A little more “come on” carrot hype.
And that is ALL this is.
You can imagine there is plenty of grumbling about where are the “next OT levels?” They don’t get mentioned hardly at all these days.
This is a BIG deal for scientologists. What if there really are no more OT levels?
OT VIII is as good as it gets?
The current “OT VIIIs” look around and think to themselves “I am not really OT.” They know it.
Everyone else looks and sees “OT VIII’s” who are FAR from what anyone strives to be like. The OT VIII’s shrivel up and die just like everyone else. They have financial problems just like everyone else. They are no more or less competent at anything than anyone else. And with that comes the crashing realization “there is no next level where ‘everything will be handled.'”
So, the charade must go on. It’s a vital part of the scientology package. There is something just over the horizon that fulfills all promises that have been made and left unfulfilled earlier.
With no carrot and all stick, the donkeys lie down and refuse to move.
So they have to be reminded every now and then by dangling that carrot out there….
But just think what a great gimmick this is.
These unknown/ephemeral “OT” levels AFTER OT VIII require you to REDO everything that is at the bottom of the scientology “bridge.” This is oh so convenient — it not only gives something else to sell these OT VIII’s, their status can be used to sell other suckers on the importance of redoing the bottom of the bridge (as there are no new people coming in). It is why you see “successes” from “OT VIII’s” on the Student Hat, Purif and Objectives.
Wonder if any of these OT VIII’s ever realize there have been several “versions” of OT VIII?
Now how is THAT possible?
This is THE route to full OT. The “carefully taped path” that must be “followed exactly without deviation” and if it is followed it ALWAYS produces the expected result? So, how can there be more than one version? And if the first version was wrong, how they hell did that happen? And the same thing again for the 2nd version? After all, it was “COB” himself who presided over the christening of the Moneywinds and release of OT VIII and every subsequent “Golden Age” of pay us again.
In scientology it’s not the just the Emperor who has no clothes.
He has persuaded his sheeple to abandon their attire (and their dignity) too. They all look at one another and swap complements about their beautiful clothes and write success stories about the comfort and protection provided by the items they wear and how brilliant COB is for making it possible for them to participate in such magnificence.
Every one of them knows it’s a pretense, but they are afraid to speak the truth and break the spell.
And meanwhile, the rest of the world looks on and laughs.
And those aspiring to be like them wonder what it must be like to have such amazing powers that they can be cause over MEST to the point where they can walk around without clothes on and apparently be at “total cause” over it.
SURVEY FOR NEW OT VIIIs Hello! It has been 3 months since I last got an update from you and we have just finished Maiden Voyage XVII! It was fantastic, with 11 New OT VIII Completions just at the Maiden Voyage alone! I would like to know what progress has been made as to where each New OT VIII stands on preparations for the next OT level. We need to know what is done, when the next action is going to be done and where so that we can ensure that each of you is ready! You may have reported things done earlier, but I want to ensure that our records accurately reflect what is done. Please answer the following questions as soon as possible:
I am looking forward to getting your answers. Sherry Anderson |
So glad we all got out. Good lord! The scam is so obvious now that the spell has been broken. How they can all keep going is a fascinating study in mind control.
Hi Sindy Sloan Fagen,Really good to meet you. Your post is so true.That is what I have been trying to work out with my posts that happened to me.Super Mind Control All The Time! Makes me look pathetic does it not? but I can be a good study in why I let the SO & Ron totally take me over.I really do believe each spirit out of cos in whatever capacity they were in has an absolute right to their own opinion either to join the Indie group or help those who want it with auditing.Who am I to judge? It’s just that for me with the broken dreams,heart,& cancers of my body,I have a different viewpoint on Ron & what I have read about David.I see all of it as darkness & total control of the one powerful being at the head of the cult over all the others,no matter how much $ they have or give.I do not think I would be sane today if I saw this any other way.But I love reading everyone here & I love you all.Ann.
Joe, you and OTDT would have made quite a pair. Your posts are similar in his ‘fashion’! We will miss OTDT’s prose and caricatures, but you follow his lead in epic rhyme. Funny the greats that SFO produced!
