The "friendliest place in the world" is losing its lustre. In fact, it is becoming downright creepy. This is from the latest "OT" Committee Meeting Minutes -- my highlighting in red: "Emmett Osborn, OTC Dir IAS Field Dissemination, come up to brief us about the winners of the recent IAS Game with the prize of a special pin for getting 2 status upgrades, 2 Lifetime Memberships or a donation on $10,000. He presented gifts of special lapel pins, engraved pens and one-of-a-kind shoulder bags to the winners, Kaye Champagne and Tom Cummins. Emmett re-briefed us on the new IAS Game t … [Read more...]
Voldemort’s Tent Update 16 August
This morning I received 3 separate reports on “Graduation” from last night. The stats are going up! I have combined them into one summarized report here. Thanks to those who continue to keep the world updated on the latest news from inside the bubble. As usual my comments are in italics enclosed in square brackets. Also as usual, He talks about MEST logistics almost exclusively. It’s almost bizarre to contemplate the leader of the "most important and fastest growing religious movement on earth" gives a weekly running commentary on the adventures of a tent making its way from England to the US … [Read more...]
Food For Thought
This was sent to me for publication by a personal friend. I have not published anything quite like this on my blog before -- it is a declaration by someone who doesn't give his name (though anyone who knows him knows who he is and a lot of others will be able to figure it out). I think it is good food for thought. And I especially like his views of what a real friend is. I too know Dave and Sindy Fagen. Dave's write up of his story is probably the calmest, most intelligent and devastating indictment of the current state of the "church of scientology" that has yet been published. Read it … [Read more...]
$10,000 Pin Commemorating Miscavige’s Finest Hour
Just when you thought it couldn't get cheesier. Give us $10,000 and we will give you a special pin to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the IAS event. Note, the event was held on 8 October, but the commemorative pin "expires" Thursday 15 August at 2pm! Gimmick much? With this pin, you are being "given the chance" to "be a part of this historic movement." A pin now makes you part of a historic movement? This event was a movement? Maybe they will mint a special "Civil Rights" pin so you can be part of that historic movement too? Oh, that's right, they already have "The Humanitarian" m … [Read more...]
David Miscavige’s Cowed and Ill Associates
L. Ron Hubbard discussed at some length the characteristics of a Suppressive Person or Anti-Social Personality. Way back in 1953 he wrote PAB 13 On Human Behavior which was a precursor to so much that he would codify in the mid 1960’s. It is interesting to read what other scholars of human behavior have to say on the subject, particularly clinical psychologist Martha Stout in her widely recognized book The Sociopath Next Door. Their observations very similar – and yet from such different backgrounds – confirming the accuracy of the observations. For this posting, I focus on one of the ident … [Read more...]
Voldemort Update 9 August
Update from last night's graduation. While the adoring crowds no doubt were screaming and jumping to their feet like a room full of jack-in-the-boxes on steroids, this is becoming pretty boringly mundane. The false "exuberance" is no doubt now being enforced on all present. "You will be impressed, or else...." Even our Special On The Ground Correspondent seems to have become bored with it all. You know how it goes, when Voldemort was a far off, unseen figure he was pretty scary. When you see him for the first time he is pretty scary. But after a while, he sort of becomes old hat. So, he … [Read more...]
The Church of Spin
Miscavige sockpuppet, Karin Pinocchio Pouw is at it again. The "church," as they always do, have turned the Shelly Miscavige missing person report into an excuse to launch more of their patented footbullets. With a straight face, they are alleging to the Hollywood Reporter and other media that this is "ill-advised, ludicrous self-promotion"? Say what? Does anyone in the world, other than the most addicted KoolAid drinker, really believe that filing a missing person report is "ill-advised", or better yet "ludicrous self-promotion". It is clear from the media reports that the … [Read more...]
Nora Curiston Announces Herself
Mike: I'm a Scientologists living out in the sticks in British Columbia, Canada, quite far from any Org. I have been working on a Doubt Formula and I'm making my announcement. Thank you for this blog. Nora Curiston Step 6 of my Doubt formula submitted by Nora Curiston I want to be perfectly clear here that this is a Doubt formula on the corporate Church of Scientology, not on the works of L Ron Hubbard. I have always found his technology and philosophies to be true for me. The fact that he insisted that I accept nothing unless it was personally true for me was a large part of what I … [Read more...]
Miscavige The Magnificent
The email below perfectly illustrates the "party lines" that are being pushed within the corporate church to the sheeple. All focus is on the magnificence of Dear Leader -- even the "Ideal Orgs" and "GAG II" take a backseat to recounting the glories of Miscavige. This is no accident. It is completely orchestrated. How ironic the first email comes from Walter Kotric. Kotric was at the Madrid Org grand opening. He was CO CLO EU then too. And he was mercilessly invalidated and screamed at by Miscavige for being a "total fuck up" for not having been involved enough in the Madrid Org … [Read more...]
Voldemort Update 2 August
Here is the report from last night's "graduation".... He is turning these into mini "Int events" where He covers every possible piece of information that will keep the local sheeple convinced that all is well inside the sandcastle. He knows that this public, through the PR and goodwill of "Flag" and the "OT Committee" spreads the word far and wide about how spectacular everything is in the world of Scientology under His leadership "following in the footsteps of our Founder, L. Ron Hubbard." So, its a hodge-podge of random stuff that makes it sound like everything is hunky dory. Ideal … [Read more...]