But who knows what?
They are shouting from the rooftops — 18 new people started service since the opening of the ideal org. That is almost 1 per day.
Amazing. Incredible. Astonishing…
At that rate, assuming every one of them continues in scientology and goes up the bridge to Clear, it will only take 12,600 YEARS to “clear Sydney.” Of course, maybe 1 percent of those new starts will actually continue on so it will be more like 1.2 million years. Also, Sydney is responsible for all of New South Wales as there are no other orgs in any other cities in the state, so it will be a bit longer. But what’s a few hundred thousand years either way.
Somehow, this is worth announcing to the world. I suppose because it is more than they used to have, and I am unkind for “nagging a rise.” Actually, what I am objecting to is the sheer unreality of these promotional pieces. Even the tiniest bit of “good news” is blown up into world-shaking proportions. And the sheeple follow along and repeat the mantras “We are clearing the planet”, “It’s a whole new ballgame”, “This is the turning point in wholetrack history.”
They are also proud to announce their main delivery stats are “highest in 4 years” or “highest in 10 years”? Really? Even with $10 or $20 million and 10 years of effort to create an ideal org, they still haven’t even exceeded the old, out-KSW scene of a non-ideal, non”Basics,” non “GAT”, non “GAK” org? Each one of those things supposedly generated straight up and vertical expansion and yet all those years of incredible expansion did not exceed the volume of auditing delivered 10 years ago? It’s funny that the hypnotic command “highest in X years” appears to erase any possibility of sheeple thinking. They have heard it so often now that it just means “we are conquering the universe” but somehow don’t actually HEAR, READ or SEE what is being said. If all this magnificent expansion has been occurring over the last 2, 5, 10 or 20 years (just depends on which event you see) “more this year than 5 previous years,” “52X more since GAG II than the first 63 years combined” or the old standby “straight up and vertical”, then how if these things are true can ANY statistics in any org be LESS than what they were 4 years ago? Or 10 years ago? Or 30 years ago?
It doesn’t matter how you slice it, it’s a study in contrary facts. “Are you lying now, or were you lying then? Or both?”
It’s amazing what passes for good news in the world of corporate scientology. Virtually anything — as long as you assert it IS good news, throw a few cliches around and use an excessive number of exclamation points.
PS: I see Rikke Jensen has resurfaced.
She was one of the RTC Reps at the FSO who had been overseeing/providing daily reports to Miscavige on the handling of Lisa McPherson.
She was banished to the ANZO RPF (Angie Trent the main RTC Rep was made a dishwasher in the Gold galley) — I think she may have also been engaged in some out 2D. I am not sure if she was one of the people that was sent there to do the RPF “3 times through” (can you imagine the overrun doing FPRD lists on every dynamic to an “F/Ning list” — not just FNed questions — 3 times?).
She is back fluttering her eyelashes to collect money for ideal orgs to “make up the damage.”
Are the ashtrays on the tables for Cigarets or just for people to talk to.
You can’t smoke in the orgs anymore, Xenu. Not like the old days when it looked like you were walking into a bar when you came to the org.
But at least there were people there smoking…
the Orgs goal is top “Clear A**nzo” Good luck with that LOL LOL
Gotta love that Exclamation Point Tech, it’s so reliable!
Never was involved, but I’ve seen other organizations collapse. Those who leave get blamed. Then the next round leave, and they get blamed. Rinse and repeat.
The ones who are left after four or five rounds tend to be delusional. They ignore what is in plain sight. Until it’s their turn…
Seriously they are going to spend 10 million plus on a building for 300 odd people on this country, madness!
Scientology is the only place I know where making a “donation” is _completing_ something (a status).
It makes it sound like a status is some goal or task that needs to be completed. Of course, that’s what the Church wants — people feeling like “completing” a status is a “must do” on the Bridge.
For all Scientology’s focus on words and meaning, the group has slanted more English than most groups:
— pay fee –> donate
— donate –> complete
— complete –> start over
— start over –> pay fee / donate
Scientology has no ability to be honest, open, and transparent. Thus it has no qualms about choosing a word that means one thing and claiming it means quite another thing.
Darn right, Mike. These are false stats, even if they are cleverly stated. They are false because they attempt to obscure the truth that stats have been going down for at least two decades. Unfortunately, many of the “sheeple” as you call them were not around 20 or 30 years ago before DM took over so they don’t have a real comparison. For example, if a given stat was “2” last week or last month and this month it goes up to “4”, wow! ….one could say that the stats have risen 100%. This is valid, but, if the stats had been in the range of “20” or “25” or more a few weeks before, exclaiming about this would be obscuring the fact that the stat trend is still down. And that’s what has been going on for 20-30 years. The “why” that DM identified was “lack of buildings”. If that is a correct “why” then the stats will continue to trend up. I’d love to see it happen, but I wouldn’t hold my breath in anticipation.
