Some news about the latest “Ideal Org” to blow smoke up the remaining butts that will occupy a seat at an event.
I didnt post this email from a few weeks ago — sort of got lost in other activities. And it was just a single email.
Following is what I wrote about it on 15 January….
Just 6 weeks away from the Grand Opening!
And THEN we can START rocketing people up the Bridge.
Because everyone knows, you can’t get anyone up the Bridge unless you are “ideal.”
Mark your calendars everyone — 1 March is the big day (I am taking bets now on when this will in fact occur — anyone in Sydney got an eyeball on the place?) 1 March is probably too late for them to get the video done for the March 13 event (depending on what date that is) so if it is indeed close it will probably not actually open until some months later….
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014
From: Sydney Ideal Org! <[email protected]>
Subject: Important Invite for You14 January 2014
Dear Xxxxx,
I am writing to you about this coming weekend of events for Sydney Ideal Org. We are in the most exciting time ever with about six weeks until the Ideal Org doors open and we start rocketing people up the Bridge in your new Ideal Org!
This weekend, we have an exciting series of Ideal Org briefings and events! On Saturday night we have THE BIGGEST EVENT EVER on Saturday 18 January at the Canterbury RSL. This starts at 5:30pm at the Canterbury RSL in Hurlstone Park. There is a complimentary dinner, an International guest speaker and surprise guest performance, and a briefing from OSA on the Grand Opening Preparations.
Following that, on Sunday afternoon at 1pm in the current Sydney Org (841 George St), I will be doing a Technical Seminar concerning Golden Age of Tech Phase II, Sydney Ideal Org and how the two combine to create Clears like we have never seen before.
If you want to know how we are going to train enough Auditors to actually, truly and factually Clear Australia – and the rest of the ANZO – then come to my briefing on Sunday.
If you want to know how YOU can make it up the Bridge to Clear and OT – then come to my briefing on Sunday.
If you have any questions at all about Golden Age of Tech Phase II training or processing and what this means for you – then come to my briefing on Sunday.
I will see you there!
Much love,
Stephanie MacClement
Continental Senior C/S Chief
By the way, you note this is from the “Continental C/S Chief” — not the “Call In IC” or “Events IC” or even “Landlord.” Shows you what sort of “hey-you” is routine within the RCS these days.
But now we have another message:
Hmmm, no mention of date. And its not sounding too imminent. According to the earlier message it’s less than 4 weeks away and they are no longer giving ANY time frame. What a surprise…
But there is more.
They have a “uniform” and they are for some reason promoting it as a big deal? Looks like all the other uniforms for all the other “Ideal Orgs” — you know the ones that have to be dry cleaned and each staff member has two shirts and they are yellow and messed up in a matter of weeks and then there is no money for new ones (and no staff can afford dry cleaning). See the reports from the Joburg Ideal SH Size Org….
I wonder if these are the same designs done by Claudio Lugli way back when? And they are still promoting him (without a name) even though he has long since departed the church and been declared? I would bet money on it….
But there is more from Sydney.
Interesting pitch. I was on staff and left because it sucked. But now we have a chance to make it not suck any more. I think its going to work out this time. Though I give no reason other than “this is the time.” And with a tag line “the tough join staff” it really doesn’t sound too inviting. Wonder how much Daniel has been paid since he re-joined staff?
And finally, there is this:
Oh dear. The really important briefings from International Guest Speakers ™ only attract upwards of 17 people (you know they got EVERYONE in the shot they possibly could). Poor show for an org that is just a few weeks away from being “Ideal.”
But the briefing looks to be a doozy. The History of Scientology According To David Miscavige (r).
All begins in 1971 for no real reason… then nothing important happens (new Grade Chart, NOTs, establishing FSO are not worthy of mention) until Dear Leader personally overturns the Julie Christofferson case (never mind the Wollersheim case that immediately followed that was NOT overturned, in fact he was paid $9 million).
Dear Leader then pulls off the biggest win in the history of the universe with the IRS recognition (WIN!).
Soon thereafter, Dear Leader blessed the world with GAT.
