Unfortunately, and embarrassingly, this email epitomizes everything that is wrong with the “OT’s” who are the main Miscavige Minions keeping the illusion of ideal orgs alive.
My brother is the poster child for KoolAid drunks.
At the least, this is useful as it is the first time anyone has actually said that Dear Leader is venturing to Sydney. It was pretty obvious from all the indications (they would not be closing the street or demanding everyone have a “ticket” if any lesser mortal were presiding over the grand re-opening of the same old Sydney Org).
What is difficult to figure out is how much of the bullshit he spouts he actually believes, and how much is just “parroting the party line.” Perhaps there is really no difference and I am simply trying to come up with some explanation as to how someone I know is a pretty smart and successful businessman, a good father and enjoyable, funny company (at least he used to be) could say things that are SO ridiculous.
I mean this drivel would make Dan Sherman proud (envious even?):
We’ve reached a point in our Cont that is the turning point of this civilization. Anyone have a clue what this is supposed to mean?
The opening of our Sydney Continental Org is not just opening the 2nd Ideal Org. It is exponentially 10 times or more the effect. No explanation. It just IS. Because that is what we say in scientology.
We are honouring LRH with this building and the technology contained within it. Hmmn, really? What part of this is “honouring” LRH? The new decorations? GAG II? None of it has anything to do with LRH….
An Ideal Org IS an island of sanity. It is the ONLY hope for this civilization. Well Andrew, let me ask you, how much has the civilization changed in Melbourne as a result of your ideal org there?
Whether you fully understand the significance of this Continental Org only your reality knows. But I know that this is the turning point for ANZO and this sector of the universe. No comment. This is simply nuts.
But here is the REAL kicker and it tells you what a punch drunk brown-noser he reall is. And how everything in this rotten racket has become about Dear Leader. It truly is a cult of personality. Chairman of the Board RTC is making his 2nd trip down under. How could we not be there to honour that?
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014
From: Andrew & Pat Rinder <sydney-opening@anzo.net.au>
Reply-To: rinders@optusnet.com.au
Subject: From the ANZO OT Committee Chairman
Hi guys!
We’ve reached a point in our Cont that is the turning point of this civilization. The opening of our Sydney Continental Org is not just opening the 2nd Ideal Org. It is exponentially 10 times or more the effect. It is the greatest thing you could do or attend. Your support is vital. We are honouring LRH with this building and the technology contained within it. An Ideal Org IS an island of sanity. It is the ONLY hope for this civilization. Whether you fully understand the significance of this Continental Org only your reality knows. But I know that this is the turning point for ANZO and this sector of the universe.
You have worked for many years to achieve this – you have ALL worked for many years to achieve this. Share your win – it’s YOUR org – be there to celebrate. Chairman of the Board RTC is making his 2nd trip down under. How could we not be there to honour that?
Drop what you are doing – it will be there when you return. And we will all be there together as this is the only thing you have never done on your track and that is creating an Ideal Org.
So see you there!
Andrew Rinder
ANZO OT Committee Chairman
“Chairman of the Board RTC is making his 2nd trip down under. How could we not be there to honour that?”
So Dear Leader is now to be “honoured”.
I never thought I would live long enough to the end of Scn
Well as they say you can choose your friends but not your family.
All the best Mike
I wish DM would go down UNDER and stay UNDER, no more coming up for air.
That would be for the greatest good of all dynamics!
Hi Mike. It might help if you remind yourself how much you believed while trapped in the cult (vs towing the party line). That might give you some comfort when thinking about your brother. Hopefully his eyes will be opened up like yours were!
Andrew is the brother who spirited his mother away from the senior community where she lived when Mike and Christie went to Australia to see her.
Andrew is the brother who did not tell Mike that their mother had died and that the funeral had been held.
Yeah, Andrew is a real peach.
bravo, Mike.
I understand from personal experience the sadness of having a sibling who you know and love who then commits discreditable acts and loses track of who he or she really is.
All one can really do is keep the faith, hope and pray for them to eventually rediscover themselves, get back to their roots, and find salvation in the company of those who truly care about their well-being.
And yet it would have all been so simple if the Church had delivered LRH’s Standard Tech, Admin and Ethics in a friendly decent way. All of this would never have happened and the Orgs would have been the size of old St. Hill by now. But no – someone – and we all know who – had to come along and spoil the future party.Well done Mike for posting something that one your family writes. But then we would all do it wouldn’t we? After all – we all like a good party with friends and one day we might just have one. This crap can’t go on for much longer.
Sorry to raise an inconvenient truth, but all orgs were not St Hill Size before Miscavige came on the scene either. In fact, not of them were. Certainly not Boston even though it is written about in the LRHED as the “model” of how rapid expansion can occur (the subsequent collapse that inevitably follows intense stat pushing doesnt get a mention).
