An Update
I have just uploaded am putting out a series of short YouTube videos on my channel to update why I have been somewhat invisible recently. For all the people who have sent me messages of support and concern, this will explain, plus a lot more. This is the first of them -- you can access the rest on my YouTube channel from this one. I make reference to some things in these videos and am including them below: Redacted Colombia Email Tampa Bay Times article Sociopathy Series Sociopathy: What is a Sociopath? Sociopathy Part 2: … [Read more...]
Fair Game Podcast — All Episodes
For some reason the links were broken to the Fair Game podcast episodes, so I have reloaded them so all episodes are available here … [Read more...]
Media Update A Billion Years
A fast update on the most recent media: David Pakman IndoctriNATION podcast with Rachel Bernstein Sensibly Speaking Podcast with Chris Shelton … [Read more...]
Cult Apologists Conference
The same, tired old band of cult apologist "academics" are holding their annual conference next week in Quebec, Canada. They are familiar names, led by Massimo Introvigne, one of the main beneficiaries of much scientology funding over the years. We did a Fair Game podcast about these cult apologists with Chris Shelton The reason for putting "academics" in quotation marks is that they do no real research or study. They accept information provided to them by scientology, reject anything that comes from "former" members (apostates) on the basis that one of the founding apologists, Bryan … [Read more...]
Neil Sarfati Hits the Big Time
My old friend from the Apollo, Neil Sarfati alerted me yesterday that he had finally "made the big time." He didn't mean he had a new number one album of his sax playing, he was referring to becoming a target of the STAND League haters. It's familiar stuff from STAND buffoon Martin Landon. First, if you have not do so, you should listen to the interview Neil did with the BBC Outlook program. I link to it below. It is very even-handed, mild-mannered and rather gentle on L. Ron Hubbard and life in the Sea Org back in the days of the Apollo. But because Neil is a no longer a cult … [Read more...]
Episode 68: Chris Shelton on Cult Apologists
This week we talk to our old friend Chris Shelton about cult apologists. These are the people who make a career (often lucrative) out of offering expert academic opinions in support of "New Religious Movements" -- cults. It's a racket that scientology has used to gain credibility. We cover a lot of ground here. Chris has recently published a series of articles on this topic on Tony Ortega's blog -- they are well-worth reading. You can listen to the episode here. Chris also has a podcast that is worth subscribing to on YouTube: Sensibly Speaking Podcast We mention … [Read more...]
Scientology Fair Game Podcast All Episodes
There is no new podcast this week due to the Labor Day holiday. I thought it worth listing all the diverse list of podcast guests and topics we have done so far. There are more to come. If there are any episodes you have missed, you can find them here with links and give them a listen. It's been quite a ride. It continues. We appreciate all the support of our faithful listeners and those who have sent in questions for the popular "Listener Question" episodes. You can also find all the episodes and the supporting documents for each at which also includes a … [Read more...]
Thought Reform and Scientology
On one of the recent Fair Game Podcast, Chris Shelton recommended Robert Jay Lifton's book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism . Then Mockingbird posted a comment concerning this and I thought it important to include it as a post, as he summarizes the eight criteria for Thought Reform isolated by the author. I should note, there are many excellent articles at Mockingbird's Nest blog. Here is his comment in full. I have highlighted the 8 criteria. Mike Rinder recently pointed out something that most people miss, even experts. He pointed out that the E meter is used … [Read more...]
Episode 36: Critical Thinker Chris Shelton Part 2
This week's episode is a continuation from last week with Chris Shelton. We take a deep dive into the the "Truth Rundown" and Rehabilitation Project Force, but of course touch upon other things in doing so. If you want to hear more of Chris' insights, you can tune into his Sensibly Speaking Podcast. There is a wealth of material there. The "Truth Rundown" is one of the most remarkable things Hubbard developed. It is the most direct and unvarnished brainwashing technique in scientology. It is intended for use on Sea Org members, though some others have unfortunately been … [Read more...]