Christmas seems to start earlier every year. But not for the staff. All they are getting is lumps of coal thrown at them by Miscavige and his unhappy, unsmiling, cold chrome steel RTC robotpersons. Staff around the world, but ESPECIALLY at AOSHUK know they are going to be in BIG trouble if they don't get "Highest Ever" attendance for these, the most important (non) events in the history of mankind. Little notes attached to the lumps of coal tell them the events are happening "soon" but there are no dates. As good, loyal SO members they are doing what they can to "make it go right." And al … [Read more...]
Voldemort “News”
There has been enormous effort expended to prevent "leaks" from Graduation so the morning after dose of bs has been curtailed at all costs. But the Scientology "grapevine" cannot control itself when there is such amazing, astonishing good news coming straight from the horse's mouth. It is however, sort of ironic that the massively, incredibly good news about how the planet is being saved at light speed isn't suitable for anyone outside of Flag to know. Maybe this is just another "marketing gimmick" to make people come to Flag -- you cannot know about anything anywhere else in the world? Or … [Read more...]
Tampa Bay Times Editorial
Someone sent me this editorial and I am reprinting it here as a public service. As noted elsewhere I can no longer see their website without paying them a fee which I am not inclined to do and there are others interested in the subject who cannot even buy a hard copy of the paper as they live outside Florida. The Editorial makes a good point. If everything is all above board and proper as the church claims, why are they so worried about these lawsuits and doing everything possible to distract from the real issues they raise? Editorial: Cases shine a light into Scientology Friday, … [Read more...]
Promises, Promises….
So much for the first month -- a big fat nothing. None of the four epic accomplishments was done.... Wonder how many people are sitting around at Flag waiting for anything to happen -- desperately trying to avoid the regges? (Good luck with that) Now they are piling on. Promoting the wonders of the IAS event "directly following" the opening of the SP Building and release of GAG II. Make your plans to attend. We are just not telling you WHEN it will be. But when we finally make up our minds a week before the event you will be expected to be there. From: Nitzan Burstein, IAS A … [Read more...]
Give It A Rest Laurie
She is like the Energizer bunny. Turn on the switch, point her and off she heads, banging her drum and looking stupid until someone pulls the batteries out of her back. The building is DONE Laurie? A few weeks ago your letters said for people to arrive in mid-September so as not to miss the long awaited "grand opening." But there she still sits, paper over the windows, looking exactly like it did a year ago. It awaits the blessing from Dear Leader to allow the unclean to enter his palace and mess up his oiliness table. But it seems he cannot make up his mind. So, take the opportunity of a … [Read more...]
What Do They Fear?
Just what is it that the church is SO worried about? Why are they so paranoid about information "leaking" onto the internet? Funny, David Miscavige seems to enjoy crowing about how they got "19 million hits" (I know its a lie as this blog gets MORE visitors than and I average around 8,000 per day and even at 2.5 pages per visitor that only totals 7.3 million a year) and have numerous "state-of-the-art" websites and are on the "cutting edge." But they are terrified it seems about things showing up on the internet that they are not controling. And for an organization that constantly … [Read more...]
Flag Recruitment Promo — Prescient?
Voldemort Tent Update August 30
Well, you will be happy to hear, that like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, He's back. (Had to make a trip to Los Angeles to meet with lawyers to try and figure out how to wriggle out of the Monique Rathbun lawsuit). But in His absence there was lots of excitement in downtown Clearwater over His tent. Actually, over the illegal destruction of two live oak trees to make way for the tent. He no doubt issued the order to chop down the trees when He was not in town so he couldnt receive any embarrassing phone calls from the city. Interestingly, none of the reports, even Tony Ortega himself, r … [Read more...]
Big Brother Is Watching
The "friendliest place in the world" is losing its lustre. In fact, it is becoming downright creepy. This is from the latest "OT" Committee Meeting Minutes -- my highlighting in red: "Emmett Osborn, OTC Dir IAS Field Dissemination, come up to brief us about the winners of the recent IAS Game with the prize of a special pin for getting 2 status upgrades, 2 Lifetime Memberships or a donation on $10,000. He presented gifts of special lapel pins, engraved pens and one-of-a-kind shoulder bags to the winners, Kaye Champagne and Tom Cummins. Emmett re-briefed us on the new IAS Game t … [Read more...]
Voldemort’s Tent Update 16 August
This morning I received 3 separate reports on “Graduation” from last night. The stats are going up! I have combined them into one summarized report here. Thanks to those who continue to keep the world updated on the latest news from inside the bubble. As usual my comments are in italics enclosed in square brackets. Also as usual, He talks about MEST logistics almost exclusively. It’s almost bizarre to contemplate the leader of the "most important and fastest growing religious movement on earth" gives a weekly running commentary on the adventures of a tent making its way from England to the US … [Read more...]