Anything to get them in... Magic. Music. Dance lesson. Painting. Desperation to try to get "bodies in the shop." Featured Attraction? Now it's a "jam session" at a new time Why I joined staff? It made sense. Gosh -- did they tell you about the hours and the pay? And the futility of it all? Just guess the answer to this riddle... They would use the same tagline for "Talk Therapy or Torture" -- anything a psych does is torture. Ron tells us so. Absolutely no fundraising We are done with … [Read more...]
Auckland “Ideal Org” – Not Booming
Here is some new news from the "booming" ideal org in Auckland. Remember, this is the PROMOTION they send out -- it is what they are proud of. 3 completions. Yes, THREE. They should be having 3 completions per hour and even then would not be St Hill Size. This is how far they are from being a viable concern. I love the optimism of "save your seat" -- they are literally wandering around in an empty building... And finally, the ever delusional "we are going St Hill Size" and that they are "a new movement on earth"... This is pure idiocy. If they can round up 50 … [Read more...]
Scientology Financial Crimes, New Zealand Edition
Can you imagine the level of unethical loan activities that must be going on in this "ideal" org to elicit a Facebook posting like this? And can you imagine the trouble Jessica F S Brown has landed herself in by daring to quote L. Ron Hubbard to prove someone(s) in the "ideal org" in Auckland are acting improperly? And there are people responding on FB -- they had better be prepared to hand over some more cash in order to keep the Ethics Officer at bay... Well Well, it didnt take long. Since I wrote this post (but before it was published) this FB message … [Read more...]
Getting the Stats Up – 1 kid at a time
No doubt these children were counted on the Auckland "ideal" org stats as a "paid intro service completions". How sad... Next week, the "Art course". No doubt they will read a few words of wisdom on the subject of art from Hubbard (a world famous artist?), be handed some crayons and paper and voila, instant stats. The week after that, perhaps the "play on the swings" course with a $5 donation to keep the stats going up. They will give them some "tech" about playing games and that too will qualify for a course completion. Anyone who has been around orgs can see this sort of thing a … [Read more...]
Auckland Ideal Org is Clearing New Zealand For Realz
On January 21, 2017, Auckland was graced by the presence of the Dear Leader himself, yanking his red ribbon in semi-public view (only his dedicated followers are allowed to catch a glimpse of the great man in person) as he swung open the doors to another of his "gifts to the community." 18 months later, they have apparently (and proudly) produced their 8th clear. That's 5 or so per YEAR. That is what passes for "ideal" as far as scientology is concerned. The population of the country is 4.8 million, growing about 200,000 per year. There is no other in the entire nation (even though … [Read more...]
Desperation in Auckland
The desperation emanating from the "ideal org" in Auckland is palpable. A bunch of Sea Org members have been dispatched on mission to try and get the org done, get their filing backlogs handled and recruit enough staff to have at least one person covering reception full time. A measure of how desperate they are is who they are reaching out to try and recruit. Perhaps the most notorious (and effective) critic of scientology in Australia is Paul Schofield. A long time staff member, Paul was SSIV, Exec Status 1, Cl IV & KTL/LOC/Pro TRs C/S, Cl V/FPRD Auditor, Flag-trained Cram Off … [Read more...]
ANZO Pitching Hard
There are so many odd things in this promotion. How strange that one of the oldest scientology organizations on earth is incapable of achieving Ideal Org status without getting orgs in another country to help them do it? Tells you everything you need to know about the state of scientology in New Zealand. Dead. For decades. Why aren't the "ideal orgs" in Sydney and Melbourne getting Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane and Canberra to ideal? They're at least in the same country and a lot closer. And woohoo -- Stev Green is going to join the long line of "upstat public" who will join staff and … [Read more...]