A couple of recent articles in the Tampa Bay Times: Scientology leader to visit Clearwater officials a week before vote on property purchase and Dynamic of City Council meetings with Scientology leader a rarity, and an analysis of the property situation in Clearwater yesterday on Tony Ortega's blog make for interesting reading. I cannot help but draw parallels between what is happening with downtown Clearwater and David Miscavige's history as the supreme leader of scientology. Miscavige has long prided himself in his ability to "get things done" that others believed impossible. He began … [Read more...]
Pat Harney — Scientology’s Last “PR”?
Perhaps the only scientology "PR" who is still operating anywhere these days is Pat Harney in Clearwater. Though she doesn't make live media appearances or even answer live media questions (witness her scurrying away when she came to "confront" one of the Producers of The Aftermath while they were shooting on the sidewalk - and refusing to even give her name) - she will dash off a Letter to the Editor every now and then, as long as it's not to one of the "known SP media" outlets (looking at you Tampa Bay Times). Pat is the last of a dying breed. Karin Pouw is just a name used to put on … [Read more...]
Atlanta Ribbon Yanking Panic
They are terrified they won't have enough people to put in the shots of Dear Leader yanking the ribbon in Atlanta. Even though the call has gone out to every org in the US that they had better show up, they are making sure there will be "bodies in the shop" by shipping "OT Ambassadors" from Flag. This is a luxury trip -- driving through the night from midnight til 9am to get them there in time for the video shoot. Smile for the cameras. Stand around for a few hours. Tour the empty building. Then leave again at 5pm and arrive back after midnite. Not anyone's idea of an all expenses paid … [Read more...]
Going Clear Screening and Q & A in Clearwater
It is now official. Scientology's latest censorship effort has inevitably proven to be another in their long series of PR footbullets. The screening of Going Clear on Friday 2 October will begin at 7pm at Muvico Palm Harbor. After the screening, the theater manager has set aside 45 minutes for Q and A and both Sara Goldberg and I will be happy to answer questions. In addition, renowned Tampa CBS affiliate investigative reporting veteran Mike Deeson has agreed to be the moderator for the Q and A session. Mike adds his 30+ years of Bay … [Read more...]
LRH Monument To Fundraising
Laurie Webster, vampire extraordinaire has continued to haunt those she previously bled dry for the SP Building in the hopes they have a bit more to give. The pitch isn't as dramatic as it was for the SP Building. She can no longer promise that by giving money you would make planetary clearing a reality with the release of Super Power (how is that planetary clearing working out Laurie?). So she has a new pitch to try and get her message heard among the demands for money for the IAS, Ideal Orgs, Planetary Dissemination, Narconon, CCHR, Criminon, book … [Read more...]
Scientology Disconnection New Proof
To be honest, I am still catching my breath from the airing of Going Clear last night. Thank you to everyone who wrote, texted, tweeted, called and otherwise made their support and appreciation known. It was a bit overwhelming. Also, I am not as industrious as Tony Ortega. And despite what the church says, I have work I need to do in order to make a living. Those are my justifications for not doing a posting of my own this morning, and I am sticking to them. But I am not in any way apologizing for telling you that you must read the article Tony Ortega has on his blog this … [Read more...]
How To Fake Stats
A Special Correspondent sent this in. I've recently started getting texts from Judy Fagerman, who seems to still be the VM I/C Tampa. Here are a few texts she sent me in the last few weeks. I copied all text exactly. Typos included: Dec 15: "Active VM now this week? 141 assists, 34 books at Winter Wonderland. Miracle wins! ML, Judy :)" Dec 22: "Active VM now this week? Did 220 assists, sold 48 books & got out 1,300 promo at Winter Wonderland! Woo hoo! ML, Judy" An earlier one I found interesting since it allows sign "waiving" to be counted as a VM activity: Oct 27: "Active VM now th … [Read more...]
Scientology Responds
Last week I put up a post entitled Scientology Takes Clearwater For Suckers. A bit earlier tonight, scientology finally got their response approved through command channels, and it appeared in the form of the comment reprinted below. Of course, a comment such as this to an old post would be buried and most people would not see it. I wanted it to receive the fullest airing possible in the interest of fairness. Here is the response, posted under the name "Walter Lippmann" Oh, dear, Mike, you know very little — about many things but most to the point here a … [Read more...]
Scientology Takes Clearwater For Suckers
There has been considerable media attention to the church opposition to the Clearwater Aquarium development on the site right behind the Fort Harrison. Fox News weighed in. Then the Tampa Bay Times and then the TBT wrote an editorial. The church cites a Florida State University (FSU) study showing the economic impact they have in the local community and somehow "reason" that the Aquarium would be a bad idea. They also cite to an Urban Land Institute (ULI) study commissioned by the city to puff up their importance (as they said the city and the church should "work together") though it is a l … [Read more...]
Clearwater Belongs To Us, Wogs Not Welcome
A local Special Correspondent sent this in this morning and I thought it worth reprinting. Pity the media don't REALLY analyze what is going on. The article is on MyFox Tampa Bay, headlined: “Church of Scientology expresses opposition to proposed aquarium.” Aside from the main message that the Church is opposed to plans to move the Clearwater Marine Aquarium downtown, there is this quote, “The objections to the project were coupled with a recent economic impact study conducted by Florida State University. It says the Church directly provides 4,300 jobs in the Clearwater area, with a direc … [Read more...]