I wonder what Melbourne “Ideal Org” has to say about this? Why is Sydney the “catalyst”? And I guess nobody even mentions Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane or Canberra…. They will NEVER be “ideal” until Miscavige decides to open his checkbook and put his money where his mouth is and buy them buildings because this IS the strategy for planetary clearing. You know, the one that is based on the “why” that orgs are trying to do too little and that just like a session, an org cannot succeed unless it has all the requisite parts in place FIRST. Ten years on and 80% of all the orgs STILL cannot succeed (according to his “why”) because they are not “ideal.”
Even stranger is the concept that giving money for a leatherbound edition of Dianetics is the “catalyst” for a Clear ANZO. I thought the “ideal org” was the end-all, operating across “all divisions” with ALL functions being performed — and wouldn’t that include promotion? Not more begging?
Here is the full promo piece in all its illogical glory:
After nearly 50 years, they are planning on getting out of Non Existence. Even more amazing, what have they been doing during the last 5, 10, “since Wake Up Call” years of unprecedented expansion under the brilliant leadership of COB?
But I also have to wonder, do they REALLY believe they are going to reach “every single person in the entirety of Sydney”? This bubble mentality really is all-pervasive. They live in a tiny, unreal world, where their efforts are literally the only thing standing between peace, love and happiness and the extinction of the human race (well, in their minds its actually the extinction of all thetans who will be “denied their eternity”).
Meanwhile, it reminded me of this email sent out in January and my comment about this and other emails at the time. They subsequently moved the “opening”to the “first week of March.” Funny, the dates have come and gone and NOT EVEN A MENTION of the “Grand Opening” — just more FUNDRAISING!
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014
From: Lisa Terpstra | Continental Commanding Officer <[email protected]>
Subject: Sydney Ideal Org Grand Opening – Coming VERY Soon!Hi Xxxxx,
The biggest question I’m being asked by public around ANZO right now is probably the one you most want answered. When is the Sydney Ideal Org Opening?
So you’re filled in on all the details that I have, it’s looking like the Sydney Ideal Org opening will be on the 22nd and 23rd February. (We’ve got to get the final details approved through the City.) We are planning a full weekend of activities for you, so please do work out how you can stay throughout.
As soon as this is fully finalized you can be assured we will yell it from the roof tops! But clear out your February weekends so no matter which weekend it is, you will be there.
So – please get your plans in place and I’ll send you full details as soon as I have them.
Lisa Terpstra
Commanding Officer CLO ANZO
Here is their latest fundraising pitch.
“Mind-blowing facts” about the “source of suppression on the planet.” Er… the World Bank? “Psychs”? “Big Pharma”? Anyone from Farsec?
And this has what to do with “your” Ideal Org in Sydney — not exactly the center of suppression on earth…. Would really be interested to hear how this gets spun? They can only offer a massive generality of “the only way to stop planetary suppression is to build Ideal Orgs in Australia”. That is logic a 2 year old could see through.
Easier to fathom is the answer to this question: “Just how deep does the rabbit hole go?”
Answer: It bottoms out as soon as we have tapped out all possible sources of money. Then we will move onto collecting for WTH in Ukraine or tsunami victims in Indonesia.
This is fundraising by “catastrophe of the moment.”
Finally, an amusing piece of promo in light of the threats made to the South African blog for “trademark infringement”.
Sydney have been running a series of promotional pieces styling different staff as “Superheros” — its a bit corny, but certainly not the worst campaign any of these ideal orgs have run (which usually show “donators” as Superheros).
Each uses the name and logo of the particular superhero. This one happens to be Wonder Woman (I also saw Flash and Mr. Fantastic). I would bet dollars to donuts they did NOT get permission to use these marks. I would also bet that Marvel or DC Comics or whoever owns these marks would not be thrilled at their unauthorized use to associate them with scientology.
Just sayin… You people in glasshouses should not be throwing stones.
Interesting that South Africa is being threatened with trademark infringement considering the church has failed to protect its trademarks globally. By allowing literally thousands and thousands (if not millions) of uses over many years, courts would probably see that as a waiver of rights and a consent to such use. Come on, protect “Scientology” as a trademark? Perhaps an IP lawyers knows if the laws in So. Africa are so much different than elsewhere. If so, the owners of the trademarks “zipper,” “band aid,” “elevator,” and “escalator,” should send their lawyers to South Africa ASAP.