And then the fun really begins as Dear Leader started the “Ideal Org Campaign” and it is one long happy party since with “new orgs” opening all over the world, all the way to “GAT II.”
And this briefing is summed up with this: It was fascinating data about our perseverance though any and all obstacles which has now taken us to this point, where we have the Ideal Org Strategy and booming orgs.
This Scientologyspeak (r) for “there are no results” and things are CLEARLY not going the way they have been promoted — but no matter what you just HAVE to keep going. You don’t want to be “CI to Command Intention” do you. Dear Leader says this how we succeed, so we keep banging our heads against the wall pretending we are breaking down all the barriers to planetary clearing. Really we are concussing ourselves, but to question the massive pain that is coursing through our heads would be tantamount to giving up when we are on the verge of the most massive breakthrough in the history of history — and we know this because it is what Dear Leader keeps telling us. What’s a bloody head and brain damage when your eternity is “at stake” (have yet to figure out how this is to be taken away from anyone…)
Stephanie Maclements from Sydney used to be Stephanie Philip, she’s from New Zealand and joined Sea Org at 15, she is about 30 now. Was Snr C /S Exec Off CMO for years…..robot to the extreme Called and ran an extremely horrible comm ev on me when I was Brisbane C/S. For her to send the email just shows she is still over all lines barking at every staff member who will reluctantly do everything she says. she trained at FLAG and came back even more ruthless than she went . She will NEVER wake up
So true Lise so true. I hate the fucking bitch
Wow! A picture of mostly brain washed fossils. The demographic of the scn “field” in a nutshell.
I was on my way to Kings Cross. $cientologists’ stood in the way. Had I been engaged in $cientology if I hadn’t met clams on my way?
The vampire uniforms were designed by Richard Tyler a famous US designer
This because he was friend with Katie Holmes and so probably DM – TC wanted to give her a “game”
I did London but very different and a true made in Italy
Thanks Claudio. So, they have it wrong totally. What a shock….
Thanks for letting us know.
Claudio, please update us on your court case. I am really rooting for you!
Mike… Serious question… Do we know if David Miscavige has read Nineteen Eighty Four?
These promos/comms seem so desperate to me. The money and the people are drying up, so these little “lessons” on the agenda of dm, are supposed to get people jazzed again?!. Pleeeez! It’s the how to wrap your head around a pole lesson. The rcs is so incredibly off purpose, concerned with fashion, construction, interior design, hotel management etc, etc, etc. What a waste of time and energy having nothing to do with the wins of pcs and preots and well trained auditors. Dm would never have gotten this far if it were not for the goodwill created by LRH in his lifetime. That goodwill is at an end, as betrayal after trust is fully evident and clear with altered tech, a disarranged training bridge and gobs of added, inapplicable, off purpose bullshit.
Finally figured out where the sales lingo came from. Everything from POWER to NEW ERA.
“Briefing” = Fundraiser.
“Continental Senior C/S Chief’ “International Landlord” “Commanding officer blahdy blah.”
These are HOMELESS people that work all day for nothing or are forced to beg full time for a bed only on a nightly basis depending on if they are in good graces with the rest. And that is ALL they are.
The Church of Scientology is selling and peddling IDENTITIES. Patron MERITORIOUS Humanitarian Commanding Officer of sector EUS. Whatever. Officer in chief high command of universal corps blahdy blah.
One guy calling himself INTERNATIONAL LANDLORD. I mean, he hasn’t got one deed to any property anywhere and they have him convinced he is a landlord!
This is what can happen when it is very important to someone to feel important! Cocky Conned not Ka Kahned.
“Office of Special Affairs”. Special affairs being to harm attack and suppress on command. This is a pack of Dobermans. Doing tricks for their supper!
It’s what happens when you are only a valuable as you can “serve others” and have no intrinsic value as a human being.
It’s black and white and life and death in Dave’s brave newspeak world.
cris, I think the problem is that they can only talk the talk of helping and serving others, but they have been set up to fail at that, because despite what they say, their activities are not helping anyone. These activities are mostly arbitraries dictated by a cancerous regime which is suppressing If they were really serving others as LRH meant it there would be good exchange for those services, their first dynamics would be in good shape, and this would attract more people to staff
Good point. In fact, titles and status bestowed were and are the only currency paid to staff. Been that way since at least the earliest days of the Sea Org.