I haven’t told y’all that I occasionally get memos from the future in my email (how that happens is beyond me). Just got this in from an OT8 in the year 2020:
Just did an OCA and evaluation. Never in all my thousands of hours of auditing have I experienced such case gain. Chunks and hunks of charge disintegrated before my eyes as I merely just filled in the little boxes. By the time the evaluator was indicating all my weak points as a being, I was flying. Ron’s postulates for all of us are FINALLY coming true, thanks to COB and RTC and the wonders of The Golden Age of Tech, Phase IV. As COB now says at the end of every event … Move to the beginning of your Scientology life and tell me when you are there.
Whoa Nellie, Hold on! Just received another one as soon as I had sent the above. From the year 2024.
To all my fellow co-religionists on Facebook: I am COMPLETELY blown out … I mean freakin’ COMPLETELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last week I was on holiday outside of my own home city, visiting a place where no one knew me. I suddenly found myself walking past the New Ideal Org of Cincinnati, which strangely enough is now located in a deserted industrial park in Juneau, Alaska.
And I experienced … in a very new unit of time … BODY ROUTING! Yes, I was approached by a teenage body router (he is one of the five current staff at this org) who invited me up for a free personality test. And I COMMUNICATED WITH HIM, right there on the streets of Juneau. Never, EVER have I experienced such CREATED ARC at the moment of contact as I did when he asked me “Would you like to find out more about yourself?” YES YES YES, I realized fully NEWLY. I want to find out, I WANT TO FIND OUT!!!! I AM A SEEKER OF WISDOM, OF KNOWLEDGE, OF AWARENESS. I AM A THETAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IREALLY, TRULY AM!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you COB, you were right again; go back to the beginning. The gains from just being approached on the street and asked to do a personality test are beyond description. Never have I felt more alive from just a simple street encounter (OK … ONCE before a few years ago in Amsterdam, but RTC did not ok me talking about that in this success story)
Hi Joe Pendleton, Love both posts,the above one is classic! Thank you Ann.
I think Ron was using and experimenting with “real” OT levels at one stage and that the PCs had to prove they had OT powers before they could attest. One test put to them was to predict if a good friend of theirs on holiday would send them a postcard. Another more staggering test of power over MEST would be to sit and watch a tree laden with overripe fruit and use their OT powers to make a single fruit fall to the ground.
RolandRB. El cOn NEVER worked on any “real” OT level. (and, he lied about all his “OT powers) the postcard scam was hilarious. It was to have the “pre-OT” intend for a person to send them a postcard from another country. The C/S would then send the data along the lines and a postcard would be sent. TOTAL scam. I had a family member who did through “OT 7” on the Apollo and he told me all about it.
Hi John Locke,Loved your post,thank you.That postcard scam is so unbelievable & totally believable all at once! I can recall being “three feet in all directions around my body ” many years ago after SO Drills regarding cause over MEST.Never breathed a word that I did not think I could reconnect to my body @ one point & panicked that Ron would not have the key to let me get back to me.Mix mind control with KoolAid & have all sorts of adventures.I looking back now,never read where Ron completely explained OTness.Perhaps bloggers here may know where he did but I never felt he had personally researched OT.He kept saying there were higher states but never showing such.So so glad to be free.Always Ann.
The survey for OTVIII’s is a fishing expedition. It’s the usual search and locate any warm, breathing body to bring into the shop for services. Any services. It shows the level of desperation. Flag is empty, so to speak. No new blood coming in and the same old, same old. And the Same Old are very tired.
HA! On first read I read that as:
LOL . . . might be appropriate
Hi Cia,Good to meet you.I thought your post was great.I’ve read other letters into cos terms here as well.I posted about food in the SO awhile back, & instead of saying the food was far from the best, it came out food from the beast which knowing Ron seemed apropos.Ann.
So much Win!
When someone realises that there’s nothing beyond OT VIII (or wherever else the old bridge might have led them), new opportunities open up.
They might start studying, for example… no, I won’t promote my current favourites just here. It’s all out there in libraries and on the net. Have fun discovering new ideas, and even cogniting that you might have known them all along.
And “for god’s sake get busy and build a better bridge”!
Good post, David. Scientology made a very good stepping stone for many of us, especially the ones who got something out of it. But also including those who got nothing or worse, because of having learned quite a few invaluable lessons about what can go wrong and how.
I keep getting hung up in my Basics books. They aren’t always clear and don’t always make sense.
Maybe I have dyslexia and don’t know it.
However…it seems judicious use of semicolons here and there goes a long way towards clarity. But, I assume LRH and DM know what they were doing…
As has been repeatedly acknowledged on this blog: “Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.”
