This comes from an old program Hubbard pushed in the 50's called "Operation Clear." These guys have resurrected it from the trashcan of history and repeat it verbatim. The claims are obviously absurd -- IQ of 135. Radiant health. Deep relaxation (whatever that means). Magnetic personality.... None of these things are necessarily true. If you were creative or vital or had a IQ before being Clear, it won't eradicate those traits. But if you didn't have them beforehand, it is highly unlikely they will be attained by going Clear. I have known a LOT of Clears in my time. Some of them are … [Read more...]
Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health
On this day in 1950, "Book One" was published. It seems an appropriate day to remember some of the claims Hubbard made in his lengthy explanation of his "discoveries" that had been thoroughly tested... Let's start with the most infamous: Clears of course DO get colds. They also get cancer, suffer heart attacks, strokes, pancreatitis and all sorts of other ailments. But this statement is still in the current edition of book. As for the 270 cases, this is of course also a total fabrication. Obviously. No "laboratory fact" confirms this lie because it is provably false. … [Read more...]
Clearly Not “Clear”
Brad Spence certainly seems to have had some wins from achieving the state of Clear. But his success story is weak sauce compared to what is promised ny Hubbard concerning the State of Clear. He claims he is now "me" and has found "clarity" in the way he lives life and is more certain in his observations, conclusions and reactions. All very subjective achievements. I could claim those same things from doing meditation or reading a book or just because I woke up an$ the sun was shining and the birds chirping. Nice things all, but who is ever going to know what they reall6 mean … [Read more...]
Clearing The Planet
It's a catchphrase in scientology. "We are clearing the planet." "We are making planetary clearing a reality." There are a dozen different variations. It's a time-honored hot button that is used to get people to hand over money and "progress up the Bridge." One of our readers sent this new promo piece to me recently, with some comments that made me think we should address this topic again. In part, this is what the contributor said: When I looked at this promo piece, it reminded me of the jarring, shocking and unpleasant experience of finally, after clawing my way up into the … [Read more...]
You Were Clear Once
OK, so how does this work? You were Clear until the time you decided you should invent a reactive mind for yourself. Apparently something you created because you were bored? Then you forgot you created it. Trilli9ons of years later, L. Ron Hubbard "discovered" this and told everyone that addressing it (with an accompanying payment) with Dianetics would get rid of it. And that this would solve all your ills. And then after you paid for enough auditing to "go Clear" you would come to the realization that you were just "mocking it up" and that it was an illusion all along. So, if the object is … [Read more...]