There are so many items here which are ripe for comment but I’ll keep it to just this: how the can these people do Non-Existence when they aren’t even IN that condition?
To Austrailians, certainly residents of Sydney who follow TV news, CoS is already known, thank you, and not in a good way. Non-Existence? Give me ein break! PR-wise its gotta be Enemy or Doubt. Liability would be a good goal for them. But NON-E? In their dreams!
And, from writing this, I just realized: no wonder Miscavige doesn’t want to pay for these “Non-E” campaigns. He knows they’re doomed, so fleece the Sheeple. Makes me sad, kind of.
“Archival and long-lasting materials” – that will come in handy when it has to be returned in the next new release of everything.
“…an org cannot succeed unless it has all the requisite parts in place FIRST. Ten years on and 80% of all the orgs STILL cannot succeed (according to his “why”) because they are not ‘ideal.'”
Another wrong why = it’s only going to get WORSE! And that is certainly proving to be true. Yay Davey!!!!! You go, man!!!
Maybe contact::::::::::::
If you are aware or suspect any persons infringing on the intellectual property of Marvel, please contact [email protected] and describe the suspected infringement. Please be as detailed as possible so that the claim can be investigated properly. Please also provide as much information as possible on the suspected infringer (ex. name, address, website, e-mail, phone number).
Such examples of intellectual property infringement are:
Unlicensed merchandise using Marvel’s characters or names
Unapproved commercial use of Marvel characters or trademarks
Counterfeit products
Illegal copies of Marvel material being sold or distributed.
Ummmm…hasn’t der leader been bragging for several years that scientology is in POWER? Straight up and vertical? The Ideal Org program is a huge success? Bla Bla Bla.
So…what’s with Non Existence?
These people are the epitome of delusional.
Non existence in a whole new range.
An interesting aside re DM’s fancy attire at public events: “Overdressing says, ‘I’m richer, more powerful, and more important than you.'”
From the book ‘Enchantment’ by Guy Kawasaki
If dressing better than everyone else says you are better than they are, what is making the sheeple wear formal attire when they come to clap and adore you for? Just more control and more “you must show me respect” for DM.
More press for Dave: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2586850/Scientology-leader-tries-heal-rift-angry-local-government-officials-Florida-Church-cathedral.html
Random thought: Has Miscavige seen a recent Warren Jeffs prison mug shot?
If not, here it is sailor boy:
Just sayin’.
Scientology, through its lies and self-delusion, has become the ultimate Potemkin religion.
Interesting use of the non existence formula. I’m sure an overly fancy book is the absolute last thing, that the over-bilked Scn’gts or the citizens of Sydney need and want. I would say that some compassionate auditing that doesn’t bankrupt, or, a church that doesn’t lie continuously, would be higher on the list. They don’t say how much this fancy book costs, so not only do they get another ostentatious piece of mest, but they get to pay dearly for it. So much for needed and wanted. I think the “hero” campaign got started to offset the terrible pr regarding the conditions staff have to live under. If you think of yourself as a hero every day, then there is some solace and comfort for the stress of how to pay rent, when you’re working long hours for almost nothing. Instead of actually paying people a living wage, out of decency and fair exchange, they start this creepy hero misdirection. I had to moonlight my entire time on staff (74-84), at great expense to my health, & I just heard that 2, non SO staff are being completely supported by a parent, food, housing, everything, camouflaging this hole, to this day. So apparently keeping millions in reserves is still more important than the lives of it’s hard working members. So the cycle continues, immature, naive, youth with energy to spare, barely done with cartoons, still living off mum and dad, running the rcs, dressing up like superheroes.
If only 10% of the negative things said in this blog are true, COB’s and the RCS’s downfall are as inevitable as the setting and rising of the sun.
Thwang! as the arrow hits the mark.
I appreciated subsidy when done from the heart. But when the recipients haughtily accept their parents largess as something ‘owed to them,’ I am completely put off my feed. Giving to a church is as old a custom as churches themselves, but it was often done with a sense of duty and appreciation. As if the monks and sisters that toiled behind the walls of monasteries and convents, had the arduous task of interceding with God on our behalf and they deserved a good meal and some libations after dinner.