This begs the question: What do you call “trying the same thing over and over again, expecting BETTER results.”
This begs the question: What do you call “trying the same thing over and over again, expecting BETTER results.”
Maybe, “sciologic?”
Or…”very well brainwashed?”
This may not be an Oxford-approved test (as certain others pretend to be), but let’s try it anyway:
1. Bob attends (and pays for) education at an, alas, unaccredited technical college. At the end of his education, he tries to get a job as a technician and discovers that what he learned does not work in the real world, and leaves him unable to achieve his professional objectives (or even hold a job). Bob will:
(a) Sue the college, allege fraud, and ask for his money back. Then attend a different school
(b) Demand an opportunity to re-do the deficient classes–at the college’s expense
(c) Re-do his entire education (going back to preschool)–at the same college, at his own expense and at ever increasing tuition rates. Eagerly look forward to the new classes that will be added–any day now…
2. Bob was hoping that his new skills would allow him to prosper moderately. Perhaps even prosper immeasurably, as the school suggested he would. Unfortunately, his tuition (as well as his donations toward a renovation of the entire school), leave him broke and destitute. Bob will:
(a) Cut his losses and rebuild his funds to find a better school
(b) Give up on school and get an unskilled job
(c) Borrow money from all of his friends and family, get a high-interest credit line and promptly turn all of that money over to the school which tells him that his learning will be advanced more by donating to the building (and the school’s legal defense and PR) funds than by actually taking more classes
3. Bob is frustrated by his lack of progress and his financial devastation. He decides to:
(a) Warn others about what happened to him
(b) Quietly accept that he’s been had and move on
(c) Recommend the school in the most glowing of terms to all of his friends and family, along with any stranger who will listen
4. Bob’s friends and family organize an “intervention” to talk some sense into him as his life is going nowhere ever faster. Bob will:
(a) Listen to reason coming from those who care about him
(b) Ignore everybody’s input and conclude the he knows better since he’s been to that school
(c) Report the incidence (and his friends) to the school and disconnect from all of his friends and family
5. The school expresses concern about all of those people who spoke out about it to Bob. Bob will:
(a) Tell the school to mind its own business–after all his “skills” still leave him unemployed
(b) Tell the school not to worry. He is his own man and will make his own decision in his own time
(c) Allow the school to interview him extensively, and on extremely invasive and rude terms. This is done to determine how damaging these negative reports have been to him, or to the school–Bob isn’t quite sure. Bob will cheerfully pay a big bill for the school’s troubles in having to investigate Bob.
6. A long string of respected journalists and whistle-blowers (who spent decades at the school and were once highly accomplished and respected members of the school administration), as well as extensive court records, suggest that the school has been a fraud since its inception. They also document that the dean (whose wife mysteriously vanished ten years ago) physically abuses faculty members and harasses ex-faculty and alumni. Finally, they show that faculty are working for a dime an hour under demeaning conditions and are even occasionally illegally incarcerated–in the name of academic freedom. Unanimously, they recommend that the school should be closed, or at least lose its tax-exampt status (obviously, there is no accreditation that could be revoked). At the very least, students would do best not to patronize it. Bob will:
(a) Decide to share his own terrible experiences to help others
(b) He will wake up and smell the coffee when he looks at the overwhelming evidence
(c) Ignore all of these reports (even though they resonate with his own experience). Accept the school’s offer to participate in harassing its critics, and step up his donations to its various funds. In his indignation at the enemies, he will forget to demand an education altogether.
Here’s how you grade your results:
(a) means: You chose well. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist (or nuclear physicist/civil engineer/doctor of the mind) to do so. You have a reasonably intact common sense, and chose the obvious. You’re thinking for yourself. Don’t worry: You have no ruin; you’re just human. And that is perfectly OK!
(b) means: Your ruin is: You could have chosen (a). But there’s hope: You did not choose (c).
(c) means: Your ruin is: You have been severely brainwashed. You are under some extremely unsavory influence, you’re quite possibly a cult member. But don’t despair: There are people who care about you and are willing to help–without driving you into further debt. Freedom is yours for the taking. It’s a lot less scary than you may fear to become your own person again.
And remember: Sequoia is NOT a real college! Predatory business enterprises are not a real religion. And there can be no such thing as a homo novis, as long as you’re voluntarily suspending your functioning as a homo sapiens. On this weekend, declare and celebrate your freedom.
Well written Todd.
