Some somewhat random observations about the 20/20 show last night. First, I am sure that scientology and David Miscavige HATED the show. They hate anything that is not presenting total puff PR for scientology. If it is not just glamour shots of scientology buildings, glowing statements by glazed-eyed "winning" scientologists or images of Miscavige yanking ribbons on new empty buildings, then it is "suppressive propaganda spread by merchants of chaos." Miscavige does have reason to be upset. This show exposed a lot of the bad aspects of scientology to a larger audience than the A&E … [Read more...]
FBI — WTF Are You Thinking?
Scientology is circulating this promotional piece: The FBI should be investigating scientology for human rights abuses not legitimizing them with "presentations" at their front groups. The earlier FBI investigation, targeting scientology human trafficking, was scuttled. Now, a scientology front group is trying to legitimize itself by claiming FBI sanction/support. This is happening in a scientology building in downtown Clearwater. The FBI Field Office in Tampa knew a lot about the scientology Human Trafficking investigation. What are they thinking? We KNOW what scientology is thinking - … [Read more...]
Why Now?
As I have mentioned in a number of posts recently, there has been a remarkable groundswell of response to Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. It goes beyond the show trending on Twitter every week, many, many emails and messages on Facebook and handshakes in the supermarket from complete strangers. Most heartening is the number of people who are reaching out to tell their stories. Many have not been heard from before, and the stories are utterly devastating. Perhaps it is a measure of the level of devastation inflicted on people how long it takes for them to be able to talk about … [Read more...]
Lois Reisdorf Part 7
LOIS REISDORF – PART 7 – FINAL IF YOU HAVE NOT YET READ MY EARLIER PARTS, PLEASE READ THEM FIRST. I have written my stories to people who are Scientologists and ex-Scientologists, so if you are new to Mike Rinder’s Blog and have never been involved in scientology, you may have a hard time understanding my stories. The earlier parts are here: The Lois Reisdorf Story: Part 1 Lois Reisdorf - Part 2 LRH on the Apollo Lois Reisdorf - Part 3 LRH Moves to the US Lois Reisdorf - Part 4 (1977) Lois Reisdorf - Part 5 (1978) Lois Reisdorf Part 6 - Rise of David Miscav … [Read more...]
Can Scientologists be Christians or Jews Too?
Scientology likes to tell the world that you can be a scientologist and also be a Christian, Jew, Buddhist or anything else. This is an "acceptable truth" (defined by Hubbard this way: Handling truth is a touchy business also. You don't have to tell everything you know-that would jam the comm line too. Tell an acceptable truth. Agreement with one's message is what PR is seeking to achieve. Thus the message must compare to the personal experience of the audience) intended to deceive the public until they become scientologists and can be properly indoctrinated to continue the lie "for PR … [Read more...]
Scientology Aftermath Episode 5: Aftermath
As I have been doing after each program, I am putting this here as a place for people to make comments about the show that has just aired. The outpouring of support has not only continued, if anything it has grown. It is quite amazing how far and wide this show is reaching and to how many people who have not had personal experiences with scientology but now feel they must do something about the abuses that are being exposed. Thank you all. I try to respond to messages and emails and PMs and tweets, but it is physically impossible to do so. If I have not gotten back to you, I … [Read more...]
Scientology “expansion” debunked
A scientology fan on Twitter today reminded me just how thick the bubble of scientology is. Whether this was a real scientologists or simply an OSA front account, the point is still the same. This Twitter genius was repeating the line that "scientology has expanded more in the last 10 years than in the 50 years previously." (I asked him whether he measured this in "vacant real estate purchased" or "# lies told". The discussion didn't go far from there.) This "last 10 years" is a variation of some of the other doozies Miscavige has tossed out about "47X expansion" and "each ideal org sees 1 … [Read more...]
Where Are Scientology’s Spokespeople?
Hurricane Leah is blowing scientology's house down and their only response is to send legal threat letters, create "WhoIs" smear sites and put up a webpage with their extremely lame response. Here is their "handling" for the relentless storm surge that is swamping their leaking lifeboat. I have commented previously about their responses, this article addresses the statement above (this is the SAME response they have had on their website forever as even more of their dirty laundry keeps tumbling out, this is apparently the best they can do) and this is another article … [Read more...]
Scientology Aftermath Episode 4: Aftermath
My god, the number of messages, friend requests on Facebook, traffic to this blog and new posters here, general well-wishes, expressions of support and love is frankly overwhelming. I will continue to put up this post after each episode as I feel it is important that those who may be new to the blog can find some helpful references easily. But as always, I am interested in your views - including criticisms and things you think might be better explained or covered. For new readers here I thought you might find it instructive to be directed to some earlier postings that may help explain … [Read more...]
Scientology Aftermath Special: Aftermath
The Reddit AMA ("ask Me Anything") special has now aired, and now it's on to Episode 4 tomorrow (The Rise of Miscavige). As always, I am interested in your views - including criticisms and things you think might be better explained or covered. I also suspect there are quite a number of new people who are coming to this blog for the first time. To all of you, welcome. I thought you might find it instructive to be directed to some earlier postings I have done that may help explain some things if you just watched the show or are curious about the bizarre scientology statements about … [Read more...]