Update from last night's graduation. While the adoring crowds no doubt were screaming and jumping to their feet like a room full of jack-in-the-boxes on steroids, this is becoming pretty boringly mundane. The false "exuberance" is no doubt now being enforced on all present. "You will be impressed, or else...." Even our Special On The Ground Correspondent seems to have become bored with it all. You know how it goes, when Voldemort was a far off, unseen figure he was pretty scary. When you see him for the first time he is pretty scary. But after a while, he sort of becomes old hat. So, he … [Read more...]
Desperation At Flag
A couple of desperate pleas indicate the Flag ship is taking on water despite the incredible (literally?) news being presented by Him at the Friday Nite Kumbaya Circle. Who ever heard of free food and babysitting being offered to try to entice people to come and see Him speak? Well, it is a rerun of a rerun of a rerun, BUT people should be falling all over themselves to attend, because it IS Him speaking.... Looks like things aren't shaping up too well if they are stooping to giveaways. I remember repeated requests for babysitting services to be provided for events and the public being told … [Read more...]
Hmmm… Maybe This Alliance Thing Isn't Working Out?
Remember the earlier post about the "Flag Alliance" to raise money for all the orgs in the "Southeast US" (all 4 of them) to "go Ideal"? An Ideal Org IQ Test Well, the most "powerful OT Committee in the world", with 253 members at last count (not much of a percentage out of the claimed 10,000 Scientologists in the Tampa Bay area or 2 1/2%) is having a tough time getting people to confirm attendance. With this "Command Intention" -- in fact the MOST IMPORTANT program according to "Chairman of the Bored", David Miscavige … [Read more...]
The Ideal Org Trickle Down
Today in Radical Corporate Scientology, the modus operandi is "do what I do, not what I say (or what LRH says)". "Command Intention" trumps everything -- policy, tech, common sense and common decency. Which is why fundraising has become the primary activity in the Scientology world. Ideal Orgs. Super Power Building. IAS. Library Campaign. Planetary Dissemination. Psychbusting. The list goes on, in the face of specific and repeated policy forbidding it. As a result, now you see prominent "OT Committee" members following the "Ideal Org" pattern to raise funds for their local "community group." … [Read more...]
The Friedman's Break Free
Some of you may know Marsha and Steve Friedman, but for those of you who don’t, here’s a little information about these two new independents. Marsha became a Scientologist in 1969 and introduced Steve to Scientology in 1973. They are well-known as Scientologists in the Clearwater community, where they moved in 1989. They are also well-known as successful business people who own and operate a national PR agency, founded by Marsha 22 years ago. The firm, headquartered until recently in downtown Clearwater, represents professionals, high-profile individuals and corporations in a wide range of … [Read more...]