See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. This one is near and dear to my heart -- the day we flew the banner over the assembled sheeple waiting to be allowed in to the "Big Tent" set up in Clearwater for the IAS event. Believe it or not, this is the best proof Miscavige has of His "expansion." Everyone knows the stable datum that "the squirrels go crazy when we are expanding" so they MUST be going totally crazy: q.e.d. we ARE expanding. This afternoon, the barricades went up and the armed … [Read more...]
Elect Mark Bunker
A very simple message for Monday morning. If you live in the local area, these yard signs are now available. I put this one in front of our house yesterday even though we don't live in Clearwater. Perhaps someone who does live there and can vote will see it. If you want one, or you want to help get Mark Bunker elected to the Clearwater City Council, contact him at his website Mark Bunker for Clearwater City Council. Stand up to bullies. Support Mark Bunker. … [Read more...]
The Economic Impact of Scientology on Clearwater
Scientology spews out paid ads proclaiming their wondrous contributions to society, most especially to Clearwater. I see these things on Twitter and when I respond they delete my responses. So, in keeping with the time-honored solution of “doing what Ron says,” I am putting my response on my own channel of communication where it cannot be altered (or deleted). Their tweet above makes the bold claim that scientology paid $3.1 million in property and tourist taxes in 2018. And that they "generate $1 billion impact into the local economy." As for the first claim -- this may well be cor … [Read more...]
More on Miscavige and Clearwater
Further on the blog post from yesterday (Miscavige Schmoozing City Officials) -- some important points I omitted to mention and an update. First: Why were these 3 city officials at the meeting? As I said yesterday, Miscavige considers Bill Horne and Pam Aiken to be his buddies. But the real reason is that they are not ELECTED officials. If there were two ELECTED officials in the room it becomes a "public meeting" subject to the Sunshine Act laws. Bill Horne and Pam Aiken are very well aware of this. They were complicit in making sure this meeting was not one that had to be … [Read more...]
Miscavige Schmoozing City Officials
Tracey McManus is on the ball again. Reporting on the ongoing efforts of Miscavige and Co. to fulfill their plans to make Clearwater the “first scientology city”. Her latest story covers a recent meeting between scientology’s capo di tutti capi and three non-elected city officials. Miscavige has had a long term relationship with City Manager Bill Horne and City Attorney Pam Aiken. It seems they brought along Michael Delk so he could be introduced to the big cheese. Miscavige first began schmoozing Bill Horne and Pam Aiken when he was here trying to keep his ass out of a sling in the Lisa … [Read more...]
Why Clearwater is Losing to Scientology
Tracey McManus broke another story concerning downtown Clearwater and scientology on Friday. It speaks volumes about why scientology has been able to proceed unchecked with its announced plan of making Clearwater the "first scientology city." The elected officials of Clearwater are so intimidated by the organization, and so lacking in understanding of how it works, they stumble along "trying to get along." They are forever being quoted saying "you have to play the hand you deal" and other explanations/excuses for being outplayed, outsmarted and outwitted by scientology. David Miscavige … [Read more...]
Names of the Flag OT Committee
This is a lazy post today, so I can take a day off. I am simply including the latest commendation from the Flag OT Committee which lists all the active members of the Committee. The mos gung-ho clapping seals of the Tampa Bay scientology community. Scientology is trying to promote “I am a scientologist” but it’s hard to find out who they are so now their names (other than seeing them inside the magazine). Their names will now be searchable on google... If you search for CLEARWATER SCIENTOLOGISTS these names should show up. This is the email they sent out: The following OTC … [Read more...]
Why Elect Mark Bunker?
Tracey McManus article on the Downtown Development Board should be sounding alarms for the citizens of Clearwater. She explains: Three of the five candidates running for three seats in the Oct. 8 election are downtown business owners who are also Scientology parishioners. Three of the seven current board members are also parishioners: Stu Sjouwerman, founder of cyber security firm KnowBe4, whose term ends this year and who is not running for re-election; Ray Cassano, owner of Station Square Realty, whose term ends in 2021; and Paris Morfopoulos, owner of One Stoppe Shoppe, who is running for … [Read more...]
Mark Bunker for Clearwater City Council
A message from my friend Mark Bunker - far more important than Thursday Funnies which will run on Saturday: HELP WANTED The Clearwater City Council campaign season officially starts on September 19th! In advance of the 19th, there are two things we'd like some help with. We are still looking to nail down someone to be the CAMPAIGN MANAGER who has previous experience running a campaign. This is a PAID POSITION. The challenge has been finding someone with prior experience who is ALSO willing to put themselves in the cross-hairs of the Church of Scientology. We … [Read more...]
Clearwater Follies
Leah and I were speaking with our old friend Mark Bunker, who was telling us about the injunction scientology obtained against him and other members of the Lisa McPherson Trust back in 1998. Amazingly, scientology still seeks to enforce this injunction against him to this day – its language prevents him from protesting in front of some specified scientology buildings and from coming within 10 feet of any scientologist (it’s a mystery how he is supposed to know who is or isn’t a scientologist…) but they tried to get him thrown out of his condo because a scientologist lived next door, and pull … [Read more...]