Scientology appears to believe they can now tell the citizens of Clearwater what movies they can watch. Another PR footbullet from scientology. I wonder if COB Theaters are ready for the backlash for buckling to scientology's "threats" not to show the film? It's still on their website even.... Wonder if they might change their minds about being scientology bitches when word gets out? And I wonder how this is going to effect the Academy Award voters. This is REALLY dangerous territory to be censoring movies. If there was not already a backlash in Hollywood, this might bring it … [Read more...]
Tax Exemption Paranoia
Clearly, the Alex Gibney OpEd piece in the LA Times is still giving Miscavige heartburn. And he has no response other than a lame letter to the editor by his spokespuppet Monique Yingling. This is the latest appeared in the Razzline. Sent by a "public scientologist" from a "" (church of scientology international) email address.... All they can do is hope to generate "positive comments" -- using a "screen name"? Good luck with that. From: Xxxxx Xxxxx [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 3:04 PM To: Subject: "Scientology deserves its tax exemption" - LA Times … [Read more...]
Scientology Tax Exemption Panic
It would appear that the statements made in the wake of Going Clear by Alex Gibney have struck a nerve, especially his OpEd piece in the LA Times. David Miscavige has trotted out his second favorite scientology spokespuppet (after Karin Pouw), non-scientologist lawyer Monique Yingling. She strangely appeared to defend the non-practice of "disconnection" on Anderson Cooper, and also came to visit me one time to discuss whether I wanted to speak to my children and other family members. She is sort of a Girl Friday who fills in as an Ethics Officer/IJC and spokesperson when needed. She is … [Read more...]
Scientology Tax Exemption
If you have not done so already, head over to Tony Ortega's site and read his posting about Scientology's Tax Exempt status. Prompted by the OpEd piece Alex Gibney wrote in the LA Times, and with some excellent advice from Jeffrey Augustine, it lays out what you can do that is most likely to be EFFECTIVE in changing the way the US Government is allowing its citizens to subsidize Miscavige paying PI's $10,000 a WEEK to follow and spy on his father. The direction about complaining directly to the IRS supplements my recommendation to contact your elected representatives. If you want to … [Read more...]
Head In The Sand
See the new article in People magazine which reports on John Travolta's response to Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. I give him kudos for at least being willing to speak (more than Cruise. Alley or even Miscavige) and trying to defend his religion instead of merely sending out statements from his lawyer saying everyone is a liar. But, and there are a few very large "buts": 1. He says he has not seen the movie and has no plans to do so. That it would be a "crime" to watch it. 2. He stated he hasn't had any negative experiences with Scientology. 3. He called the d … [Read more...]
SNL Parody
It is a watershed day. The single best measure of having hit the mainstream of societal relevance in the US is to be the subject of a skit on SNL. Scientology has truly hit the big time. And not in a good way. Tony Ortega has done a brilliant breakdown and analysis of the skit from last night on his blog this morning. What an Easter Sunday gift this is, no matter your religious beliefs. Except perhaps if you are a scientologist. I have watched it several times and each time I see more subtle digs. There are some people at SNL who know their scientology trivia. A fact that is … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies Regraded Being
As many of you know, I am traveling. I dont have time to do a full edition of Thursday Funnies. Part II will come tomorrow. You can see the interview I did with Megyn Kelly last nite here and here. There are two segments last night. There is more coming tonight. But I didn't want to deny the Regraded Being addicts their fix, especially as it is so appropriate to this week's news. … [Read more...]
Scientology Twitterfails
In light of the news that Going Clear is the biggest HBO Documentary since Spike Lee's Katrina doc nearly 10 years ago, and #GoingClear was trending on Twitter for more than 24 hours, it is enlightening to look at the scientology efforts to deal with the shitstorm. Scientology bought Twitter ads -- see this article in Adweek. Of course, this was a massive fail. Sort of like their "advertorial" in The Atlantic earlier. It resulted in even more negative coverage. They are 100% tone deaf to public opinion. And it is really amusing to see the church claiming interest in scientology is … [Read more...]
Going Clear Fallout
I was talking with some friends after watching Going Clear, musing about what Miscavige would do now. One of the participants remarked that I should put this on the blog, as people may find it interesting. These thoughts are not based on some "leak," they are merely speculation based on experience. I believe there are two things Miscavige will be concerned about following the deluge on Sunday night that was the leading edge of a category 4 shitstorm making a direct hit on his gilded beachhouse. His first concern: shore up Tom Cruise. This will be his highest priority. Miscavige no … [Read more...]
Planetary (Going) Clearing Being Made A Reality Today
This was sent to me by a dear friend and fellow survivor of the trenches of scientology. It seems awfully appropriate to post this morning, a day when it seems somewhat pointless to say much other than: enjoy Going Clear. I do realize there are other places in the world who cannot see it today, but it is dominating the scientology narrative today nevertheless. It has been a long time coming. It has already changed the world of scientology and the ripples from this landing in the middle of their pond will continue for many years to come. The media is emboldened. Individuals are stepping … [Read more...]