This is the "Advanced Org" Their "Safe Pointing" campaign... ASI's "Tasty Treats" Get yourself a shot of hot jolt -- while they try to sell you some "priceless" "special editions" of Ron's old, not very good, fiction. He's Running in Circles He's "on Cause Resurgence" -- wonder if he's dizzy? No Org Graduates? Just someone from Flag? An example to others? Oddly for Chicago, she is young. This poster is a bit misleading given the other old people we have seen... Avoid bad decisions Like paying $6 … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Graduation Cocktail Hour? They've taken it a step beyond food in Australia... You can do the Purif here! Only at Flag, Freewinds, possibly the SO Orgs and Narconon. No Class V orgs or Missions. Because we said so. Good News! "In celebration of the New Year, the Christmas season production bonuses and prizes are hereby extended for three weeks: December 23 and December 30, 2021 and December 6, 2022. International Director of Finance" I guess they didn't make enough cash to pay any bonuses, so "Christmas bonuses" are going to become … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Fun is Back! Until the regges show up. It's Magical That's a good word for it... And it beats chanting every day for 12 years to not become a pig or a stone.... "Special" Commendations All you have to do is send in an Extension Course for 7 weeks in a row. Come in to the org and get a VERY Special Commendation. What a prize! You have to wonder if any scientology org has ever given out a "normal" Commendation. It's a Festival Bet anyone that shows up on L. Ron Hubbard Way that day is a scientologist -- and a large … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Reign? What a strange choice for a quote... certainly had nothing to do with Thanksgiving. Operating on that old scientology adage: If Ron said it, it must be good/true/appropriate.... Experts on Stress Relief The Jive Asses? These two pics really go together well don't you think? It's a Mega Event! VERY special guest "Captain" Mike Spurgeon. He's been there forever captaining Canada and has accomplished absolutely nothing. Not even Toronto ideal and they didn't need to buy a building! They probably forgot about him. But when he starts promoting … [Read more...]