And boy, do the staff members pick that up and bludgeon each other with it.
A staff member who, effectively, is paid slave or prisoner wages, is from a “higher org” and thus is “paid” more than those from lower orgs.
There are quite a few Flag Order issues by LRH himself that go on about how superior the SO members are to society in general. Status.
Status as pay. It is abstract as money, but certainly not as exchangeable as money outside the group. But evidence suggests it is at least fairly effective to those in the bubble.
“I will be doing a Technical Seminar concerning Golden Age of Tech Phase II, Sydney Ideal Org and how the two combine to create Clears like we have never seen before.”
There are no clears, (at least until they become GAT 2 clears) so making one will be. Something you haven’t seen before.
Reality check…LRH made clears. A lot of wonderful staff made clears. So DM, who the *%+* do you think you are to say they are not clear?
Evaluation, invalidation, that’s supression by any defiinition, and that without trying to fleece the flock.
“Urgent data… briefing…”
Same old song and dance.
But Mike … it’s “actually, truly and factually” going to happen this time. That’s even better than “totally.” And there was an exclamation point. So it’s extra-true.
None of the attendees look very “jazzed” either.
It’s funny, all this “stuff” the COS does to “Clear the planet”. All this “stuff” it does to bring in new people. Buying all these overly expensive buildings, and then selling overly expensive books and meters; overly expensive auditing etc. Not too mention the fund raising! You’d think Scientology’s VFP is broke, worn out people.
It’s the most NONVIABLE organization on earth. And it’s so easy to see why. OK, for you folks that are still into it, what if your name was Wrigleys, and you invented a really good gum. But you thought it was so good, (better than most people deserved), so you sold it for $200.00 a pack. And of course you wouldn’t let just any store sell it, only a chosen few, and they would have to jump through hoops to be included. How much gum would you sell? Right.
People would train in droves to become auditors if they thought they could make a living at it.
But how many folks are going to make a profession out of it if they have to charge PC’s a kings ransom.
Imagine how many auditors would love to audit for $25.00 an hour. Make $50,000 a year for helping folks.
Imagine how many PC’s they’d have. Imagine how packed the course rooms would be.
That’s how you clear a planet.
The way it’s set up now, Scientology is too expensive to clear Beverly hills.
Oh joy.
Another Orwellian “History Lesson” from Big Brother’s hand picked team of Winston Smiths.
I can see why they made the cut off point as 1971.
Like King George the III said in his diary on July 4 1776. Not much happened.
You know there was only the Lower Levels, R6EW, Clearing Course, a majority of the OT Levels, Academy Training, SHSBC, Class VIII, Class IX and OEC.
Nothing I guess compared to say selling out to the IRS and becoming a Deputy Revenoo Agent and Squirreling the Tech I guess.
I can’t believe that you don’t know the significance of 1971.
DM was born in 1960 and by age 12 (according to the C of S website) he was the youngest professional auditor ever!
So therefore, he must have begun his auditor training at age 11 in 1971.
David Miscavige “…the youngest professional auditor ever!”
That is quite an accomplishment. I’m sure he has had many PC’s who can testify to rave results with Dave in charge of the session. I think it would be great to interview some of Dave’s PC’s so we can hear how smoothly and effortlessly he took them to the state of Clear and beyond. A complete event could be put together showcasing Dave’s professional auditing career.
Ha ha ha ha ha. 🙂
Interesting that Jackson Walker (the Sydney Mission I/C doing that briefing) is actually walking them down the time track of Miscavige’s repeated failures and making it sound like they are all wins. Like, wow!
Anyone with half a brain would look at that diagram and see failure – failure – failure – failure all resulting in, GAT II: The Ultimate Fail. Yet somehow Jackson (who I knew quite well) is somehow convincing himself he’s still doing the Lord’s work.
I don’t know how he does it. He was involved in the same Ideal Orgs I was (and many more) and he has to sometimes look back at them and wonder how their stats are and how they are doing. Doesn’t he see the abject failure of this program?
