This is a direct quote from a policy by L. Ron Hubbard of 15 Aug 1960 DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS The bold-face is mine to highlight some of the most disturbing passages. The object of the Department is to broaden the impact of Scientology upon governments and other organizations and is to conduct itself so as to make the name and repute of Scientology better and more forceful. Therefore defensive tactics are frowned upon in the department. We are not trying to make the Central Orgs and HCOs "be good". We are trying to make their reach more secure and effective. Only attacks resolve … [Read more...]
Scientology’s “MeToo” Sick Joke
Jeffrey Augustine has been doing a wonderful job of documenting scientology's insane efforts to co-opt various women's rights' organizations and prominent figures to try to bring pressure on A&E not to pursue another season of Scientology and the Aftermath. This is Jeffrey's latest blog post: Read the entire post and his earlier coverage for the full picture. I have nothing to add to his comprehensive and detailed dissection of this sham. But I will say this. Taryn was born into the Sea Org. It is all she has ever known. She has been instilled with no other values in her … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Next time around... Wow, that's some foresight. The Final Moment? Who wants to take bets how long after this final moment they have another fundraiser? It will probably be announced before this one is even held... Food, glorious food Gosh, they couldn't even drag old Michael Roberts along for this apparently. Dallas is so dead they don't want to spend the money to fly anyone there... Nothing says service... Like an empty HGC. Is that a funny light fixture or did they actually send this out with whiteout on it? Foothills … [Read more...]
Massive International Expansion Lies
From the latest edition of Source magazine, the official magazine of the "international spiritual headquarters" of scientology. You can see they are making a big deal about their new "7.5 foot diameter world map" with "12-sided polygon locator pinpoints." As always, scientology seem to impress themselves by talking about the size of their maps or details of their toys. It's as gauche as someone telling you "I have 7,000 square feet of hand-made silk rugs in the entrance hall of my 40,000 square foot home -- and you paid for it." This magnificent new map is apparently adjacent to "Embassy … [Read more...]
Talk About Fabulous & Wonderful
This may be one of the best ever admissions to leak from the bubble. Not only is the SuMP doing phony photoshoots, they are PAYING people to show up to try to get enough of a crowd that it doesn't look like the few lonely losers that are the backbone of the "Santa Barbara" "ideal org." This call to arms says so much -- they staged a beach event in Santa Barbara, but it looked measly. So, the bright sparks decided to re-do the "Santa Barbara" beach event in LA so they could get LA people to attend to look like they were from Santa Barbara. And though they could import some Sea Org … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Scientology code Havingness = making money For posterity's sake Just so there is a record of the foolishness somewhere Scientology code Keys to OT = making money Chan man bio He made it big as a roofer. This is much easier work. Quoting some Hubbardisms to bubble-dwellers and being paid for it. That about sums it up... It's about all they have. Delphian school prepares you... join the Sea Org. More dreams... You would think they would promote people who HAD gone OT? Don't have any of … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
An ideal "Continent" Really? 11 orgs to serve all of Asia, the Pacific and Australia/NZ.... That's "ideal"? And BTW -- the reg, Rikke, is the former RTC Rep FLB banished to Australia because of what she knew about Lisa McPherson. FUNraising? Seriously? That's what the regges think -- "Ooh, isn't this fun?" The people that actually have to give the money may have a different view. A special guest speaker... Why are they afraid to name them? Perhaps they think they might get more suckers if they DON'T announce who it … [Read more...]
No New Orgs Part 2
Some more promotion about the massive expansion of scientology that clearly states "we are not expanding at all." (see first in this series from a few days ago) This is the only org for "6 surrounding states" -- meaning there are NO ORGS IN THE 6 SURROUNDING STATES. This is their statement... I assume these 6 states are: Kansas (there is another org in Missouri in St. Louis), Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa and Kentucky? Idaho, Montana and Wyoming have no scientology either -- but they are closer to Portland, Salt Lake City and Denver. Then again St Paul is closer … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Never Ending Story... Now they are doing fundraising "bake sales" in a Mission? For what? An ideal mission building? To pay the staff? Get App'd? More accurate would be "Get BS'd" Total knowledge. Total certainty. Nothing over the top about this.... And it's just ho-hum to scientologists who actually believe LRH had "total knowledge" and they can gain this too. 18th?? Sounds like they are cannibals or something and just consumed their 18th human. Axiom 10 "The highest purpose in this universe is the creation … [Read more...]
More Ribbon Yankings
Yanking those ribbons has become a staple of scientology internal propaganda. Of course, though this is their proudest moment demonstrating their massive international expansion, no outsiders are ever allowed to attend and there is massive security presence to ensure they cannot. These are often timed to coincide with events -- either a few weeks before in order to include in the upcoming event, or shortly afterwards for the convenience of the Chairman of the Bored (as in Amsterdam, Birmingham and Ireland most recently). Now, with the March 13th standing-ovation-athon done and dusted (one … [Read more...]