This week's "good news." (Well, it's a bit old, preempted by other more important news). Thing are not getting any better at Flag. Their completions are in the same range for months on end. By now one would have expected to see some evidence of the masses "pouring up the Bridge" -- it has been 9 months since the release of GAG II and opening of Miscavige's Folly. But they pump out the "good news," telling the world they are going nowhere. I guess these days, anything that isn't another expose in the media or lawsuit being filed is fantastic news. And if it is shouted from the … [Read more...]
Who Good Scientologists Should Vote For
Of course, the church cannot directly endorse any political candidates as this would be a violation of their exempt status (possibly the least egregious one they would be guilty of, but nevertheless very visible and thus difficult to deny). So, they grab some "OT Committee" people and have them do the dirty work for them. These ventriloquist puppets are NOT sending this out without coordinating with the church first. In fact, apparently the efforts to influence the local community are heating up -- OSA recently held a briefing (it's funny how this, like everything else, is tied to the new … [Read more...]
Super Power Isn’t So Sooper
Wow, if this is all they have to show for 15+ years, hundreds of millions invested in this building, and virtually unparalleled hype, its pretty tragic. And what is so amazing to me is how they keep giving actual stats as if they are worth shouting about? 15 Super Power Completions in a week? At the ONLY place on earth that can deliver it? So EVERY scientologist on planet earth that wants the most hyped service ever MUST come to Flag? And they are completing 15 per week and there have now been over 800 completions since release?? Stop to catch your breath for a minute whoever is … [Read more...]
The Flag Cannibals Have Eaten Themselves Out Of Business
More indicators of how poorly thing are going at Flag. The recent post about the "goodwill mission" in DC is now followed by this -- the "Flag World Tour" going to Phoenix... Ignoring the horrendous grammar and typos, this email contains some interesting insight into what is happening at Flag. The FWT is going to outnumber the people that come to their event in Phoenix -- this is how desperate they are. They are not sending just a reg and a single Tech terminal -- no, it's a Super Power Auditor AND a Qual Consultant, along with Kaye Champagne and 3 regges. They will be lucky to … [Read more...]
Flag Stats Are Going Down
Some more "good news" from our old friend Jeff Mintz. Here are some earlier weeks of the same stats sent out by Jeff Mintz all under the same heading "Good News From Flag!": W/E 3 July 14 * 21 Survival Rundown Completions!!* 10 Super Power Completions!!* 21 Cause Resurgence Completions!!* 17 Ls Completions!!* 9 Clears!!* 6 OT VII Completions!! (From the WUS: Rob Tardi, Elke Jaeger, Barbara Rubio and Murray Marvin!!!) W/E 12 June 14 * 15 Purif Completions!!* 20 Survival Rundown Completions!!* 20 Full Super Power Completions!!* 18 Cause Resurgence … [Read more...]
More Disconnection Hypocrisy
A Special Correspondent alerted me to this, and I happened to have additional information that made it even more interesting. He originally set forth the proposition: Wanting to stay connected to one’s own parent, spouse or child can earn you an SP declare and expulsion from Scientology, but soliciting sex from a minor and going to prison will not, even if you’re a former Sea Org Member. Great premise, based on the facts our Special Correspondent had. But there is more to this story that makes it even more noteworthy. Everyone knows there is a double standard for disconnection in scie … [Read more...]
Flag “OT” News
Here is the latest from the Flag OTC -- pre-prepared to launch once MV was over... This is one well-oiled machine -- or perhaps a well-oiliness machine? May the Force be with you. And blessings from the Galactic Samurai. Wow, nothing like some absolute BS to get things off to a roaring start. Can you imagine how many people they send this newsletter out to that are NOT on service and it just confirms for them that the "OTC" is a sham. Woww -- they are listing the BUSINESSES that have "all their staff" on service. Wonder if this is going to … [Read more...]
More From The Horse’s Ass
Raving Clive is at it again... "...the majority of Scientologists have not cognited that we do now have all the Tech exactly as LRH laid it out!" And you, my friend, have therefore admitted to delivering squirrel tech and charging people for it for 30 years or more. Now you tell your loyal customers they are being recalled AND they have to pay. Can you imagine GM trying this -- recalling the cars they made with faulty parts AND charging people to replace them? It is a ridiculous thought. They would be put out of business. But not in Scientology. Here you announce over and over "we … [Read more...]
10,000 Not On Solo NOTs
After more than 30 years, they are very slowly closing in on reaching 2/3rds of their 10,000 target. Woohoo. Though the figure they give is certainly a lie and probably includes everyone who is "off the level" because they "started it at one time" (you can be sure they have not deducted all the people who are now declared SP as they would be going backward in their cumulative total). But this is not new news, we have been hearing about them trying to get to 6500 for almost a year now. More interesting are some other things said by Crazy Lady Edy Lundeen (I highlighted them in b … [Read more...]
Golden Age Of Fundraising
Now that the Garcia's have forced the opening of the SP Building, they are moving on to new false promises of what will accomplish planetary clearing. This time, it is the "LRH Hall." But note the admission about the "success" of the SP Building and the people "pouring in" from "all over the world" for GAG II ...comparatively, this is still a trickle that will soon reach epic flood proportions. You just have to wonder WHEN any of these future epic floods and planetary clearing juggernauts ever come to pass? Don't these people notice? And now The Next Big Thing is that you have to give us … [Read more...]