I can only take comfort in the fact that so many others who are “still in” are in fact getting the hell out faster than ever before. In the last few days, I’ve been hearing from many of them. It’s so awesome to know that what Tony and Marty and Mike have been doing has been working. The captive minds are being freed and the Jackson Walkers of the world are speaking to smaller and smaller audiences.
Keep going Mike. It is working!
Thanks Chris. That’s what I like to hear. It’s why I devote so much time to continuing this blog….
“I can only take comfort in the fact that so many others who are “still in” are in fact getting the hell out faster than ever before. In the last few days, I’ve been hearing from many of them”.
This is great news, Chris Shelton! .
Hope is a currency in Scientology, and you know it is getting scarce when their promo targets former staff and “tough” people. In other words, the game is going to be the same, but we hope you’ll fall for it just one more time. And they do. Keep falling for it, keep falling for it, keep falling for it, staff, OTs, you name it. Hope, the one currency that buys you a lot of slave labour and hard cash. 2014 is going to see the market crash.
If memory serves, six weeks as a TM was an eternity, so far in the future that it was possibly another lifetime, yet not so far that whoever you had to report the TM to would buy it, sort of, maybe with a sneer that “You better make it!” More common TMs were, “Tonight, before you secure.” When you live only in the present moment (not in the mellow Eckhart Tolle way but in the intensely insane Sea Org fashion), a month from now is way beyond the curvature of time and space. So, yeah, Mike, I would hazard a guess that the 6 weeks in the email is code for 6 months. Sydney people, you can relax until summer (or winter Down Under). No wukkas.
“When you live only in the present moment (not in the mellow Eckhart Tolle way but in the intensely insane Sea Org fashion), a month from now is way beyond the curvature of time and space.”
Oh so poetic and oh so true!
“Oh dear. The really important briefings from International Guest Speakers ™ only attract upwards of 17 people (you know they got EVERYONE in the shot they possibly could). Poor show for an org that is just a few weeks away from being “Ideal.”
Mike you clearly can’t count! There are 19 there! Those two “empty” chairs are clearly people there exterior to their bodies!!
Just like the 8 million exterior attendees at the super power opening!
Like you said, doozy blindness to the rip offs and unsuccessful Idle Org Program.
I sometimes wonder how long will take for the ones inside to accept that all is a charade.
re: Uniforms by Claudio Lugli: if the Church is still using and promoting his design (not by his name but as “Italian”), then that is the height of hypocrisy, and also shows what an arbitrary joke the ethics and justice system has become. If the Church were to apply their policy to the uniforms like it is enforced on the majority of the public, then they would have to disconnect from Claudio by not using his design at all and getting their uniforms designed all over again.
And if Claudio turned the church’s legal defense against them, he would sue them for copyright infringements cuz they stold his uniform copyright and used his uniform design after he was already declared a suppressive person and excommunicated from the church. Also they are negating their own policy of disconnection from SP’s. By using his uniform design, they are to that degree, still “connected” to Claudio and so will all go PTS. Oops, that boat already sailed as they are all PTS to the shrimp.
Whoops, this was in response to FOTF2012 above… who said:
The trick that Hubbard embedded in there is that all this doingness also effectively stops you from negative thoughts, questions, reflection, processing the information you are getting, researching on your own, talking to people, observing calmly and without judgment, studying, and so much more.
In other words, nail one shoe to the floor and dance in circles as fast as you can! You will feel great. Really.
What’s the deal with the font in the first image? The lowercase ‘r’ doesn’t seem to match with the rest of the letters, it’s slightly higher than the rest of them. Bizarre.
Or, run around a tree (or a lit pole in a dark room) as fast as you can.
Ultra duper excitingness! Maybe they are using this detinition: TO TRAIN:
to treat or manipulate so as to bring into some desired form, position, direction, etc.
So Auditors will be trained to become losers!
The standard of literacy is falling as rapidly as the membership.
….”have yet to see how this (your eternity) could be taken away from anyone.” Bingo!