Hi Gary, Good to meet you.I really really like you post.Thank you.Ann.
I started in scientology as a very young adult. I did the training first, and loved what I was learning about people, how to get along, how to communicate, etc. I patched up problems with my family and made more friends. The training itself meant more to me than any auditing level I ever did, all the way through OT5. I may have been too young to appreciate any other classes or studies of the mind…I didn’t study them in school. I only learned how to audit. But I learned so much about communication and friendship and responsibility for oneself and one’s family, friends and groups, and that is what is getting me through life now. I definitely did not learn that in any school or at home.
That is what is getting me through the darkness of the sea org control BS, invalidation and mind control that almost beat me down before I escaped. (Along with a little TLC and auditing from some of those defrocked apostates….) What I learned in the training back in the 70’s is what HELPED me see that I needed to get the heck outta there, and I did!
Long story short, what worked for me was learning about getting along in the here and the now, not hocus-pocus. There is some logical stuff in there but I’ll be doggone if anyone can even find it anymore as it is glazed over with false promises, altered technology from what I originally learned back then, and demands for ridiculous amounts of money for no service whatsoever.
Hi gato rojo, I read your post & I am genuinely happy that the training you received has helped you & if doing auditing from some of the defrocked apostates has helped with the darker aspects of your SO control journey,I am twice happy for you and them.I guess my experience is different because it was not the training or auditing that helped me see I had to blow the SO.Rather it was the months of grinding sec checks very little food & really cruel treatment from physical to situations thrown at me I had to handle all alone.As in the LA Fire Dept being called by someone at GOI when I was standing QM all alone at the Complex and literally over 25 firefighters rushed in with the Chief with axes ready to tear apart & storm Big Blue in an instant.Talk about my using KRC! Just when they were about to start tearing the place apart to find the fire,The GOI terminal called me back laughing & said,Oh False Alarm Honey.And that was just a milder test.The Morgue stituation was truly terrifying.So right before I implemented my plan to blow I came to the cognition that Ron had never given a rat’s ass about me.He had used me for his purposes & to this day I feel the Tech he so forcefully guarded was a part of him.David has done his own thing with it of course & altered it to suit his needs & boy has he.So I feel both Ron & David knew the evil they possessed which ultimately is control of minds & spirits.Yet that does not mean I do not respect your viewpoint or the auditors on the outside who have helped you,I do.I have chosen to walk a lonely path,sometimes in the darkness, sometimes in sunlight.Maybe my own form of penance for those I hurt while in the SO.OK that’s all for me this evening.I’m going to go outside & look at the moon,stars,& planets” breathe deeply relax & feel peace.”Thank you forever Brian & wife.Love,Ann.
Hello Ann, hope you are doing well 🙂
Hi Pepper,Thank you Angel for your kind thoughts.I’m doing OK,a little slow to heal from last breast cancer surgery on 5/31/15. I’m not 18 any more! I’ll get there.I hope your 4th was good & life is treating you & Mom well.Keep posting I love your comments.XO Ann.
I left at the end of the 70s having gotten to OT7 happily. Then they began telling me I had to redo one or more OT sections. I asked “why”? Because it wasn’t the right stuff. Ah, said I, then since I already paid for it, it’s now free, right? No? Then screw off. Faulty product? False promises? And you expect me to pay for it again? An no, I don’t care what LRH says if these are his decisions. Just like with SO1, he’s lied to me again. So I think I’ll just take my gains and go away. Worked fine for me.
I just have one comment. If there was anything to Scientology DLHDM would be the first one to do it. The way he covets power. Since he does not do it. There is nothing to it.
And I don’t think they even use a real carrot. They use a plastic fake one like you’d find in a grandmother’s 50 year old fruit bowl. People go for COB’s carrot and if they get it they find it disappointing.
Also, I find it amazing how the Tech Sec is barking orders at the OT VIII’s. DO THIS. DO THAT. REPORT IMMEDIATELY, SLAVE.
Hi Al Brown, That Tech Sec really is amazing! Barking orders & cracking that whip! Ann.
OT VII offically is what I last knew the church offered and then this so called Super Power Whats thje latest on that ?
