The effects from our recent event? An AO creaming their jeans about being able to deliver the Purif and Objectives? Now THAT'S expansion! The Advanced Org nobody needed... They're so focused on getting anyone in for anything because there are no public moving up the Bridge they might as well call themselves the "Continental Org" and close every other org down and they still wouldn't come close to using all their space. What about locals NOT on service? They would NEVER turn anyone away if they could pay.... And they have an IAS card and clearance … [Read more...]
Operation Clear
This comes from an old program Hubbard pushed in the 50's called "Operation Clear." These guys have resurrected it from the trashcan of history and repeat it verbatim. The claims are obviously absurd -- IQ of 135. Radiant health. Deep relaxation (whatever that means). Magnetic personality.... None of these things are necessarily true. If you were creative or vital or had a IQ before being Clear, it won't eradicate those traits. But if you didn't have them beforehand, it is highly unlikely they will be attained by going Clear. I have known a LOT of Clears in my time. Some of them are … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Not as many Thursday Funnies this week. If you come across something that might belong here, please ensure you forward it to me. If you don't have my email leave a comment saying you have something for Thursday Funnies and I will reach out to you. An Ideal Universe Not content with an ideal org. Or even a country. Or Planet. Or Galaxy. She is really "thinking big"... She is sure that by giving some money to buy a new building for this always pathetic and failing org in Brisbane she is "making a difference." The delusion is strong.... For some … [Read more...]
The Experience of a New Public
A report from our man in Brisbane, Australia. Brisbane, like Adelaide, Perth and Canberra (ACT) in Australia is not an “Ideal Org” and doesn’t even seem to be on the horizon for idealishness. This is the real state of the vast majority of Scientology Orgs around the world in this era of “massive international expansion, greater in the last 5 years than in all 50 years before, straight up and vertical like a runaway train on a downhill thundering avalanche of destiny unlike anything ever before witnessed in the history of mankind searching for answers on a … [Read more...]