Today’s staff toil in Ideal Orgs that are so well equipped, so well versed in the Tech, so adept at interfacing with the world today and so far above anything that came before them, that they cannot survive without constant subsidy from every quarter of the SCN World. Where is the success and efficacy in an “engine” so rusted and ill-conceived that black smoke and sparks are its only products.
Ideal Orgs are a boondoggle. A world-class snipe hunt that seems to go on and on and on.
Ab absurdum
Hollywood and Dave. Elmer Gantry
Actually Elmer Gantry was a likable rogue unlike Miscavige.
Perhaps Dave can use him for a role model. Then again, probably not.
Around here many of the staff used to be on unemployment benefits while on staff, As staff pay would be far below the legally required minimum income many would receive a supplementary income to meet the minimum criterion. Some would even receive well-fare. But since the new staff contract shows staff is now fully deemed a volunteer, it’s going to be interesting to see how the social services will view this matter. Volunteers are required to show they are applying for paid jobs. Whoops!! I predict some whole-sale lying to social services or some other loophole action the RCS is known for, Only this time around, they will find more scrutiny as government spending are being cut left, right and center. Most staff are part-time these days to make ends meet, this will even further decline the hours spent on staff. I predict this org wont last another 5 years before its shut down. Ps, I have send a copy of the new staff contract to help social services out with the correct data….. sorry OSA (lol).
Couplea things:
1) the dictionary definition of “gilt” describes something that has a thin covering of GOLD.
2) the “leatherbound” campaign in Phoenix sold the requisite 500 books, but did not produce the promised Non-Existence promotional campaign. But it did produce an Ideal Org that is still in Non-Existence. Perhaps that’s what the object of a “non-existence campaign” is, after all.
I’ve covered the inefficacy of Non-E campaigns for Idle Orgs in my posts at:
The idea that Australia is the key to clearing the planet comes from the game of RISK. Your best chance of winning is by getting and holding Australia, because there’s only one way in; you can’t be taken in the rear. That’s the key for DM.
I hear that they are building orgs in Irkutsk and Yakutsk.
I think Jedi outnumber Scientology in Australia 25-1. And what exists in Jedi (like eternal life force) could have been carved out of MEST, tone scales and other LRH ideas if anyone wanted to. But almost no one wanted to because Co$ has such a bad reputation in Australia.
I say let this play out.
Whats NOT SEEN is the IAS and crush regging
Families broken to bits, RPF horror stories.
The broken promises.
The leather bound Dianetic’s will out last Scientology.
Wonder Woman is on D.M.s radar screen ( all PR approved by D.M.)
I will purchase her leaving Scientology Tell All. (no kidding)
Let’s see…Disney owns Marvel. Time-Warner owns DC (and has done so for over thirty years). Both are known to be litigious in the extreme when it comes to their intellectual property, especially the Mouse. Both are also corporations that have been at the forefront of rights issues. I’m certain that the Church’s policies on gays, Disconnection, and other abuses would cause a Do Not Want reaction when linking the corporations’ IP to the Church. And both corporations have large financial interests in Florida and California.
Might it be worth contacting the legal departments at Disney and Time-Warner?
Well, the issue is fair use. My point was not to seek anyone taking action, just to point out the hypocrisy. They don’t want anyone to use the word Scientology or any image of Scientology etc etc when it does not PR them. They find it beyond intolerable to be mentioned on blogs that are not their own… ANd then try to threaten people for doing so.
I agree Mike.
It is hypocritical in the extreme.
Neither you or the SA blog make any profit by using the trademarked and registered names Scientology and Dianetics nor do you post anything other than quotes from various selected copyrighted works which are covered under fair use.
Yet in the Bizarro world of the current Church of Scientology this is considered “copyright and trademark infringement”.
Dingaling like her predecessor Kobran the Cobra must be raking in the billable hours on all this wasted action.
Just take comfort in the fact that all they’ll accomplish is another Talon round of a foot bullet from this and go limping off into the horizon until they think of another crackpot “legal” scheme to suppress free speech.
Infringing on a Disney property makes as much sense as diving into a pit of crocodiles. Disney used to have the footbullet approach to such matters, one time making a pre-school paint over a mural that used Disney characters without their permission. Warner Bros took advantage of the blunder and gave the pre-school license to use Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Loony Toons gang.
