The First Amendment to the Constitution is a vitally important document that is cause for great celebration and almost as much dispute. It enshrines a number of very important rights -- freedom of religion, speech, the press, to peaceable assembly and petition the government. I believe the Bill of Rights was intended to protect people rather than the government or corporations (in fact the ONLY right afforded any corporation in the Bill of Rights is that given the press in the First Amendment) and yet, over the years, much law has developed that protects religious … [Read more...]
The Scientology Celebrity Centre “Network” is Rapidly Disappearing
Aaron Smith-Levin did a video about the recent closure of the "Celebrity Centre Munich" and the abandoned St. Pete "Life Improvement Center" opened by the Tampa "Ideal Org." As every good scientologist knows, it is a High Crime in scientology to close or combine orgs. Since David Miscavige has taken over scientology, there have been many other closures and "combinings" -- including St Hill Foundation, specifically started by Ron himself with a lot of policy written by him about why "Foundation" (night and weekend) orgs were needed. Because Aaron … [Read more...]
Scientology Shuttering
Here are the comments people sent in yesterday about the state of scientology orgs in their local area. If you have a minute and can contact your local org, I will add it to the update. So far, everywhere seems to be closed except Flag (not sure about the other Advanced Orgs). This is catastrophic for the scientology empire -- the longer staff and public are away from the control mechanisms exerted on them in the bubble, and the more bored they get, the more likely it is they are going to come across something on the internet or TV that is going to start them down the rabbit hole of … [Read more...]
Scientology and COVID-19
You may have seen this pitch and others on Tony's site and social media. Flaunting government guidelines recommending no gatherings of more than 10 people, scientology instead uses the pandemic as a reason to encourage people to COME IN TO THE ORG. It's batshit crazy. Take a read and I will then try to explain the madness from a scientology perspective. Admittedly, that one was before the stricter requirements for social distancing were in force in California, but then, after the Governor ordered that everyone stay in their homes, this one came in: A combination of … [Read more...]
City Councilman Mark Bunker and Scientology Tax Exempt Status
The news has sunk in, Mark Bunker is now a Clearwater City Commissioner-elect. As Tracey McManus put it, this is a historic day for Clearwater. There is another piece in the Tampa Bay Times (top of article screencapped above) this morning. It makes some interesting points - first of which is noting Bunker's "desire for the city to urge the IRS to revoke Scientology's tax exempt status..." Some have poo-poo'd this idea "The City of Clearwater doesn't grant tax exempt status, the IRS does" -- as if Mark Bunker is unaware of the difference between a city government and the … [Read more...]
Unofficial Result — Mark Bunker Wins Election
This is an historic day in Clearwater. Providing nothing changes as this is made into the official result (not sure when this will be), Mark Bunker is now a City Council member of the City of Clearwater. The scientology backed candidate came in 4th out of 5... Once and for all proving that scientology in fact has NO political clout in Clearwater, let alone Tampa Bay. Congratulations to Mark Bunker! Also Congratulations to Frank Hibbard who will be the new Mayor of Clearwater. The people I feel sorry for are those in OSA Flag. This loss will be blamed on them. It will not be … [Read more...]
Where Clearwater Candidates Stand on Scientology
Tracey McManus published another of her uniformly excellent articles recently: Where every Clearwater City Council Candidate stands on Scientology I have excerpted most of the answers to her survey and offer my biased views on them. I believe there are just two reasons why scientology is actually being spoken about in this election. It has been a taboo subject for local politicians for decades. They have steered clear of this topic like it was the plague... Now for the first time in recent memory, it is something to be debated. The two factors are Tracey's bombshell article exp … [Read more...]
Mighty Tampa Ideal Org – The Best Is Not Good Enough
Here is a new video from Tampa Org (with 58 likes and 3 comments). They promote themselves as both "Ideal" AND "SH Size" -- in fact they promote themselves as the FIRST ideal and FIRST SH size org. They even start out with the humble assertion "What does every other Org want to be?" Well, let's take a look at what every org on earth aspires to. Because Tampa has given us a wonderful glimpse of just how much they actually accomplish. They kindly provided statistics for the last decade as significant accomplishments that everyone else should be jealous of. It is a good measure of the … [Read more...]
Handling Crime in Brussels
Of course, they cite nothing to support their bold claims -- but then again any scientologist would NEVER even think to question the IAS. After all, this is the international association of the most ethical group on earth. There is nothing to substantiate the figures of distribution at all, they pluck these numbers out of the sky usually. Someone paid for a printing of the booklets. They may or may not have actually printed that many. No doubt, however many they printed, they did NOT get distributed. Often they end up being dumped. And the "network of 1400 … [Read more...]
Kanye, the IRS and Scientology
This is an interesting recent Forbes magazine article. The author covers how Kanye West, who has changed his name to Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West and conducts "Sunday Services,” could actually file for tax exemption and reap mighty benefits. He describes what the IRS criteria are for granting such a religious exemption: Distinct legal existence; Recognized creed and form of worship; Definite and distinct ecclesiastical government; Formal code of doctrine and discipline; Distinct religious history; Membership not associated with any other church o … [Read more...]