Well, you will be happy to hear, that like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, He's back. (Had to make a trip to Los Angeles to meet with lawyers to try and figure out how to wriggle out of the Monique Rathbun lawsuit). But in His absence there was lots of excitement in downtown Clearwater over His tent. Actually, over the illegal destruction of two live oak trees to make way for the tent. He no doubt issued the order to chop down the trees when He was not in town so he couldnt receive any embarrassing phone calls from the city. Interestingly, none of the reports, even Tony Ortega himself, r … [Read more...]
Miscavige’s Motto
Finally, some (accidental) truth in advertising. This IS what the orgs and "Humanitarians" have been led to believe "If you build it, they will come" -- so it's interesting to see it being stated overtly. But it is NOT the whole truth. The truer statement would be the actual Miscavige Motto -- "If you build it, they will believe me." THAT campaign has worked with the sheeple. They DO believe that the purchase and renovation of buildings is proof of massive international expansion. It even worked with some media for a while (you never see ANY statement from the church that doesnt include how … [Read more...]
Another Disconnection Tragedy
So many responses to yesterday's post about disconnection. Gayle Smith just posted a comment that I feel deserves not to be overlooked. I am making it it's own post. Disconnection What I can say about it? It feels like so little because mere words fail me to convey the significance of its damage. I’ve come close to the edge more than once because of it. I’ve been spun in by it. I’ve come close to giving everything up because of it. What if you disconnected from your own son and never got to say “I love you” again? What if you discover that the reason a loved one left the Church of Sciento … [Read more...]
Disconnection And Segregation
I have in the past analogized Scientology Disconnection to the evils of Segregation overtly practiced in the US until the mid 60's. It bears repeating and seems especially appropriate on this, the 50th anniversary of the "March on Washington" and Dr. Martin Luther King's famous "I have a dream" speech. I believe that if the church was no longer able to control its followers through the threat of disconnection, there would be virtually nobody remaining loyal to David Miscavige and his Empire of Vampires. While Tommy Davis famously, and other church representatives not so famously, have … [Read more...]
The Great Ideal Orgs Scam
Smoke and Mirrors Putting together some backlogged material that has been sent in over the past couple of weeks. There has been so much news and so many things happening that some of these are a bit stale, but nevertheless, worth noting. This "Ideal Org" program is such an abject disaster it is difficult to overstate the magnitude of the fail. So, here are a few examples to highlight the fact that Pinocchio Pouw's statements that everyone is missing the "real story" of Scientology with "37 new churches opened in the last few years" is in fact TRUE. The real story IS that 37 buildings have … [Read more...]
The OC is On Fire! Updated with Shots Of Bustling Org
Note: there was no Graduation last nite due to a special Sea Org only event "for SO Day" but I bet Voldemort was just not feeling in the mood after his weekus horribilus. So. instead we have some news from across the country. Hundreds of thousands of dollars and a year after the OC "Ideal Org" finally opened, their Non E campaign is off the ground. And boy, the news is amazing! They got a donation from someone in NEW YORK. They put up billboards around Disneyland (stupidest place ever -- the people at Disney are TOURISTS, NOT their public) and, wait for it, as they saved the really big … [Read more...]
Prices Are Going Up While We Are Going Down!
The Smiths are at it again -- throwing out more confusion and hidden data to try to drum up some business. Not only is Miscavige planning the super extravaganzapalooza of amazingness to blow the minds of the sheeple with Super Power, Cause Resurgence, GAG II, the meter, dictionary and a whole new building in a circus tent with fireworks, dancing elephants and clowns, he also plans to make a shitload more money with price "changes" (increases) as it just wouldn't be fair to let people "rocket up the Bridge faster than ever, ever, ever" without making them pay more for the privilege of getting … [Read more...]
Pinocchio/Miscavige “Respond” to Lawsuit
Miscavige marionette Karin Pinocchio Pouw has issued another patented ad hominem attack to the media as a "response' to the lawsuit filed last Friday. Quote from the Tampa Bay Times article: Church spokeswoman Karin Pouw said Wednesday that the church had not been served with the lawsuit. But she added: "Based on your questions, the complaint filed in Texas is nothing more than a pathetic get-rich scheme cooked up by unemployed blogger Marty Rathbun, a self-admitted suborner of perjury who is now resorting to using his wife in an attempt to extort money from the church." And she is quoted … [Read more...]
Monique Rathbun Sues David Miscavige
If you have not seen it already, read Tony Ortega's story, including a copy of the complaint and Monique's affidavit, here. … [Read more...]
Mike Eldredge Letter to David Miscavige & Co.
I have known Mike Eldredge since December 1975 when he and his wife Penny were the first two new recruits to arrive at Flag in Clearwater. At the time the location was still confidential and they had not been told where they were going until they were given tickets at the airport. They were excited to be at Flag, but a little disappointed as they had only come from Miami! Mike went on to become a cramming officer, auditor and C/S who worked on many projects directly for LRH. I did a few Missions with him at various times. This write up only touches upon his history and experience. Perhaps he … [Read more...]