It’s still real stupid to use a well-known Disney character, might as well use Zorro, he rides a horse so they can have one of those horseman pictures they love so well. Or George Baily from A Wonderful Life, since it’s in the public domain(which is why tv stations would run it around Christmas, it was very cheap to program).
And, BTW, trademark and copyright infringement is where the sh*t gets real these days.
Seems Dave is going back to the “successful actions” he started when he was COB ASI, selling leather bound books and other “properties” with Ron’s forged signature plus Frazetta’s soft core porn.
IMHO all these actions do is entice the one percent who are into gaudy and extravagant MEST.
I mean who needs a leather bound book on acid free paper or whatever?
I’ve still got the a full library of the “old” books put out by Pubs US that haven’t faded or yellowed at all and better still they are unaltered 🙂
OK. Now I am jealous. I wish I never threw out the “old books” when the Basics cam out. Shame on me.
I checked it out for you and you can still get the Pubs Orgs edition of any of the books here at AbeBooks.
For example “8-8008” here:
Anyway just type in a title and only order the ones that say Publications Org.
Checked out the other booksellers like Amazon and Alibri and they’re glutted with the newer “Basics”.
So your best bet is Abe.
Hope this helps.
I don’t think “Non-Existence Campaign” means what they think it means.
Let’s face it. We’ve all probably read more Co$ promo since leaving the church. Am I the only one who’s promo had a direct route from my mailbox to the trash can?
I usually scan for 30 seconds before depositing in the round file.
Hit the wrong key. I meant to say, “Nope. I’ve been doing it “religiously” for years. I do send it to recycle, though. There might as well be “some” good come of it. 🙂
Mine, my wife’s and my sons (I think we were on every Orgs addresso) straight to the trash can. You can probably understand the recycle bin was full every couple of weeks for a long time….. not anymore thank God.
I save all mine. Where else can you find so many lies.
Mike, give them a break OK?
How can you expect ideal orgs to function before the GOLDEN AGE OF ADMIN??
They don’t have the admin tech as LRH intended. No little glossaries at the back of the OEC vols to give the correct definitions. The covers have not been redesigned. There has been no event. How can they use admin tech before COB fixes it?
I recall an old Red Foxx line to silence a heckler that applies to DM. “That’s a good point. Why don’t you sit on it?”
Somehow I suspect Miscavige is into anything leatherbound.
It’s getting harder and harder to look at some of the crap that the cult throws out. What gets me, is the fact that I bought into a lot of this junk for years…I think I’m going to be sick.
“When is the Sydney Ideal Org opening?” Translation: When will our empty Orgs have people?
Answer: Just as soon as the Nation of Islam opens an office in Australia.
If the doors open, but no one shows up, is it an opening?
I was told by a bright young man down in Seeed-ney that they are importing people from Thailand (or is it Taiwan) for staff because all of their seasoned, native staff have left the building.
The really degrading part about all this is how these campaigns promote “Non Existence”. Given that is their stats were down in Non E then they would have gone through a “State of Emergency” for non production and that means reduced pay for staff and they failed at Danger so they are now beyond being bypassed.
Even applying the Non E expanded formula would have been a better PR move because they could have stated that they were further reached out. NON E = Non Viable. Non viable in an org means no longer delivering services or Auditing and Training as they are the only products that LRH said should count.
Re Non-E, didn’t LRH say ‘find a comm line’ rather than force one? Just saying.
If you look at this closely, the NON-E has been applied thoroughly over the years. If an org fails to handle an overall state of emergency the whole EC is to be replaced (TM: IIRC is a matter of weeks, not years!) and a higher governing body should take over. Ok, sure, DM bypassed a few minor hierarchies and conducted a complete off line, off source, off hat, off everything bypass as RTC. And now its forwarding the purpose of RTC (as redefined by the almighty leader) through these orgs, i.e. : milking out copyrights! And of course real estates investments on triple A locations across the planet. ps. I really don’t see how one could reduce staff pay these days, surely even the Anointed One cant be that cruel now, would he….?
Silvia I wonder if Miscavige isn’t confused at all but rather his global real estate scam is very deliberate indeed.
Doug, you are right, this is deliberately done, well planned and executed, all aimed at destroying Missions, FSMs, Auditors, Staff, Parishioners, Materials, Tech and et al. Confront of evil is needed in order to accept the facts that he is bent to utter destruction and, as you noted, is deliberate. Confusion may not describe him fully, terror and paranoia does.
