A momentous milestone on our whole track! OMG, the hype. They announce the events, and claim the dates and times are "below" -- but they aren't. Not going to get much turnout if nobody knows when and where they are supposed to be. They're excited at Flag! They even have a backpack... This is a scientology org? They seem to promote anything other than scientology these days... The latest ideal org They're promoting tacos! We are Clearing Poland! They've sold 879 book and by their calculation (which is not … [Read more...]
Ideal Org Ribbon Yanking Spectacles Resume
Now that David Miscavige is no longer playing hide and seek with Leah Remini's legal team, he has resumed his duties as chief ribbon yanker. Tony Ortega has an article today on his blog about Austin ribbon yanking shaping up for the 24th. We now have confirmation with an official promotional piece. He wondered about Chicago and the Facebook post above from last evening indicates this may in fact be happening today (or this could be a long bus ride they are on and it will be next weekend). Mr. Mickiewicz needs to pack long underwear as it's going to be very chilly in the Windy City … [Read more...]
Salt Lake City Ideal Org is Dead — Just Like The Rest of Them
A couple of contributors took a trip to Salt Lake City and decided to swing by the ideal morgue there. Here is their report: It's a nice large building with reasonable landscaping. Compared to San Francisco, Portland, Sacramento, and Seattle, which all look empty, this one hides its emptiness nicely with solid brick walls. As far as location, in a town with monolithic Mormon temples of worship and large Lutheran cathedrals, this looks like a dental complex, or some non-religious building. But it does look good. There were a few cars in the lot during a prime time for s … [Read more...]
The All Ideal Wild West
The idiocy continues... The "Wild West" is going to become the "All Ideal Wild West" (as long as you hand over enough money). Not only that -- out of the entire western half of the US (and Flag) they have scraped together 338 "confirms" for this monumental event. The vast majority of those "confirms" are people who say they confirm just so they don't get 5 or more calls a day. The number who will actually show up for this latest fundraiser is likely about 10% of that. As a special treat -- here is the video she is touting. You can click on it yourself and see how many views and … [Read more...]
Ideal Org Fails
The scientology hype machine is rolling along, trying to keep the sheeple convinced that handing over money for "ideal orgs" is going to change the world. Austin is one of the few orgs NOT required to get a new building -- like Toronto. It is directly across the street from the University of Texas and has been for decades. Scientology-think leads them to believe that this is a ready-made audience. 40,000 bright, young, inquisitive "raw meat" literally RIGHT THERE. They never seem to mention that this org has been small and failing forever. That they cannot persuade anyone to come in … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Bargain Basement I thought interns were supposed to audit staff? Austin is on Fire Competing with Kansas City for the greatest city on earth... I have included one full poster and then excerpted a string of the "Why Austin" reasons to save space... This is apparently why you should move to Austin to join staff there. Not that ANY of this has any impact on your life as a staff member. And this is what you get... Emptiness. Stay Classy ACT My 7 year old could put together something more aesthetic than … [Read more...]
A “Fact” to Wonder About
A new trend in scientology "promotion" is for orgs trying to "go ideal" to promote the virtues of their cities. They seek to recruit people to man these "ideal orgs" from other areas of the country and presumably other nations. There has recently been a competition of sorts between Columbus, Austin and Kansas City over the virtues of their respective cities, ranging from the number of fountains ("more than Rome") to proximity to vast numbers of people ("within 600 miles of 50% of the population of the US) and of course "best BBQ" or "live music capital" or "lots of universities"... It's a … [Read more...]