There have been no “advances” in tech or admin since the late 70’s that would have prevented SH Size orgs from being made prior to 1986….
This is the sort of dreamlike world that you see in the statements of the KoolAid drinkers. It’s just not real.
Only one thing needs to happen with Andrew, Mike… Come to Present Time!!
Resonates that you say that, COPT are words I have heard scientologists seem to use at the end to reawaken you after the hypnosis/mind control process that pretends to be a spiritual experience. One of the lessons in life that I have learned is to throw back words to those who demonstrate hypocrisy. Works every time…. eventually.
Having said that I feel so sad that Mike’s family are so absorbed in the machinations of this cult. Mike I would love to know your thoughts or speculation as to where you would be today if you hadn’t walked away and miraculously missed the train to East Grinstead a few years ago.
Interesting comments tony-b. You’re on this too, I see.
Let me elaborate just a little, for a touch more depth on ‘the present time’ thing. In fact, let me just be BRUTAL about it.
It’s almost impossible, to appreciate actual situations, surrounding one, if one is “out of P/T” For example, little Mr/Mrs Theetie Weetie, goes wondering off course, into a darkened alley, seeing moving shadows appearing to move closer. Thinking; “oh look at the fascinating shapes against that wall” tweetle tweet tweet! (whistle!) Hardly need to finish the story…..
My own life, involves regular confronting of real danger, on a regular basis, (so okay, I’m an adrenalin junkie still!) The point being, there’s nothing more likely to bring you to PT, than actual physical threats. Being a special task force cop, or bodyguard, puts this into perspective.
The TR’s, especially TR-O as we know, can permit almost anyone, to achieve the state of coming fully “up to Present Time.” Of course, there are other, more physical means, such as self defense capabilities,’fearlessness’ and confidence training, which allow one to extrovert and put one’s attention fully in PT.
The only thing of relevance in this comment, is that once one IS, in PT, one is then able to be there, ‘comfortably’ and actually ‘confront’, whatever is impinging, or imposing, or even threatening, upon one.
I dare say, this capacity (being in PT) is severely compromised, with anyone, still ensconced in the ‘mind control’ of the ‘Church’ of $cientology.
Would you agree?
“We’ve reached a point in our Cont that is the turning point of this civilization. Anyone have a clue what this is supposed to mean?”
I know what it means. It means the same as when New Pro TR’s was released. That was a turning point, NOT.
Same with KTL/LOC. Those were a turning point, NOT.
Same as with 10,000 on OT7, NOT.
Same as GAT1, NOT.
Same as GAT 2, NOT.
Same as E-meter Quantum, NOT.
Same as the now new e-meter, NOT.
same story, different words.
All new releases as just pure motivational gimmicks.
All these new status levels to donate are pure motivational gimmicks.
Some call these things propaganda, some say brainwashing, some say Kool-aide drinkers.
The DM/COS call this newly discovered tech. LOL
New turning point: Brand new COB doll. Wind it up and it spits out one of three things – 1. Ethics interviews, 2. RPF assignments, or 3. SP Declares. Available in yellow, orange and red. Limited edition only $12,000.00 and tax deductible. Get yours today while supplies last.
I have to imagine that this message is but one of many being sent to try to fill the stands for what is probably DM’s last international hurrah sessions. I hope there will be more and more desperate pleadings to be published in the coming days.
SP Declares for poor attendance for event personnel.
I think you are right hgc 10
This might be the last international event. It’s a desert out there.
He’ll stay in LA and CW until the cops come for him. Then he will go to the Freewinds. That’s pretty much it.
From what I understand the CIA is putting together an extraction team.
Expect to see a helicopter landing on the roof of the FH and a scene reminiscent of the US Embassy at the end of the Viet Nam war.
Mike – I totally admire the fact that your principals dictate that you share this even though it’s a family member that is playing the role of unintended minion. The best aspect of Miscavige is that he continually figures out new ways to disaffect long term Scientologists. It’s not a matter of IF but rather WHEN your brother figures it out.
Turning point for this sector of the universe?
First, sorry, but the universe is not organized into “sectors.”
Second, they can’t even handle one “sector” of the Valley.
Delusions of grandeur coupled with paranoia and narcissism. Gosh. Wonder where those organizational traits came from?
Where do delusions of grandeur coupled with paranoia and narcissism come from? The “Successful Actions Earth Religion Playbook” (Judaism/Christianity/Islam and sometimes Hinduism). LRH made some key mistakes as he took Scientology forward, but his biggest BY FAR was to channel many of the destructive actions that made those religions expand. Short term gain, yes it “worked for a while”, Long term it has plummeted Scientology into disrepute and severe contraction (you see, almost all the folks who like what those religions offer are not searching for a new one; it’s the other folk like me, Jeff Hawkins, Marty, etc who were open to SOMETHING ELSE …. and when the same controlling “righteousness” reared its ugly head, well…..)