What really makes stats go up is delivering excellent service (from the point of view of the parishioner!).
This brings up another kind of false stat that you have mentioned many times before: comparing apples to oranges. Back in the day, “auditor’s made” meant classed auditors, and “well done auditing hours” meant hours delivered in the HGC. For example, now-a-days a “course” statistic can be a basic books course, whereas, back in the day those basic books were read, star-rated, M-4ed, etc. as ONE ITEM on the checksheet of an actual auditor training course. Also, one wonders how many of these stats are “re-dos” by people who have already done the service pre GAGII.
This promo is puts out steady stream of cleverly stated lies and misdirection. Fortunately, it is possible today to go up the original Bridge in the independent field for a fraction of the cost and minus the insane over-the-top bullshit.
Wow! They really live in their own delusional universe! Thanks for the information Mike 🙂 Just so you know on Rikki, she never had to do the RPF, she got out of it somehow and was posted as the CO Dundas, so her job was to maintain the grounds at Dundas. She got in trouble for flirting with the then Captain ANZO Mark Whitter who ended up on the RPF. She married Chris Beany who was also banished to ANZO by DM after the renovations of the NY org. The only reason he wasn’t declared was that his Mother is very wealthy and donates a lot to the Church. The other people on the NY org was all declared. Hope that helps 🙂
Thanks V. The other reason Rikke was handled “differently” is because of what she knew about the McPherson case.
There were VERY few people that knew Miscavige had been personally “C/Sing” her “Clear cycle” — which happened shortly before she had her complete breakdown, took off her clothes and ran down the street naked.
Thanks Mike 🙂 That makes sense. DM is a creep!!!!
All those who are Squiggly lines GAT 2 course grads
know the Galactic impact of Squiggly lines.
( Flag Only for quadruple cornerstone members with scanning ID chip implants)
This sounds like a bit of hype in preparation for mandatory video during maiden voyage.
Self-serving news to perpetuate a myth.
Wins exchanged in the prison of the mind.
How sad.
I think they showed a lot of control in the blue section. Only 2 exclamation points and a whole blank line! All that room left for !!!tech.
Also, those aren’t graphs or stats. Graphs have axes and labels and statistics have numbers. Those are just squiggly lines.
Im really confused now as to who actually won that stupid Birthday Game!
Rine you’re the stupid one. It’s a WIN-WIN-WIN game – we all win! You must stop asking questions and revel in all the good news!!! Just a few most ideal $tatu$ improvements and the planet will be cleared!!!!!
I hear you Mike, loud and clear. If LRH was here I believe he would be saying the same thing you write here. I’m glad you actually HEAR, READ and SEE what is being said. This really is a study in contrary facts. It is interesting that in order to be a cult member these days one has to give up sane thinking.
As far as I’m concerned – this particular paragraph you wrote, Mike, encapsulated the whole subject of PR and ads in Scn:
“It’s amazing what passes for good news in the world of corporate scientology. Virtually anything — as long as you assert it IS good news, throw a few cliches around and use an excessive number of exclamation points.”
Its as if DM has to outdo LRH and make more bling and ching to stay on top. He’s competing with a dead guy. I wonder if he knows that 🙂
Nothing in Scn has ever been sustainable. Someone does “X” which results in an increase of “Y”. Then thinks all I need to do is “X” to bring about the same result (we have LRH to thank for that little gem). ANY increase is trumpeted and made larger by positioning it with some carefully choose datum. For instance, Sydney’s BIS goes from 50 to 60, a modest 20% increase. But 20% is just too small a number, so let’s pick the worst non-Ideal org in Oz that has maybe 10 BIS, now they can claim that Ideal Sydney out-performs non-Ideal orgs by 6X!!!
As mentioned, it will implode – it always does. it will probably take six months for them to burn through their field; and with no appreciable amount of new members; increased public disaffection and declares; will likely lose 30% of their staff due to false promises and no pay, and Sydney will be right back to their pre-Ideal levels of production. Only the public will be $10m poorer.
The church just steamrolls down the timetrack sucking in people, money, hopes and dreams, and leaves a trail of debris of broken beings, bankruptcy, ill-health, divorce, pain and misery. All the while claiming to be mankind’s only hope. The church has proven there is more than one way to clear a planet, you can simply destroy it.