If you applied this same “process” for applying/completing all the steps necessary to attaining your dream job (with amazing benefits, high wages and little to no actual working time) how many people would continue? Oh, sorry we had you fill out the wrong application-please fill it out again and notarized and mail in, wait you need to pay for and resubmit your fingerprints for the security clearance, as the contracted company doing them just changed. You need to come back in for another interview (even though we know you are PERFECT for the job and display all we’re looking for) because the HR head just left, then we can send you the tentative offer again, etc, etc. How long would you wait around to get that perfect job, while you stayed in an unhappy job that doesn’t pay the bills?
Sadly, some will. However, many would say forget this as they get deeper in debt, their life isn’t flourishing (except for all the happy imaginings of what it is going to be like when it finally happens – yet alas when you open your eyes the imaginings disappear and you’re still pretty much right where you were, save a few euphoric steps to the end state that you just redid – again.). Not to mention, you see the people who have the job you’re up for, and alas, they don’t appear to have all the perks promised, but they confirm its how they “got the job too” but can’t speak about their benefits package or salary as its against company policy.
It’s easy to compare it to a similar scenario when you remove the faith based part of it, and see it isn’t accurate. But not so easy in practice when you have those hopeful blinders on, I guess. It makes me very sad for those in the hamster wheel. Running and running, but ultimately not moving much.
Once again, Mike, excellent analysis.
So, the charade must go on. It’s a vital part of the scientology package. There is something just over the horizon that fulfills all promises that have been made and left unfulfilled earlier.
Am I the only one who feels this house of cards is ready to collapse? I don’t just mean RCS, I mean the entire philosophic foundation.
For years now, critics and bloggers have been de-mystifying Scn, exposing logical flaws and intentional deception. It really feels like it has taken its toll on the whole subject.
Scn’s “secrets of the universe”, once perceived as unshakeable “universal truth”, now appears rather flimsy and unable to withstand intellectual scrutiny. When (not if) that goes, there really isn’t anything left.
Hi Statpush, I like this post.Somedays I feel as you that the house of cards is getting ready to collapse & some nights when I am angry with myself for being a SO slave,I feel as long as David is COB,the shakey house will stand propped up by those that will not see.But I too feel those secrets of the universe are being exposed.Thank you all here.Ann.
Unfortunately, stat, it’s not going to happen soon enough. There are too many Indies out there who believe that Hubbard’s shit doesn’t stink, and a lot of air freshener has been spread around the last thirty years, from Captain Bill to Milestone Two. The LRH defenders will not listen to reason or facts (witness Margaret Flake and her negative proofs that LRH was a spai). My goal has always been to take down two cults: RCS and the cult of personality around Hubbard. With stuff like the Indie Graduation in South Africa (complete with asinine “success stories”), the collapse isn’t happening yet.
However, it will happen, and I’m going to do my damndest to see that it does.
The ‘Indie’ movement is valuable as a place for believers to go, when DM drives them into leaving. You can’t expect someone who spent their entire life believing something to just drop it and quit. They need time to decompress and decide on their own what they want to believe.
I really wonder, Mike, if they truly believe it’s all pretense. The whole “don’t discuss your case” is a big barrier to finding out what others are or aren’t getting from the levels. Yes, there is a lot of “next level will solve it-ism ” going on, but these people have had wins that reinforce the alleged workability of the levels. I had wins & experiences on OT7 that reinforced my belief in it’s validity, but a consistent thread throughout my years going up the bridge is “Why am I not truly OT, why can’t I go exterior at will, why don’t I have the abilities Ron promised?”
Those sort of soul searching questions introvert you, not make you critical of the technology, and realize it’s all pretense. It’s the genius of the trap’s design that prevents one from seeing he is trapped.
Thus the cognitive dissonance. The inability to see what’s wrong. Truly sad.
As an aside – Hubbard was well aware of this self trapping mental mechanism – do you recall him talking on a tape about how they fish in Lake Tanganyika – by holding a stick over the water that casts a shadow down through the waters and they move the stick towards the shore where the fish are easily caught by hand? They believe the shadows were real walls. Much the same in scientology.
Hi Mimsey, Good to meet you. Your post is very informative & I too feel Ron knew well the self trapping mental mechanism.It was used enough in the SO as in : You are an OT SO Member & if you see something you know to be wrong,you cannot say or see it as wrong, because my Tech is infallible.Therefore if you persist in seeing or saying it is wrong you are out ethics & you are making the Tech wrong because of that. If you do not get your ethics in then you become eligible for all sorts of conditions & harsh punishments until you are either RPFed or blow.”I am glad for your wins & experiences on OT7 that reinforced it’s validity for you.As for me knowing SO OT 7s & public ones doing the SHSBC & bulletins to us from Ron on the OT Levels,now I see them as Magic Dust that blows whichever way the wind takes them.I was always told I was OT to keep me toiling harder, longer, back breaking hours, in all circumstances for Ron. And I really really believed it all.I. Early died I believed it so much.Ann.
