Of course. we kick off this week with the hype about the magnificent, epic, earthshaking, LRH Birthday celebration. Finally, the final component... How stupid were we, thinking the ideal org "movement" was the "final component" for Planetary Clearing? There is in fact a final component to the final component... And next year the final, final component will be the new "on Source" KTL because nobody who actually studied the OEC/FEBC had done KTL and that is why they couldn't apply the tech and the stats didnt go up... And after that it will be the now "on Source" False Purpose … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Still trying for 10,000 Though I guess they've taken some heat as suddenly they have increased more in the last 12 months than any time before... But what happens if they GET 10,000? The planet will be fully salvaged? Kids Success Stories Always inspiring Wow -- big news An AO can deliver the Purif! What a topsy turvy world scientology is Get enlightened About how you need to give us your money Still no International Events... Everyone else is doing things -- sporting events, concerts etc. Dave still too scared … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Funnies
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US. Thank you. No Thank you. No, thank you... But in the end it's only Ron that matters. Eradicate the Reactive Mind I've got a faster, better, cheaper idea. Don't buy into the idea in the first place. In the end, they coax you into believing you created it in the first place. Holiday Escape Rooms? They lock you in a room with a reg and see if you can get out without going bankrupt? Big News You can bet it has something to do with you giving them your money for their holidays. That is always … [Read more...]
Holiday Funnies
A special edition of the Funnies just for the holidays. There is an apparently endless stream of "Holiday" promotion -- though scientology of course does not recognize Jesus as anything but part of the "R6 bank." Virtual Freewinds Wouldn't you like to be at the Freewinds for the holidays? So, to entice you to go there, they are holding a virtual concert in Los Angeles? WTF? Virtual Hawaii And the point of this? Strictly a fundraiser obviously. What does Bodhi Elfman have to do with Christmas? Or Hawaii? Or anything at all? Well, they are going to … [Read more...]
The Scientology/NOI Divorce is On Hold?
The signals are getting mixed in the ongoing saga of the marriage of inconvenience between scientology and NOI. The breakup seemed almost a fait accompli when Tony Muhammad and Alfrauddie Johnson were uninvited to the annual IAS fundraising extravaganza at St Hill in November. A sure sign of trouble to not have recent medal winners in attendance and participating in the photo ops with Dear Leader David Miscavige. It was understandable given the anti-semitic radioactive glow of the NOI and TonyMo in particular. And the criminal prosecution of Rizza and Hanan Islam for defrauding the … [Read more...]