Episode 0 (Introduction) is now available to download on iHeart and everywhere else podcasts are available. You can even google it directly. Unfortunately, the website that was going to accompany the podcast has been hacked and sabotaged. Should be fixed in the next few hours and as soon as it is live I will update with the link here. Update: Site is now live. It is simply a resource for documents and will be updated as each podcast goes live on Tuesdays. Meanwhile, for those who are looking for the documents that are talked about in this episode, I have included them … [Read more...]
Dealing with Critics of Scientology – The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
If you read this blog, you are likely aware of Leah Remini's upcoming A&E show. I have had the pleasure of working with Leah on this show as a consultant and participant, a cause of great distress for the church. So I thought I might weigh in with some information I feel is pertinent to events now and into the future. As a reader here you are likely also aware of the "church" reaction to the announcement of the show and the first trailer being released - the usual name-calling, smearing and foot stomping that does not RESPOND in any fashion to the abuses being exposed. … [Read more...]