The "Force for Freedom" Freedom from what? Certainly not crush regging. Or indentured servitude. Or mindless obedience. Or, or, or... Everyone is going to push this HARD The Halloween IAS event Perfect -- all the bloodsuckers can gather Biggest expansion news since 2016? Who is this guy? They changed the time with a magic marker! The fastest expanding org on earth? They were once declared SH Size and they're not even close to it now... Aesthetics will do it... They're on it … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
A momentous milestone on our whole track! OMG, the hype. They announce the events, and claim the dates and times are "below" -- but they aren't. Not going to get much turnout if nobody knows when and where they are supposed to be. They're excited at Flag! They even have a backpack... This is a scientology org? They seem to promote anything other than scientology these days... The latest ideal org They're promoting tacos! We are Clearing Poland! They've sold 879 book and by their calculation (which is not … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Lots of LRH birthday announcements -- I didn't include them all because they are just repetitive.... Everyone is welcome... As long as we recognize you as a scientologist in good standing with a current photo. No wogs allowed. They've lowered the price! It's now a bargain at $8,300 for a bunch of CD's. And, great news. They got approval from Bridge to sell them at a discount. But don't show your face in the Flag bookstore. You are stealing their potential commissions on new stuff. LA Org donating money to Albuquerque? Guys, LA org is failing. … [Read more...]