I recently did a post about this scientologist, Dave Kushin and his crazy conspiracy theories. His nuttiness has gone from bad to worse... And then there is this, from Jim Rego, a guy who apparently had quite a following in the scientology bubble. He sends out a lot of conspiracy theory stuff and rants about the "lamestream media" etc Frankly, what these guys spout is not really more outrageous than the Xenu story or the idea that all psychiatrists are "wholetrack implanters" or that drugs stored in the "fatty tissue" can be "expelled" by sweating in a sauna. I wonder … [Read more...]
Belief v. Fact
This is a well laid out, calm and informative comment that responded to a response from Aviv Bershadsky about my posting What Do Scientologists Believe about COVID-19? I also note she has some interesting thoughts about "othering" at the end which are not directed to Aviv but I kept them because I think her views on things are worth looking at. I felt it was valuable and too important to be lost as a comment to an older post. I asked the author for permission to print it and for a little information about her. Her name is Valerie Feria-Isacks and this is the short bio she sent … [Read more...]
Signs of the Times
In lieu of Thursday Funnies, we have a few things that have flopped over the transom that make for entertaining reading in these strange times. If you were wondering what the Sea Org "management" people are doing (in the Continental Liaison Offices and at the Flag Bureau) this gives a clue. The "managers" in EUS are "delivering" extension courses. With the orgs having little or no income, these management units are really struggling to come up with a few dollars for food. Their income, meager as it is, comes from the orgs. When the orgs make 0, the SO Units make 0. The difference is, in … [Read more...]
The IAS COVID-19 Pitch
I was waiting for the latest IAS chapter of disaster capitalism, and once again they have not disappointed. You can always count on the IAS Regges to use a disaster to try to cash in. Here is IAS Hall of Famer Freddy Hunkeler doing what IAS Regges do best: Highlighting how terrible things are and that if you just hand over your cash to the IAS you will be "making a difference." Actually the ONLY thing you will accomplish is to increase Freddy's stats. Absolutely nothing else. The IAS is doing nothing to "help bring sanity and calm to our environment.” The extent I& their accomplishments … [Read more...]
More from the Scientology Bubble about COVID-19
Here is some more "thinking" from a good scientologist about the "alleged" virus and "alleged" pandemic. Of course, every organization and group has its fringe crazies and it is unfair to paint all scientologists with the same brush... But it is also true by my experience that when it comes to issues relating to the medical/mental health arena, scientologists do tend to be proudly on the fringe. A healthy disbelief, or even contempt, for these professions aligns entirely with Hubbard. He practically mandates it as an article of faith. On the whole, I would say a way higher percentage of … [Read more...]
What Do Scientologists Believe About COVID-19
I received a copy of a promotional piece from the Dror Center. It's one of the few successful "independent" scientology groups. Let me say at the outset that Dani and Tami Lemberger are wonderful people and personal friends and I thoroughly enjoy their company when they come to visit with us. They founded and still run the Dror Center. I do not subscribe to their views concerning scientology, but they try to help people and do no harm. No disconnection. No Fair Game. No hard sell regging. What this promo piece does is give insight into the way scientologists view COVID-19 without the … [Read more...]
About the Worst Thing To Do
Scientology continues to demonstrate it's irrational, dangerous attitude towards the current pandemic. They just don't get it. As the old saying goes, even if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. Even if scientology pretends they are totally in compliance with societal norms and expectations (in fact, they exceed them and did so faster and more efficiently than anyone on earth), they just cannot help themselves when it comes to displaying their real "pig." The pressure is still on to "get stats up" -- that will never change. So, these recruiters are feeling the heat to bring … [Read more...]
This is Scientology Social Distancing?
Here is an email forwarded to me from the VM's in LA. They are pitching to get "supplies" for the disaster, but attach a photo showing a cluster of VM's loading (or unloading) stuff... They are not 6 feet apart. They are not even 2 feet apart. Are they really meaning to advertise they are not maintaining the mandated social distancing? Is this an old photo because they actually dont have anything to take shots of? What is going on here? And I note, they are pushing scientologyTV "It's Time to Rediscover the Human Soul" which no doubt expounds on Hubbard's theories that ONLY the soul … [Read more...]
The Last Day of The Last Days
The Jehovah's Witnesses have been predicting the end of the world "Armageddon" since the creation of the movement by Charles Taze Russell in the late 19th century. Some of their earlier predictions had specific dates, but as these came and passed, and they came up with explanations as to why the dates were not correct (generally that God was revealing more truth and making things clearer now...) COVID-19 has their apocalyptic juices flowing. The JW's are run by a group of old men called the "Governing Body." There is a lot to know about the JW's and my good friend "John Cedars"/Lloyd … [Read more...]
Scientology “Tech” Backfires Again
Marlow Stern has written quite a number of stories relating to scientology. They have often questioned scientology's practices and have failed to regurgitate the scientology propaganda they try to feed the media. That makes him an "enemy." And what does Hubbard say about enemies? You threaten what they seek to protect and cost them their jobs. See this post for the exact words from Hubbard: Dealing with Critics of Scientology: The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook What never ceases to amaze me is how proudly scientology comes right out with the very worst of themselves, proving time and time again w … [Read more...]