We have had some fun with History of Man here, and so too have many others. Let's take a moment to look at another of the Hubbard books that gets less airtime because it is not as overtly batshit crazy as HOM -- the Creation of Human Ability. Published in 1954, COHA (everything is an acronym in scientology) is primarily Hubbard trying to offer the solution to nobody being able to go Clear with Dianetics. It starts with typical Hubbard bluster about the magnificence of his discoveries and how well-read he is and how scientology follows in the tradition of great philosophies, religions … [Read more...]
How to “Go OT”
They actually still promote this as if these words are absolute truth. And it happens repeatedly. If Hubbard said it, no matter when it was or how much transpired subsequently, they still present it as gospel truth. The last ACC lecture was in the early 1960's. So what "OT processes" is this referring to? The ones in Creation of Human Ability? The ones that were subsequently canceled (all "Creative Processing" was cancelled by Hubbard)? Certainly not the ones from the "OT Levels" that all scientologists know today as they had not been invented yet? Don't the people that write this stuff … [Read more...]