Scientology puts out a pretty constant stream of press releases in an effort to appear to be doing good, charitable work in the world. This latest comes from the UK. And it’s as empty as the rest of the propaganda they churn out. Things are a bit bleak in England these days since Apostate Alex began exposing their abuses, so it’s no surprise they are trying to get some “positive press” to counteract the barrage of bad news. Interestingly the UK Charity Commission sees right through their bs and refuses to grant scientology charity status because they do not meet the public benefit test. … [Read more...]
How Many Sea Org Members Are There?
According to the good people at AOSHUK, there 6,800 Sea Org members on earth. This is of course a high number -- every number scientology proffers is inflated. It is just how things are done. But let us take their hype figures at face value. Even they admit that every SO member is going to be responsible for clearing more than 1 million people. ONE MILLION. They have not cleared 100,000 people with ALL Sea Org members and all staff in 73 YEARS. They are so far in left field they are not even in the same country, let alone the stadium. If we give them the benefit of the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
OT Phenomena How "OT" is it to visit a friend in a foreign city and forget to bring his address and phone number?? Curing amnesia on the "Whole Track"? Hahaha The OT levels don't cure amnesia after breakfast. No big surprise If you are flying in from all corners of the world in order to take advantage of the low prices they offer at AO Africa (compared to the other AO's, the prices are not "low"), you probably don't want to be paying airfares for repeat trips. It's a long way to Africa and a lot of money... It's the final race to the finish … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Way to Happiness? They try to latch on to anything. One of the WTH precepts is Support a Government Designed For All the People.... Don't read anything in there about protests or blocking traffic? A Mini Folder This is to record the mini-BTs? Looney Lewis Is his first question projecting himself onto his audience? Drugged BTs How getting rid of druggie BTs accomplishes this is anyone's guess. Of course, for those who don't know what's on OT IV it sounds amazing. For those who do, they are in on the joke. They go along as it would hurt … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Phoenix Rising in Albuquerque They should probably pay more attention to the dead phoenix in Phoenix where the ideal org is a morgue. The Chan Man is going to make their postulates stick -- just watch, Phoenix and Albuquerque will be booming soon. Your Defining Moment? Another one of these seminars that every org needs. Funny how they offer up advice to everyone on how to expand, but can't seem to do so themselves.... Again with the advice... If he was so good making his postulates stick don't you think CC would have at least one new major celebrity in the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Reign? What a strange choice for a quote... certainly had nothing to do with Thanksgiving. Operating on that old scientology adage: If Ron said it, it must be good/true/appropriate.... Experts on Stress Relief The Jive Asses? These two pics really go together well don't you think? It's a Mega Event! VERY special guest "Captain" Mike Spurgeon. He's been there forever captaining Canada and has accomplished absolutely nothing. Not even Toronto ideal and they didn't need to buy a building! They probably forgot about him. But when he starts promoting … [Read more...]
Inane Letters from the Edge
Long-time contributor Clearly Not Clear was the lucky recipient of a letter from St Hill. Odd, because Clearly lives in the US and has never even been to St Hill, let alone taken any services there... But anyone familiar with scientology knows that Hubbard dictates that letters must be written every week. He says that the number of letters out is the controlling factor in the amount of income (and size not quality is what's important -- an idea that has been scrupulously applied in scientology orgs all over the world) and the second datum "an org is in complete control of their letters … [Read more...]
Crazy Scientology Letters
We have all seen some crazy "Letter Reg" letters emanating from the bowels of scientology over the years, but I think this one has to take the cake. The foolish letters are based on Hubbard's brilliant administrative "technology" which is laid out in stone. Every executive in scientology knows this quote -- published in ALL CAPS: GROSS INCOME SENIOR DATUM THE SIZE NOT THE QUALITY OF AN ORG'S MAILING LIST AND THE NUMBER OF MAILINGS AND LETTERS TO IT DETERMINES THE GROSS INCOME OF AN ORG. IF THIS IS NOT KNOWN AS A SENIOR DATUM TO EXEC SECS AND KEPT IN BY THEM THEIR CONDITION IS … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
That Cristian Vargas sure gets around... He seems to be the only person organizing events these days? Big news From a "former" investigative reporter and a retired Army officer. I am sure they are experts. Just as sure there will be a lot of correlation without causation involved in this (almost by definition you have to be mentally ill to engage in a mass shooting -- how come scientology hasn't yet "taken over the field" on mental healing and handled this problem? Are they not just as responsible as "the psychs" who they claim know nothing but they have ALL the … [Read more...]
St Hill is booming I tell you, booming
Here is some new hype from the original St Hill (and now home to the infamous IAS "Eunuch Man" statue): Dear Xxxxxx, I wanted to inform you of the great expansion that is happening at Saint Hill right now. First of all, you will be pleased to know that we are experiencing an incredible OT boom, having people come from all around the world to do their OT Levels. In fact we now have 127 people auditing on the Solo OT Levels. The expansion does not end there, in fact, we are right now finishing the construction of our Central Qualification Organization that will be manned by a total of 40 Sea … [Read more...]