“As mentioned, it will implode – it always does. it will probably takesix months for them to burn through their field;…”.
Interesting. Can anyone around at the time and paying attention summarize about how long it took for the first GAT to implode? And does anyone know if trained still-inners are being threatened with cancellation of their certificates if they don’t train on GAT II, as was the case with GAT I?
oh wow i just realized that’s an image of a spliff…….. LOL……at first glance i thought it was a cigar.
It’s big news when they come in.
When te same people bail out,different story.
I sill say 18 months the place is a dust museum.
“But what’s a few hundred thousand years either way.”
Hell they’ve got all of their paid for many times eternity to make it happen. Remember times through the materials equals certainty. If it seems to have changed you must have had aU the first 10 times, so do it again.! At your cost.
Nice one Davey boy…. A**hole!
That ‘s a MU
Hey Dave, Right in your own back yard, in the Palm Springs area, the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, completely sells out all of its tickets in about 15 minutes online–almost a year in advance. Why is it that you have to spend months of promoting, tons of effort and a boatload of whale money, to coerce a few thousand of your public, staff and minions to drag their sorry asses to one of your para-paranoid appreances at your cherry-picked venues such as Portland, Clearwater, and Sydney? With threats of Class Action and fraud, your business model is collapsing rapidly.
Wot bedda way ta sho’ ya appreecheeashin mate, then a git ta gether for a celebrashin ‘Smoke-fest’??
Yeh, aw was think’n alorng th’ lornes orv a ‘celebratory’ peck orv ‘Kools’. mate? Yeh, orthentic stoyle, cobba! Yeh, end wot abowt gittn, a coupla gawyes ta showup orn theh motorcoycles wearing ‘tweed suits en golf Keps, mate?? Yeh…. end if the motorcoycles ornt smoking enuff, mate , just poor a copla bottl’s a motoroyl in the tenks, in thet shoulg sort owt the problim, mate??
Awll faw a grate corzze awfter awl, yeh?? Smoking Sydney rawwt orff the scale orv expanshin, Cobba!
Too bad they don’t show numbers on those
graphs. And yes go back say 30 years or
before Miscavige. I’m sure the numbers
on WDAH and Student points they are
promoting as so fabulous are not even
remotely close to the numbers pre-Miscavige
and for sure in the ’70’s.
If they would show those numbers we all could
give them a big hooray and tell them to keep
up the great work towards their immanent demise.
The next thing you know they will have to start
a new HGC and expand the course rooms.
Not because of the real reasons why that would
happen but because they need the wow factor.
No numbers of course….just wow we are doing
so great we need to expand even more.
By the way those of you who are still in, that is 600
WDAH’s per week to have to start a new HGC…..Don’t hold
your collective breaths on that one.
Hell they might not hit that number combining
all orgs WDAH’s. Of course I don’t
how they conjure up numbers these days when
it comes to WDAH’s.
That’s what I was thinking, too, Potpie. Graphs without numbers and x/y axis scales are pretty meaningless.
A 100% increase could be someone going from 1 to 2 or it could be someone going from 750 to 1500 — same percentage change but radically different in significance.
The only reason I can think for them to leave numbers off is that the numbers are so poor that showing them would itself be suppressive, invalidating entheta!
It ain’t necessarily so
It ain’t necessarily so
The things that they tell you
In order to sell you
It ain’t necessarily so.
Li’l David was small, but oh my!
Li’l David was small, but oh my!
He fought Eli Lilly
Like gangstas from Philly
Li’l David was small, but oh my!
The sheeple got drunk on kool-aid
The sheeple got drunk on kool-aid
They lived in a bubble
Thus blind to the trouble
The sheeple got drunk on kool-aid
Li’l David was fond of the cash
Li’l David was fond of the cash
He gave reges quotas
Himself he promoted
Li’l David was fond of the cash
Well, it ain’t necessarily so
Well, it ain’t necessarily so
They tell all you chillun
The indies are villains
But it ain’t necessarily so !
I’m preachin’ this sermon to show,
It ain’t nece-ain’t nece
Ain’t nece-ain’t nece
Ain’t necessarily … so !
Good one, MJ
MJ, your best parody to date. A masterpiece, MJ.
Many thanks Aquamarine.
Mike is Angie Kent, Angie Kneiwitz (spelling?) who had a wealthy father and she was an FSO Cl IX as a teen in the 80’s? I know she ended up in RTC long ago…
Don’t know
” it will only take 12,600 YEARS to “clear Sydney.”