That righteousness rearing its ugly head was what got me too. I found myself sometimes being an apologist, and sometimes affirming that I thought the “tech” was great but the organization was screwed up.
Well, the tech and the organization came from the same source, and it turns out that they are both a mix of some valid points and much that is not.
I find myself wondering if religious beliefs like Islam, Christianity, Mormonism, etc. would have ever been able to take root in the age of the Internet and highly open scrutiny, fact checking, and such?
Actually, I think Miscavige’s strategy was to kick the shit out of the South Africans as an example of what could happen to Australia if they don’t start toeing the line and now he’s showing the Australians that he CAN be “nice” by honoring them with his glorified presence.
This might work better than Andrew’s Sherman Speak: “Warning: People who do not show up to honor his lordship will be declared.”
Darth to Dave: “Abuse the force.”
I think your brother and others step into the Sherman Speak when they are asking you to do something that they know you don’t want to do. The logic is: if Miscavige can make me do something I don’t want to do with Sherman Speak, then I maybe I can make it work on others….. Saying things like “It is the greatest thing you could do or attend.” is not just over the top, it saying something your brother would think is ridiculous. Sherman Speak is being used by OT VIII committees chairmen as hypnotic spell to get people to do something against their will. They should also try swinging a watch in your face, “you’re feeling sleepy, very sleepy, and you will do as I say on and on…”
I thought it was a cut above most of these emails. Must be a situation there with confirms. People think it is recent that getting people to show up for events is a struggle. I can assure everyone this has been going on since the Maiden Voyage of the Freewinds. I can’t begin to imagine what life must be like for call in these days.
Puleease come to the event! We’ll be serving multiflavored kool-aid and COB approved cookies plus special acknowledgements and an award ceremony you won’t want to miss. Can we count on you? The planet depends on it. Let’s all band together and show our support for RTC and most glorious leader. Please, please confirm!!!
Don’t want to start an argument with you, but I think since GAG II it is getting REALLY hard to get people to come to the org or events.
GAG II was/is a “sea change” for Scientology.
It is a neutron bomb that kills off all the people but leaves the buildings standing.
No arguments from there. I agree with you on that! Just saying the waning enthusiasm has been going on for a very long time.
Make them buy buildings, then make them go away. Amazing how difficult that’s been.
If this event is the greatest, most vital, exponential in effect, honorable, turning point in history and this sector of the universe, wouldn’t people naturally want to come to see it?
Andrew is actually begging people to drop what they are doing and come to honor Miscavige. It has nothing to do with LRH, it’s all about Captain Miscavige. Andrew is playing his role in the Cult of Personality. I’m sure to some degree he must, being Chairman of ANZO’s OT committee. He would provably have some serious ethics chits to face if he doesn’t cheer lead the Captain and no one shows up for the opening. I suspect Andrew is concerned about this.
Ultimately, it’s Andrew’s choice. Maybe one day he’ll change his course in life.
Wow, definitely more fodder for the endless Nature/Nurture debate. Not quite as extreme, though, as David and Ronnie Miscavige. That is a continuum that stretches pretty far over the horizon. And I don’t mean from Ronnie’s end.
Marty’s next book title: ‘Being Dave’
It’s very hard to be a positive Kool Aid drinker these days, but what’s at stake for them is the most important thing in the universe. They’ve put a lot of eggs in this basket. And despite what’s clearly going on in Scn. today, they have to put up a front that says “everything is the best and is going as planned”. Because #1. Anything else is counter intention. #2. Postulates, even for the future, are done in present time. (Eg: I have a million $$. I am OT 8, we have ideal orgs. etc etc). #3. They feel they must have the Responsibility to be a good example for other Scientologists. #4. They want to believe so bad. #5. They don’t know the real Miscavige. There’s probably many more reasons, but most Kool aid drinkers are not bad people. Just wanting to do what’s best, and full of wishful thinking.
#5 is the key point.
Of all the hyberbolic drivel: opening Sydney org is the turning point, not only for ANZO, but this sector of the universe. For Gawd’s sake. Do these people even listen to or read what they say or write?
Shit, I thought the turning point was when I finished kindergarten.
Don’t worry Mike – I am sure us Indy’s all have a few family members swimming in the Kool-Aid. Certainly I do, and what’s even sadder is that one is a very recent OTVIII completion – his end phenomena was abject terror of getting “into trouble” with the Church and needing OSA approval to comm with his recently “verbal declared” nephew.
Black Panther,
Regarding the recent EP of your family member on OT8:
That sounds par for the course. The longer people are in and the deeper and higher they go, the more fearful they become of the mighty “church.” These days anyway.
Parishioners have to constantly prove that they are “good” and conformity is one of the main ways to demonstrate it.
