It's "Epic" Like everything that ever happens in scientology. Watch videos of some ribbon cuttings, which will be shown at the next event and they will then tell you to come watch a video of the event too... This is what is known as making best use of very limited resources. Power Couples! They even have online registEration. Why did Drew and Maria Robb leave the SO? More fake religiosity They do it with Christian holidays, and take the opportunity to cash in on Jewish ones too. $50??? Wash, rinse, repeat... This … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Lots of Easter promos this week, just kept it to one... It's World Renowned And it's "visually spectacular." They are taking it on a "global tour." So why are they doing it in Los Angeles? The real thing is right there -- not their half-baked traveling version... It's Easter Remember, the man on the cross is a figment of the R6 bank. Flag is at it again Hubbard's ashes are churning up the Pacific as the Mecca of Technical Perfection panders to FSM's to try to drum up some income. The L. Ron Hubbard Hall is going nowhere... We rarely hear … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The effects from our recent event? An AO creaming their jeans about being able to deliver the Purif and Objectives? Now THAT'S expansion! The Advanced Org nobody needed... They're so focused on getting anyone in for anything because there are no public moving up the Bridge they might as well call themselves the "Continental Org" and close every other org down and they still wouldn't come close to using all their space. What about locals NOT on service? They would NEVER turn anyone away if they could pay.... And they have an IAS card and clearance … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
A lot of promo this week has been devoted to the massively, spectacular, epic wider bridge OMG! But there are some other bits and pieces worthy of comment... Postcard Mania? This is the venue, not one of the numerous completely empty Potemkin village buildings on N. Ft Harrison? What is she holding up? Why are they blanking out a routing form? Deep questions and an epiphany Scientologists love good conspiracy theories. Global Elites in secret perverted activity! Things TOO disturbing to share. But scientology has the answer. The ONLY … [Read more...]