Hi Mimsey,Should be I nearly died… I get emotional like Aquamarine & there are the typos! Ann.
A big problem is the misidentification of the wins with the stated eps. They aren’t the same. Just because you have wins on a level doesn’t make you an OT. I think that’s where many have been led astray. Then there’s the redefining the eps as well. Redefining the old Dianetic def. of clear to now mean he/she is cause over mental MEST regarding the 1st dynamic is about as vague as an ep can be. Tell you what. Think of an elephant. Did you do it? By the OT powers vested in me, I pronounce you clear.
Ps. I’m glad you’ve survived – the people like Wendy Ettricks that suicided, I guess because she felt so very betrayed, are true victims of the cult and a nasty stat for a religion that claims to be the most ethical group on the planet.
Some people started climbing it, not knowing what it was, and they’ll continue doing it forever just because…This is the bridge that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started climbing it, not knowing what it was, and they’ll continue doing it forever just because…This is the bridge that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started climbing it, not knowing what it was, and they’ll continue doing it forever just because…This is the bridge that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started climbing it, not knowing what it was, and they’ll continue doing it forever just because…This is the bridge that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend.
Hi Mike,First of all that is the cutest donkey,but I see he is not going for that carrot on the stick.Smart donkey too.A brilliant post about OT Levels & what has is happening to the VIIIs.I would hate to be an VIII, waiting to be told how much I owed to redo the bottom of the bridge again.I don’t see that VIII gave much causative power over bs tech being sold over & over to them.I recall sometime in 76-77? there was much electric excitement @ Asho D & F over Ron’s very important work on OT IX & OTX.But as you have posted in the past I never got any definitive info on those levels or what the price was for them.Now it seems they are hardly mentioned except as the invisible levels that never appear.I surmise having all these versions of OT VIII etc. is rather like a shell game that never ends,just keeps changing.That Tech Sec is shoveling it mightily & if the earlier records she has were not accurate,then what did the OTs think they were paying for?Maiden Voyage is looking pretty shady to me.Always Ann.
“Is this all there is?”
A blisteringly honest post.
Given that Miscavige’s strategy du jour is always reactive in nature, never proactive, it is possible to piece together his reasons for suddenly re-emphasizing OT IX and OT X. It’s obvious that the Ideal Org, Scientology Media Productions and the two auditoriums (one in Clearwater and one in Hollywood) aren’t bringing in the cash that they used to.
He’s probably hearing from some of the whales that they’re not getting enough “super power” out of redoing the existing stuff; the couple hundred members he’s relying on to keep the money flowing are growing restless. So the only thing he can do is to retreat back into the (nonexistent) OT levels to show that there is actually a point to continuing to labor on low-level stuff.
He’s only delaying the inevitable: when he well and truly can’t deliver on OT IX and OT X, he will have even more defections, particularly of the older folks who are the backbone of the membership and who are the backbone of the pipeline of cash.
My observations of my OTVIII friends is they will never leave and they don’t care about the negative press they may see. Their “friends” are all Scientologists, their businesses usually involve the same people, their kids are in, and generally they are happy living in the Truman Show. As OTVIIIs they are like Gods to all the younger Seaorg and in the outside world they are nobodies. They would not even be able to survive in the “real” world and they even speak a different language. Currently they are being regged for Super Power.
Hi Pete2, Good to meet you.Oh no not super Power again.I was going onto that in the SO in 77, until the GOI,invited me to join their “training program”. The hamster wheels keep on spinning & the money from those who will not see keeps on piling up.Sad & sick! Ann.
If Dave ever manages to cough up an OT IX and X, it certainly will not be antichrist; but just as assuredly, it will be an anticlimactic belly flop of Super Power magnitude.
My guess is DM will fake it. There is supposed to be a lot of stuff that LRH and David Mayo were working on. What he will do is toss a bunch of it in the pot, stir, and release.
Some of those in will buy it. Some will start it, be disappointed, and leave.