You too can learn to goose step. Sieg heil!
I might add a corollary to what you said “the longer and the deeper and higher they go…. they are becoming more fearful etc…”, This is true, but we can also say that once these “high up” people “wake up”, many become very effective and fearless at debunking “the mighty church”.
Miscavige’s problems are not the people (historically speaking) wanting to sue the Church for damages to their psyche, health, etc… which has gone on since 1950. Instead he is now having to deal with many “high up” people who got out of the cult after 5, 10, 20 and 40 years. They did got out by taking off their blinders and discovering what was really going on. Needless to say, they didn’t like what was going on and they are doing something about it.
Sorry Dave, you ain’t got enough buckets to contain this flood.
Robert – your corollary is true and is probably the best part. People listen to those who were in and high up the ladder. It makes me so happy to see these people waking up and speaking out as they have influence. I’m waiting for the next one to leave and tell us all about it.
I was mainly speaking for my own type of public going long and high up on the bridge. I was never a VIP in Scientology. Just a lowly public who went on course regularly and got trained and audited. I never made a big splash in the organization; always being more career and family focused (and have been called things like dilettante or “not cognited” by my peers within for that). Nor am I rich or famous either.
However, there are many other people just like me. We are counted as not very important by the higher ups (actually Miscavige & Co) but when we leave in numbers and talk about it, we actually are just that.
Maybe someday your brother may come to the realization that this whole “Ideal Org” thang is a scam.
Most of this “false four” crap is just an effort to “psyche out” all us naysayers.
Had a friend who was all smiles and chuckles about the “great job” (mis) management was doing right up to the day he blew.
Dear Mike —
I never knew your brother and sister-in-law but did know your parents … they were on the ship during one of my many visits during and after OT VIII. They were charming!!
That said — I believe that the more you lose as a scientologists, the more you *might* become cemented to the wish/desire/believe that IF you throw more money and more time and more BS at scientology — what you lost will not have been in vain. “You and possibly only you can and will save Mankind and everyones eternity.” (you in the 3rd person sense — not you, Mike Rinder)
Your brother has lost his parents, his brother (who I’m sure he was very proud of and able to puff himself up with by being your brother). You came from “scientology royalty” and your brother is going to make DAMN sure he stays among the royals.
But most importantly — is the fear MOST everyone experiences coming up against their own mortality. And then stretching that into next life time and yikes — eternity — well, heck MOST people will pick a belief that lessens the fear.
Contrary to LRH’s body of work — being human is NOT easy. There IS suffering.
The Buddha told a grieving mother who could NOT accept the death of her child to find one family in the village who has not experienced a death and if she could find that one family, he would heal/bring back to life her son. (The story isn’t about IF he could do that but instead to show that suffering IS part of the human condition).
After she completed her task — she understood. She was not alone in her suffering and the child was buried.
Scientology promised FREEDOM from the human condition. And that is purely BS. It’s an empty promise. YES there are recipes to follow that will create better conditions BUT it’s limited.
NO ONE likes to suffer and feel pain. MANY will find their way out of suffering through drugs and alcohol.
Through religion and belief in Heaven. Through another religions and their belief.
VERY FEW are willing to SIT WITH THE PAIN … and let that pain dissipate and become part of ones being. The pain lessens …
In any case — I feel nothing but sadness for your brother. He is missing so much joy from his life.
Not the least being his two adorable nephews living just up the road from Flag … where I’m guessing he comes at least once a year.
Terribly sad.
Beautifully stated
Windhorse, a very astute, well thought out comment. While a person is alive there is no “freedom from the human condition.” Numbness, caused by the piling on of layer upon layer of conditioning, better known as brainwashing, can be mistaken for “freedom.” Prozac does the same thing. How “liberating” not to worry about which road to take in life, about what kind of college your children will go to, about what you will do in your free time, or whether your spouse loves you. Miscavige has worked it all out for you.
The brainwashed mind has been described as an onion, and as the brainwashed person peels away the skins, the “I” returns. How many times does Andrew Rinder (or any other spokesperson) say ” I”? How often does he say “we.” How often does he (and others) put Miscavige’s welfare ahead of his family’s welfare? The loss of self, i.e., the loss of “I,” is well depicted in Ayn Rand’s “Anthem.” (The Rand who wrote “Anthem” was the woman who, as a young girl,
saw first hand what the Russian revolution did to the sense of self for the Russian citizen. This was not the Rand who cynically later in her life thought base selfishness was at the root of all human actions.) I hope that the cognitive dissonance that the lesser brainwashed individuals in the church are experiencing now will lead to them peeling back the onion to find their “I.” How could they not be experiencing cognitive dissonance? They joined to make the world a better place, and to work their way up the bridge, but what they are slammed with daily are urgent demands to buy empty buildings, unending demands for money, money and more money, and demands to disconnect from family and friends.
