Hubbard, and the many community outreach and social betterment programs of the Church.
Open to all beliefs and religions.
Fill out the form below to schedule your visit.”
Sohuld read (going to answer). BTY I am not impressed with your comm cycle control of:))
Wow, just wow. The stress on preps and visiting one’s embassy shows me that more and more on the fringes of the world and away from flag are the only ones being suckered into going to an event sometime to do something with someone.
Probably just added for embellishment. I doubt any airlines will notice a peak.
I’ll pass. I’m going to take the Super Power courses in 2025 when they’re re-released because of some punctuation and spelling errors and we have to take them again anyway.
In fact good idea!
GAT III will be out by then. 5x faster than GAT II and 15x faster than GAT I.
So you save a lot of money.
In 2025 you can do all rundowns within 5 days.
of regging LOL
BFM: Even though they’ll be 5x faster they’ll cost 10x as much, so they won’t be cheaper. And don’t forget that things that run 5x faster leave 5x the room for unnecessary Sec Checks.
Does bragging about delivery speeds even cause double-think for those who are in anymore? Or have they made a conscious decision to convert from Scientology to Miscavigeology?
There is no single activity in all of the Cof$ that is more disorganized, prone to error and confusion and general insanity than their events. I was personally involved with these for years and they are a madhouse. Dates are constantly shifting, pre-planning is absolutely minimal, actual planning is routinely done at the last minute and then changed all around in the last few seconds. It was a constant source of amazement to me that they got pulled off at all. And of course, the lower level guys who are supposedly “in charge” of all of this get cross-ordered by twenty different people throughout and then get the full burden of the blame when anything goes wrong. What a circus.
I’m sure they aren’t giving dates because they don’t have any idea when any of this is actually going to go down. They’ve only had 20+ years of prep work for it, so you’d think getting things together for the release would be a piece of cake and would be planned months in advance. Yeah right.
If they only understood, or cared, how this presents an image of the Cof$ being a bunch of unorganized dolts. But they stopped caring about anything but people’s wallets many years ago.
Do ALL sheep have to attend? What if you need to be a member of your family and work for a living? Bla bla baa baa…..
What a bunch od doody.
Come now! But if you have any signs of awakening conciousness such as reading newspapers, watching TV news or looking at internet news websites like Yahoo news then you will be denied an ID card and will have to watch the event from the tent behind the tent. We expect only a small percentage of people arriving to be denied service- perhaps as low as 20 or 30%. So pack your bags! Book your flights! Get your story straight! And check motel vacancies in case you are thrown off base for improper thoughts. It’s not everyone, but it does happen.
Class, please open up your Scientology Handbooks to page 670, which is in the investigations chapter, which discusses the outpoint of Dropped Time.
“Time that should be noted and isn’t would be an outpoint of ‘dropped time.’ It is a special case of an omitted datum.
“Dropped time has a peculiarly ferocious effect that adds up to utter lunacy.”
See example of wedding invitation that says only:
“Mr and Mrs Bernstein request your presence at the wedding of their daughter Susan to Mr Richard Ellis at Townville Church.” (End of invitation)
Can anyone spot the dropped time in that example? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?
Can anyone spot the dropped time in the Lauri Webster email? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?
Dave Fagen — you win today’s “Cpomment of the Day” award (so far at least).
That is VERY funny.
Uh… she wasn’t enthusiastic enough?
He has to get the “comment of the day” award. It’s has birthday today. 🙂
Happy birthday Dave!
“-Party wear for a celebration”
Got it – ready when you are. In fact, the last few years have been an almost continuous celebration.
Update: per Lauri just now – the date is … don’t know
Hey Lauri,
I was a bit confused by your mail; when exactly is the Grand Opening?
[email protected] via
15:31 (42 minutes ago)
to me
No firm date yet.
Martin — that is hilarious.
Truth be told, they may NOT have a “firm date” yet — even though they applied for permits, they may not make that date and it will in fact be LATER.
But the regges don’t care. If they can sucker anyone into coming in “mid-September” and then end up waiting until the end of October for the “Grand Opening” they don’t care as they simply got additional accommodations money….
An event that culminates 15 YEARS of “construction” and just a few weeks before they claim its going to be opened, they have no “firm date.” It just doesnt get any more amateur than this.
I wonder how many other staff have Blackberries and if they are connected to the Net
I am feeling SO badly for the regges and anyone involved in this. I know what it’s like to have the pressure from on high to get the GI IN….NOW. It’s horrid. These poor folks must be in abject terror of not making it all ‘go right” and make the public flock in by the hundreds if not thousands. Yuck.