The full transformation into a bank is well underway. Why have people take out loans with a bank or run their credit cards to the limit when they can extend credit with "in house financing". Of course, this is EASY to do when you are selling from already manufactured inventory with massive markups. There is little risk of any loss. After all, these people are under the thumb of the church. And if they ever did have anyone default on their loan they would just divert a bit of the "library donation money" to cover the "loss" and carry on as if nothing had happened. "Hi Peter, If you ha … [Read more...]
The Warehouse VIII “Suitcase Bomb”
We just got this write-up from a Special Field Correspondent. It contains interesting information about the Warehouse VIII and how it is going to blow a lot of people off auditing and training. I bet there is a SERIOUS panic happening right about now over the shitty sales of the W8. Everyone HAS to buy two and they HAVE to pay cash.... Yowzah. What a BOMB this is going to be. Anyone want to take bets on how long it will be before this "policy" gets changed because after 10 years of warehousing, these beauties are STILL sitting in a warehouse? Miscavige will scream about CI and SP's … [Read more...]
Genius: Handle US Govt. Shutdown by Mailing Congressmen LRH Encyclopedia
Those genius beggars are at it again. This time the bright idea is to cash in on the government shutdown in the US. Literally ANY excuse will do. I am sure US Congressmen are waiting with bated breath for an "encyclopedia" about L. Ron Hubbard to help them resolve the funding of the government. I doubt there is a single word in any of these volumes that addresses anything at all relevant. They are hagiographies of the life of L. Ron Hubbard. Arguably Patrick should be promoting to send them OEC Vol 3 -- but that's no longer available because the OEC by Miscavige decree is "flawed" and … [Read more...]
Beggar’s Banquet Update
Radical Corporate Scientology has become a collection of individuals begging for money under various guises and for an almost unlimited number of reasons. It is hard to imagine what it must be like to be one considered fair game by the circling vultures. I am sent the pleas and demands on a via and invariably the person who send it to me reports the insane volume of calls, texts, emails and snail mail that they receive. Fortunately, I get nothing from the RCS directly. As time goes by the "reasons" to give become more and more "creative." It's like a convention of snake oil salesman g … [Read more...]
Have They No Shame? Vultures Circling Boston
This needs no comment. Except -- Oh, how f***ing predictable. Way To Happiness Booklets? Come on... I think what these people really need is a set of the "LRH Encyclopediaa". Or the ACCs. Pleeeeeaaaassssseeeeee. Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 5:15 PM Subject: Way to Happiness for Boston Disaster Please see below from the PES Boston Org. The recent bombing during the Boston Marathon has left the city in a state of turbulence. To help with this, we are shipping over thousands of Way to Happiness booklets which … [Read more...]