End result will be fewer Scientologists for DM to reg, which will make him push harder for cash, which will cause more to leave…
Of course a lot of those left in are strong believers, and unlikely to leave without a really big push. Luckily DM will deliver that push.
As you said, DM is reactive, not proactive. Unlike us, he’d never survive corporate culture. He’d get fired so damned fast his head would be spinning for a month.
Hi Wayne aka The Mad Hatter,Love your post,your posts are always insightful & give me another viewpoint to add to all those here.Thank you.Ann.
An OT8 career FSM emailed me this four years ago after returning from the Freewinds. It was ostensibly a visit to get to the bottom of when OT 9-10 were to be released. He came back with his tail between his legs and this apparently “official word” to take back to his upper-level selectees:
The word on OT IX is “no word,” not just a nothing, but the positive statement that there is NO data, and any earlier “data” or rumors or such were all invalid, just guesses or rumors.
There is NO data, no estimate of date, no official conditional targets, no length of time to do them, solo or HGC or combination, etc.
Nothing that was rumored before is valid.
The message to OTs and anyone else wanting to have OT IX released is “make your Orgs into Ideal Orgs”.
That is what is needed in order to get OT IX released. That is what we all should work on if we want to help get these upper OT levels released.”
“Walked back hard” is the term, I think.
It’s pretty obvious: “We don’t have them.”
No need for further confirmation. We get it.
PS: He did enjoy his sec checks during the trip . . . rumor has it. 😉
Hi Forever Lurker,It is good to meet you.A very fascinating post. Reveals a lot about what is & what is not concerning those OT Levels.From personal experience the rumor about the lovely sec checks was true.And they still ” don’t have them” IX & X I recall Ron telling us SOers there would be 12 & 13 at one of The SO birthday parties.He sent a taped greeting.We all hip hip hoorayed & cheered mightily.I still have never found those,lost in space again! Ann.
Jeez. Were questions 1 & 2 really necessary?
They just can’t stop with the auditing; even in memos.
As I posted on one of Tony Ortega’s threads, with the old OT4,5, 6 and 7 sidelined for so long, there really are OT levels that most scn’s haven’t done. And they’re quite different from the overrun of auditing on variations of NOTs. That’s my hunch about what DM will do, but time will tell.
Another possibility is releasing old goals listing from the 60’s as a 2 part solo level, much like OT 6 & 7 – 1 part training and the other doing. Mimsey
Ron Hubbard insured that the state of OT or the state of clear could never be evaluated by us.
He made it a suppressive act to invalidate( look with reason) clears or OTs
This ethics offense put Scientologists in confusion because non of the OTs were real OTs.
So believing make believe became a Scientology virtue.
This is pure hypnotism. And a direct assault on our ability to see and reason.
Many of the doctrines penned by Ron have an extremely dangerous effect. He actually makes it a crime to verify.
That is because Ron actually said that “needing proof is an aberration”
That is a hypnotic command that equates looking to verify as a suppressive act.
Once this is agreed to Ron can make any claims and no one will question.
Because doubting or invalidating (looking) is a crime.
Do we actually realize the damage this mind control has?
L Ron Hubbard as not a good influence.
Very manipulative and dangerous.
Hi Brian, A pertinent & thoughtful post.I think mind control does so so much damage.The trick is to untangle the mind from it.Kind of like unwinding my mind backwards, picking out the thousands of pieces of broken glass & resetting it the way I know it should be.An ongoing exercise that is for sure.Always to you both Ann.
Why none of us caught on right a the very beginning of the long con I’ll never know.
Before starting the comm course, oh so many moons ago, I remember being asked if I was there to see if Dianetics and Scientology works.
Wanting to see for yourself if Hubbards system even works was an instant disqualification.
Hahaha – Yes, Victoria – for me too. That question as well as a discussion about being open minded were two of the first thought-stopping techniques I unknowingly accepted at the time.
Victoria, have you read Ron’s writing on Altitude Instruction. That is how he did it. That is how he imprinted us with ways of being that we would never have assumed before being indoctrinated by him.
Altitude Instruction, the writing by Ron, is how Ron got us to do and be things we are suprised and baffled at in retrospect.
When the hypnotic operator has altitude over us ideas can be implanted (geeze, that is what he did) and bypass our own reason.
Once “open minded” has been redifined by Ron, the mind can be made susceptible to anything.