It was always obvious to me that I am in charge of my own eternity. Not a little piranha like DM. Or his nazi youth army whose life experience does not go beyond the party line. When they close the door to meditation or prayer or making love to your significant other or being with your children and love itself…. And you buy the load of BS that you are sacrificing yourself for the good of the planet…. Then you are in a conundrum you can never get out of.
I have a question: What if THIS is our eternity? Right here and right now. What if THIS is Heaven? Life is pretty magical just as it is… Why not live as though it’s magical?
Good question, but maybe relative. If you think great things , great things will happen.
You have Heaven or Hell within you always.
Zana, you’re missing the point: you need a license – duh!
Wonderful questions? Worth considering. Nicely done, Zana!
Interesting…looks like only about 20 head bangers attending this DM-glorifying meeting.
With over 8 million members world-wide you would think there might be a bit bigger crowd. I guess the Golden Age of Crowd Hiriing tech for photo ops hasn’t made it to the down under event I/C yet.
head bangers – LOL!
Edit my post: “it papers” should of been “it appears”
I wish you had an editing button for people like me that are too quick to hit the “post comment” button before proof reading.
Here I found the new Ideal Orgs Uniforms:×312.JPG
Great find…..we have a good laugh about these but I can see Dave actually taking a long look at these while holding a glass of scotch in one hand and with a sense of nostalgia thinking to himself, “ Ahhhhh…..yes yes… I was born a generation too late. Now that is a time and place where I could have really flourished. Just look at the beautiful lines on those SS jackets!”
I don’t believe he wasn’t born a generation too late. I suspect when he sees a uniform like this he experiences loss.
Hilarious but also sadly appropriate.
It papers that Daniel Milne, the “maybe it won’t suck this time” returning staffer didn’t attend the January 27th briefing!
Maybe he found someone to kick the old soccer ball around with him and he was busy making goals and winning!!topic/alt.religion.scientology/lSKyH_bX-Q8
contains info from 20. June 2006 Ideal Org Building Project for Sidney Ideal Org.
Donos done so far.
Well, well, well SOSDD.
A staff turnover rate more akin to a fast food chain. With less animosity afterwards (fast food workers at least DO get paid).
I will be a no-show when and IF it happens, as I would not want to be photoshopped a dozen times to make it look like many attended.
Good luck on even opening
Remember well “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”
It is impossible to deliver what you promise as the LRH has been removed.
Well, I’ll be darned. I just had a cognition. All of the incessant work and rework, the videos and mailings that call for staff all-nighters, the promos, the fundraising, the GAT II, III, IV, … n, all of it is a form of cult thought stopping.
Hubbard disguised the effect. He said doingness keys out the bank. In normal English, this would read something like keeping really busy takes your mind off your problems.
So by keeping really busy — including no real free time each week for staff and SO — you are doing the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics, and you are keeping your bank keyed out! (This is important because you probably don’t have time for getting audited anyway.)
The trick that Hubbard embedded in there is that all this doingness also effectively stops you from negative thoughts, questions, reflection, processing the information you are getting, researching on your own, talking to people, observing calmly and without judgment, studying, and so much more.
In other words, nail one shoe to the floor and dance in circles as fast as you can! You will feel great. Really.
Dear FOTF2012,
This is a good point. There is a *FRANTICNESS* and *URGENCY” within, which is second to none. Production must occur NOW NOW NOW. I recall a donkey D of P at AOLA blowing up at me because I wanted to go home to eat and that would take up too much time, I should bring sandwiches and gobble them down fast so that the auditor could take me back in session Fast Fast Fast to use up the hours so another reg cycle could take place…..on and on and on.
I believe that monitoring productivity with a whip for Thursday 2pm stats is fatally flawed.Not only are stats so tightly monitored but escalating punishments are doled out.
The franticness and urgency on what Sea Org members endured on the compulsory and mandatory sale of the BASICS (what happened behind closed doors) will be explained by Chris Shelton in a forthcoming video. Here’s his Video #1
Excellent video, Karen.
Good point.
Scientology administration is built like a military apparatus. You are in a command line 24/7. In a permanent state of emergency or warlike condition, in a MANUFACTURED dangerous environment.
That too is a key technique of mind control.
Good observation. That it is one of the many “sophisticated mind control techniques” that Marty commented on.