Here is a new twist. You are in the middle of a service (one of Miscavige's certified "On Source" checksheets that came with the "Golden Age of Tech") and He reverts it back to an earlier version ("just how LRH intended it"), raises the price and then expects you to pay for the "upgrade". Mid-service. Wow. Wonder if they ever thought of recrediting people for all the extra auditing they had to get in the "old" GAT Bridge before the release of the new, streamlined, extra on-Sourcy "upgraded" GAT II Bridge? You know, the "pilot" that was being delivered at Flag for 9 years while the Class V … [Read more...]
Drew and Dede Johnston Sales Pitch
Once upon a time, Drew and Dede Johnston were respected Scientology field auditors. But they gave up that gig for the far more lucrative business of earning commissions from money squeezed out of their fellow kool aid drinkers. Of course, they are going to promote the astonishing wonders of Super Power, just like they promoted the wonders of Objectives and Purif and reading the Basics and the Purif or whatever the latest blanket "why" is. So, here they go, superlatives, generalities and exclamation points cocked and loaded, giving their newest reg pitches in the guise of "success … [Read more...]
Scientologists Running Around In Circles
The hype is now rolling for the Running Program (Cause Resurgence Rundown) and it is fascinating to see. Somehow it encapsulates so much of what is wrong with the over-the-top efforts to sell Scientology. As it is repeated and expanded it devalues anything of worth in the subject. Now the claims are that running around in a circle for days on end is a powerful OT rundown ...from LRH research on the whole track.... and this is amazing technology never before seen in this society and age. (?) Oh come now. Calm down a bit don't you think? It's just RUNNING! In circles no les … [Read more...]
Proof of Expansion
Believe it or not, this is the best proof Miscavige has of His "expansion." Everyone knows the stable datum that "the squirrels go crazy when we are expanding" so they MUST be going totally crazy: q.e.d. we ARE expanding. This afternoon, the barricades went up and the armed guards took their positions for the event they like to claim demonstrates their massive humanitarianism. As the crowds awaited clearance to enter the hallowed halls with their photo ID's , a banner flew overhead asking the question that SHOULD be on everyone's mind for this gathering of Scientology's … [Read more...]
Update From Inside The Bubble
A new update from inside the bubble from a Special Correspondent. Tours Tours started right away after the ribbon was cut. Tours started every 10 minutes in groups of 75. It was very hot outside under the sun and many people just left instead of waiting around for a tour. It took many Cornerstone members at least an hour to start the tour, and they had priority. Each tour lasted 2 hours. Needless to say, this did not work well for most people. "There were four news helicopters circling" None of the public on the ground knew anything was amiss. They though the media was just rea … [Read more...]
Some Pix From Inside The Bubble
A Special Correspondent sent in these photos. I guess the dire warnings and threats of no electronic devices didn't catch everyone.... I have some catching up to do on life... I am putting these up without comment and probably won't get to another post until some time later tomorrow. Maybe something will come along in the meantime and there will be a surprise, but I have some backlogs that I must take care of. Thanks to all those who have sent me information since Friday. It has been most welcome. And thanks to all those who have made kind comments of appreciation. And thanks to every … [Read more...]
More Kool Aid Circus Acrobatics and COB “Almost in Tears”
Busy day today, so getting out the latest Special Correspondent report and Facebook Funnies quickly. ATTENDANCE: I'm told that 14,000 people registered for ID cards but that attendance was 9,250. To correct what I said earlier, it sounds like there actually were overflow spaces. A tent in front of the Oak Cove. Auditorium Ballroom. Sandcastle. Osceola. It's also possible they set up all the different locations so that they can give whatever figure they want without anyone being able to know that it was inflated, because any one person only knows how full their own area was. [There … [Read more...]
The Kool Aid Circus Is In Town
Here is an update of the goings-on in Clearwater. I took a drive through downtown this afternoon. The only thing of note was the number of people with earpieces, walkie-talkies and guns. More Security, OSA, PIs and cops than I have ever seen in one place. It was like a walled off fortress defending against imaginary hordes of attackers. I am sure the citizens of Clearwater were reassured that such a wonderful humanitarian organization had chosen their city to make its presence felt. But what was going on behind the gates, fences and phalanx of security? Here is an update report fr … [Read more...]
Singin’ In The Rain
Even though it's still raining, the clubbed seals are positively orgasmic over the warmed-over dross served up by Dear Leader in the first installment of His three part Magnum Opus. Honestly, I am not sure how many more of these I can wade through in the interests of science. But here we go. At least it is somewhat entertaining in a morbid sort of way. In keeping with the admonition of NO DATA, Hans Eisenman and Co. gushed forth with more nonsensical meanderings, tortured math and sucking-upingness. I wonder if all these people are working on amends projects and dutifully saving their FB … [Read more...]
It’s Happening!!!!!!! For REAL!!!!!! (again)
I am taking the liberty of republishing this article from the South African blog here because it is SO perfect, I wish I had written it. There is some really useful information being put forth on this blog. Keep it on your daily reading list. With the Golden Age of Tech Phase II event happening live at Flag today and the replay showing in orgs around the world next Friday the hype is at a fever pitch: Consider these statements sent in official promo: “We will make you a perfect auditor. Period.” “The dawning of a new age for all Scientologists is here. The skills and knowledge vi … [Read more...]