Still on your side – perfect.
Windhorse…well stated.
Glad someone knows your brother so well Mike. All these parents used to drag their kids into narconon, tears spurting out of their head, dragging behind them a kid that was on cloud nine. The kid felt better than the parents did. The thing was that the parents were confronting an inconvenient truth that the kid wasn’t.
We have all the time in the world, literally. I created a saying of my own recently, “Your first love is your sibling”. Because I had to bring my only sibling / brother through open heart surgery.
People can asses this situation all night and day but they don’t know. They don’t know what it’s like to love somebody.
As sure as I am sitting here I know the people that have known you loved you.
That is not something David Miscavige or the Church can take away from you, ever. He just does not know anything about such dynamics, he is out of the loop.
It is not easy to confront inconvenient truth neither to reinvent yourself. This is the price we pay and the rewards are greater than any others could know. We pay to play. And we know how to spend.
The P.R. for the Church has gone into the gutter since you were taken off post. That is an inconvenient truth people on the highest posts do not want to confront so your brother is not alone.
You are a great fucking product. So is your family, all of them. Keeping it real.
Mike, Oracle is right! You are a great product and example to all who see you. Continue to flourish and prosper. Thank you for what you do for the ones just leaving and the Indies already out.
Not only is that not English. It’s not Scientologese, either. What Duh F*ck ?!?!?
I’m from the Midwest. Many
grain elevators. These plants
like to explode because of the
volatile grain dust in the air….
one spark…boom.
There is a lot of volatile BS
dust floating around in the
church these days. Not all see this
volatile BS dust due to lies and
misdirection. Some do but are in
fear to say something….or leave.
But soon, enough of these folks
are going to see this volatile BS
dust for what it is and then the sparks
will fly…..BOOM
It’s sad to see anyone that you are close to, to still be under the influence of Davey’s juice.
I wonder if Captain Davey will grant your brother an audience. I’m sure there will be some family resemblance in your brother’s appearance that will remind Davey of you Mike.
I don’t think Davey has the confront to even face the shadow of you.
Oh, my brother knows him personally. And when I left, Miscavige had my family flown to Clearwater so he could brief them personally. My brother subsequently participated in the infamous “Raid on the Doctor’s Parking Lot”.
Nice to see Dave being so gracious. Who knew?
DM is just a punk. Nothing more or less. An absolute fu*king misfit.
Mike.. I am sorry .. I just am.. But extremely happy for you Christie and Jack. Life is a series of Starting Over.
I know that it seems like a Lifetime ago.. and yet sometimes just yesterday. ( You can fill in the blanks..)
Just know that you have a great support system out there rooting for you. xo
I remember reading about the whole sordid episode on Marty’s blog.
What happened to you really upset me.
Glad to see you that you are now flourishing and prospering
They are honoring LRH with this building
but they are not honoring LRH’s tech.
How does he know what is on my track?
Surely the LRH tech the building wants
to honor says somewhere not to evaluate
for a pc and tell them what to think
in session and not to invalidate
a pc’s case or gains, in or out of session.
Oh wait…..it’s the auditors code….well
that explains that….in this current mess
called Scientology auditors are second
rate at best.
Good observation Potpie.
The altered importance of having to have these posh quarters before the “tech” can be applied is just startling.
Really a total inversion when you consider that most of the Orgs back in the ’70’s were dumps but because they were so crowded no one seemed to notice.
I remember auditing in an auditing room that nobody bothered to paint which was bare wall board and tape and another that had a sky light that leaked when it rained but none of my PCs cared.
They were there to get audited. Not soak up the decor.
So true remoteviewed.
Hi Remote,
I too remember the days of the dumpy orgs and much later than the Seventies.
When I did the Solo course at AOLA there was never any soap, paper towels or toilet paper in the bathrooms. People were doing emeter drills and using the restrooms, with no way to properly wash their hands. The toilets and sinks leaked water into a drain centrally located in the floor. It was disgusting and I used to take a shower first thing when I got home.
One day I was doing a solo session there on a sweltering afternoon. I left work early and had my dress clothes on. There was no air conditioning and no blinds in the room either (security breach?). The sun was hitting the window. It got super hot in the room and I was in the middle of the session. I was pouring sweat and felt faint. I ducked under the window sill, took off my clothes and finished the session in a bra and underwear. When I finished I ducked under the sill again and dressed. I hoped no one saw me sitting at the desk like that. This room faced the once courtyard that the AO had prior to renovation. True story.
Pepper does sex solo, film at 11.
Sorry that I forgot to say at the end of my story that in spite of the poor physical condition of the org, the AO was quite busy. There were never enough auditing rooms available and one couldn’t be choosy. The course room was full too. Back in the day when lots of people were still coming into the orgs for services. Even after the golden age of the seventies, which I have no firsthand knowledge of.
