As always, Tracey McManus has the story. I spoke to Tracey about this earlier today and she quoted me in the article. But I had more thoughts on it that she was unable to include. I also have a copy of Chief Slaughter's publicly available report. First, this comes as a relief to me. My son is in this facility, so anything being done to mitigate the threat of this pandemic is very welcome. Second, I applaud Chief Slaughter for taking the initiative to do something. I do not recall the last time any city official walked in to the Ft Harrison to check out what is going on. Third, … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Pandemic Pitch
I was forwarded this email from the EDs of Salt Lake City "ideal" org. I reprint it here with spelling errors/typos exactly as it was received. Another confirmation that this org is closed (public are not receiving services physically inside the org) -- but they then go on in typical scientology style to say the answer to the question "Wait, does that mean the Org is closed?" is "Absolutely not, in fact, the org is more open than ever." Only in the deluded world of scientology would a shuttered org be more open than ever... But "more open than ever" translates into more desperate for … [Read more...]
Tampa Pastor Jailed. What About Scientology?
The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office (Tampa) arrested and jailed a Pastor who held Sunday Services yesterday in violation of social distancing laws. It now begs the question: What about the flagrant violations of scientology? Will the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office (@SheriffPinellas on twitter) or the Clearwater Police Department (@MyClearwaterPD) do anything? It seems unlikely given their past track record. But one can always hope. With a new Clearwater Mayor and City Council coming online imminently, perhaps there is a hope that instead of responding to calls from the Security G … [Read more...]
Scientology Orgs Shuttering? Flag is NOT (update)
While it appears to be business as usual at Flag (and likely the other Sea Org orgs), it seems there may be a shift at the lower echelons of the hierarchy. One of our dedicated readers sent in a report that a local org is telling their public "they will be closing for 2 weeks." Another called the NY Org and asked simply "Are you open?", and the guy on reception said "No." The caller waited, thinking there would be some elaboration and the line remained silent. No further information was forthcoming. Perhaps some of our other readers could call your local org and ask them if they are … [Read more...]
Flag Under “Stay at Home” Order
On Thursday 26 March, a "Stay at Home" order went into effect in Pinellas County. I have included the complete order at the end of this post. The order does NOT have an exemption for "religious organizations." Among other things it says that people should stay AT HOME (including in the definition of "At Home" a dormitory, apartment, hotel or motel), remain at a distance of 6 feet from others and not congregate in groups of more than 10 people. It also specifically states: "All public and private gatherings of any number of people not meeting CDC guidance outside a family unit, … [Read more...]
PTS to the Corona Virus
Our old friend Terra Cognita weighs in on the pandemic... I couldn’t help wondering about what Scientologists must be thinking about the Corona Virus. L. Ron Hubbard wrote that the only reason a person gets sick is due his or her connection to an SP—a suppressive person. In laymen’s terms, SPs make up about two and half percent of the population and are the real baddies of the world. They’re masters at disguise (unless, of course, you’re a Scientologist and have the tech to identify them) and account for most of the misery on planet Earth. LRH said that people connected to SPs were PTS—Poten … [Read more...]
Dear Leader Speaks
Captain David Miscavige, scientology's capo di tutti capo, has reportedly weighed in on the COVID-19 pandemic. But apparently his words are too special to be read by mere "wogs" -- or even any scientologist who cannot get into an org. He issued an IG NW Bulletin (Inspector General Network) "No. 88" where he provides a message of "leadership and care." Having been around when his last "Call to Arms" was issued after 9/11, it is easy to conclude what his message of leadership and care is. (I was originally told to write this issue for him with Lyman Spurlock but of course … [Read more...]
Scientology and COVID-19
You may have seen this pitch and others on Tony's site and social media. Flaunting government guidelines recommending no gatherings of more than 10 people, scientology instead uses the pandemic as a reason to encourage people to COME IN TO THE ORG. It's batshit crazy. Take a read and I will then try to explain the madness from a scientology perspective. Admittedly, that one was before the stricter requirements for social distancing were in force in California, but then, after the Governor ordered that everyone stay in their homes, this one came in: A combination of … [Read more...]