Some interesting information escaping through the cracks in Miscavige's dike. Word is going around now that all OT8's have to re-do their Objectives. Most are stripped of cash from decades of 6 month checks and so the "OT Objectives Co-audit" was implemented. But there are some who will still pay Class IX rates to arrive once again in Present Time, or incredibly even go exterior. How the EPs of Objectives have not been achieved on the OT levels is the eighth wonder of the world. But of course, these are the "new" "GAT" Objectives. Meanwhile, the FSO is apparently desperate to get pe … [Read more...]
Scientology Golden Age Of SP Declares
The Golden Age of "Suppressive Persons" For many years now the Church of Scientology has been declaring people as "suppressive" as control mechanism in a losing battle to limit questioning and criticism of the David Miscagive's Brave New Scientology World. (See Disconnection Scientology's Nasty Secret to understand this practice) The impetus for this survey was the response to a series of postings on the subject of Disconnection and particularly one concerning "SP Declares" . I wondered what the bigger picture looked like. I know my own experience and that of others I had read about or sp … [Read more...]
Scientology Summer Of Love
Here are a couple of recent emails sent out by what can only be classified as rumor-mongers extraordinaire. I am posting them as a matter of interest and to comment on a few things within the confusion bombs they dropped on their "selectees." My of my, with official rumor spreaders like this, who needs SPs to create confusion? Hi Everyone, Reliable rumors have it that Superpower, Cause Resurgence Rundown, Golden Age of Tech 2 and opening of the new delivery building will all happen "soon", with the best rumors being "in July". Some say early July, some late July. Some … [Read more...]
SP Declare Survey
Given the interest in the last posting: Disconnection -- Where Are The Declare Orders? I am interested to hear from as many as possible about their experiences with being declared a Suppressive Person in the last 10 years. (It's not that anyone declared in previous years was less valid -- I just made an arbitrary cutoff to keep this somewhat manageable). Many of you have made public statements and are listed in the Indy 500 list. I would still like to hear from you. Others have walked away completely and are no longer practicing Scientology in any way - I would like to hear from you to … [Read more...]
Scientology Disconnection — Where Are The Declare Orders?
This is the third in a series of postings concerning Disconnection. See: Disconnection -- Scientology's Nasty Secret and Who Qualifies To Be Declared? There has been an evolution (devolution) of “Declares” in Corporate Scientology. Some years ago, in order to be "declared" there would be a “Declare Orders.” A recounting of supposed facts and their alleged associated “crimes” would be printed on goldenrod paper (the “colorflash” of the Hubbard Communications Office – home to Ethics) and sent to those concerned and placed on the public notice board. After all, the theory of this was t … [Read more...]
The Sad State of Scientology in South Africa
How many people should two "St Hill" size Ideal Orgs (Jbg D & F), plus another Ideal Org (Pretoria) plus another org on the "launching pad" to become the "next" Ideal Org be able to round up to watch the One Time Only showing of the greatest speech since the Gettysburg address? A few thousand for sure... Right? After all, due to their massive expansion, these guys have their own "Advanced Org" already purchased and CGI'd for the world to see! It must be rocking and rolling in Joburg in this period of the greatest expansion in history. The floorboards must be caving in... Well, if they P … [Read more...]
Scientology Vulture Culture: Wall To Wall Regges
This email was just sent out broadly. Apparently there is a new type of Reg now being installed in orgs. "Planetary Dissem" regges have been at Flag for years, the infamous Dick Story sort of created this niche for rip-offs, getting people to donate for distribution of WTH (paying exorbitant prices) or selling special limited edition leatherbound books that theoretically financed "broad dissemination campaigns" (but never did). Now, in another classic "propaganda by redefinition of words" routine, "planetary dissemination" includes FURNITURE for "Ideal Orgs", UNIFORMS for staff, FART TV … [Read more...]
The Incredible, Amazing Portland Video. Oscar? Emmy? Nobel Peace Prize? Gettysburg II?
The Portland Wagon Train keeps on rolling. Here is the latest "WISE International" (Event Call In Unit IC), hype about the absolute VITAL importance of seeing this video of a speech given a month ago -- complete with ridiculous, fawning over the magnificence of "COB." Obviously none of these people know the REAL story of Portland, just the Miscavige whitewashed version, and of course they forget the Crusade moved from Portland to Los Angeles and lost another massive case that WAS eventually paid to Wollersheim. If you want to know the real story of Portland, read Marty Rathbun's book M … [Read more...]
He Who Shall Not Be Named Speaking At Flag Graduation Again!
Hold onto your hats!!! Set aside your bingo plans and superhero night at the "Ideal Org" and go and see a REAL Superhero in person. And don't forget your checkbook, credit cards, wallet and any spare cash you may have lying around.... Send in your reports of the great news sure to be imparted this evening. It's going to be a lot of promises and few accomplishments other than things that have already been said numerous times before. But still, his promises can be revealing if you know how to interpret them. To: Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:55 PMSubject: Guess who is speaking aga … [Read more...]
Miscavige on Miscavige: Promises, Promises
One of our Special Correspondents sent me an excerpt of Miscavige's only print media interview. It is of interest for a number of reasons, but most significantly, it makes clear why he is scared of the press. He has no control over revising history with the media as he does with his internal public (try to find an event video in any org on the planet that has Heber Jentzsch or Ray Mithoff in it.... they have been written out of history). There is no mystery why the DVDs of his speeches are guarded like the Crown Jewels and extraordinary measures are taken to prevent anyone from recording wh … [Read more...]