10 weeks with Arte Maren... People PAY for this? Amount raised - $0 This is her birthday fundraiser that's been up for a year. She is the Snr C/S of the Portland "ideal" org Wait until you find out... Actually you have to pay more to get that ability because you really cannot confront life until you are done with OT III. And then OT V. And then OT VII. And on and on... That's a real stretch... Many of these people OD'd -- First guy on their list, Don Simpson was in scientology for a while. Didn't save him. Buried … [Read more...]
The “Godfathers of Good”
Ah, the humility of these gentlemen is a sight to behold. It is an unfortunate side effect of being a scientologist that you believe you know all there is to know about anything and everything as long as you have read something Hubbard said about it. This gives you the right, obligation almost, to dish out advice on all sorts of subjects simply because you are a scientologist and therefore have received the wisdom of L. Ron Hubbard. With the full certainty of a brainwashed zealot, you can pass on such wisdom to others as an "expert" no matter the topic. These 4 are experts in the subject … [Read more...]
The “Top” of the Bridge is Collapsing
The "Mecca of Technical Perfection" (they don't seem to use that name any more, even though it was bestowed by L. Ron Hubbard himself) is becoming more and more desperate. Yesterday I included information about the shrinking world of scientology evidenced by the curtailed Maiden Voyage celebrations. Today we have more evidence from the "top of the Bridge" where they are now delivering the "Personal Efficiency Course"... This is described at the What is Scientology website as follows (emphasis mine): For many people, happiness is an elusive quality. Surveys show that “being happy” is w … [Read more...]