I was working in the AO HGC in the 80’s and I can confirm every word you are saying.
Same here. I miss those days.
I’m not disparaging anyone’s brother or sister who is “IN”. I’m sure they are fine people.
Just sit outside the Ideal Org’s and take notes.( Folding beach chair and umbrella.)
Don’t break any laws or say anything to upset anyone. What people do go in will be akin to the showing of the movie “The Exorcist”. Laughing, smiling, very happy expressions, but after the show ,going out they are hunched over,pale, looking in shock.
It’s the Linda Blair head spinning around on her shoulders throwing up green Pea soup
effect, way ahead of it’s time.
If you do this and I’m wrong, then you have learned the the truth. Be proud of that.
Should you see that what I say is correct, give the place 18 months , tops.
I didn’t know they were even opening new orgs, Ideal or otherwise, which would have made me sad because I wouldn’t be able to use my new favorite phrase (thanks Mike):
“…why if you are opening a building that you hope to get new people to come into, don’t you allow them to the opening?”
(I hope my repeated use of it isn’t considered spamming. It just has been ringing in my brain since I first saw it.)
I hope there are demonstrators there with that on signs.
And, a question: are there more “openings” scheduled (I’m not on top of things.)
The language in the letter reminds me of this song from the movie/musical State Fair:
Our state fair is a great state fair!
Don’t miss it, or even be late!
It’s dollars to doughnuts
That our state fair
Is the best state fair in our state!
The email has the same desperate optimism and repetitive sales pitches.
David Musthaveit
Hopefully when he sees that it is not the turning point he has been told to say it is, he will start to wake up.
Mike, my sympathies. It seems such a simple thing to me (never-in) for you to grab a beer, call your brother and say, “Dude, what is UP with this?” It’s a crying shame you can’t. Hoping for better days.
I think “turning point” is such a popular phrase in Shermanspeak ® because it means that something huge has happened, but you can’t be held accountable for results because it just happened of course. I mean if I have just announced I had discovered the cure for cancer you wouldn’t expect everyone to be cured yet because I have only just discovered a cure.
So they keep saying turning point, turning point, new why, new why, new solution etc.
The real turning point is when the cob takes a hike. As my great grandma used to say, “Good riddance.”
This is an excellent observation, Chris.
Reach four turning points in a row and you may be going in circles.
That is true.
I believe I’ve heard either “turning point” or “tipping point” or “on the verge” etc before, coming out of David Miscaviges mouth
Do you think we’ve experienced a 720° turning point? Maybe life is a never ending circle of turning points.
In Safeguarding Technology Ron talks about scientology being a workable, not perfect route out of the labyrinth. It would seem that their chosen guide has taken a very, very wrong turn. It would also seem their kool aide is laced with LSD because the delusion they are perceiving in their own minds is more real to them than what is staring them in the face. Illusions are good they keep hope alive and foster constructive action. Delusions are not pro-survival. Building a bridge with toothpicks may seem like a cool idea in a drug addled mind, but it’s just disaster when you try to walk over that bridge.
When a person is committing harmful acts and justifies them, he sets himself up in a real trap. The more he justifies rather than confront, the more harmful acts he commits. Then he needs to really step up the justifications. The justifications are lies. The lies sink the person deeper and deeper into a foggy pit of swirling confusion.
They are confused. They don’t understand why no one is magically arriving to join their cult. They don’t even realize they have morphed into a cult. They see the delusion miscavige has pounded into their confused minds and they gleefully accept the stable datum of “ostentatious building = public acceptance.”
They can’t audit others, so they can’t really help anyone and they KNOW they, themselves can’t help. So they accept the false stable datum that “these new div 6 videos will convince people to join the cult.”
They are starving for acceptance. They get no agreement except from a handful of fellow miscavologists. They are now eating their own just to feed the delusion that has become their reality. The fact that they glorify a sadistic lunatic who is truly damaging people makes it seem we need to effect change right now.
One by one they will wake from their self-induced coma. It’s just emotionally painful to see people we love sink deeper into their deep, dark trance when the sunshine is only one small cognition away.
Patience Grasshopper. They will awaken.
Reminds me of that LRH article ‘Lonesome?’
Well, this is probably what he has to make himself believe to continue to even exist actively in today’s Scientology universe.
Mike….I gather that this is an e-mail from your brother? If so.. am sorry that he is so deluded. Am sure it stings with the reality that you have in many ways. The kool aid is certainly addictive. Here is hoping that the sunshine disinfects.
Oh… and Happy Easter to you and your wife and kids!
You have this kind of thing once before on your blog for another big event where the same shermanesque email was sent as a “personal email” from several different people.
The highest probability is that this was written by one of the PRs up at int (or perhaps Danny himself) and then approved by DM. It was then sent to each of the OT Committee I/Cs all across ANZO and they sent it – verbatim, to their mailing lists.