It takes time and guts to realise this. Some never do. The bridge is a progressive indoctrination system that strips you of your own will and your ability to look. It makes you more Ron-determined at each step. You end up as a happy slave and a zealot and obedient LRHCOB worshipper. It is brilliant. No need for pain or torture, no drugs, no electro shocks. Just your agreeing to it step by step. Total submission with your consent. That’s why if the FBI raided the Int base , they would come out saying “we are here on our own free will”.
Hi Alex De Valera, Very good to meet you.You said it all beautifully & powerfully for me with your post.When I was in SO I would have said the exact same speech about here of my wn free will if anyone on the outside had dare try to get me to leave.As I surmise you know well,that is why it is so damn hard to rip your own will up & over the SO or cos & blow! Thank you Ann.
Hey Alex 🙂
Those who prefer the hole or RPF punishment to freedom are in a hypnotic trance.
Altitude Instruction is painless. Very effective.
No visible wounds.
Total subjugation of sovereign thinking.
Ron is source
Jason Beghe in his long interview from several years ago, describes Scn as a “theata trap” where the guy keeps himself locked in, so no jailer has to mess around with locks and keys….
I completed OT 7 and 8 and left after
the abuse became very destructive.
All of the preps for OT 9 and 10 is a waste
has nothing to do with upper spiritual progress.
I don’t think there is any more cookies in the cookie jar
for the COB. That a though sell so making it look like
there’s something behind door number nine will come
undone sooner more than later.
Those close to the COB better have their heads wired on tight.
Word on the blogs was that the original OT VIII was altered by DM into three parts and that the third part of it was what was being delivered at “OT III” on the Ship (Davie’s alteration was to give them part 3 before part 1 and 2 and call part 3 “OT VIII.” And that he would then give up Parts 2 and 3 of Original OT VIII as OT IX . And speculation was that OT IX was an auditing training course to train you how to audit X on yourself and that on X the other two parts of Original OT VIII would be unveiled. All of it squirreled the original version.
Oops that is a typo in my posting. I mean to say that OT VIII was cut into three parts by DM and that part 3 of it was delivered as OT VIII and the other two parts are being held out to be released as IX and X.
Cindy, got it on everything, and once more I’m thanking the angel over my shoulder that I am no longer a guinea pig for David Miscavige’s perversions of the tech.
Amen to that, sister!
Hummm, the Tech Sec FSO doesn’t have complete control over her flock and know their every move?
Has to ask for updates to get up to speed on their progress through the unnecessary actions they are being demanded to do?
I wonder how many of these non-reporting, CICS actually realized on OT VIII, “truth revealed,” that they aren’t obligated to anything they don’t want to do?
I guarantee you that Sherry Anderson isn’t looking forward to the answers I would give her.
I agree, LDW, just a way if trying to stay in control of the sheeple. I guarantee you, though, so many finish VIII and quietly drift away – or atleast try.
MV XVII? I thought it would be more like XXVII by now.
How much longer can this charade go on? This carrot game must be getting old for those still in. OT VIIII and X have been the carrot for 30 years. I remember people paid for them when the Freewinds was announced in the late 1980’s. In 1995, the dwarf announced that a prerequisite to OT VIIII and X was the Briefing Course. So I like so many others started the Briefing Course. What a sham!
The numeral “9” in Roman numerals s/b “IX”
Hi zephfyrus, Good to meet you.I am so hopeless with math & Roman Numerals ever since 1 st grade! Thank you for your post.Your other post on the Thetan being the jailor so no need for locks & keys unless you have a little vacation in a Morgue…was excellent.Ann.
So much of the “we NEED to know” crap. Too bad the members don’t think “I NEED to know HOW you’re spending my money.” (as well as a whole bunch more need to know questions answered)
When I use to play video games it was always kind of bittersweet when I would beat my favorite one bc it was over, no more levels/challenges to conquer. I could only start from the beginning and beat it again so many times before it was just boring and I was looking for a new game to play.
Scientologists – The game is over. Go find another game to play.
An excellent summation, Frater210.
Another good article, Mike.
I almost feel sorry for everyone, except surely is they were so Cause Over Life that could see the sham?!
Video games introduced a concept in the early 2000s called “new game +”, where you started the same game over, but with all the advances you made from the first time through.
I daresay that DM could take a page from that, instead of telling everyone to re-do everything from scratch because “out tech”. I wonder how many ex-SO are still paying off their “freeloader” debt for courses which they now have to re-do.
That’s completely INANE!!