These random hushmails arrive down the chimney and I dont always have time to even read them. But eventually I publish them as a matter of record as they contain a useful history of the shrinking of the bubble. The panic has really set in at Flag -- he is at the OTC meeting handing out lists of local BUSINESSES and the OTC members are responsible for getting them to get their staff in and onto courses or auditing. This email needs to be preserved if only for this reason -- as evidence in the next lawsuit filed by an employee of a business that is forced to do Scientology as a condition of … [Read more...]
Flag’s Unimpressive Stats
Seriously Jeff, you are getting excited about this? 21 Super Power Completions (and remember, this is the "surge" of people who paid for this over the past 20 years in order to be first in line). At 20 per week (providing it stays at this artificially inflated level) it will take a year to complete 1000 people. 12 years to complete everyone in the Tampa Bay area and 10,000 years to complete all the Scientologists on earth. Oh, wait a minute, these are just your phony numbers because if they were real you could not be excited about that as its like being excited about having invested in a … [Read more...]
“Dear Wonderful Members…”
The big sheeple rodeo is on. Yeeha. THIS is the most exciting game we have ever played! That is, until next week when we announce the mostest most exciting game ever, ever. But the real kicker here is THE PLAYERS. The most upstat beingings in this Universe. And here is where the problem lies with the fundamentalist scientologists. Apart from their hype and spelling, grammar and punctuation problems, the arrogance is amazing. Kaye Champagne may well be a nice (if deluded) person, but to assert that she and her buddies on the Flag OT Committee (who cannot even get the local scientologists … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Annual Report
More from the hushmail fairies. This is the annual report of the Flag OT Committee -- combined with the Tampa OT Committee. As usual, it contains some interesting reading. And it certainly contains proof that the largest, highest trained, most active group of "OT's" are like a pea shooter facing a battleship when it comes to making any sort of impact on society. Not to try to pick apart everything they say, but just a few notes of interest . From reading this, you can see they have gone to school on how to present information -- where there is no news, pick out a tiny example and make it … [Read more...]
The Running Program
Remember, this rundown consists of running around a pole. Nothing more. I wonder what miraculous results would come if D/Source For Lost Tech "discovered" a new rundown that "came from the whole track" -- and it consists of sitting quietly on the floor until you have a realization (sort of like meditation). I can hear the clubbed seals babbling on about the genius of COB and how this was better than any OT level and their entire universe has suddenly aligned and they now have limitless power and theta. Here is a recent over-the-top testimonial from a KoolAid drinker par … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes
I assure you, these WERE sent via hushmail. In the spirit of giving on this big birthday weekend celebration, another gift to brighten Mr. Miscavige's day. More leaks from his bubble. There is some pretty remarkable stuff here. Remember this is the FLAG OT Committee. Flag, according to the PR is "bursting at the seams" getting momentous numbers of people through Super Power, the Running Program, Grades, L's and ten thousand on Solo NOTs etc etc etc. Sorry, but that just does not add up with a "successful" event last Saturday with "about 10 people" in attendance. I wonder what they … [Read more...]
The Scam Rolls On — The LRH Hall and Museum
Captain Miscavige's Mecca is open. And now the next chapter begins. Obviously He can't let the demand for money slow down. Time for a new gimmick. So after collecting an estimated $300 million for a building that was supposed to cost $40 million (though now they are claiming it cost $260 million which is a staggering $800+sq/ft if it is really 300,000 sq ft), of course there is no money to build the "LRH Hall". The figure of $260 million now being floated is probably some attempt to counter the Garcia lawsuit -- "proving" they did need all that money, though the records of the expenditures … [Read more...]
Same Old New Years
Tony Ortega put up the video of the New Year's event today. Unlikely many could stand the torture of watching the whole thing. If you have a choice, it's a good idea to avoid the avalanche of Shermanspeak like the bubonic plague. It can make your ears bleed and brain turn to mush. I mentioned last week that I had been going through the event and making some notes. I never got around to publishing them. I didnt make it through the whole event, and don't plan on doing so as now anyone who is interested can watch it for themselves if they have a masochistic streak. But just because I made the … [Read more...]
Goings On In Clearwater
I was out for a drive last night and passed through downtown Clearwater. Three things of interest. 1. I happened to be there at 7:45 and there were a few people in front of the Ft Harrison and a couple of cars, but not many. And a few walking from the Parking Structure down by where the tent used to be (it was packed up for the 74,319 yard journey back to the UK in 612.3 shipping boxes weighing it at the equivalent of 73.8 fully grown Indian elephants). But certainly not the big influx of people for "Flag Graduation" one would expect at the Mecca of GAG. Perhaps Voldemort has given up on … [Read more...]
Straight Up And Vertical — Not
For about 30 years now the FSO has been pushing an arbitrary target of "10,000 onto or through OT VII" as the solution to "handling the planet." It comes from a twisted interpretation of this quote from a 1952 lecture: " any one time on earth there were not more than about 10,000 people of a caliber that was sufficient to do a little steering or leading..." Clive Rabey, the point man for the FSO on this matter, explained it in Source Mag like this: "It was a mathematical equation, all extrapolated out. From the real physical universe effects this would create in terms of case gain and … [Read more...]