IF no one dies and no new people are added. 🙂
Seriously, did the Church ban the use of basic math skills by the sheep? By ’84 I had already figured the complete impossibility to “clear the planet” in less time than MANY thousands of years, even given booming stats.
This stuff is so crazy. Yes… it’s the same old regurgitated expressions and goofy stats. And from our point of view it’s absurd. Totally crazy. But all their fliers blast their “good news” forth with such glossy conviction… it’s like watching the king walk by with no clothes on. The lie is so huge that it’s mind boggling. It must be taking a LOT of “not seeing” for those on the inside to keep believing these fliers… and yet there are so many of them. It’s like they are creating a whole new reality for themselves.
It’s hard to imagine that BAD people lie so much… however, to watch good people get wrapped up in the lies and then to PERPETUATE the lies and false reality on such a huge scale is mind boggling to witness. And to think I once listened to this stuff and thought it was true. Whew.
Thank you for your amazing blog, Mike.
+1+1 🙂
your comment is 52x all comments.
They are on a sort of mission-impossible ‘hanging in the balance’ type of deal. On one hand they want to move people up the bridge, on another they want to “über-perfect” their services which has turned into a major f*ck-up, on another squeeze every last dime out of their parishioners they possibly can. All the hype, glitz, over-the-top exaggerations, lies and PR … all in the faint-hope that they can motivate the parishioners through some sort of miracle or another to somehow pull it all off. And all that’s happening is parishioners is getting the sh*t beat out of them trying … remember … we’re all on board on the same terms, willing to die in order to make it. That’s the viewpoint they take. As much as I admire LRH’s dream, and I wished it could be pulled off, I can’t see that happening in this wise, just about impossible. It’s a delusion to believe “The Planet” will heartily accept and support any obnoxious, litigious, deceptive, dictatorial 4th Reich religious militia operating a parasitic money cult’s objectives. So OUT-PR, the whole setup. Even if they offered streets of gold it wouldn’t go anywhere. Do I foresee a “Cleared Planet” as uniformed, jackbooted troupes knocking on my doors for money? The whole planet continuously given targets for Thursday 2:00 PM? This is the worst possible scenario imaginable, I’d rather invest in subterranean dust ground hole lifestyles on the dark side of the moon. And one wonders why countries like Germany are keeping them on a tight watch.
One day, maybe half a century away from now, after Scientology crashes, it will become franchised (Organizationally & Grass Roots) without any further central control. Let them compete for quality of service.
Mike, if miscavige died today what do you think would happen to the organization, do you see a successor or would there be some infighting followed by disintegration?
do you think monique yingling would angle to get legal control just to control the cash?
1. Disintegration
2. No on Monique
I’ll take your answer on #1 Mike as you know the top players well. What would those few at the top do with all that cash? Distribute it to SO members? Give it back to the public? There is a lot to unwind in that arena.
No idea
I don’t know what WOULD happen…that might be a bookie’s dream for highest ever people placing bets.
But, IMHO, if I was running things, I’d make Diana Hubbard the figurehead (since she’s still in) AFTER I ran her on REAL sec checks on overts on her father’s work and her family, FPRD AND a full clean up of ARC breaks such as her brother being killed, her mom and family being ripped off and all of the other injustices that mini me has wrought on her and others.
Then we could see if she wants the job.
“Sydney is smoking… But who knows what?”
Hilarious, Mike! And really pathetic also.
With such a degree of out-reality and disconnect from the rest of the world, I can see why Marty thinks that the “Sheeple” would literally drink the Kool Aide if Miscavige told them to.
And again, getting the fundraising to a “done” is what matters. It may take months for the plans of New Zeland Org to be approved, another few to get it renovated, but in the meantime money keeps being (stolen) poured in.
And on the stats point is true,WDAHs highest in 10 years, I am sure is due to the Purif and co-audit Objectives and, as you pointed out Mike, what were they then producing in the last 10 years?
It is going to implode soon, these pretenses won’t go for much longer. Give them 4-5 months to get all the existing public through Purif, etc and then, the resultant collapse, is going to cause much more smoking clouds than all the exclamation marks so far used. Thanks again for the positing.
Thank you,Mike.
It must have been so dreadful before, that promoting dismal advances was considered reckless and self invalidative.
I wonder if they’ve been dismal for so long, that pitiful advances are actually real advances, and acceptable to thus promote, since they’ve forgotten that it’s bad to promote their pitifullness!