I am sure that Andrew is still drinking deep of the Kool Aide, but I am equally sure that sherman-speak disease is only rarely catching. It does not infect people who on their own then start spouting it. It has to be actually injected. And thank goodness for that. A world full of sherman-speaking zombies is too frightening to imagine.
Much more likely is that this was just given to Andrew and he was told to “send it verbatim or else”.
Oh my, what a tasty word salad. Just mindless drivel, complete nonsense. Dr. Seusse childrens books make more sense then that email. Sorry Mike, I know he’s your brother ,but for gods sake that’s just painful reading.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the captain personally requested this to be sent out by Andrew, knowing he is your brother and the possibility of it getting posted here. Mr. 3rd party in action. I do hope the best for your brother and that he begins to sees the truth here soon.
Interesting, Bela. I think you may be right about that. AN SP’S ONLY POWER IS TO RESTIMULATE OTHERS. And so by using Mike’s brother’s name on that promo piece, he is trying to restimulate Mike. The church breaks up families and in general ruins the 2nd dynamic by various means (abortion etc). I count the days till it crumbles and Davie either goes to prison or blows or commits suicide. Maybe then families will be reunited.
I think your reaction here is totally consistent with all your other analyses. You have said the same thing about other people who are not related to you. I sincerely hope you can ease your mind about that.
I think that what you are doing here may some day help your brother, Mike.
Almost everyone I knew as a Scientologist has woken up from this kind of emotionalism, regained their senses, and left Scientology. Some took longer than others, depending on their depth of emotionalism and the degree of harm they experienced.
You can see his deep emotional need to believe his own soaring rhetoric. But being a Scientologist, especially in the Church of Scientology, is an unsustainable way to live. And that deep emotional need to keep believing, and to keep feeling the brain spooges he gets from Scientology, will one day run out.
64 years of Scientology operating on this planet has shown that the vast majority of people who ever became involved in Dianetics and Scientology, to whatever degree, left it.
From the people who just took one course and never went back (by far the largest group of people), all the way to the people who got to the top of the Bridge to Total Freedom – virtually everyone who becomes a Scientologist eventually becomes an Ex-Scientologist.
Your brother may be the upper 1% of the upper 1%, but the odds are against that.
Keep going.
Some day, he will hear you.
So beautiful. I wish I could restore you to your original condition before you got involved with this.Wouldn’t that be lovely and merciful?
A sobering thought, Alanzo. I hadn’t looked at it from that perspective before. There’s something inherent within SCN that both drawers a person in – for all the right reasons – while simultaneously pushing them away. Fascinating. A concept worthy of further study.
The poor guy has drunk the kool aid and is very out of touch with reality. One has to stay drunk on the kool aid to stay in Scientology or they feel insane when they step out of the bubble because the reality hits them in the face. There is no growth – only shrinkage. The buildings are all vacant and the public think very poorly due to all the reports on the internet about the abuse, extortion, bribery and harm Scientology has done to its members and staff.
These poor clubbed seals think that if they postulate it – it will happen. The funny thing is Scientology’s ethics are so far out and this group is so unbeliveably criminal – it will never happen and it is all hidden very carefully from their view.
Hopefully, this guy will wake up and join you Mike – to the land of the living and sane!
I feel sorry for them today but some days I want to smack them upside the head! I was there – drinking the kool aid too – but over time, reality does penetrate that hard bubble when they see NO CHANGE – only getting worse.
My take on Snow White –
COB: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most powerful of all?
Mirror: Mike, Marty and all the indies you dumb sonufabitch!
I had a good chuckle on that one MJ….well said.
This must be very weird and awkward for you, Mike. But thanks for your candor in sharing it.
I kind of like “only your reality knows.” It may be just an eructation of Shermanspeak, but it does (maybe by accident) express a world-view that is pretty much congruent with the Yoga philosophy of Patanjali, who believed the ultimate reality is pure consciousness (or Brahman). I don’t know if that’s what Hubbard meant by “knowingness.”
Anyhow, there are many paths to the truth and I’m willing to believe Scientology is still, for some people, a genuine spiritual quest. The feisty folks in South Africa, for example, seem mostly pretty serious-minded about throwing off the insanity of RCS and getting on with their personal spiritual advancement — which for them, right now, means “real” Scientology. Maybe something like that will happen with Andrew, too.
I can only imagine the sadness of disconnection. I hold out hope for everyone who is still suffering from this tragedy\ delusion.
sounds desperate, and in denial of the true isness of the current Scientology scene
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
Or stated another way, following COB’s orders.
^^^ “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” – tampabayjack and everyone out of the cult!! Also – the reality of the rest of the World
Hubbard says a sign of sanity is being able to see the similarities and differences – these poor chaps are not allowed to know anything else so they just plain can’t see. They also won’t look. Weird!