DM song – I’m just a soul whose intentions are bad, oh Lord, please don’t let them ever see my stats.
How about plain and stark evil intention to destroy the Co$?
Over to you Dave.
I think you’re giving him too much credit. All of this simply revolves around money and power. He can never have enough of either. Terror and control are simply the tools he uses.
The mistake you’re making is looking at his actions and trying to relate to them as a human being with care and concern for others. He’s like a malignant growth… Bleh
Yes, Doug. I believe that his getting every penny out of these well intentioned people is very intentional as well as his intention to never make another OT, a real OT. Why? Because a real OT can perceive and TRUSTS his/her perceptions. Cause them to doubt their real perceptions by insisting in sec checks, “You didn’t really see that, you just have overts that made you believe you did,” like they did with Leah, knocks out all certainties.
If they are going to go the route of using superhero’s as their image, the Bizarro superman series would be more appropriate.
Of course, only one character could represent Captain Davey… Bizarro Mxyzptlk
This is just a reflection of the lack of honest leadership, it is like a rabbit jumping from spot to spot in a confusing manner, That is all there is now: confusion, thus the Non Existence Campaign ain’t going to work as it is the wrong condition.
Is it possible that Davey boy is below confusion?
More than possible……………it is guaranteed! The only question is what you call it and where do you find the formula?
Condition of Miscavigitis. Formula – find out where there are no people and go there.
Below confusion……..that would be the small prints at the very bottom of the page, a.k.a the “copyrights condition”. Very fitting as that’s all DM seem to care about.
ETA: maybe some of you trained magistrate’s can work out some steps to get him off of this copyrights obsession and bring him up to actual confusion. I bet if one would give him a metered assement “copyrights” would be a LFBD/FN item, er….. or…… might just R/S. 🙂
Exactly Silvia. DM says “straight up and vertical” which is Affluence, but yet they are in Confusion or lower. In DM’s universe Mest is Best and Force, of course.
His condition is below Confusion. He finds the formula by going to Hell and start digging from there on down.
That’s right, Cindy. His ethics universe is completely inverted where straight up is straight down. His condition is somewhere down below copyright…
“Please put on your sunglasses. Impact will be in 55 seconds…” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlSQAZEp3PA
Tom is trying to keep himself from crashing and burning too. http://tomdup.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/mission.jpg
Mr. David Miscavige is deeply committing to leveraging the benefits of mankind’s miraculous new technological invention — the printing press.
Catch up, everybody!
Now if he could just figure out how to print money, he’d be all set.
Exactly! Who the hell wants to carry around a Kindle or some such ancient artifact when a good solid heavy silver gilded leather bound edition of Dianetics is available? Miscavige knows as well as anyone that MEST is BEST!
Collect the whole set of leatherbound ideal org commemorative copies of Dianetics! Only 500 numbered volumes available for each org.
Poor animals gave their lives for this?
You guys are all so funny!
There is a lady in Orange County who may not appreciate the use of her props by the church of Scientology. Funny, they bitch about others using their trademarks that they will threaten people they “suspect” are running the site in South Africa but have no problem just grabbing trademarked material from other entities. So much for “Ethics.” I think is it time for “Justice.”
I have fabulous news for Sydney! Mr Mark ‘Marty’ Rathbun and 60 Minutes will singlehandedly be lifting Sydney, and in fact all Australian orgs, out of non-existence in one evening! Sunday, 7.30pm local time in Sydney! Available from the 50 minutes site shortly after airing.
So save your money for the popcorn, don’t spend it on leatherbounds. Rathbun and 60 Minutes are ushering in A NER ERA for Scientology in Australia!
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant DollarMorgue. Do ya think that DM will give Marty a Freedom Medal come the next IAS event?
whahahaha!!!! Thank you DollarMorgue, I really needed a good laugh :D. I have set my alarm clock to view how Marty will take Scientology out of NON-E in Australia with a BANG! I do hope some inside the bubble will be able to view it too.
Just how fair off the rails can this get? The prime LRH datum Derr McNugget is violating: having to have before you can do.
I never cease to appreciate I’m no longer part of all this nonsense.
The only trademarks they honor are their own.
Ehmm, I doubt even that or they would have IN-Tech, which they don’t!