The blind leading those who will not look!
The blind leading those in a bind.
Maybe a dose of COB – up close and personal – is exactly what he needs as an antidote to the Koolaid. He does say “We are honouring LRH with this building and the technology contained within it.” At least he hasn’t lost sight of what he started out to achieve. Its a matter of time before he realises that the turning point is not what he envisaged. Don’t give up hope Mike. (I can’t help but see a hopeful and inclusive attitude in the letter – “Your org” “your win” – there is no arrogance – and so I can’t help but like the guy. But it could just be that I am biased in favour of Rinders).
Good points!
I’ve always wondered – Given the strange, stilted, and over wrought language used by Scientologists, does Microsoft Word’s spell and grammar checker crash when reading this drivel?
Haha Lurker — I guess it’s a strain on the processor but a robust system should take it in stride.
My iOS autocorrect has gotten pretty good at Scientology lingo — I only have to type “misca” for example and it fills in “deluded sadistic psychopath” … no, a joke! But it does fill in the rest of the name, and so on with terms like enturbulated and Thetan, which for some reason it likes to capitalize.
I asked Siri, “What do you think of Scientology?” and she said, “It’s your opinion that counts, Richard.”
Very funny Richard….Of course I had to
pull out my ipad and ask Siri that question.
She said….”I’m sorry I’m afraid I can’t answer
that”. OSA must have gotten to her since you
Here is the Psych app for iPads that I came up with as Get Chutney Love over at the Underground Bunker:
Top 10 Features of the Psych App:
10: Opens with a Photoshop of COB as Dr Loveless from the Wild, Wild West.
9: Authorizes automatic 5$/day from your Paypal account to Tony Ortega
8: Conducts daily DDOS attacks in coordination with other infected iPads
on scientology.org
7: Randomly flashes 1-866-EXSEAORG along with a loud elephant roar during
the middle of the night.
6. Captures your voice and processes it into you telling LRH jokes.
5. Plays Flash Gordon by Queen at least once a week.
4. Sends e-mails to the NSA, asking for a weeks notice if they wish to unleash Xenu.
3. Makes suggestive comments about 2-D if someone of the opposite sex is in
the same room with you.
2. Every Thursday @ 2:00 PM it tells you, “Show me a fucking clear!”.
1. Only plays episodes of Chicago PD on Hulu.
“We are honouring LRH with this building and the technology contained within it.” Thank you. How else do you justify it?
What unmitigated bull shit. I knew Andrew fairly well from my time in the cult. I also knew his sister, Jude as she was my first real-estate client. Just amazes me how he can parrot such BS with no legit evidence that it is true.
They start drinking the kool-aid on the purif. They have to redo it now because they didn’t get big enough doses.
:)). So funny. Never stop posting, MJ; you’re hilarious.
But this is sad. I too know full-fledged kool aid drinkers who are such good people.
Yes indeed, man is basically good. Too bad he’s naturally smart.
Your brother needs to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Only a Higher Power can save him.
The raving, they hyperbole, doesn’t read in English. It’s nonsensical. He’s scratching for words, for things to say, to impress because everyone before him has stated how everything before this was the ‘greatest ever!’ or ‘the biggest win you’ll ever witness’ or ‘you’ve never seen anything like this before’ type of bs. How can he hope to beat any of it?
“Doesn’t read in English.” And there you have it. I struggle to read a large majority of the bubble emails these days and realize more and more that they are not written comprehensibly.
The people writing them are probably ordered to “shermanspeak” their emails with lots of big words and throw in a little LRH too. Instead of being able to deliver a simple message, they are forced to spout stilted hyperbole.
Add to that the ones who have been in long enough to remember when the Bridge existed are fighting the voices screaming in their heads saying THIS IS NOT RIGHT! and what comes out, whether intentional or not is insane ramblings.
I remember the looks my family gave me when I would spout “acceptable truths” to them. It wasn’t contempt, it was pity.
Mike, I have the same feeling for your brother right now. I hope he is on his way out.
They all are, they just don’t know it yet.
Reminds me of my own sister, embarrassingly.
Yeah, it’s tough Mike. And of course I know your sister well and she is one of the kindest people on planet earth….
It is a begging email. He’s not sure of the public, whether or not they’re going to turn up. See how many times towards the end he asks, not in so many words, but PLEASE come!
Surely Sydney is having the same trouble that we’re having planetwide with people ‘leaving’, being declared, going quietly under the radar. It is an uncertain time for Dear Leader.
Sydney is lucky, he’s turning up. He snubbed the opening of Pretoria org in South Africa which is dubbed the National Org. The crowd was expecting him instead he sent a ‘South African’ representative. She may have lived in South Africa many years ago but she could not relate to the culture at all and nor could the public relate to her. Many didn’t hide their displeasure.